17 Tesla Model 3/Y Hidden Features You NEED To Know!

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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the my Tesla Channel my name is Jeremiah and in this video I'm going to be going over 17 hidden features slash tips for the model 3 and model y that every soon to be new or existing owner should know and know this video is not going to show you for the 10 000th time all the voice commands to open your charge port door the hidden features and tips in this video you're actually gonna care about I guarantee you'll learn a thing or two after this video especially the last few so let's first start off with the HVAC system this one is pretty well known but we're starting off small most people when trying to turn on or off their heat will bring up the menu then press the power icon but did you know that you can actually just long hold the fan icon to instantly power on or off your HVAC system okay now for something a little more spicy have you ever wondered what would happen if your Tesla hit zero percent while you were driving well the answer is nothing sort of at least every newer Tesla or ones that were made within the past few years come with a three kilowatt hour buffer at the bottom once you reach zero percent now depending on your efficiency this can be anywhere from 10 to 20 if not more miles that you can travel a better way to tell when your car is actually about to die is by looking at the region and consumption bar most people have seen the dots on the region side when region is limited due to cold weather being charged to 100 or whatever it might be but these dots will also appear on the consumption side you essentially have until these dots reach the middle of the bar before your Tesla actually dies and even then it won't actually die as if it actually died that it never turned back on but you just won't be able to go any further now speaking of those dots in limited region within a recent update Tesla added an option to merge your friction brakes with regen once toggled on if region is limited the car will merge them together that being regen and your friction brakes to bring you to a stop seamlessly that way you can still will fully enjoy one pedal driving even if the battery is super cold next up we have autopilot Lane changing if you're like me and didn't think full self driving was worth the fifteen thousand dollars Tesla was asking for it then this means you need to change lanes manually but you might be doing it wrong when you want to make a lane change instead of disengaging autopilot turning on your turn signal changing lanes then turning off your turn signal and re-engaging autopilot do this with autopilot still engaged turn on your turn signal doing this will decrease the amount of wheel turning Force required to disengage autopilot then start changing lanes you will hear the car beep once telling you that autopilot has been turned off but adaptive cruise control is still active this means the car will maintain its current speed as you're changing lanes it will slow down and speed up for traffic all without you having to touch the pedals once you're in your lane double tap down on the stock to re-engage autopilot doing this will automatically turn off your turn signal speaking of autopilot did you know that while it is in gay aged you can tap the speed limit icon to automatically set your speed to whatever the speed limit is building off this almost everyone knows the slow scroll for one mile per hour increments and the quick scroll for 5 mile per hour increments but did you know that while you're on autopilot if you use the accelerator to manually speed up you can quick scroll to immediately increase your speed to your current higher speed next up is going to be your trunk height some people know this but most people are doing it wrong if you're ever in a situation where you don't want your trunk opening all the way do this first open your trunk and let it open all the way then pull it down to your desired height then press and hold the trunk close button the one located on the inside until you hear it beep now every time you open your trunk it will only go to that height I've seen some people quickly pressing it at whatever height they want the trunk to stop and then pressing and holding the button but you don't need to do that just pull it down now let's dive into the phone app real quick there's a lot of things that this app can do and one of my favorite things is the quick controls most people only have 4 more quick controls but did you know that you can actually have five go into editing mode and drag your fifth desired quick control to the far right whenever you see the highlighted section appear just outside your screen release congrats you now have five quick controls also thought I'd mention that the fifth quick control does indeed appear in the widget now speaking of quick controls with one of the latest Tesla software updates you now have the option to unlatch your driver's side door via the app this is very helpful if the door handle were to ever fail on the driver's side door or if it was iced over last thing about the phone app and this isn't really for the Tesla app but more for your phone itself go into whatever normal Maps or navigation system you use so Google Maps Apple Maps Etc find the destination that you want to go here you will see the Tesla icon click it doing so will send the address to your Tesla and it will auto populate in your car's navigation this is a very very handy feature no matter how good Tesla's in-car navigation system is some people are still going to prefer to look it up on their phone next up we have proper supercharging etiquette we've all heard that if there are enough stalls open that we should never be parking next to someone this is true and false if you're going to a supercharger that is labeled 150 kilowatts otherwise known as a V2 than my previous statement is correct this is because stahl's share power the Stalls are labeled in pairs so 1A 1B that's a pair 2A 2B that's a pair 3A 3B that's a pair so on and so forth if someone is parked at 1A and no one is parked at 1B then the person at 1A will get the maximum power that their car will allow or the maximum power that the charger will put out but in that same scenario if you were to pull into 1B it would then hard split the amount of power being output down the middle so both occupants would get a Max of 72.5 kilowatts it used to be priority so whoever plugged in first would always get more power than whoever plugged in second but that's since been changed so only only ever park at the same stall pair as someone else if there's already at least one person at each stall pair now if the charger that you're going to is labeled 250 kilowatts otherwise known as a V3 then throw everything I just said out the window they don't share power you can park wherever staying on the topic of supercharging if you're on a road trip or you're just trying to be fast stop charging to a hundred percent or the top part of the battery for example 20 of your battery is going to take you the same distance no matter what part of your battery it comes from so either a hundred to eighty percent or Thirty to ten percent but what is different is the charging time going from 80 to 100 is much much longer than going from 10 to 30. when the trip planner in your car tells you that you can continue your trip it's strategically calculating the furthest supercharger you can get to with the lowest state of charge upon arrival and this is because like I just said you charge faster at a lower state of charge stopping more often with faster charging trips will always beat stopping less often with longer charging trips now I do understand overcharging when the car predicts your next destination arrival state of charge at less than 10 percent so it's completely fine to charge up an extra five ten percent just in case but anything over that and well you're kind of just wasting time okay now let's hop into the driver's seat did you know that you actually do not need to fully stop the car and press the brake to change gears as long as you're going five miles per hour or less you can shift from drive to reverse and vice versa this is very handy for quickly backing into places three-point turns and a lot more staying inside the car let's go ahead and take a look at your screen most people use the screen by just tapping on whatever they're trying to do but did you know that some things on the screen actually have swipe gestures instead of tapping left or right to control your HVAC temp press and drag left to right volume is another one just drag left or right though the volume is mainly for the past Cinder as the driver has the little scroll wheel now the navigation also has these gestures if you have your home and or work address set you can just swipe on the nav box to immediately navigate to those destinations the car can also tell where you're at so if you're at home swiping right and down will take you to work and vice versa if you're at work swiping right and down will take you to home now most people are aware that you can change between battery percentage and Miles by just tapping it but did you know that the battery reading it tells you is extremely inaccurate and shouldn't really be used except for two specific use cases the miles it displays is your EPA range or what Tesla thinks you'll get under their testing conditions 99 of the time you will never get what Tesla thinks you should get under their conditions because their conditions are different than your conditions so having inaccurate information up on the screen is just pointless the battery percentage however is accurate or at least much more accurate than the miles the only time miles should ever be used is if you're charging to a hundred percent and want to compare what your EPA was versus what it is now to gauge something like degradation but even that can be extremely spotty due to all the different factors that are going into play the other reason would be comparing it to your estimated range for a gauge on your efficiency speaking of estimated range this is the range that you should be looking at this can be found by going into the energy app set it to the last 30 miles and it will tell you how far you should go based on your last 30 miles of driving this one is much more accurate now let's hop back into the trunk real quick if you're ever in a situation where your charger is stuck in the car and the car is unlocked go into your trunk and look for a strap pulling this will manually release the locking mechanism for the charger if you've never had to use it it will probably be tucked away but it is there okay now let's talk about something that I have seen tons of misinformation on whether that be on forms other Tesla YouTubers so on and so forth it has to do with that alleged parking brake and you're going to want to listen up a lot of people know that if you hold down on your Park button located on the gear selector your car will make some clanking sounds and a red P will pop up on your screen everyone that I've seen talk about this says that it's engaging your parking brake so engaging all four breaks making them tighter or whatever this is false whenever you're driving down the road and you press your brake pedal this is applying your front brakes then whenever you come to a stop and put the car in park this is applying your back brakes Tesla's do not have a normal parking gear that you would find on normal internal combustion cars they can only park by engaging brakes if you were to hold the parking button down on the gear selector while in park the only thing it's going to do is disengage your back brakes and re-engage them this is why some people hear a weird weird sound and they think that it's applying all four brakes or tightening the brakes or whatever it might be they're used to only hearing the back brakes engage when they go into park or disengage when they come out of park but not both back to back at the same time so yes holding your parking button down while parked is pointless because your parking brake is already engaged that being your back brakes the only time that you should hold this button down when parked is if you get a pop-up on screen telling you that your parking brake functions have been degraded this message could be caused by a bunch of different things but just to make sure that your car is actually in park because remember Tesla's only really are parked when their back brakes are engaged hold down the button to disengage and re-engage but that is still not the holding down the parking buttons main use case its main purpose is if your front brakes fail you can't just Coast it and you need to stop if that ever happens just just press and hold the parking button to engage your back brakes this will bring you to a stop very quickly now if you're going at higher speeds it's probably not a good idea to immediately have these engage and bring you to an immediate stop so you're going to want to slowly decelerate you can do this by pressing and holding multiple times back to back to engage disengage engage disengage engage disengage until the car slowly comes to a stop the amount of Tesla tips and tricks videos that I've seen that get this completely wrong is mind-boggling it's literally a use this in case of emergency only life-saving feature and they're getting it wrong I'm gonna have a video linked below from another YouTuber that actually goes out and tests this that I highly recommend you check out Okay so we've made it to number 17 and no the last hidden feature or tip is not telling you to subscribe so you don't miss out on more content or to go check out my store it's to read your manual please fun fact almost everything that I've talked about in this video can be found in your manual like for example that life-saving emergency braking in the manual go read your car's manual it can be found in your car it can be found in the glove box section on your Tesla account just read it please but those are 17 hidden features slash tips that every model 3 and model y owner should know about some more important than others but still let me know down the comment section how many of these you knew and how many of these you didn't know also if you have any other hidden features or tips to add then comment those below as well now if you are new around here and you do want to see more Tesla related content like this video then feel free to subscribe I'd appreciate it don't forget to drop a like if you enjoyed the video or for the fact that I wait till the end to say all this subscribe like share all that stuff feel free to share this video with people that you think will find it useful and I will catch you all in the next one peace
Channel: Jeremiah Jones
Views: 281,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla elon musk, tesla model 3, tesla model y, tesla hidden features, tesla model 3 hidden features, tesla model y hidden features, tesla model 3 hidden features 2022, tesla tips and tricks, tesla model 3 tips and tricks 2022, tesla model y tips and tricks 2022, tesla secrets model 3, tesla secrets model y, 20 tesla hidden features, tesla cool features, tesla phone app features, tesla autopilot features, model 3, model y, model s, model x
Id: lvN4jplAOac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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