Tesla Accessories You Need on Day 1 of Ownership - Only The Essentials

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i'm actually pretty excited about today because although yes i am sitting in our brand new tesla model 3 there's a lot to be said about what you do as soon as you go and get new tesla so before you get that car there's probably some accessories that you might want to get and i'm not talking about everything under the sun and all the lights and all the gadgets i'm talking about the essentials and that's what i'm focused on today there's really only a handful of accessories that you may want to consider getting before you take delivery of your new tesla whether it's a model y or a model 3 these accessories are the same for both cars that you may want to consider either getting before you take delivery or immediately after taking delivery so having these accessories ready to go as soon as you get the car it's going to make life just a little bit easier so there's a few things to really think about and you're going to need to do some pre-planning and decide which direction you're going to go with your car it wasn't that long ago that tesla stopped providing a little tray that goes into the center console i don't know why they did this it's a pretty basic thing but nonetheless they never included one in the front section of the center console anyways so now you actually need two trays to go in your tesla so if you have a model wire model three it is the same center console these trays i like for two reasons number one they're cheap and number two they just slide in and they work they do exactly what you might want to do and for us i like having this little extra compartment on the side because i put my garage door opener there instead of hanging it on these visors which are really thin and don't hold very well i can also store a bunch of other stuff it's pretty basic there's not really a lot to be said about these i just happen to like these and they're pretty affordable there is of course a link in the description for all the accessories that i'm going to show you including these trays but another thing there is a 12 volt plug here in the center console and if you don't get a tray that has a cutout for that you're never going to be able to access that 12 volt without pulling this tray out so this is one of those that this particular design is open all the way across some of them just have a hole and some of them have nothing at all which blocks that 12 volt altogether of course the lower center console tray does slide forward and makes it easy to get to your goodies underneath and slides back into place when you don't need to access that the other thing is i used to think that these center console trays in the front blocked that little light that was in there and made it hard to see but on our previous car i had a different one that was more open in the front and allowed that light to come through and at night time that's not a light that you're going to enjoy having shining it's not an ambient light it literally is just to be able to see inside of there underneath so this blocks that light out at night and prevents that light from kind of not necessarily blinding you but it's really annoying when that's shining up towards your face the next basic accessory that you're going to want to have just like your cell phone of course the screen protector there are like a million of these things out there now i have used the same one since our very first model y back in 2020 and it is a car whiner screen protector i've had good luck with it it holds up really well it doesn't really show smudges too terrible and it's really cheap as well i personally prefer the matte finish they also have of course a clear finish depending on what you like just know the reason i go with matte there's two number one i kind of like the style a little bit better but number two when i'm filming the clear one it's very reflective so light from the sun can shine on it and it can glow in your face it also reflects quite a bit so if you're filming stuff like that you might want to consider a matte one just to keep all the reflections down including the sun again it's very economical to get one of these the car wire one link in the description this just happens to be one that i've had good luck with in the past super easy to install of course it's satisfying watching it fill all the way through the next item is something that sometimes gets overlooked and if you get a standard range model 3 your car doesn't come with carpeted floor mats everything else does come with carpeted floor mats but those carpeted floor mats are not really the greatest and that's okay it doesn't need to be but there's a lot of options out there and there are some good ones i personally have preferred since the very beginning are 3d max spider floor mats which i still love these ones i took out of our model 3 that we did end up selling and i'm putting them now for reuse here in this car i have the complete set and i've always been happy with it the nice thing is in the trunk liner that has a little bit of a ribbed section right in the middle so when you lift up the sub trunk lid it doesn't prevent it from opening all the way and you can still get in and out of that sub trunk so it's really nice from that perspective but of course the coverage is fantastic and i personally am a fan of the look of these 3d max spider floor mats so for my tesla.com if you use code btg sim you'll get 10 bucks off your set whether you just get the three piece that goes in the cabin the you know front two and the one piece in the back row or if you get the whole set because of the luck we've had with these floor mats i highly recommend them you can also do a pre-treatment to these which i do it helps to add to the longevity of these make them look a little bit cleaner for a little bit longer and prevents all that dirt and debris from really getting sucked into the bores of the mats so you can look into that it will make these slick for about a week so something to think about it also has a lot of vapor so you're going to want to let that air out but definitely worth it if you want an easier cleaning and easier maintenance on these floor mats so the first thing that i did when we got our white interior on our model y is i put ceramic on these seats now this is not the same ceramic that you put on the paint of your car it is a ceramic that's specifically formulated for seeds just like these these are not real leather seats they're a vinyl product so you can put a ceramic on there and not have to worry about preventing the seats from breathing like a traditional leather it's not going to crack because of this but this has come in clutch for having white interior now the white interior you've probably heard from a million people oh it's so easy to keep clean it really is and i've had tremendous success with this particular product i do it right as soon as i get the car ceramic coat the seats before we start using it a lot before we put car seats in it and it just makes it so much easier to maintain these seats i literally only use baby wipes to keep up with the interior and in our model why i put this product on and it's been about a year now and i have not specifically cleaned the interior since then because i'm going to show you what it's like to clean it a year later it really does work really well it's really not all that expensive but leather shield is a really good product i highly recommend it link in the description of course and just for reference i got three total applications out of this and if you put it in a little bit heavier just plan for having two coats so you'll have two years of coverage by getting just that one kit you can also obviously coat a couple of cars it does come with enough suede or microfiber micro suede applicators in there so you can use one throw it away use one throw it away highly recommended i'm going to have to order another set so that we can get another coat on our model y here one year later now the next thing is going to be a little bit of a tricky situation and i'll explain why i am going to be ppf wrapping this car and you need to decide from the very beginning are you going to add ppf down the road are you going to do it right away obviously if you're going to do it doing it right away is highly recommended even if you just do the front end of the car that gets most of the attraction i highly highly highly recommend getting ppf i already have the kit for the entire card that i bought from drive protected shop and if you use code btg you'll save 20 it is diy friendly it does take a bit of time so you do need to plan for that but the reason why you need to decide if you're going to do ppf or not is because ceramic coating is also something you should really consider doing especially from the very beginning if you want to put ceramic coating on your car you need to decide are you putting ppf on or not and the reason is you must put ppf on the car first before you put ceramic coat on top of it if you apply ceramic coat to the car that will have to be stripped off the surface of the paint for ppf to properly adhere to the car so if you're not going to do ppf you have no plans no desire then now is the time to put that ceramic coat on the car this is going to help keep the paint nice and shiny for a long time it's also going to add a layer of protection on top of the car so if you plan on going through the car wash things like that it's going to help prevent swirls and scratches light scratches things like that it will not stop rocks from chipping your paint that's what ppf does so those are the other two items number one ppf i highly recommend at least doing the front end if not the entire car doing it diy with drive protected shop will literally save you thousands it's going to cost me less than half of the quote i got to have this car wrapped in ppf by doing it myself so more videos on that are coming of course after that then we'll be applying the ceramic coat which comes from for my tesla.com so this particular ceramic is diy friendly so it'll last in your car for about three to five years depending on your environmental conditions and this is a true ceramic coating i'm going to say this as gently as i can if you've seen how much shops are charging for ceramic coating and you realize how easy it is to do yourself it will make you sick i literally of all the accessories that we do and all the diy stuff that we do ceramic coating is the biggest ripoff in my opinion now with that said a lot of shops do also do a paint correction process to your car so if there are some issues with your paint that kind of goes into it too but literally it's like 150 bucks for this kit which is a really good kit it'll take you about two days to do it properly and it's done in about you know 45 minutes to an hour on day one 45 minutes to an hour on day two and that's it so that is all it takes to do they are charging in the hundreds to just north of a thousand dollars to charge you to do this so for 150 bucks you can absolutely very very easily do this yourself you basically do one panel at a time you wipe it on wait till it hazes over and then you buff it off that's it literally that is it and then you're going to apply a second coat and then you're going to put a top coat on all of that it is so stinking easy it drives me crazy that some people are afraid to do ceramic because it is so so so easy to do so highly recommend that so decide are you going to do ppf if not go straight to the ceramic coat and do that right from the beginning so you don't have to worry about stuff that's going to damage it before you get a chance to put it on so that's it so if you are about to take delivery or you just have taken delivery these are the essentials these are not all the extra stuff but the things that you really want to make sure that you have right before you take delivery or right after you take delivery the essentials just the things that you really want to put in early on to protect the car so with that said i hope that you enjoyed this video if you did of course give it a thumbs up if you haven't already of course subscribe to the channel as we continue to post content regularly you can follow us on twitter and instagram beardedtesla thanks so much for joining us we'll catch you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Bearded Tesla Guy
Views: 189,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Tesla News, Tesla Model Y, Model Y, Model Y Tesla, 2021 Model Y, 2020 Model Y, Model Y Long Range, Model Y LR AWD, Model Y Performance, Long Range Model Y, Performance Model Y, Standard Range Model Y, Model Y SR, 7 Seater Model Y, Model Y 7 Seater, Model Y 7 Seat Interior, Model Y Interior, New Tesla, New Tesla Model Y, New Model Y, Model Y Refresh, Cheaper Model Y, Model Y Lease, MY, Model Y Accessories, Model 3 Accessories, Tesla Accessories
Id: TbyOrSliQNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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