How to Set Up Your Tesla the RIGHT Way: Settings Deep Dive!

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if you're a new or soon to be tesla owner or you've had a tesla for a while like myself i've had my model 3 for four years now it can be kind of intimidating to go through all the settings that can be applied to your car especially now with tesla's latest software version 11 which came with more even more settings new settings that we haven't seen before so a lot of people come to me and ask me what kind of settings i have applied to my car because i've had such good battery life so far even after 100 000 miles i still have over 300 miles of estimated range on my model 3. good battery life can be partially attributed to just having a good battery you know getting lucky but it can also be attributed to the correct settings that you can apply to your car to maximize the efficiency and get the best driving and charging experience with the tesla so let's hop in my model 3 and i'm going to show you my current settings that i have set and hopefully it'll give you just a better overall experience with your tesla so let's go so the first thing that you want to do with software version 11 which i'm not a big fan of hopefully it gets better they took away some information that i would like to have back on the home screen but with the new dock down here you can customize which icons go in the dock i have and i would recommend the first icon be the rear view camera because that is very helpful whenever you're driving even though tesla did enable the feature where it enables the camera the side view camera whenever you do the turn signal it's still helpful to have quick access to pull up that rear view camera whenever you're driving or backing up or just random times and also if you don't see these two side cameras go ahead and just hit that arrow and it'll bring those two side cameras up so that way this gives you a quick view of all your rear-facing cameras with the tap of a button and then if you have premium connectivity you can change the view to satellite view i prefer that just because it's easier on the eyes with the more contrast colors and it just looks better i think instead of having all the same color if you have the premium connectivity if you don't have that it's not a big deal but i do prefer that satellite view just looks better now let's get into the nitty-gritty setting so if you click on the car icon here and this brings up the main menu for all the settings teslas have different driver profiles and each driver profile has its own custom settings so anything you change any setting you change gets applied to that driver profile and if you switch to a different driver for example let's go to my wife's so it changes the seats the mirrors and all the other individual settings what you want to do is create a guest driver profile because there will be times when you give the car to somebody let somebody else drive the car or when you take it in for service for example if you take it into a local tire center you don't want them to be on your main driver profile because if they start changing settings i hate when that happens when people change your their seat position your steering wheel position always create a new driver profile by going into settings and just create one that's called like guest okay and just hit create profile and now you have a guest driver profile that you can change to whenever you hand the car off to a stranger and you don't want them messing with your own settings and then whenever you get it back you just go back to your driver profile trust me it will come in handy when you do that and here i'll go into the other setting so here on my controls i have uh wipers set to off just because i prefer to do it manually i don't really like the way tesla uses the auto wiper sometimes it'll just like clean the windshield for no reason other times you know it'll turn it on high when it really needs to be on low or turns it on when it doesn't even need to be on at all so i just prefer to have windshield wipers turn to often set to manual let's go into pedals and steering i have everything set to standard across the board if you want better range maximum efficiency but less acceleration change your acceleration to chill it gives it a smoother slower acceleration whenever you punch on that accelerator pedal since i have a rear wheel drive rear-wheel drive it's hard to say long-range model 3 my acceleration set of standard is not that crazy but if you are driving a performance or a dual motor for example if you want to maximize that efficiency change it to chill but if you want that power acceleration just leave it on standard steering mode i leave mine on standard regen braking definitely have that on standard what that does is it'll feed energy back into the car whenever you let off the accelerator it automatically starts breaking uh if you have that set to low you're not going to get as much energy back into the battery but if you want maximum efficiency always leave regen braking to standard and then of course stopping mode is set to hold and what that does is once you let off the accelerator the regen braking kicks in it'll actually come to a complete stop and hold the vehicle no matter if you're on an incline or decline it'll it'll hold it even without pressing the brake at all so i love that feature so let's go to charging i set my daily charging limit to 80 percent now you can go up to 90 for your daily charging limit however i just set it to 80 based on the original recommendation from tesla i believe and it's been working out well for me so far so if you absolutely need that 90 for your daily driving set it to 90 but if you don't need it just set it to 80. i've had good luck with that and another thing to keep in mind for this screen is the scheduled departure at this location so if you're at home you can either set it to depart by a certain time or a scheduled charging uh for your off-peak electricity for example so if you uh want to check with your electricity provider and see if they have any lower rates during off-peak hours usually it's like in the middle of the night from like 12 a.m to 4 a.m that window of time the electricity rate will be more affordable to maximize your electricity savings when charging the car autopilot screen now for me i have everything enabled i have full self driving on this car i also am enrolled in the fsd beta so i always recommend having everything turned on under the autopilot screen just to get that maximum benefit from having a tesla having it on autopilot on interstates and highway that usually leads to better efficiency because usually autopilot when you're on a steady long stretch of road at fast speeds it'll be more efficient as far as like the way it drives it it keeps a constant speed instead of driving manually as a human you might tend to press the accelerator more or go faster and i always enable autopilot as much as i can when driving on long stretches of highways and interstates full self-driving beta if you have that set to average and if you go into customize navigate on autopilot if you have full self driving or enhanced autopilot i keep my speed based lane changes to average i keep exit passing length to off just because i would rather manually change back into the lane myself instead of relying on the car to do because sometimes it'll do it too early or too late or not do it at all or do it when i don't want it to so but i also have required lane change confirmation set to off because it's just easier that way it saves more time i would rather have the tesla do automatic lane changes without me confirming every single time and if i need to cancel all i got to do is just do a half tap on the turn signal and i leave the lane change notification to vibrate i don't like sounds so the less sounds i can have the better now while we're on the tesla screen i'm gonna pull up the web browser i want to quickly show you how to sign up for today's sponsor master works if you want to invest in art just like billionaires do but without the billions of dollars needed anybody can go onto masterworks and sign up quickly and start investing in art which is a great alternative to investing in the stock market because the stocks have been tumbling so far this year so if we go to andy sly it's going to bring you to my exclusive signup page where you can skip the wait list because a lot of people are waiting to sign up for masterwork so if you click on skip waitlist and here you can just enter your information and sign up it's going to take you directly into the investor profile where you can put in how much you want to invest so let's say we want to invest 15 000 it'll show us how much we could potentially have with the amount of money we're investing and we'll do invest immediately and the next step is what really separates masterworks because they offer membership interviews to schedule a call with the r experts and investing experts at masterworks and this is what the dashboard looks like when you're in master works you can go in here and look at each individual offerings for example here is a gerard richter and its initial offering is 8.9 million dollars and of course you can invest whatever amount of money that you would like historical price appreciation or similar works 16.7 you can look on the investment thesis which will bring up information of why we like this painting it gives you a lot of blurbs here about why this is a top selling artist so if you want to get started in investing in art with masterworks click the link in the description below to use my link and skip the wait list thanks to masterworks for sponsoring this video the speed limit this is an interesting one because you can set it to a fixed offset so if you want to go five miles an hour over speed limit no matter what the speed limit is you can set that to fixed however what i do is set this to percentage and i found that 12 is like the perfect offset now the automatic blind spot camera the feature that they just released when you automatically shows the side repeater camera when the turn signal is engaged i definitely have that turned on and of course i have blind spot collision warning chime turned on safety first speed of warning just have it on display like i said i don't like sounds and alerts so anytime i can turn chimes and stuff off i will lane departure avoidance is set to warning and then i have all of these safety features turned on the locks are important too this is where you can actually tie driver profiles to certain smartphones so for example my wife whenever she gets in with her phone when it detects her phone bluetooth it automatically sets her driver profile same with me if i get in the car with my phone it'll set my driver profile because it's tied to my phone i do have walk away door lock you definitely want to have that enabled what that does is automatically lock the car when you walk away with your phone in your pocket based on the bluetooth and then car left open notifications i love this feature i have it set to doors and windows because if you walk away from your car if you leave it somewhere in a parking lot you'll actually get an alert on your phone through the tesla app if you leave a door or window open display that's pretty simple as well everything's set to auto so that when the sun goes down it automatically turns to night mode vice versa if the sun comes up it automatically goes to the light mode now i will say that i was a big fan of having the energy display set the distance i've changed that to percentage now just because i don't really need to see the distance only on long road trips is when i prefer to to see that uh the cool thing is is if you want to quickly change it you just tap it up here on the top bar here so the trips here's your trip meter there's no settings in there to change however what i do recommend is to save one trip as the life when i first got my car i just set that one trip to life and i don't mess with that and so i can always see my total energy and average energy over the lifetime of the vehicle next up is navigation and this is where you can set the navigation volume because a lot of people don't know that you can actually turn the voice off for me i kind of like to hear it at just the smallest volume so what i do is i change the navigation volume all the way to the lowest setting but you can also turn it completely off so that it doesn't talk to you at all it's only visual uh navigation and steps on the screen itself if you don't want to hear that voice to interrupt your music or your podcast or whatever trip planner definitely have that on so that it adds supercharger stops to your trip when you're going on a long trip so it automatically guides you to the supercharger stops when necessary online routing of course turn that on it's going to find the optimal route based on traffic conditions and of course i avoid tolls and use hov lanes because the benefit of electric vehicles is you should be able to use the hov lanes in an electric vehicle in most places i believe so that will help you along the way on road trips as well safety definitely allow mobile access so you can manage your car from the tesla app which will actually go into the tesla app right after this and i'll show you my settings of that as well sentry mode definitely have that turned on that's one of the best perks of having a tesla is it can constantly record video surveillance whenever you're not at it so captures footage but i have the sentry mode to automatically exclude my home and work and my favorites because you'll notice that even if you have your phone in your pocket and you're approaching your car it's going to trigger sentry mode and you'll get a constantly the flickering of the lights and then it'll start recording even though it's just you dash cam i set it to auto and on honk so this is very helpful if you're out and driving and something happens you want to quickly save the event to your dash cam you just tap on your horn and it'll automatically save it joe mode is very helpful what that is is it will lower the volume of certain alerts so that it's not completely so loud and it disrupts your family for example that's why it's called joe mode i definitely have that turned on i love that feature and if you want to be super secure you can turn on pin to drive and glove box pin and it will allow you to set a pin number for anybody that has to uh once who wants to drive the car will have to enter that pin number to drive the car or get into the glove box with that pin number and cabin overheat protection this is big for energy savings i have that turned off i prefer to just vent my windows in the summer well obviously you're going to use more energy with that turned on what that does is automatically trigger the climate control if the interior gets too hot and it'll turn on the air conditioning and you'll lose range so i prefer just to kind of vent my windows because you can do that from the app which is really helpful i never really needed cabin overheat protection so turn that off if you want to maximize your range and lastly you have software update preference set that to advanced if you want to get these software updates as soon as they are released or as early as possible change that to advanced and hopefully it'll give you the software updates a little bit earlier than most people and last but not least the mobile app has a settings page as well first of all if you want calendar sync turned on that is very helpful because if you have meetings your calendar and your tesla will automatically sync to your calendar on your phone and you can click on the calendar meeting if you want to drive somewhere and it'll automatically route you based on that address that you have saved in your calendar which is really awesome but if you want notifications notifications really like the only one that you go in here and set definitely want to have car alarm turned on uh charging notifications i always have charging interrupted turn on i don't really need to know if charting started or completed but definitely want to know if it's been interrupted and of course i always have notifications for a new software update so you know when a software update is available and then if you want to know if your cabin and your car has been heated to the temperature or cool to the temperature that you set it it'll give you an alert saying pre-conditioning is complete which i have that set to on that is pretty much it for my settings if this helped you out at all make sure you give it a thumbs up and share with others who you think would find it helpful if you want to see more tesla and tech videos in the future make sure you subscribe to my channel my name's andy thank you for watching i'll talk to you in the next one
Channel: Andy Slye
Views: 468,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model 3, tesla model y, tesla news, tesla settings, tesla software, tesla software update, tesla autopilot, tesla fsd, tesla model s, tesla model x, tesla plaid, model 3, model y, model s, model x, tesla cybertruck, tesla settings screen, tesla battery, tesla charging, tesla efficiency, tesla app, model 3 settings, tesla model 3 settings, tesla model y settings, model y settings, tesla 2022, tesla delivery, new tesla, tesla new update, tesla tips, ev
Id: 25NToLCPZf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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