9 Things to know for NEW Tesla owners

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how's it going guys welcome back to the channel and in this video I just want to go through with you guys a bunch of different tips that you might want to know if you're transitioning over from a traditional card ice card in a turtle combustion engine car over to something like this a Tesla Model y now the one thing that really sets Tesla apart than some of the other cars out there this thing is really like a computer on Wheels now the great thing about Tesla is that everything is built around the software so you'll be able to perform a lot of the actions on your phone and then once you get into the car everything will be focused and controlled from the main screen now this video I am going to go a little bit higher level as far as some of the basic tips there's definitely a lot more details for each one of these and I'll go through those in future videos now when you first get your Tesla a lot of things you're going to be doing especially when you purchase it is you're going to be doing everything through the Tesla app now as far as basic unlocking and unlocking of the car you can actually do it through the app or you can also program it so that whenever you're walking towards your car it'll automatically unlock and then once you walk away via Bluetooth it'll automatically lock that's one of the biggest changes you you have to get used to with this car is that it just makes it very seamless when you get to and leave your car now for it to automatically do that you could do it via Bluetooth but you can also manually do it on your phone so if I wanted to unlock the car there's a little unlock button on the controls hit unlock and once you unlock it the mirrors will unfold and then now your car will be unlocked now for some reason you don't have your phone on you let me just lock it real quick if you don't have your phone on you of course you should be given one of these or actually two of these These are the Tesla keys I highly recommend keeping this in your wallet or in your purse because I wouldn't trust the app at all times your phone might die you might not be able to have access to the Tesla app or sometimes it could be buggy so you always want some sort of physical key now to unlock your Tesla with this right here all you do is place it right below where the camera is on the side pillar place it right on the side and you'll see that the mirrors will open up and your door will unlock that's about entering the car that's the pretty standard ways of getting in but when you exit there's actually a little button here right on the side you just actually press this button right there and the door will pop open and push it straight out now this button right here is what pops the door open but there is an emergency latch right above where the window switches are a lot of people will default to this handle just because it's feels like a physical handle and that's what most people are used to but that is an emergency latch if you wanted to open a door the way you want to open it up first is just by pressing this button right here all right so now that we're in the card and if you're using the actual key card the way to start the car is you're going to put it right here right next to the cup holder so right above it right here or you can actually put it right next to the cup holder and once it's there you're not able to press the brake and then move the car into any one of the gears throw it into reverse by pressing the right stock all the way up or put it into drive pressing the right stock all the way down if you want to go back into park all you do is press the right stock button press that in and now the car is back in park the great thing is that once your car is already hooked up to the mobile app you don't have to use that key card anymore you just get into your car and once it connects you can just press on a brake press the right stock up or down and you'll be ready to go you don't have to use that key card in order for you to start the car because it's already connected to your phone all right so now that we're in the car we know how to start it up we know how to change the gear next you want to do is go through the menus on the screen like I mentioned before all of your controls are based off of this screen so if you wanted to change everything from your temperature in your car you're able to do that right here you're able to change that to what direction you want the air to go and if you wanted to change things like your music you're able to do that all from here and then of course you click on this car icon on the bottom left and this is where you have a lot more controls you could change things on your pedals and steering how you want your car to accelerate or decelerate everything that would be normally on a traditional car that's kind of spread across the dash everything is adjustable here on the screen all right now that you're familiar with the menu system here let's take it out for your first drive put it in reverse pressure break press the right Stock press it all the way up it'll then go into reverse and you'll see your cameras the two side ones as well as the backup camera now to go into drive all you do is press the right stock all the way down and it'll go into drive now one of the biggest changes and differences from a standard car with the Tesla is the regenerative braking now what does that mean it basically means is that when you let go of the accelerator in a normal car it'll just continue to drift by momentum but here you're actually going to be using those Motors to slow the car down so as you can see here I'm coming up on a light if I let go of the accelerator the car is actually going to come to a complete stop now I did that a little bit early so once I press it all the way up here Let It Go the car will actually come to a complete stop without me having to press the brakes now this is actually extremely important for a lot of people because this is the reason why there's less maintenance on the Tesla is because of that regenerative braking you're not using your brake pads as much as you normally would with any other car this is one thing you'll keep hearing when people say it's a one foot drive or one foot driving is that you basically just use the accelerator once you come up to the stop you let it go and then once you're ready to go you press accelerator again and you continue on your way now every test that comes with autopilot it doesn't necessarily come with full self driving or FSD I'll let you subscribe or you pay for it up front but it does come with autopilot you have to engage autopilot you're going to need to actually turn it on before you start your car right now I already do have Autos pilot on or Auto steer which is in beta and right now it is currently on so if it's not set to on you're gonna need to do it when your car is at a complete stop but right now I do have it on so in order for me to engage age autopilot the only thing I have to do is on my right stock I just have to press it down twice just like that and now I am in autopilot so the car is actually going to drive itself at the speed that I set at the speed limit is 50 miles an hour it is right now currently going 50 miles an hour now even though it is a hands-free type of drive you do need to pay attention you need to have your hands near the steering wheel as well as your foot ready on the brake or the gas because you do have to take over if there is any sudden changes but as you can see here autopilot is engaged you have the blue lines that are tracking the lane that you're in but I'm hands-free my feet are off the accelerator and the car is driving by itself now when you're driving there are going to be some prompts that come up for instance it'll tell you please apply pressure to the steering wheel and or you'll see a blue bar here up top and that's basically the car letting you know hey we just want to make sure that you're still paying attention so please you know just acknowledge Us by pressing on the steering wheel you'll see the prompt come up right there it says apply slight pressure and there you go the blue will go away a we're still in autopilot we do have those blue lines going on the street now in order for you to disengage autopilot you can do it in multiple ways you can actually grab the steering wheel and turn it a little bit more than normal you can apply pressure to the brake you can actually press the right stock up just like that it'll turn it off so you can disengage it pretty much any way if you want to take manual control over the car but just know that autopilot is different than full self driving if you do have the subscription to full self driving the car will actually be able to automatically change lanes it'll automatically stop at every stop sign every stop light and drive itself in back city streets autopilot for the most part is best if you use on the freeway or here I'm on back roads where it's pretty long stretches of Back Road makes it pretty easy there but like I said it is different autopilot is different than full self driving now of course the big benefit of Tesla and their ecosystem is their infrastructure making that transition over from a standard automobile into an EV car one of the biggest things that people have concerns over is charging the great thing about Tesla is that they do have the biggest supercharging network of all EVS once I park I just hit the park button right there grab your phone or your key put that into your pocket all right so when it comes to supercharging it does not get any simpler all you do is pull up to a supercharger just like this and you just need to grab the supercharger off the handle just like so bring it over to your port and you can actually press the button right there your Port will open plug it right in and you just wait for this to turn to green and there you go we are green now a lot of people ask how am I being charged or how am I paying for the charging Well normally when you set up your app you're going to be putting a credit card or a card on file that's attached to your mobile app so once you have that attached to your mobile app into your account once you plug in to the car it'll this then be charged directly to that card that's on your file all right so we've completed our first drive we got a little supercharger action going on you want to exit the vehicle like I mentioned earlier press that button it'll then pop the door open and now you want to walk away and lock it up now how do you go about doing that now one of the easiest ways to go about it is that if your phone is hooked up via Bluetooth to the car once you close the door and walk away you'll be able to hear the alarm go off or the Sentry go off foreign right about there so that little beep or the little horn went off and that lets you know that the car basically locked and it's now armed but what if you don't have the mobile phone hooked up to it that's when you can actually do the same thing that you did earlier and instead of opening the car you can actually use this to unlock it and once you are done you close the car up and then do the same thing put this right here and it'll then lock you'll see the side view side mirrors close up and there you go take this put this back into your wallet or your purse and you've pretty much completed your first drive now making that jump over from a traditional car to an EV like a Tesla is actually pretty seamless the way they've done it they focus on user experience that's the reason why I like it so much they are always evolving the product they're always changing things on how you're interacting with the car how the UI is and that's one of the biggest benefits of the car being a software first car they are able to make all these changes based on customer feedback just by doing some software updates if you guys like this type of content you guys want to see a lot more don't forget to subscribe hit that like button if you guys got some value from this video this is also estacio and I'll see you in the next one take care
Channel: Tesla of the Day
Views: 124,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aldryn estacio, Tesla, Tesla of the day, teslaoftheday, Tesla san diego, new Tesla owners, 9 things to know, new owners, picking up my tesla, San Diego tesla, Tesla tips, Tesla tips and tricks, how to unlock a tesla, how to start a tesla, how to charge a tesla, how to park a tesla, regenerative braking, regen braking, Tesla brakes, how to use autopilot, Tesla autopilot, Tesla fsd, Tesla full self driving
Id: Ms5j8A0inwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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