Keith Eats Everything At Sonic

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after three failed restaurant ventures troy smith in 1954 in shawnee oklahoma opened the first top hat a drive-in style restaurant that served burgers and hot dogs but here's the problem there was already a place called tophat even though they got to four locations there was already a place called tophat so they needed to change their name their slogan was service at the speed of sound so they decided to adopt the name sonic and now sonic drive-in has grown to be the 11th largest drive-in fast food place in america here we can go as always eat the menu is brought to you by keith's chicken sauce and introducing keith's habers burger sauce a not too hot sauce for burgers and other stuff and as a thank you to you i have signed 300 labels for the burger sauce to be intermixed into the first 10 000 orders this is like a collector's limited edition first edition baby maybe if you're lucky you'll get one i just want to say thanks for supporting my hot sauce now let's eat some sonic baby oh here we go it's happening it's happening how's it going oh my god it's really good nice to meet you nice to meet you my hi hi yeah what's the difference between the ultimate burrito and the super sonic burrito to be honest i don't know i couldn't tell either but i got them both thank you very much that's the power of eating everything you make friends everywhere you go people are [ __ ] amped to see me because i come in hungry and i leave pretty [ __ ] up all right everybody let's eat the menu starting off with my favorite the strawberry limeade the only drink i'm gonna be trying today gotta love it that's all you need to know about that let's dive on into the whatever this is so i got everything on the breakfast menu except i didn't get the junior uh burritos i just figured they're probably exactly the same as the senior burritos but smaller i didn't feel the need to waste two more burritos it's so much food that i ingest the sausage brioche sandwich it was hard for me to pronounce let's try it that's really good a nice little sexy pour [Music] yeah it's good i mean the sandwich is good the hot sauce ticked it up a notch but i think it's a good balance all right it's a good sized sandwich right it's like a burger normally breakfast sandwiches are smaller this one's [ __ ] huge hell yeah this is the bacon breakfast sandwich on a hamburger behind the other one was brioche behind they're different hold on look at this bacon can we see how crisp this is look at how it's holding its shape are you kidding me oh [ __ ] this bacon's really good this is like wendy's bacon good i would eat the salt sandwich but i gotta eat so much more holy cow that was really good these are all going to be burritos i'll never know what they are until i've bitten into them this feels like can i feel the difference let's go in it's a bacon breakfast burrito you can never trust the burrito on the first pipe because it's all tortilla but i will say that this one is bland underwhelming this boy feels thick this guy feels like a full-on schlong this is the sausage ultimate burrito look i don't know but it's got jalapenos in it so let's go there we go it's good but my mouth is lit up those are some good pickled jalapenos but these spices it kind of felt like everything at a football like nacho bar but as a breakfast burrito hell yeah this is another massive beefy schlong boy i know sam is running sound so i'm hoping he's enjoying my schlong comments give me a thumbs up he is he's enjoying it oh my god i i don't know can you see what i'm seeing it's hard for me to i know if you're like keith everything's kind of out of focus still i i know i'll buy myself in the car but maybe the gopro will get a good shot how does it look i'm eating from the middle just to taste everything it's just to get a perfect bite [Music] i don't think of sonic as a breakfast place this breakfast is really good look at that look at those beautiful halves look at these dancing little babies the window's so blown out what are we going to do about that nothing there's nothing we can do another burrito i think this is just going to be a plain boring ass burrito but let's find out [Music] there's a plant going on saucer brio these are so boring compared to the the action-packed few uh burritos oh yeah cinna-snacks i tell you what this is not the first time cinnabon's made his appearance inside another place cinnabon's always floating around but they're good and then i got my frosting here the cinna snacks with green cheese frosting okay we got a nice blob tracks are really good french toast sticks with frosting these look good they have a good feeling on them they look like um a big fat fish stick hot damn you guys know about this it's good i'm just gonna keep eating this mmm it is like fair food but really good oh guys coming in with big hot dog bun crepes wow that was really good the breakfast was amazing but we got a lot more food to try and it's [ __ ] here here we can go how did they do it joining me now for the sides and snacks it's becky haversberger all right becky is here we are doing the side she is munching on one of the french toast sticks from before let's just get into it and figure out what we got the chili cheese fries they smell really good they look sad though like in the container they're definitely soggy but what could you expect because they're you know saturated and chilly um flavor is good very salty it's good though it has like a good um this had a good flavor a good chili flavor they have fries and those are a little lackluster but they don't have lackluster wise all the tots the chili cheese tots it's weird to have the chili cheese tots before having the tops you know yeah get off of here beef oh damn oh wow wow those tops are good whoa they're cooked well i mean they just look so delicious right but that was really good that was really good i'm very pleasantly surprised now let's take it back a notch becky's favorite cheese fries becky loves cheese fries she had them three days ago all right we've congealed a little bit well it did sit in the car for a minute we were waiting for becky to get here so i'm on time you i know she's on time no i'm not that's why i don't blame you i was about to say because we got ahead of schedule so i don't blame you they remind me of like one of those places where they just put a piece of cheese on top it does kind of look like the sort of the sticky nature of it but still satisfying all right and now the cheese tots here you go not my favorite no chili cheese tossers way better way better yeah these are a little bland again it's the a cheese was laid upon it i think the chili cheese fries were shredded cheese on top really you think they would use a different cheese i think they might sonic you tell us you told us on it leave us a comment sonic jalapeno poppers you know i don't think i've ever actually had a jalapeno popper are you kidding they're everything you love i don't know it's a fried pickled jalapeno with cheese in it cheers cheers that's really good mm-hmm really good and the jalapeno's not really spicy at all oh it could be spicy a pretzel whoa it's hot on the outside it's like a baked pretzel mm-hmm it's a little sweet i say if you don't have an auntie anne's this is not a bad substitute mm-hmm they give you any cheese sauce looks like they might have i think they're rolling with three different kinds of cheeses this is the nacho cheese did i make it work there's worth the dairy pills and the possible breakout if you don't have an auntie that is wow yeah wow this cheese is good i am shocked at how good sonic is the mozzarella sticks you got to pull not as hot as they were but that pull was still pretty good i wish we had some marinara right you know but i i can imagine that that would also be really delicious [Music] all right these these fries okay let's be honest the fries look a little sad but i bet they're better with the cheese okay the cheese is great so try this cheese it's different cheese than what's on the cheese fries and this is a better cheese so i'm still going with my working theory that there are three different kinds of cheeses this cheese is saltiest it's good it's good but wow it's salty and last but not least we're ending with the tater tots extra brush cheers they're very like not salted they're bland i think they just expect you to dip yeah this is a dip in place that cheese is a savior wow it's so good that's really good i also think we don't normally get yellow cheese yeah i know give me the yellow cheese cup i was wrong there is one more thing to try and it actually is the signature side of sonic is the onion rings the onion rings are handmade here every day this is supposed to be the special offering so if they do look a little janky that's okay because that junkiness is just love becky doesn't agree i think they've maybe been loved too much okay i'll hold this one the onion rings it's very sweet it's sweet the dough is very sweet almost like they got sugar in them all right becky what what is your favorite thing i think my favorites would have to be the pretzel with cheese and the chili cheese um tots yeah i if they could make it without beef and do like a vegetarian chili [Music] becky's been great make sure you follow becky at beck's max 2. she's got all your skincare and makeup needs on lockdown all right becky was a treat wasn't she i love her she's my wife let's move on now to burgers let's start with this little guy what a cutie patootie this must be the junior oh no this is the bacon okay they have this new thing this is not a burger this is the bblt it's a big ass bacon uh lettuce tomato but i think it's just got extra bacon or maybe it's brioche maybe it's brioche bacon lettuce tomato let's do it the bblt mmm blt is a salty sandwich that is somehow refreshing it's that cool crisp iceberg lettuce that rich mayo that crunchy salty bacon and that luxurious tomato all mashed together yes ma'am yes ma'am guys i gotta tell you i'm already getting full these burgers look at the can we look at this look at this look at the thickness of this it is much into my nose and i got a long face baby it's the bacon holy wow look at that oh my gosh it's beautiful is this the most perfect and it's got its little tomatoes sticking out like a tongue i'm having fun i'm in love with it look at that i love you too keith you too [Music] whoa so the beef kind of reminds me of mcdonald's um i think these are fried burgers my fries just mean it's on a um what's it called a griddle fat is a good thing to match the flavor so i'm gonna just put a little bit of keith's habers burger sauce on here real quick this burger is massive yes the burger sauce helps cut through the fat it makes it way more balanced to me but also i i got a better bite of the pickle on the burger which also helped i'm into it and i'm also glad that the next burgers should be smaller than this because i'm slowing down let's let's go to this other giant ass burger the super sonic cheeseburger these guys are on their game you know she's my server she's a fan she's a friend she and her team back there are doing a perfect job look i want you to see can you tell like like see how they go straight to the edge of the bun they're the exact size of the bun [Music] i'll tell you what it tastes like a quarter pound of cheese let's go to the next burger look again this little guy this little guy these sandwiches look so nice [Applause] this sonic cheeseburger um yeah it's way better more balanced the other ones the that fried beef flavor really overwhelms the sandwich this one is super balanced oh yeah that's good baby it reminds you of what that classic drive-in experience would be like like the burgers are big great array of toppings it feels like there's a chef back there named todd and everybody's just chilling and having a good time sipping on their cherry limeades and eating their hamburgers all right we got one last burger this burger is just the double cheeseburger i think it's just a [ __ ] oh this is probably like their actual double quarter pounder because it's just got a pickle and some cheese and burger very simple very straightforward well let's give it a try holy [ __ ] whoa that is the mcdonald's double cheeseburger not the mcdouble that they changed it to this is the double cheeseburger the mcdonald's used to sell for a buck and i would like literally be scrounging like coins in my house to get a dollar and eight cents wow that was a sense of memory trip right there that is all the burgers those are [ __ ] delish i enjoyed the hell out of that that was really good i burger sauce stepped it up for the ones that were a little too fatty get yourself a bottle of keth's burger sauce if you're watching at this point you haven't opened a new window and started ordering what are you doing but maybe you want to wait till the end of video i get that we're having fun together and now it's time to bring in our first guest in his own car please welcome the [ __ ] who's back jared popkin daddy's in the drive-through baby what up jared how you doing i'm good to good to be here glad to be sitting next to you somehow i know man i miss you so much well you're here to join me on my chicken uh adventure of this man you've got lots of chicken items this is the jump i just dropped one this is the jumbo popcorn chicken i'm gonna go with one on the saucy side i'm going with the plain just start out you know straight up good popcorn chicken i don't like when popcorn chicken isn't crunchy enough this is crunchy enough but still soft but now let's move on to some of these flavored popcorn chickens the honey barbecue popcorn chicken much better see i don't like this barbecue sauce i like it i like that sweet and sour i hate it you made it i hate it i thought that was terrible oh my god but you like the plain one so you i like the plate all right let's try this buffalo chicken [Music] it's a very mild buffalo sauce super mild not spicy at all it's one of those buffalo sauces that i wonder if you eat more of it it would get spicier i got to be dipping my buffalo and ranch at all times [Music] oh we'll win fish all right let's move on to the chicken tenders yeah let's do it these look a lot like elementary school strips don't they dude they look just like elementary school strips it looked just like it tasted a chicken but it's really good the grilled chicken sandwich it's grilled chicken in a sandwich yo it's good but the only condiment they put on this is mayo and it feels like it needs a mustard you know totally would be much better if it had a little mustard on there but well lucky for you keith burger sauce is pretty darn mustardy so let's jump a little dab on there you got it ready almost this is very exclusive i'm very exclusive yo keith this is way better than your first sauce and i like it for the sauce i know i think this one's actually better that taste of mustard in there with a little bit more spice and kick is really good you guys knocked it out of the park that was delicious oh thank you jared i tell you what jared i'm getting really full i'll tell you what i'm getting pretty full and i just got here all right let's take a bite of this fried chicken snacker let's go for it fried chicken snacker i really like that really yeah it's simple it's like a dollar burger but a chicken it's too boring for me oh it's so boring in the right way i mean i agree with you it is a very cheap classic like sunday lunch chicken sandwich it's very bland but the crunch is beautiful to me i'm having a great crunch with it the spicy chicken snacker what you got to say about it jared it's less crunchy for some reason i don't really pick up any of the spice at all i don't pick up the spice but i do pick up a new flavor and i like it more i do like it more because the last one was too boring i like that one more but it's not my favorite chicken sandwich i like the grilled one much more i am very full all of a sudden and i don't know how you do this every time i amaze myself jared human body is a fantastic thing well we only got one sandwich left i think this is the main fried chicken sandwich the sister to the grilled chicken sandwich from earlier it's a much bigger chicken breast fillet we should have started here this is the biggest one yo i got a whiff of the lettuce i got a strong whiff of taco bell lettuce on this sandwich and i hate taco bell lettuce the classic crispy chicken sandwich baby oh the lettuce the lettuce is bad but the chicken is good but i can't take too much of this i'm still chewing yeah i know it's a little dry it's a three-minute drive i think it's a lot of fun you know i'm in this like food coma stage where i get a little bit of a blissfulness in my mind oh yeah calm in the car i'm a little too warm but it kind of makes me feel good like taking a nap but jared i gotta we gotta let you go where can they follow you online you can follow me anywhere you want online instagram twitter those places all right jared it's a pleasure hanging out with you even though it's a little more distant than normal and i'll see you next time all right guys thanks for having me i love you the menu i'm so glad we're back hello my coney island baby we got some hot dogs sonic has hot dogs i feel bad what do we got in here let's start with the corn dog i love a good corny day and um i'm farting a little bit let's eat this corn dog huh the corn dog it's a corn dog it tastes like a corn dog and it's one of the only places you can get one so gotta endorse it the premium beef hot dog it's got oh the swedish [ __ ] relish it smells so gross that rose is so sweet the hot dog underneath all that is good but it straight up tasted like eating a sugar hot dog well let's save that for last that's the big boy look we got a chili cheesy dog chili cheese county chili cheese counter i think i had a chicago dog why didn't we get that i only chicago dog oh it smells so heavy if i wasn't full that'd be delicious but i am full so it's not but you know what's really heavy this 12 inches of dong look at this sick sick [ __ ] look at you you crazy [Music] i sonic making hot dog mustaches and as a kid i loved foot long hot dogs the idea of eating a foot long anything just felt like you were winning like you could do it you were strong boy and i was a big boy oh my god look at the size of that winger [ __ ] wiener i don't think that's an i'll be hot dog and i think that's [ __ ] up i don't like hot dogs that aren't all beef there's no reason to serve me that keep one animal on my hot dog please one cow exclusively how dare you serve me a foot of some mystery animal mishmash sonic i've been on your side this whole time but guess what i didn't like that i didn't like the hot dogs i feel terrible which means it's time for the ice cream joining me for the ice cream second try llc's very own the food babies hi coming this fall we've got lots of mukbangs lots of spicy challenges i'm going to be in some miles is making appearance it's going to be a big time food babies what's going on i been growing onions at home i've been growing lettuce and i got a new couch so big things happening over here you're a little food mommy over there you're giving birth to little food babies and why b what's something fun you've done in the last couple months oh i can't think of any i don't think i've been doing anything that special well we got a lot of dessert so let's just hop into it the way we're doing this a little different normally we would all try the same things but there's so many shakes and sonic blasts and master shakes and classic shakes that we actually have dispersed all the different shakes between the three of us so we're just gonna grab a different shake try it out see if we recommend it or not and i'm gonna start right here with oh it's the reese's blast is what i got what you got over there i think i have an oreo shake mine's eminem yeah i have the oreo blast man i don't have a [ __ ] spoon in here how i have one you have one why don't i have one this is my show i guess i could eat it with straws like chopsticks it looks awesome like it looks like exactly what you want as a kid as a dessert not anymore [Music] wow this is really good i mean but it's just broken up candy on ice cream of course it's good i mean it's really good i don't think i need the m ms grab something that looks fun let's open it up i have the strawberry shake i have i think the caramel shake i think mine's also strawberry a lot of whipped cream strawberry to me is a very kid flavor i don't really have it much as an adult but i i liked it it was good i think mine is vanilla really it should have caramel it says car on it girl yeah if this is the caramel one it's not a very good caramel one i'm moving on over to the banana shake oreo cheesecake oh my god so mine's f which i assume is either fudge or something else but if you see on the camera here i'm lifting up the lid and the whole whipped cream just came off i could see your shake perfectly it looks wild oh my gosh you're right that's how mine did too the lid just steals all the whipped cream okay this banana milkshake is delicious normally believe it i know it sounds crazy i think this is just not it's not banana ice cream i think it is vanilla ice cream and they blended in bananas so it tastes really like it's not smoothie yeah like a nice in between a smoothie and a milkshake it's awesome this is so good oh my gosh why do you like this one it's really good yeah yeah the f one i'm still assuming it's fudge um but it's it's really good it tastes chocolaty tastes like a chocolate milkshake oh no i'm getting a milkshake everywhere yeah it's happening in here hey i've got a plain vanilla shake i love vanilla shakes and my dad is also a vanilla shake enthusiast we love vanilla milkshakes in my family so you'd say that one's daddy's favorite oh alan uh you can crush it it would be daddy's favorite peanut butter let's try it and see hmm that's good [Music] what happened i might have just poured it on myself to try to get a good shot oh my god why be what you sucking on down over there i'm sucking on some peanut butter it tastes like um like a normal peanut butter like ice cream shake but this is the strawberry cheesecake it tastes a little too rich for me from what i'm licking off the sides of the cup but let's get a good old goat mine's oreo chocolate milkshake i got oreo peanut butter it's really good anything with oreos y'all live in that oreo life [Music] it's really oh my god okay but not the oreo chocolate's not good oh i don't know what it is it's like really really chocolatey but not in a good way well let me find out if it's the chocolate because i have the chocolate shake right here let me just see if it's not a good chocolate it tastes like bitter oh it is a darker chocolate than you would normally have in a chocolate milkshake i kind of like it but you like it but it's really rich it tastes like medicine oh now i need to try that one it does not taste like medicine mine does i like sonic because you get to look over and see other people having fun in their cars and there's two girls in front of me eating milkshakes and they're having a [ __ ] test well food babies i know that you are also our leftover ladies or at least you were so i'm hoping you will eat all of these milkshakes on your drive home in preparation for the amazing videos you guys have coming out all right well i'll see y'all food babies later get home safe i'm gonna move on to the last two ice cream items what weren't those food babies lovely was that segment wild it sure was it was a blur but there's two things left we got the classic little it's a ice cream cone the vanilla cone baby served upside down in a cup and i got two straws because i don't have any spoons and i'm using them like chopsticks this is just going to be vanilla soft serve ice cream which i feel like i've ingested a lot of through the milkshakes and yeah it's fine it's not the best but i don't love soft serve but look at that hilarious little ice cream boner little ice cream banana that's fun they have such a good milkshake game i i don't think you should waste your ice cream space on this the hot fudge sundae i loved this [ __ ] as a kid the hot fudge on the side oh it has that very specific fast food fudge taste i'm trying to get that fudge where that fudge is give me the foot i found it and i got some on my fingers i don't know what it is about cheap fudge but it's good there's some foods that are served in a hot bucket like the cheese that you dip your fries into like the ice cream hot fudge what other hot bucket goose we got out there soup i guess it would be like a soup soup salad bar that's only soup and goop soup and goop all right well we figured out my next restaurant in endeavor i feel terrible oh okay well i think yeah that burp means it's time for the best and the least best today the least best um look at the menu here oh gosh you know what it was gonna be tough for me there were things i wasn't sure about but damn the hot dogs were upsetting especially the foot long chili cheese coney right like that's what should be the best it did not taste like an all-beef hot dog and if it was it was a really shitty one so i think the hot dogs are my least best unfortunately and the barbecue sauce and the popcorn chicken but for me the best man there were some really good ones today so the bacon here was great the breakfast stuff was great i'm going to give it to breakfast specifically the burritos and the french toast sticks but the sides were also really reliably great that was fun i had a really great time today i'm feeling good um i mean i feel bad but you know i'm feeling happy about it make sure you check out my chicken sauce my keith habers burger sauce now available at you can go to keith's chicken sauce dot com and uh yeah enjoy yourselves hope you all are feeling okay you know things are crazy but hit me up on twitter maybe i'll respond well we'll have a chat i don't know i'm being pretty active out there and uh yep all right well this is beneath the menu see you next time [Applause] all right we did it everybody that's a wrap sam you [ __ ] crush dead dog
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 4,081,256
Rating: 4.940218 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, keith eats, eat the menu, keith eats everything, mukbang, eating competition, best worst, eating challenge, fast food, sonic drive-in, sonic, sonic shake, sonic hot dog, sonic cheesy tots, sonic tater tots, sonic burger, sonic bacon burger, taste test, eats everything at sonic, sonic slushies, chili dog
Id: BXPrFMqojWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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