Tesla Model Y & 3 - Don't Make These 10 Mistakes

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all right so i've had two tesla model wise at this point and i've learned a lot in that process the first car of course we got in march of 2020 which was one of the first cars that came off the line our options at that time were pretty limited so you only had a few options to choose from at that time and of course since then many things have changed and it brings me to this point where i'm at now which is there's a lot i've learned in ordering both of these cars and now there's some things that i would and would not do different however i wanted to share with you the 10 things that you don't want to do when ordering your model y or model 3. first and foremost is get the color that you actually want tesla charges between a thousand and two thousand dollars for their color options depending on which one you select of course the white one is included with the base price of the car now the white color originally had a lot of mismatch issues it wasn't just the rear bumper that you probably heard most about but also sometimes the doors didn't match so there were some color issues at the very beginning that has since been resolved now it's not perfect and it's hard to get this particular white to be perfect but it is a lot better than it used to be at the beginning of production of the model y so get that color that you want and the reason is every time you see the color you wish you would have gotten you're gonna wish that you had it so spend the extra thousand or two thousand if you want red and get that color that you want while we're talking about color we have to talk about the interior now i have to say the white interior in my opinion is absolutely gorgeous and i know there's a bunch of you who share that opinion however there are some of you who do not like the white but if you do like the white but you're afraid of getting white go for it and here's why when we took delivery of our new model y the first thing i did was put the ceramic coat product on the interior and it has added an extra layer of protection for those white seats in addition when we took delivery of the car there was some dirt on these white seats that i had to clean up and it all came up with baby wipes and so far since owning after putting that ceramic coat on there's not been a stain that i haven't been able to remove with just baby wipes now we have two little boys so we were very worried the first time we ordered the car about getting the white interior even though we wanted it and it's for the same reason a lot of you would think we're worried about ruining that white interior but that just has not been the experience that we've had keeping the white interior clean has been very easy and i'm continuing to explore products to maintain it over time but so far no issues at all with that beautiful white interior i highly recommend you go ahead pull the trigger spend the extra thousand dollars and get that gorgeous white interior now onto wheels and now this one is more than just preference you got to hear me out on this i highly recommend that you order the car with the standard gemini wheels here's why instead of spending two thousand dollars on getting the induction wheels you can forego that two thousand dollars and either buy an aftermarket set and have a second set or pay somebody for their takeoff induction wheels now i've seen these take off induction wheels between two thousand dollars with no tires on them and twenty five hundred dollars with tires on them now they can vary up and down from there but for about twenty five hundred dollars you can have the induction wheels if that's what you really want which they look great or for twenty five hundred dollars roughly you can get an aftermarket set of wheels and tires now you've got two sets of wheels for five hundred dollars more than just having the induction wheels the reason why this is helpful is if you live in a cold climate you now have a winter set if you do road trips you now have a road trip set so you can have your nice wheels on for day to day stuff or during the summer time and then in the winter or during road trips put on the gemini wheels those two sets of wheels are gonna pay themselves off and having two sets of tires that'll wear a little bit different and it should be a little bit more efficient and more comfortable on the highway as well now when we ordered our second model y i did order it with the gemini wheels and i swapped over my induction wheels before selling the previous car now my idea was to buy a set of takeoff wheels but instead i just swapped them over so i will be getting a second set at some point to have for the car so for those of you that are considering the seven passenger configuration i want to talk directly to you those of you who are on the fence especially to get the seven seat configuration you are not giving up a lot of space to have the flexibility of those seats in fact the only thing that you're giving up is a very shallow sub-trunk that's right where those seats go it's a very small space only limited things are ever going to fit in there you can fit the charging cable in there but nothing bigger than that so it's really not a lot of useful storage and we barely ever used it as a matter of fact i threw some things in there that i never touched in the year that i own that car now the regular sub trunk is still the same size so you still have the same amount of storage outside of that front little compartment now here's where things get interesting the seven seat configuration does change things up in more than just that third row the second row now moves forward and back when you're not using that third row you can actually move the second seats forward a bit and gain additional cargo space over what you would have in the fixed seats of the five passenger and still be able to sit people in those seats so technically although you lose that small shallow sub trunk you gain quite a bit of space by being able to move those front seats forward there's actually more space in the seven seat than there is in the five seat i would argue because of that flexibility now regardless of what sunshine videos you've seen in the past i've shared a more realistic picture of the third row this third row is not for adults you can technically squeeze yourself in there however at my height at five foot six i'm not very tall my head rests right up against the trim there any kind of bumpy ride or god forbid an accident your head is in a very bad place this is not for adults what this is for is for children preferably children in booster seats or no car seats at all those would be the best fit for this third row now we have some pretty bulky car seats and we bought some new car seats for this car to accommodate having such limited space so even then it's still pretty tight getting those full-sized car seats in there so it's not a great space for many uses other than an emergency or if you needed to squeeze one adult back there when they could just lean over a bit it's not very easy to get in and out of for an adult but it does have its uses and it's nice to have by not sacrificing a whole lot to have it another thing that's quickly becoming a mistake is ordering full self driving right off the bat now this is going to be a little bit controversial but hear me out now that full self driving subscription is available for 200 a month you can try it so for 200 bucks activate it and for one month you can try full self driving to see if you actually would use it on a day-to-day basis what i think you're going to find is autopilot's actually going to work out well for most of you full self-driving at ten thousand dollars is a ton of money and it's still technically not fully capable yet now that is about to change in about two weeks the beta that's been limited to just select people is going to be released to the public and that's great news and it's going to be exciting to try out but you really need to think about before you spend ten thousand dollars am i going to use this enough to justify ten thousand dollars so think really hard about that i recommend for going full self driving at time of order unless you're really worried about prices of full self driving continue to increase which they very well could and you don't anticipate taking delivery before those increases so keep that in mind i recommend shelling out 200 bucks at time of delivery try it out and decide if 10 000 could be spent better elsewhere and while we're on the topic of full self driving don't miss out on enhanced autopilot should it come back now that full self driving is getting ready to be fully available to the public i think they're going to have pretty much figured out what the demand is for the system at that time eventually i believe they could bring back enhanced autopilot in some markets cross globe enhanced autopilot is available right now late in 2020 they did release enhanced autopilot as an option for two weeks only and it was four thousand dollars enhanced autopilot is everything that full self driving is except for full self driving on city streets and stop light and stop sign control that's it everything else like lane change navigate on autopilot summon all those other features that are actually useful are included in enhanced autopilot so if it does come back out don't miss your opportunity to get that instead of full self-driving of course some of you are still going to want full self-driving and more power to you let's talk about some of the things that are holding some of you back and this is my number seven don't do do not submit your order if you fall into one of these categories first and foremost evie tax credits we have been talking about ev tax credits since the beginning of the year and although some progress has been made there's still no sign of hope that this is coming to a close anytime soon there's too much separation in congress and most recently there was talk about putting a cap of 40 000 on the cost of an ev for it to qualify for tax credit so as you may have seen in our previous video giving the recap in june it's basically ten thousand dollars for a tesla should it fall into the qualification parameters and this thing does pass again there's no sign of when this is actually going to happen if it's actually going to happen but if you are insistent on waiting for that ev tax credit do not buy now if you're waiting for the 4680 sells don't buy now it turns out that with all the delays that are occurring within the supply chain there are talk about the 4680 cells not coming to the model y out of giga austin right away of course this is bad news and this would delay the timing that we'd start to see these new cells in model wise elon musk recently discussed in an earnings call they do have a backup plan for 2170 cells to fit into the model y made out of giga austin so that cast front and rear end will be able to mount to a 2170 battery pack if you are insistent on waiting on the benefits of the 4680 sell now is not the time to buy and then finally there's one other rumor related to do not buy right now and that is talks about the standard range model y coming back we just learned a week ago that the standard range mono y may be coming back to america here following the release in the asian market what we know right now is that the standard range model y would have batteries supplied from china with lfp packs these lfp packs are going to likely reduce the range from the 244 that we saw previously or it's going to have a much larger battery pack to bring it up to 244 miles now if it does follow the same pricing trends of the long-range all-wheel drive over this year it's very likely that we're going to see the price between 45 and 46 000 so that's a seven thousand dollar difference between the long range and the standard range for the model y this is going to be super popular of course when the standard range did release it was incredibly popular and hard to get your hands on now prices have gone up since those days and at 45 to 46 000 it's starting to be quite a bit of money for a standard range model y nonetheless the standard range model y is going to have a ton of capability and it's going to be a great option for a lot of you to consider at five or six thousand dollars more than the model 3 standard range i think it's definitely worth considering taking over a model 3 standard range and with that in mind next think about getting as much range as you can afford of course if you're considering a model y right now your only option is long range however that could be changing soon with the return of the standard range model y but if you're buying a model 3 if you can afford the difference between the long range and the standard range get the long range you are not likely to ever be in a situation where you're going to say to yourself i wish i had less range on the flip side you may find yourself in a position where you say i wish i had more range now this is going to be most obvious when you're on road trips and the reason is supercharging is much faster with a long range battery pack than the standard range so you're going to have to stop more and it's not going to charge as fast as it does in the long range charging speeds are capped for the standard range and as the long range gets full access to full charging speeds we are anticipating to see the v3 supercharging network to increase charging speeds with the existing infrastructure in place which is fantastic that's not likely going to help any standard range models but the long range models could start to tap into just a little bit more speed in charging number nine on the list is don't get the wall charger now you can get the wall charger if you like but here's my recommendation for our house it was simple enough to add a nema 1450 outlet so i added a 50 amp line and just had a standard 1450 outlet so we added a 50 amp line to our box and added an outlet just next to the box then all you need to do is buy the 45 dollar adapter from tesla and use the mobile charger that comes with the car this is going to peak at 32 amps which as long as your voltage is good you should get about 29 or 30 miles of charge per hour now the wall charger can be set up at a much higher rate and can charge up to about 44 to 45 miles of charge per hour so that is quite a bit more but it's very unlikely you're gonna need that much more the only caveat to that in my opinion is if you have two teslas having the ability to charge faster is probably going to be convenient with an actual wall charger so i would forego the 500 plus installation and just spend a couple hundred bucks depending on location with your local electrician to add an outlet and then finally the number 10 item is if you are wanting to protect the front of the car do it right away it's not so much a paint quality issue from tesla that some people talk about it's more of the fact that it's literally a flat painted surface that's plowing through the wind and everything on the road that's getting kicked up is making contact with that front bumper that's why ppf is so popular with tesla's and that's why i recommend getting it we've done it on both of our cars now and once we take delivery of our model 3 i'll be doing it on that as well now it is very expensive to have this done professionally and there are some diy kits out there there is one that i'm a big fan of at this point i've done both the 3m and the expel kits and i personally prefer the expel kit because it requires less stretching this expel kit i've teamed up with drive protected shop and you have access to 20 off on any of these kits that you want so whether you want to just do the front end just do the bumper do a partial front end or the entire car you do have access to a discount now all these prices are in canadian dollars so us dollars right now is about 80 percent the cost so take 20 off and then take 20 off again and that's how much it'll be to do a partial front is about 400 us dollars to do a full frontal is about 600 and then you can go from there and do the rest of the car which we are doing piece by piece and while you're at it of course don't forget to also protect the inside by getting your mac spider floor mats right away before you take delivery keep that inside nice and pristine as it's such a beautiful car there's a link in the description to get you 10 off of that set as well so let me know in the comments are you about to take delivery are you going to change your configuration have you held back on some of the options you wish you would have done let me know in the comments i hope that you enjoyed this video if you did of course give it a thumbs up if you haven't already of course subscribe to the channel as we continue to post content regularly you can follow us on twitter and instagram beardedtesla thanks so much for joining us and we'll catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Bearded Tesla Guy
Views: 493,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Tesla News, Tesla Model Y, Model Y, Model Y Tesla, 2021 Model Y, 2020 Model Y, Model Y Long Range, Model Y LR AWD, Model Y Performance, Long Range Model Y, Performance Model Y, Model Y Standard Range, Standard Range Model Y, Model Y SR, 7 Seater Model Y, Model Y 7 Seater, Model Y 7 Seat Interior, Model Y Interior, New Tesla, New Tesla Model Y, New Model Y, Model Y Refresh, Cheaper Model Y, Model Y Lease, Tesla Mistakes, Tesla Order, Model Y Order, Model 3 Order
Id: 9LkjvuzPU5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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