Tesla Delivery Day Checklist 2023: IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO!

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what's going on guys it's mike seuss and i know it's been a while but i'm back with another one for you guys this one is a really good video for anyone who has purchased a tesla and is planning on going to pick it up sometime soon i wanted to make this video because reading a lot of my comments from my previous videos there's a lot of people asking me questions about what they should look out for when they go pick up their tesla to make sure they get away from the dealership picking up their car without any horror stories that have been told in the tesla community also i just want to give a shout out to all you guys who have used my referral code to purchase your tesla there has been over 200 of you guys who have went out their way to use my referral code to go pick up their tesla and get 1 000 free supercharger miles so i want to thank you guys for that and that's another push for me wanting to make this video so i can help you guys out also when you're going to pick up your tesla unfortunately since a few days ago tesla has stopped the referral program for their cars and is only focusing on solar roofs so if you guys are hardcore tesla fans and are planning on getting solar roofs for your house you can still use my referral card for that but unfortunately no longer for cars so i hope this video does help you out as always my videos are always broken up into sections to help you guys follow along very easily without losing your spot and you can go back and revisit certain parts of the video step by step if you need to not only am i going to break this video up into sections i'm also going to provide you guys with a list of the same things i'm talking about so you can download this list and take it with you to the tesla dealership to make sure you're not forgetting to look over any of these things while you're at the dealership so you can leave the dealership one million percent happy with your brand new tesla so without further ado let's go okay so delivery day is a very exciting day you're going to wake up in the morning and be happy all day knowing that you're going to go pick up your brand new car but sometimes there are things wrong with the car that can only be fixed while you're at the dealership before taking your car home you don't want to take your car home and find all these different problems with your car that you wish you would have dealt with before you left the dealership a lot of these things can be taken care of at the dealership or within a few days of noticing them before you take your car home [Music] so the first thing we're going to go over when you get to the tesla dealership is verifying your pre-delivery records so you're going to want to look at your paperwork and make sure everything matches you're going to make sure your name matches your name your last name and any other information that they print out for you it matches what you have and what you have given them you don't want to make a mistake and have the wrong information written on your records to protect yourself in case anything happens in the future the next thing you're going to want to do is verify the vin number so you're going to want to make sure that the vin number on your tesla is matching the vin number on all the paperwork that you receive for your car you can easily find the vin number for the tesla on the windshield and on the door panels of the car next you're going to want to get written paperwork that your payment has been received either it has been paid in full or your down payment so you want to make sure that's written down that it has been received by tesla so there's no mix up after getting your car and lastly for pre-delivery you're going to want to make sure you have your insurance card ready you have to have insurance before you pick up your car and you want to have that card in the car and ready so that you can drive off the lot with your car already insured all right guys so now that you have all those things taken care of the next thing you want to start doing is your exterior inspection so the first thing you're going to want to do is look around the car for any paint defects unfortunately teslas can sometimes come with very thin paint and sometimes from the dealership there have been reports that people have seen scratches and things like that all across the paint i've been lucky to receive my tesla with zero problems at all it's just some people do have those problems so the best thing you're going to want to do is walk around the car and look for any defects in the paint such as scratches very thin paint paint wearing off smudges rough paint anything like that you're going to want to check anywhere there's paint on your car on the exterior to see if there are any problems with the paint and if there are problems usually some tesla dealerships can deal with it the same day that you're picking up your car the next thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to inspect the underneath of the vehicle so you're going to have to take the time to get down on the floor and look under the vehicle to see if there's anything wrong under there like very deep scratches and wear underneath the car one thing that teslas are known notoriously for is when picking up your car some teslas have panel gaps so a panel gap is when two panels of the car meet each other such as say the doors and the fender the line between those two things is a panel gap so there is supposed to be a panel gap of course but sometimes when people pick up their teslas the panel gaps are very wide and are very off compared to the rest of the car when you see a panel gap that doesn't look right you'll know it right away when it doesn't look right so you're going to want to take the time to look at all the panels of the car to see if anything is misaligned or any gaps are too wide because if they are that can also be fixed at the tesla dealership before you pick up your car this is a big one because it happens to a lot of teslas again i've been lucky to not have that problem but you do want to make sure you don't have that problem because it can make the car look really messed up and you're not getting what you're paying for as far as quality so you definitely want to get that taken care of right away the next thing you're going to want to do is look at all four rims and make sure there are no scratches and nothing is wrong with the rims and also you're going to want to make sure that the air caps are on each rim that's very important that you have these things on the rim so the tires don't lose air and you want to make sure your rims are not scratched up so definitely take a look at all four rims on the car after that you're going to go on the outside and look at all the glass on the car including the roof you're going to want to make sure there's no chips and no scratches and nothing like that on the glass you're going to want to make sure it's completely see-through you're going to want to make sure there's no distortion and the glass can be seen through clearly okay so after checking everything for cracks and distortion you're going to want to check the windows for the trim and the panel gaps between the windows on the roof so you're gonna go around the entire car on all the windows and look at the rubber trim around the windows to make sure that there are no gaps and everything is secured tightly to prevent any water from coming in air and road noise for the panel gaps on the roof you're just going to want to check in between those gaps and make sure nothing can also get through those gaps and they're not too wide or they're not off or misaligned very easy very simple okay so after moving on from the windows we're going to go on to the doors now so you're going to want to open every single door and make sure there are no panel gaps you're going to want to make sure each door closes and locks like it's supposed to and you're going to want to make sure there's no noise or any weird feeling when you're closing the doors they should be very easy to close very easy to open no noise or any strange sounds this also includes testing for the handles to make sure the handles work correctly as well this goes for all teslas the model s model x model 3 model y whatever you have you're just going to want to make sure you check all those door handles in addition to the doors you're also going to want to check the front front as it's called so you're going to want to go inside your car and open up the front the front doesn't raise automatically like the trunk does but you're just going to want to make sure that it does open it does pop open and you're able to lift it open once you put your hand under the front and open it then it starts to lift automatically so you're going to want to make sure that works good and the trunk stays open and then when you close the trunk you're going to want to make sure it's easy to close so with the teslas you do actually have to do a little push down but you're going to want to make sure it pushes down and locks like it's supposed to and there's no panel gaps at all so when you have that front open you may see a mat in your tesla if your tesla does have a mat in there you just want to lift it up and look underneath to see if the tow hook is there in your car every tesla should have a tow hook in that same place if it does not have it you need to report that immediately so they can give you one while you're at the dealership okay so next we're going to move on to the trunk the same thing with the ferc you're just going to want to push the button and make sure the button works as intended and the trunk opens up automatically and also closes automatically without any strange sounds or anything like that and the panel gap should be fine as well and match up with the rest of the car so another thing with the windows you're just going to want to make sure that they open and close the way they're supposed to using all the buttons on the car and the back seats and in the front seats just make sure they open up no noise that aren't struggling they aren't shaking and cracking and being weird when they're opening and closing just make sure they open and close fine on all four doors and lastly for the exterior you're just going to want to look at the front headlights and the rear tail light to make sure there is no condensation inside the light it's a known thing to happen with the teslas so you're just gonna want to make sure you don't see any fog inside the light in the front headlights or the rear headlights you guys have successfully inspected the exterior of your car if you haven't found any problems congratulations and we can move on to the next step [Music] okay guys this one is going to be a little bit more fun because you have to interact with your tesla for the first time when you first sit into your driver's seat you're going to notice the big screen in front of your face and that's where we're going to begin so the first thing you're going to want to look out for without touching anything at all is just take a look at the screen and make sure there are no error messages on the screen anywhere to be found any error signs messages anything like that that says there's something wrong with something in the car it usually pops up on the left bottom corner of the screen and will very clearly tell you if there's any problems going on with the tesla if you don't see any of that on the screen then everything should be fine okay so the next thing you're going to want to do is make sure that your screen input is okay so what you're going to do is follow me here in the video and you're going to go into the sketch pad application so to get there you're going to have to open up your toy box and then you should see the word sketch pad and one of the squares you're just going to click on the sketch pad and leave it up for a little bit to see if anything starts inputting on its own i would suggest leaving it up about one minute and just let it sit there and see if anything starts writing on its own or anything starts erasing or making colors or anything on the sketch pad on the screen if nothing comes up then you're good to go so on tesla cars you have to push a electronic button to open the doors that's the way to open the door from the inside to get out but there are also emergency latches on the doors in case the battery fails and you need to get out the car and there's no electricity to have those buttons work so what you're going to do is you're going to want to test every single one of those emergency latches just one time to make sure that they do in fact open the doors on the car after you tested the emergency latches you're also going to want to touch the regular electronic buttons also on all four doors so the next thing you're going to want to do when you're sitting in your tesla is make sure you check the ac and the heating unit all you're going to do is turn on the ac and let it blow and make sure that you're not hearing any strange noises or smelling anything weird you're going to want to make sure the ac blows out cold air and when you put the heat on you're going to want to make sure it blows out warm air so next is the fun part testing the sound system on your car so what you're going to want to do is press the music button and select any option that will play music whether it's the radio spotify or you're using tesla's own service anything that will play audio you just turn that on and you listen to make sure all speakers are working and sound good that includes the door speakers and the speakers on the dashboard so a very easy way to test that all the speakers are working on the doors is you go into the music app and you click on the settings tab once you get to the settings tab you're going to want to go to balance and you're going to see a image of the four seats in the car with a little dot in the middle so while the music is playing you can touch that little dot and move it back and forth up and down to see what speakers are working and are not working if all speakers are playing the music when you're swiveling your hand around with this little dot then that means all your speakers are working and good to go okay so while we're in the driver's seat the next thing that we're going to want to check out is the steering wheel you're going to want to make sure the steering wheel comes in comes out and moves properly with the car so the way we're going to get to that is you're going to click the little car sign on the left side of the screen and you're going to want to go to quick controls that's the first option on the top of the screen in that menu you're going to see something under adjustments that says steering wheel so you're going to click on steering wheel and you're going to use the little ball on the left side of the steering wheel to move the steering wheel up down in and out so that's up down to move the steering wheel up and down and left and right to move it in and out so you're just going to want to make sure that works so just click that button move it left move it right move it up move it down and make sure the steering wheel moves in the direction that you're pushing on the scroll wheel on the left side of the steering wheel while we're messing with the steering wheel you just want to simply give the horn a tap to make sure that the horn is in fact working the next thing that we're going to do while we're in the driver's seat is make sure the rear view cameras work so you're just gonna simply put your foot on the brake and put the parking lever upwards to reverse as soon as you do that on the main screen you're gonna see the three rear view camera options it should be the back rear view camera and the two side cameras if you see those things looking good without any distortion and all the color is there then you should be good to go so while we're talking about the rear view mirrors now you want to check your actual rear view physical mirror that's above the front display so you're going to want to look in the mirror and just make sure that the view is not distorted and everything looks correct looking out the back window you're also going to want to check the side mirrors as well while you're doing this not only are you going to want to look at the side mirrors to make sure the glass is intact you're also going to want to make sure there's no distortion then as we did with the steering wheel we're going to go back into our options in the quick settings and click the mirror icon once you click the mirror icon you're going to use that same scroll wheel on the left side of the steering wheel to move around your mirrors up and down you're just going to want to keep moving them left and right up and down and make sure both mirrors move and go up and down correctly without any problems and lastly while we're talking about mirrors you're going to want to check your sun visor mirrors the sun virus itself and the mirrors so you're going to want to just pull down the sunrises on the car and make sure that they come down without any problems nothing is loose nothing is wiggling there's no strange sounds and you're also going to want to flip up to look in the mirrors and also make sure that the lights come on when you look in the mirrors they both have lights in them so you want to make sure those lights turn on when you open the flaps to look at the mirrors lastly while we're inside the car the last thing you're going to want to do is check the windshield wipers to make sure the windshield wipers work as intended all you're going to do is turn your windshield wipers on by pressing the button on the left stock on the steering wheel or you can do it right on the windshield button on the main screen on the tesla just make sure they come on and work as intended all right guys we made it through another section if you guys got through this one without any problems again congratulations and we're ready to move on to the next inspection step okay so now that we're in the car we're still going to move forward with inspecting the interior of the car so the first thing you're going to want to do is check all the leather and upholstery in the car anywhere in the car that's the roof of the car the pillars the seats you're just going to want to inspect everything and make sure everything is intact looking clean and brand new you're going to want to make sure the seats are good there's nothing wrong with them you're going to want to check the stitching you're going to want to check the material on the center console anywhere where there's like a a leather-ish or like a cloth feeling in the car you're going to want to go over that and check it out there have been reports of people picking up their teslas and the roof of the car where there's upholstery has fingerprints on it from the people who have worked on it in the factory so you're going to want to make sure there's no fingerprints anywhere on the interior of your car if they are you can tell the tesla advisor and they should be able to take care of it right there in the dealership before you take it home while we're up here looking at everything on top you're going to want to check all the clothes hangers in the back to make sure they fold down just tug on them to make sure they don't pop out make sure they can actually hold up whatever's put on so in all the seats you're just going to want to make sure you check the seat belts from all the seats including the back and the middle seat belt when i got my tesla i had passengers in my back seat for the first time and when i accelerated the car the seat belt would lock in place for no reason at all so you definitely have to check your seat belts on all the seats things do happen and you want to get it taken care of before pulling off of the tesla dealership slot while we're in the seats on the front seats you're going to want to move them back and forth using the power adjustments on the side of the seats to make sure they move forward and backward and up and down as intended without any problems also you're going to want to check the back seats and pull those down to make sure they do come down and you can get into the trunk area without any problems as well and when you close it back you just want to make sure it clicks and locks into place as you may or may not know teslas are built in pieces so the seats come in the top of the seats and they're placed on the bottom and lock into the car so what you're going to want to do in the back seat is just simply put your fingers underneath the seats and pull up to make sure they do not separate they are locked in there for good all right guys so you have made it halfway through the list now so we still got some other things to talk about i'm glad you guys are hanging along and if you find this information useful please subscribe to my channel it really helps me out and it helps me show this video to other people who can use this information when going to pick up their tesla when i started this youtube channel i wanted to help people from my perspective whether that's people who are buying a tesla or who currently own one i want to put my input in and help others in the tesla community so doing these videos does just that and it really helps out when people subscribe to my channel and share these videos with others thanks a lot guys [Music] section now we're going to talk about all the connectivity in the car so the tesla's have usb c ports now some older teslas have usb ports the new ones have usb-c ports so what you're going to want to do is bring some kind of a phone charger or something that uses usb power and you're going to get in your car and you're going to just test all the ports to make sure they are working and they are providing power to the device that you have in addition to the usb ports there is also a 12 volt plug as well so if you have anything to test that out you can use that plug also to test another thing as far as power is the tesla's come with two wireless chargers for your phones so if your phone has wireless charging capability you should be able to place your phone on these two pads in the front and make sure they do work and they are charging your phone at all times they should work when the car is turned off and when the car is turned on so going back into the music you're just going to want to make sure everything is working with the music you're going to want to make sure that your spotify account is working if you have one you're going to want to test out tesla's audio service and make sure that is working you're going to want to make sure the radio itself is working and the antenna on the car and you're going to want to make sure that your bluetooth on your phone works as well with the audio on the car so you're going to want to take the time to go into your menu and set that stuff up to listen and make sure everything is working with the connectivity when it comes to wi-fi and music streaming and lastly as far as the connectivity you should have received two tesla keys to get into your car these are the little black cards that are used as a key to get to your tesla and how they open the car is you have to slide them against the b pillar on the left side of the car that's the black pillar that goes in between the doors on the left side of the car so you're going to want to take both of those cards and make sure that both of them open the car and allows you access to get inside the car in addition to your car keys you're also going to be using your cell phone to get into your car this is most likely going to be the number one way you are unlocking getting into your car and using all the features to use your car with your cell phone so the first thing you're going to want to do immediately is download the tesla app and get it all set up with all the information that your tesla rep has provided you with once you get that set up you're just going to want to test that you're able to unlock get inside of your car start your car move your car all through your phone without having the use of your car keys you should be able to put those in your wallet or in your bag as security and not have to use those all the time because you're supposed to be relying on your cell phone so before you leave the dealership you're definitely going to want to make sure your bluetooth connectivity works as intended because you don't want to get that messed up where you can't get into your car and you have to use the cards all the time alright guys so we're moving right along and we're almost at the end of the list i hope this is very useful for you guys as i said before if you like this information please subscribe it helps out a lot so now we're gonna do a lighting inspection so this one is gonna be a really quick one it will help if you're picking up your car at night because you're gonna have the sun shining in and you're not gonna be able to see a lot of these lights but we're gonna try our best to look out for all the lights in the car and make sure everything is lit up and working as expected this is what you're going to want to check for when it comes to the lighting you're going to want to check the vanity mirror lights and the front overhead driver and passenger lights those are the little two lights in the middle of the car in the front of the car then you're going to check the rear left and right side lights those are the lights on the left and the right side of the doors above the doors the next thing you're going to want to check is the driver and passenger foot wheels and the door pockets so those are the lights that are underneath where your feet go in the car and then inside the little pockets on the side of the doors there are lights there and you're going to want to check those out as well when it comes to the doors there are also puddle lights on the doors when you open them so you're going to have to open your doors and on the bottom of the door there is a little light which is called a puddle light that lights up the ground so you can see where you're stepping to get into the car you definitely want to make sure those are working as well also on the doors you're going to want to make sure all the buttons light up accordingly as well those are the little lights that show the door symbol opening and the window buttons to open the car next you're going to want to check in both sections of the center console inside so that's the armrest portion and the part where you can slide to open up the other half of the center console both of those portions of the center console should have lights in them to see inside those portions in addition to the sensor console light you're also going to want to check the light inside of the glove box while inside the car you're going to also want to check the steering wheel light so these should just be the little four arrows on the steering wheel just make sure they light up they should be orange or color like that next for lighting outside of the car you're going to want to open the trunk and the front of the car and make sure those lights light up as well also you're going to want to check all the headlights the low beams the high beams and the fog lights and the turning signals all those lights you're going to want to check on the front of the car and the rear of the car and make sure they're all working properly those are the most important because you have to have those when you're driving so that includes the headlights the fog lights the front parking lights the front turn signals the left-hand side signals on the side of the car the rear lights and the brake lights when you press the brake [Music] okay so now we've made it to the end of the list thank you guys for sticking along and this is going to be super helpful for you guys when you go pick up your tesla so you can make sure you can leave the dealership worry free and enjoy your tesla without any problems lastly what you're going to want to do is check the charging ability of your car and make sure it can be charged and charges right without any problems at all you might be asking how am i going to check the charging ability when i didn't even get the car home yet so all tesla dealerships have a charger on the premises so you can go to that charger if you don't see one for public use you can definitely ask the advisor to check the car's charge inside the dealership and the service department when it comes to charging the first thing that you're going to want to do is check that the charging door opens and closes accordingly when it opens there should be an indicator light that blinks i don't know what color it's going to be but as long as the light is blinking that does show that the led inside is working so next like i said you're going to want to plug that car in either it's inside the tesla dealership on the public charger if the tesla dealership you're at has one just plug it in and look at your screen to make sure that the car is charging as soon as you plug it in the screen should show that the car is charging and if it's not charging or has any issues it will let you know on the screen that there's an issue with the charger or the charge of the car and lastly when you get your car inside the trunk you should be getting the charger that you applied for so if you haven't ordered an upgraded charger you should receive the regular wall charger and it comes with every single tesla it's going to be inside the trunk you're going to want to open the trunk and make sure that it's in there in the pack along with the adapter to use different charging networks so what you're going to do is if you can if there's any way you're also going to want to check the charge with the charger that you have inside your car this may be a tough one because you may have to wait till you get home to plug that charger in but for now the supercharger at the dealership should work but make sure the first thing you do when you do get home is unpack that charger plug it in at home and make sure it is getting a charge and it keeps its charge and that's it guys you made it to the end of the delivery checklist there is some final things that i just want to go over real quick that you should do before taking off and those things are number one you're going to want to make sure that your car is marked as delivered only when you are satisfied with everything on this list if everything is good to go you want to make sure that you tell your tesla advisor that you accept the car and make sure that it says delivered in the system so there is no mix-up when you get in your car that it wasn't delivered and such and this and that and number two you're just going to want to make sure you have all the paperwork from receiving your card that includes payment information the vin number anything that you signed you want to make sure you have a copy of that information for future reference do not leave the dealership without any copies of anything i know that sometimes people get really excited and they're like yes i delivered the car let's go no you want to make sure you have everything before you leave that dealership so you can be safe when you have your car so guys that is it i hope you guys have a great time picking up your teslas and everything has went well with the delivery checklist make sure you look in the description for the printout of the list of everything that i've mentioned in this video so you can take that list with you to the tesla dealership so you do not forget anything while you're there again guys if you found this useful please subscribe to the channel i'm also going to be making another video with things that you should do after you get your tesla and things that you should get and buy before you buy your tesla alright so stay tuned for those videos make sure you guys subscribe and i will hopefully see you guys on the road soon peace
Channel: Mike Seuss Tesla
Views: 349,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla delivery checklist, tesla delivery day, tesla delivery day checklist, tesla delivery day 2021, tesla delivery 2021, tesla model y delivery, tesla model y delivery day, tesla model y delivery checklist, model y delivery, model x delivery, model y delivery day, model 3 delivery day, 2021 tesla model 3 delivery day, tesla model 3 delivery day, tesla model 3 delivery checklist, delivery checklist tesla, 2021 tesla model 3 delivery, delivery checklist 2023
Id: MRl-zkEgpuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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