12 Crucial Steps After Ordering/Delivery Of Your Tesla

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if you just bought a tesla congratulations buying a tesla is an exciting step into the future of electric vehicles but as you've probably already figured out it's quite a bit different than a typical car there are a lot of things to ensure that you do before you take delivery of your car and i have a full video about that linked below but after you take delivery there's a lot to ensure as well today we're going to get into the top 12 things you should do right away when you get your tesla so let's get into it and a special thanks to klima for sponsoring this video [Music] when you first get your tesla you'll want to do a detailed overview of the car unfortunately teslas are typically delivered with some sort of small fit and finish issues and i've experienced this on each car i've taken delivery of most of the issues are very small and will be fixed by tesla service without issue however if you forget to note these things until long after delivery there's no way for tesla to know it is actually their fault or not so when you take delivery and first start driving the car be sure to look out for any imperfections that tesla service will need to fix if it's noted at the delivery appointment they'll create an official due bill to have it on their own records this is what i did with my plaid model s's bumper which came dented and needed replacing entirely it's definitely not a fun part of taking delivery of a tesla needing to go over it in depth with some sort of checklist but it's necessary to ensure your card doesn't have any issues plenty of teslas get delivered without any issues but plenty come with small issues that tesla service will need to fix i'll link a detailed checklist below that should help you in your delivery process once you're in the car you'll quickly find that nearly everything is controlled on screen there are some menus and such that you need to quickly get familiar with to optimize your experience and the second thing to do after taking delivery is to set up your key with the tesla model 3 and y tesla will give you a two pack of key cards but this actually isn't the best way to use your tesla the best way is to keep this card in your wallet as a backup and use your smartphone as your primary key this will automatically unlock the car on approach and lock it when you walk away i'll walk through the steps to set this up properly in the car one of the best features that you'll have in your tesla that you'll notice right away is driver profile so my name is up here right now and i tap that and if i need to set up a profile for the first time or set up someone else's profile i click driver profile settings right there and here i can add new driver so i'm going to call this tesla fan create profile and interestingly this always has you do mirrors and steering wheel first but i always like to adjust my seat position first because these are dependent on my seat position so that is with the controls on the seat itself and i can move those around and then this will pop up here for me to save it so once i get everything dialed in exactly how i want it click save so within the tesla app you'll see directions to set up phone key and you need your key card on hand for this so i go through this click pair and then i take my phone key right here and place it right where it tells me to now it's connecting to the car and there is my phone key super super quick and easy and the first thing i like to do as well is link this to the driver profile i want it to be linked to so the way that you do this is whatever driver profile is selected you then press this little human button right here so let's say i want jessica to be linked with this phone so i'm going to go into jessica's profile and click that and now jessica is linked if i want myself to be linked i go into my profile and now it is linked with that and you can do this with everything across the board with each key card this one particular setting applies for the key fob or the phone and that is the walk away door lock and you can also exclude a home so i have this on because when i'm in my garage parked i don't need my car to actually lock and when i go out to it i don't have to have my phone or key fob on hand it'll automatically be unlocked and then the walk away door lock is what will happen when i walk away with my phone it locks for me i don't even have to think about it one thing to note here is that this is separate then setting up your phone with bluetooth so you need to go to bluetooth settings and then connect phone and then add new device and you'll start the search and it will walk you through the whole process it's very simple once this is all set up you'll have the best experience and the best thing about all of this is that when someone else sets up their own key it will be linked to their driver profile settings for my wife and i this means that there's no adjustment to be made when we each separately enter our car after you're set up to drive you'll likely find yourself needing to tweak small settings here and there and when you do you can click the save button that pops up to ensure the latest settings update to your driver profile then comes the next step if you're someone who really cares about the paint on your car and maintaining it over time you'll want to get a ceramic coating or pbf that's number three ppf is paint protective film and while expensive will help prevent the car from getting rock chips then eventually after years of wear and tear on the film you can have it removed to find the car as good as new ceramic coating will also protect the paint but only from things that aren't directly damaging the paint this will help against sun damage and much more like that if you're not getting either of those things done on your car no problem and you can skip this step but if you are you'll definitely want to get this procedure done immediately otherwise your car will likely already have a few imperfections from the road before your ppf is placed on top of those number four is a quick but essential one to take delivery over tesla you need to have proof of insurance but sometimes it's easy to forget that you have to then properly add your vehicle to your insurance plan be sure to add your tesla to your current insurance or shop around for the best rate i personally use tesla insurance which is expanding to many other states and they have given me really great rates before we go any further i'd like to thank today's sponsor klima april is earth month and it's more important than ever to take climate action seriously but that's not always easy to do that's where clima comes into play clima is a service that helps you calculate your carbon footprint in as little as 3 minutes learn how to reduce that footprint and fund climate projects that offset your footprint by planting trees and reducing emissions you can even invite your friends to join and track how your climate impact multiplies when you first log into the app you have the ability to calculate your carbon footprint by filling out a short survey after that you're able to see your impact tracker which tells you what your carbon footprint is you can then offset that footprint by supporting projects that work to plant trees kickstart clean energy and provide clean cook stoves in ghana a country whose forests are disappearing faster than any other country in the world if you support a tree project you can check your tree counter to see how many trees have been planted in your name join me and go carbon neutral with klima today and in honor of earth month they'll plant 10 extra trees in your name just click the link in the description below and use my code to claim your trees and take immediate action let's make our planet a greener place together next up is number five and that's to spend time in advance logging in everywhere you'll need it in the future for myself this means that as soon as i get into a new tesla that i'll be using i log into title potentially spotify netflix hulu disney plus twitch and maybe even tick tock some of those i may skip because i don't actually enjoy using them in the car and unfortunately logging into youtube will often have a browser issue for me so i skip that login as well that could work differently for you though so feel free to give it a go remembering your password for those platforms is a whole lot better to do all at one time it's much better than waiting for the time that you're charging suddenly remember that your car has netflix built in and you can watch that new show that you've heard of but you can't remember your password by the time you track down your password your charge is half done and you can no longer finish an episode before the charge is complete number six is to set up your map settings these vary slightly depending on your autopilot or fsd package but they are important if you'll be using the maps on screen so when you're in maps and actually using it you can click these three dots right here and then you can click settings this brings up all your necessary maps settings and i'll go through them real quick this is your navigation volume so you can have someone giving you step-by-step directions if you want or you can turn it off which is what i personally do automatic navigation will actually look at your calendar events if they have an address in them and automatically route you there or it will automatically route you home or to work depending on the time of day if you have those set trip planner i always have on because this automatically will add supercharger stops if it deems it necessary so that's definitely very helpful so you never end up running out of range because you didn't plan online routing it finds the best route based on traffic and i always set it like five or ten minutes to reroute only if it's going to save at least that much time and you can go all the way up as high as you want to 30 minutes or you can go all the way down to one minute if you're really desperate to save every possible minute this avoids fairies this will avoid tolls so i actually want to have that on for myself because i don't like to use toll roads and then use hov lanes if you have carpooling stickers you're going to want to use this but this only really applies to navigate on autopilot so it's not going to come in play too much because you're most of the time going to be navigating yourself through those lanes now if you want to get to these settings when you're not actually using maps let's say you're just not routing anywhere you can go down here and then go to navigation and you'll see all the same settings on that menu and again these will link to your driver profile so for example i was actually in easy entry and then i just switched back to ryan and now i need to turn avoid tolls on again a couple quick autopilot things you'll want to set up initially are an offset so this will actually set an offset to the speed limit when you enter autopilot so let's say you're driving 70 the speed limit is 65 it will technically default to 65 and put you back down to 65 but in a place like los angeles you can set a percentage to actually just always set your top speed a percentage higher which if i'm being realistic for los angeles is about 30 percent higher than what the speed limit is i'm to set mine a little more conservatively because i don't want to drive like that but most people in la would drive 85 when it says 65. you can also turn on things like the automatic blind spot camera and you can set all your settings for speed limit warnings the speed limit offset forward collision warning lane departure avoidance and all the rest of these autopilot safety features that you can turn on or off depending on what your preference is usually i like to keep most of them on to ensure safety next up is number seven and that's to set up wi-fi at home when you first park your tesla at home you'll want to navigate to wi-fi settings choose your network and put in the password this ensures that every time you get home your car will hop on your home wi-fi and this is the way that software updates will be performed it's essential for those updates but another feature that i've recently discovered that occurs over wi-fi only is offline downloads for title with title you can download hifi music offline so it's not streaming at a lower quality it's always playing in the highest quality possible because it's downloaded that way if you click download while on the road it will tell you that it's added to the download queue and then once you arrive home it will download automatically for you if your wi-fi network doesn't reach your car you may want to buy a wi-fi extender or buy a mesh wi-fi system like the one from eero that i use and that's linked below a strong wi-fi signal getting to your car just ensures better download speeds and reliability for software updates when those come and they will another quick tip you'll want to set up at home is to have sentry mode disabled at home assuming you are parked somewhere safe like a garage otherwise sentry mode will be unnecessarily using the battery of the car next up is number eight and that's something you hopefully set up before buying your car home charging if you didn't set up your home charging plan before getting your car you'll want to do so immediately so that you don't find yourself in a tricky situation unable to charge your fully electric car to start with you can use a standard outlet but for most people this will take too much time so you'll want something faster i use a device from split volt to split off my dryer outlet but you can also get a nema 1450 outlet installed fairly easily from an electrician alternatively as well you could buy tesla's wall connector and have that properly installed a fast charger will require room on your panel so make sure you have the room before you purchase a specific charger once the charger is installed though there are still a couple of steps to follow in the car first when you plug in the car will likely try to take the maximum amps from that outlet doing this for an extended period of time is not recommended some examples are quoted by ac works saying quote since a 1030 and 1430 outlet are only rated for 30 amps the charger might try to overdraw and trip your breaker to prevent this from happening we always recommend manually setting your charging limit to 80 percent of what the outlet is rated for in this example you would set your charging limit to 24 amps i follow this exact rule with my home charger and you can set this easily within the app or on screen for my home charger it drops this down to 24 amps to ensure everything runs smoothly safely and i don't wake up to find that the breaker tripped and my car stopped charging this is essential and when you get your plug installed be sure to talk to your electrician about it to be sure you do it right luckily in most cases you'll learn quickly if you did it wrong with the trip to breaker but it's best to avoid it and set the speed correctly the first time follow the 80 rule number nine is directly related to charging as well and that's scheduling your charge many power companies offer a time of use plan that will incentivize you to charge your electric car in certain hours power during off-peak hours will be cheaper so you'll want to charge your car for example from the hours of 9 pm to 4 pm the next day those are my time of use hours with socal edison so i set my card to automatically start charging at 9 pm if i need to override this because i desperately need to charge an off-peak hours i can simply press start charging in the app but the rest of the time no matter what time i arrive home i plug in and then charging won't begin until 9 pm setting these things up takes a little bit of thought but once you're set up you rarely have to think about it ever again you just come home plug in and the car will draw the right amount of power at the right time the 10th thing to do right away when you take delivery of your tesla is to submit two specific ev incentives depending on where you live you may have a carpool advantage in california you can submit a form to receive carpool stickers because of your clean vehicle status these decals go on your vehicle and will allow you to ride in the carpool lane even if it is just you in the vehicle it's a benefit of buying an electric car in california and can help out in certain scenarios then depending on where you live as well there are various incentives to apply for after taking delivery most of those have to be applied for after taking delivery because you need the vin for myself in california there used to be a clean vehicle rebate program and then on top of that i was able to receive a 1 000 rebate from my power company for buying an electric car those vary by city state and country so be sure to research what incentives are available for your car and submit for them right away after delivery this could get you a significant rebate now number 11 is something that not everyone needs to do especially after watching many youtube videos like this but that's to watch the included tesla tutorials if you navigate to the theater section of the screen next to toybox and arcade you'll find tesla tutorials these are video tutorials that walk you through everything you need to know in the car it will show you how your keys work how you can personalize the car how to deal with the touch screen and physical controls how to enable autopilot charging do software updates and more it's all explained quickly and clearly with official tesla videos and it can be helpful to watch them inside the vehicle it's talking about directly lastly number 12 is to install essential accessories in your tesla there are a lot of great accessories to check out when you get a tesla and many can greatly improve your ownership experience but there are a few that are essential to install immediately first is a screen protector your 15 inch touchscreen controls most of what you do so you want that to be protected from any potential damage or scratching additionally a screen protector can help you with glare issues that you may have then depending on where you live all weather floor mats are the next essential accessory to install these will protect your interior and make it far easier to clean the car the first time and from then on you can clean these mats easily instead of cleaning up and potentially damaging the interior itself or suffering through cleaning standard carpet mats each of those products are linked in the description below and then if you want to see a full video of the best accessories to buy for your tesla you can check out that video linked up here or in the description below buying a tesla is a different experience but i think you'll quickly find it to be a better experience than the average car once you get those essential things set up for your car it will be a great experience i hope this video was helpful for you and again if you just bought a tesla or are about to congratulations that accessories video is linked up here or in the description below thanks so much for watching and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Ryan Shaw
Views: 342,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model 3, tesla model y, tesla model s, tesla model x, tesla news, tesla buyers guide, buying a tesla, tesla buying guide, how to buy a tesla, tesla buying tips, tesla mistakes, tesla buying mistakes, model 3, model y, model x, model s, tesla accessories, tesla full self driving, tesla charging, tesla charging setup, tesla range, tesla quality control, tesla setup, tesla settings, new tesla owner, tesla how to, tesla guide, new tesla owner tips
Id: oHNOPfS6Y00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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