Tesla Setup Guide for 2023 Model 3 & Y (BEST SETTINGS)

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welcome back to the my Tesla Channel my name is Jeremiah and this is a video that I've been meaning to make for a while and well I'm finally doing it how to properly set up your Tesla we're going to be going through all the settings what each setting does which ones you should enable just a full Deep dive now even though this video is for the three and why if you're in an s or x a lot of the settings are going to be the same you're just gonna have some additional options so throw this video up on your Tesla screen while you're adjusting your settings it's gonna be a long one and let's get started also thank you to Masterworks for sponsoring this video but more on them later so I do want to go ahead and mention that we're not going to be diving into like every single app there'd just be no point for me to show you a deep dive into the Spotify app or the phone app we would be here forever if I did that and secondly there are some settings within the car settings that are super self-explanatory that we're just going to be skipping so if you see me skip around that's why or skip past something think it's because it's asking you what language you would like to use or something which you can decide for yourself on that one you don't need my help so the first thing you're going to want to do before you start messing with literally anything is to make sure you are in your actual profile you can click on the top part of the screen or if you're in the settings it'll be in the settings menu as well and you'll see here that I currently have an easy entry make sure that you're in your profile also I do want to quickly mention the map a lot of people when they first get the car their map will be North always up I don't really know anyone that likes that unless you're just used to it if you want to change it the top right you can select and if you see an in with an arrow and it's like a dark circle then that's North up if you tap it again then the car the front of the car will always be facing up I recommend that to most people if you're coming from a car with Apple carplay Android auto all of them default to your car facing up um so if you're having problems with that that's how you change it also I do run the satellite view instead of the maps view uh I just think it has better contrast I used to run the maps view but I eventually changed it I just prefer the satellite view now last thing before we dive into the actual settings that's going to be your bottom row of apps this has been updated and changed you could before change like what apps are at the bottom but you have a little bit more flexibility now so in order to change the apps that are in the my apps section just push and hold and then you'll see that you have the ability to click and drag apps down uh but you will also notice right here that I have my seat heater no other app can go here so calendar it would just go into my apps uh rear defrost that can't go there either it is only your seat Heat if I try to put the steering wheel nothing so just remember that only the seat heater can go in this special little uh section right here and I don't have anyone in the right seat but if someone was in the or the passenger seat uh the right one would pop up down through here as well you can only have a Max of five apps in the my app section and you need to at least have one recent app I don't know why Tesla does that I would prefer to have no recents and just have all of my main apps because majority of these apps I don't ever use and there's four or five that I use constantly The Big Three that I would recommend would be your music service of choice so Spotify title or apple music Apple music was recently added the backup camera and your energy graph okay so with that out of the way let's actually go ahead and dive into the car's settings the first screen that you're going to see when opening up the car's settings in the bottom left by just clicking the car icon is going to be your controls page now this is kind of confusing because every single control in here can be found either deeper in the settings or by doing manual presses on your stocks or whatever it might be this is more of quick controls it's what Tesla thinks that you would need in a pinch I'm not really going to talk about any of this because like I said it can be found deeper into the settings the only ones that I will quickly mention is going to be your headlights so right here you can see off parking on auto auto high beams over there if you were to pull the left stock in those same settings appear down here and you also have a setting for fog lights turn it on or off and then same thing for wipers wipers if you push the button on the left stock those settings come up as well down here one last thing if you're ever wondering if your car is properly recording whether that be the actual dash cam recording while you're driving or Sentry mode you can just look here and if you see a red dot then that means it's recording I currently have Sentry mode off we'll talk about why later so now getting into the first kind of big settings like You're Gonna Fill This if you start changing it it's going to be pedals and steering and your first selection within there is going to be acceleration now every car doesn't matter if it's a base long range or performance has chill mode chill mode essentially takes your power and cuts it in half now your second option will depend on what trim you have so whether it's a base I believe they're also making a standard Range model y uh Long Range model 3 Long Range model y if you have those then you're going to have standard if you have a performance you're going to have sport unless you have a long range 3 or a long range y with the two thousand dollar paid acceleration boost upgrade then you're going to lose the standard option and you're now going to have sport you cannot have chill standard and Sport I've been asking for people I've been asking for it we don't know why Tesla doesn't allow it but they don't most people that I know will run their car in the highest setting whether that being standard or sport you paid for the whole accelerator you might as well use the whole accelerator the only time that I actually use chill is if it is really bad out so like snow slush ice on the roads this car has great traction control and all Teslas do assuming you have good tires because it doesn't matter how good your traction control is on your car if you don't have good winter tires then it literally doesn't matter but I would notice that I would only lose traction coming from a standstill because all that instant power instant torque going to the ground would cause me to start spinning so I do use chill if the roads are really bad out but besides that I'm always in sport and back when I owned my long range I had it always in standard next option is going to be steering mode most people use standard I do use sport just because you know it's a performance version and I do like how there's little slack in the will when turning that's essentially all it is it's just how much do I need to turn the wheel for the car to actually turn the lower it is the more slack you need to put into it the higher it is or the more toward the sports setting the less you're going to need to put into the wheel next up we have stopping mode and this is where true one pedal driving really comes into play now it doesn't matter whether you choose creep roll or hold the car is going to regen all the way down to about five miles per hour the best way that I can explain this is that if you're coming from an automatic ice vehicle so a gas car uh you probably are going to be used to creep where whenever you let off the brake pedal the car starts slowly creeping forward assuming that you're stopped uh roll is if you were in a gas car that was a stick or a manual it's kind of like neutral and then hold is true one pedal driving where when you let off the accelerator you don't need to press the brake the car will automatically break like I said all of this only really matters down to about five miles per hour because all these settings are going to act the same you're going to get the same amount of regen you can't change how strong the region is you used to be able to it used to be a setting right above stopping mode but it no longer is and what I will say about this is that if it's your very first time like if you're driving it home from picking it up and you might want to go with creep just because most people are coming from automatic gas cars if you're coming from a stick then I guess you could do roll I've never actually used roll but you can do that but I would really recommend just diving right into the deep end right into hold essentially once you get down below five miles per hour the car will continue to slow and then once you hit zero you'll see a little H pop up in the top left corner where your speedometer just was and that will mean that the back brakes on the car has engaged to hold you and then whenever you press the accelerator they disengage and you go you can essentially drive with one pedal like this I would say it takes about a week to get used to if that and a few weeks to a month to fully Master it next option is actually going to be a new Option and that's going to be apply brakes when regenerative braking is limited we can go ahead and pull up you all can see exactly what it says now I've actually had some experience with this during the last cold snap that we had um my battery was too cold to fully regen so this was kicking in and how you know it kicks in is that up here at the top right now we're charging but if we were driving you know you have your regen and your uh consumption bar whenever you're whenever it would be region and you'd have the green and then you would see gray come out of it and that's essentially the car trying to blend your actual Brakes in with regen it is it's pretty good right but there is a hiccup there whenever the Reel brakes engage because you'll slowly start you know decelerating and then you'll kind of feel a little like it's not that aggressive but that's kind of what it feels like the cars and then it'll be smooth again but I do keep this on I do like it ever since turning this on I never get dots on the left hand side on the region side which is an indicator that your battery is cold or that you're at 100 I never get dots anymore so I do think that if you have this on you just won't get dots anymore because you know there's no need for them to tell you that your region is limited because your rail brakes are kicking in because you have that setting turned on I do recommend turning this on now before we get into the next section I quickly want to go into the browser to tell you all about the people that made this video possible Masterworks now it's pretty promising to see Tesla stock Coming Out Swinging this year but with the recent price cut Fiasco semiconductor shortages and all the bad press well it's gonna be a long road back to those pandemic highs because well we're still down over 50 percent from a year ago but what if I told you that there's another Market that's still seeing gains in fact it's up double digits and even elon's an investor because over the last 26 years this asset class has outpaced the S P 500 by 131 percent and experts are predicting its total value as an asset class to grow to 2.6 trillion by 2026. the asset class being fine art and well thanks to our friends over at Masterworks you no longer have to be a billionaire to invest Masterworks is a fintech platform based in nyc's financial district and they've changed the investing game by paying out tens of millions of dollars in total to their investors in 2022 alone some of that to you all and Masterworks isn't slowing down because their last three sells delivered net returns of 10 13 and 35 percent to people like us it's no wonder CNN CNBC and the Wall Street Journal are raving about them they've performed so well that there's actually a wait list for their platform right now but with the link in the description you can skip it so make sure you check out Masterworks it's an opportunity that we cannot afford to ignore in this climate next up we have it charging and I'm going to be up front and say that you should not adjust your car's charging limit in the car itself you you can't get you know accurate it's you know if you pull it like it doesn't tell you like what percentage you're actually setting it to um just do that in the app after that you have charge current at this location don't ever touch this the car is automatically going to do it based on what you're plugged into and then finally in this section we have scheduled departure and scheduled start charging you can use this I personally do not I tried to get this to work I wanted it to stop charging at a certain time and start charging at a certain time I just didn't want it charging during my on Peak and there is an option in there to actually if you switch to scheduled departure you hit schedule then you hit settings you'll see that you have an off-peak charging option you can turn it on down here oh you have to turn off schedule charging it never worked for me like it never ever worked it would still charge whenever I told it hey like this is my on peak time so I eventually just set up a third-party app testify I tell it when it can and can't charge and it does it like clockwork I'm always charging during off-peak I this is kind of a mess down here next up let's go ahead and hop into the autopilot setting now depending on what your vehicle has will depend on what you see in here if your vehicle just has basic autopilot then it's going to look just like mine if your vehicle has FSD it's going to have more options if your vehicle has FSD and beta it's going to have even more options but a majority of people they don't buy FSD or they don't get beta most people just have standard autopilot make sure your auto steer is on this just makes it to where the car can actually go into autopilot and will start steering for you next up is full self-driving visualization preview this just gives you all of the fun little Graphics when your car is driving showing other cars showing the lines all that good stuff turn that on there's no point to have it off next up we have set speed now set speed you can either whenever you engage autopilot you can either have it immediately go to the speed limit or you can have it do your current speed so I know for example when I first got my Tesla I did not like the fact that if I was in a 55 and I was kind of speeding up from a 30 I wanted to engage it first make sure it was good and then manually turn up the speed now that I've gotten used to it I'll just have it set to the speed limit so this means if you're doing 30 you're in a 55 you engage autopilot it'll immediately bump you up to 55 and the car will slowly start to accelerate now you can also apply and offset to this so let's say you have an offset of plus five and you're in a 55 whenever you turn it on it's going to allow the car to go up to 60. if you're on the percentage side because maybe you do a plus 10 or you like to do a round 10 over maybe you don't want to do 35 and a 25 right that's a lot worse than doing you know 80 in a 70 right because 25s are normally like school zones and stuff you don't want to be speeding there so a percent offset is actually can be a little bit better right because 25 plus 10 you're doing roughly 28 miles per hour which is a lot better than 35 but when you get up to 70 now you're doing 77 which is pretty close to 80. so I actually personally do use percentage and I use about a plus 10 offset next up we have automatic blind spot camera I do recommend you turn this on it just means that whenever you turn on your turn signal it will pop up and you can actually move this around so right now I have my left turn signal on so it's showing the left side of the car you can move it down here you can move it up here move it over here and get rid of it by pressing the X turn that on blind spot Collision warning time I'll let you go go ahead and read that essentially if you're leaving your lane and you're about to hit something it's just going to start beeping at you I recommend leaving this on next up we have speed limit warning I see a lot of people they don't talk about this because they don't know how it works so I'm going to tell you how it works if you have it off nothing's going to happen literally nothing if you have it on display what this means is that let's say that you're in a 55 right and you're doing 50. the little speed limit icon that's uh up right here it's going to kind of be gray as if it's in the background and then the second assuming that your offset is zero right the second that you start going 56 it's going to brighten up and get more white it's just going to get brighter and that's what that is it's like hey now you're speeding of course if you have it on a offset of plus five then in that same 55 uh it's not going to brighten up until you get past 60 because now it has an offset of five now you can also have an absolute which I don't know why you would run absolute because let's say you have an absolute of 50 miles per hour it's always going to brighten up on you if it doesn't matter if you're going 60 in a 70 right because you have a absolute of 50 miles per hour I don't run that one I run relative uh and I normally run a plus 10 so it's only going to get brighter if I'm doing 10 over it's like hey you know you're already speeding speeding you should probably slow it down uh Now chime I Big Challenge right here I challenge one of you all to do a week on chime with a plus zero offset I I you're not gonna last it beeps at you and it's very loud and it's very annoying so I don't recommend you run chime but you can if you'd like and then finally we have Ford Collision warning I set this on early I want to be notified as soon as possible as early as possible like hey like you're about to rear-end someone uh Lane departure avoidance you can either have it off warning or assist assist is where it's going to like the car is going to put you back in your lane uh warning is where it's just kind of going like beep at you like hey you're leaving the lane I recommend running assist but you can also run warning if you'd like next up we have emergency Lane departure avoidance turn that on automatic emergency braking of course turn that on obstacle where aware acceleration if you're not from if you're not sure what this does theoretically if let's say you're at a stoplight and there's a car in front of you and let's say you go to reach in the back for something and your foot accidentally goes to the floor like just pedal to the metal it should theoretically stop you from moving I'm not going to test it personally but I have read stories and instances about this saving people's butts because you know they were in front of a wall and they accidentally stomped their accelerator and the car's like oh nope can't do that so I'd recommend leaving this on next up we have traffic aware cruise control chime this is relatively new within the past year or so essentially whenever you double tap down on the stock to go into autopilot if you were to instead do only once instead of twice for autopilot you would enter a traffic aware crew cruise control or tack it used to not beep at you so a lot of people would think they're an autopilot but they're not they would be in traffic wear cruise control so the car wouldn't automatically start steering this happened to me a bunch so it is really nice that now whenever you push down only once or you mistakenly go into traffic aware cruise control instead of autopilot it's only going to be one so it's like hey like you're not an autopilot because autopilot's two beeps so I recommend leaving this on and then finally green Traffic Light chime I'm so happy that they bought this out of FSD this used to only be an FSD feature which never made sense to me because if you're in FSD it doesn't chime at you anyway like if you're in beta it just automatically goes on a green light so this was only ever viable if you were driving manually but thankfully that it's now here in standard autopilot it gets included with every car essentially whenever you're at a red light and it turns green if you don't move after about a second it's going to ding and then if you're sitting behind a line of cars and the car in front of you moves up a bunch as if hey the light's green you're not paying attention it's also going to ding at you so I really recommend you leave this on the dings aren't annoying or anything like that it's just a nice subtle little sound now hopping on into the lock section this is where you can just pair your phone uh pair your key cards this is also where you can have your child box set so you can either do off both left or right window lock same thing it just locks the back windows um of course I don't have children I don't have a reason to have my back windows locked so I leave those off but you know if you will walk away door lock I do recommend leaving this on essentially just get out of the car walk away it automatically locks you can exclude home uh driver door unlock mode this was recently added essentially uh it will only unlock the driver's door upon the car sensing that you're close enough for it to automatically unlock this is nice if you're kind of like someone that only you know you only drive by yourself and you don't want all the other doors unlocking for maybe safety reasons you can turn that on and if you do turn that on and you need to unlock your other doors once you're inside of the vehicle just press and hold the driver's side door button and it'll unlock the rest of the vehicle and then next we have unlock on Park um if it's a safety concern you might want to turn this off but whenever you go to exit the vehicle it'll automatically unlock anyway but if that's something that you don't want on you can turn it off I leave mine on next up we have Carl left open notifications of course I would want this you probably want this as well and you probably want it for doors and windows you can exclude home I personally don't but you can lock confirmation sound yes you want this on you're walking away from the car you're going to be listening for that beep that it does whenever it locks so I recommend leaving that on and close windows unlock this might disappear over the next coming months I know that the nhsta the National Highway Traffic and safety administration uh they are currently looking into this if it's unsafe I do recommend leaving this on unless maybe you have something hanging out your window you're you know packing stuff around you might want to turn this off temporarily but besides that I do like to have it on and then finally we have the MyQ connected garage as you can see it cannot connect my mic account mine's been extremely buggy but once you tap this for the first time it'll pop up with a QR code you scan that you log in on your phone you link your Tesla account then you go up here and instead of saying forgot garage location it will say set garage location you just essentially park right in front of your garage you set it and then you can have it auto open when arriving you can adjust how many feet you need to be be before it starts Auto opening Auto close when leaving which never worked for me personally but you cannot adjust that I believe it's a 20 or 30 feet distance once you're out of your garage and then Auto fold mirrors which is kind of weird because I already have my mirror set to Auto fold within the actual control settings but you can also have it done here and then you can also turn on a chime to chime on auto open and close I really recommend that because if you're like pulling out of your garage and then re-backing in to adjust your garage might start closing on you and you would want to know because it just beeped at you so I do recommend turning that on next up let's go ahead and get into lights I'm not really going to be talking about Headlights uh you know you have your on parking off an auto I leave mine on auto I recommend you do too you can have your front fog lights on or off dome lights I have these on auto so essentially anytime I open the door the like physical lights the four physical lights in the car those will Auto turn on and turn off but you can have them manually on or off via here ambient lights I really do recommend leaving on the cars very dark at night like even with a screen if it's in dark mode the car is very dark this essentially just makes it to where the footwell lights stay on and the side door cubby lights stay on in the front and the back I personally really like that next up we have Auto turn signals this is actually a new option that was just released and it's fantastic the S and the X had this uh the new refresh ones because they don't have stocks essentially anytime that you put on your turn signal and you complete a lane change the car of course can tell that hey you just changed Lane so it's automatically going to turn your turn signal off I really recommend that you enable this then finally we have Auto high beams of course headlights after exit and steering wheel lights I leave all these on headlights after exit you might want to turn off I just personally like it because if I'm getting out somewhere dark I would like to kind of see where I'm going and my headlights will stay on for a minute after the car has been closed and locked and if you're wondering about steering wheel lights that's really just the two little arrows next to your scroll Wheels now hopping into display I do recommend you leaving on auto essentially as soon as the cabin senses that it's too dark it'll put it in dark mode if it senses that it's too light it will put it in light mode and then brightness you can adjust I just leave it on auto I do recommend just leaving both of these on auto and then the final thing I want to talk about is going to be energy display now you can change it in here right from percentage to distance but you can also change it by tapping percentage or distance next to the battery you all know how I feel about this there's no point to run distance it's extremely inaccurate it's your rate range and not your estimated range your rate of range is how much Tesla thinks you should get based on their testing conditions but their testing conditions are not your actual driving conditions so if we were to switch to distance as you can see it states that I have 168 miles but if we were to go into my energy graph and then we were to set to average range in the past 30 miles as you can see with my past 30 miles of driving how I'm driving I'm actually going to get 135 miles and of course I'm going to continue to drive like that it is pretty cold right now but they think I should get 168 so it's just blatantly inaccurate information if you have it set to percentage that is much more active of course it's never entirely accurate because of like BMS calibration and all that stuff but that is much much more accurate and you know I can understand running distance when first getting the car but after a while just start treating the battery percentage it's kind of like a gas gauge right like you know if you're on a if you're on three quarters of a tank that's essentially 75 percent you're eventually going to start realizing like how much percent you're going to use driving to work it's you're eventually going to get used to it and percentage is much much more accurate hopping on into trips with the recent holiday update you can now add these two cards so if we were to scroll over here you can see cards you can have up to four uh displayed in cards so if I was to display winter Wheels as you can see I can't select anything else but I can have up to four displayed and I believe you need at least two I think you can only yeah so you need at least two in the cards I normally just run current trimp since last charge and then odometer there's not really much to do in here the only thing that I recommend doing is at the very bottom one go ahead and change that to Lifetime especially when you're first picking up the car and then never reset it as you can see my odometer is 2897 Miles and my lifetime is 2987 miles and so throughout the entire life of this car it has used um 848 kilowatt hours and with an average Energy Efficiency of 293 Watt hours per mile next up getting into navigation this is where you can adjust the nav voice the voice that talks to you now you actually this isn't the only way to adjust it whenever it starts speaking to you like you're in route and it starts speaking to you before it stops if you were to quickly scroll up or down on the volume wheel you can also adjust the volume there I personally like to leave mine at the lowest setting or the third setting up so it's still pretty low because I still want to hear it but I don't want it you know completely drowning out my music because your music will lower itself a little bit so you can actually hear the navigation next up we have automatic navigation I know some people don't use this I personally use it only for the calendar events so you can sync your car with your calendar via your phone and then if you have an appointment or something in your calendar you get in the car around the time it's time to leave the car is going to automatically navigate you there you don't even need to put it in I find that very nice some people also use it for home and work but I mean you probably already have a certain way that you get there you don't need the car telling you next up is going to be trip planner you should 100 have this on because if you're not going to make it to a destination uh the car is going to route you to a supercharger you want that on then we have online routing this is just going to find the fastest possible way to actually get to your destination then you can set a how much time you need to save for it to reroute to a different route and then of course you have avoid various tolls and use HOV lanes I don't have any of that stuff around me but if you do you can turn it on accordingly now getting into safety this is where you're going to find a Sentry mode dash cam allowing mobile access all that good stuff Sentry mode of course leave it on you want that you can exclude homework or favorites in case you don't want it draining battery I personally do exclude home because I am in a garage with a camera in the garage so I don't need Sentry mode but you can adjust that as you see fit but I really do recommend turning Sentry mode on uh camera based detection of course leave that on disable Sentry sounds um I've never heard the car make a sound but I do know that they make sounds when Sentry mode activates and it doesn't since the phone is close enough so if that's annoying you can turn it off live view Via mobile app if you would like to view the car's Sentry mode like a live feed you need to turn that on I do recommend turning it on next up we have dash cam now I do have mine set on manual so the only way that I'm saving a dash cam remember dash cam is different than Sentry mode Sentry mode does its own thing it automatically saves all that good stuff as long as you have it on dash cam is while you're driving so mine's on manual I used to have it on Honk but for where I'm from it's custom to when you're driving by someone's house that you know to honk at them right hopefully that's not just me um so I was finding a bunch of just random them Clips on Honk so I actually switched mine to manual so if you are on manual then just going into your controls hit the recording and it will save and that's how that works or that's how manual works if you are in Auto then it will automatically save Clips if it thinks that there's a crash detected and of course on Hawk I've already talked about that I personally use manual but most people I know use Auto and Hawk next up we have allow mobile access of course you're going to do this um if you don't then you literally can't control your car from your phone which is like one of the best reasons about having a Tesla now we have pin to drive and glove box pin um I highly highly recommend you use pin to drive I mean when you're out and about you're probably not taking your keys out of your pocket for someone to potentially steal but if someone sees it you have a Tesla and you know your phone's just sitting on the table they can quickly swipe it and run out to your car start it especially if they know start it especially if they know how they work and they can just drive away so I really recommend you have pin to drive I know a lot of people are like but people that are in my car can't see my pin well it's like well you're not hiding your PIN from your friends because your friends aren't going to steal your car and if that's a possibility you should probably get different friends um it is more to stop just complete random strangers saying oh he has a Tesla 99 of people have a phone key set up I'm gonna steal his phone because that's much easier than stealing his keys which are always in his pocket and then I'm gonna go steal his car I highly recommend you have pinned to drive set up glove box pin that's completely optional I personally do have mine set up because whenever I'm going whenever I pull in somewhere I always take my radar detector down leaving a radar detector up it's just a great way to ask to get smashed and grabbed and I put it in my locked glove box same thing with my firearm if I'm going into a building where I just cannot legally bring it I will put it in a locked glove box next up you have speed limit mode so if you're letting your 16 year old son borrow your Tesla for prom night you can enable speed limit mode so he's not doing 130 on the freeway next up we have cabin overheat protection leaving this on will drain more battery if you're out in the hot sun but it will also keep the cabin from getting extremely hot I don't recommend having it uh below 100 because it'll just keep taking on and keep using it G I do recommend setting it to 100 if you are going to leave it on if you do set no AC then it's just going to I believe vent the windows uh but yeah you can turn it off if you do have it on I recommend having it at 100 and then our final option is going to be security alarm you can't turn that off park assist Chimes I don't think 2023 uh cars without usss have this option but this essentially just makes it to where the car beeps as you're backing up it's like hey you're getting a little too close to this hey you're getting a little too close to that it just helps you out Joe mode was made because some guy on Twitter named Joe was complaining that the beeps were too loud and they were waking up as kids so if you turn this on it's going to make all the Beeps in the car quieter and then finally you have your parking brake parking brake I've discussed this before it's actually just your normal brake going into park it's not like all four of your brakes are engaging or something this is in case you want to do it via the screen you can also do it via the stock I've talked about this before and then finally power off which you should never really need to use unless you having a technical error or something on the screen then you can use that service mode there's nothing really to do in here the only reason you you should really use this is in case you need to see your entire PSI which you can also do via the cards at the bottom remember you do need to drive about a quarter of a mile for it to start reading your PSI and it will also tell you your recommended cold pressure cold PSI for your front and your rear getting into software there's nothing really to do in here either exclude turning on software update preferences or switching it to Advanced I should say there's been some debate whether Advance actually does anything or not I had both my long range and my performance in advanced my long range never got updates my performance has gotten every update essentially as soon as it comes out so I you can leave it on Advanced if you'd like if you really want to get those software updates but those are the settings what they do and what I personally recommend now if you have anything else to add that I might have missed or you have any further questions then drop a comment down below if you're new around here and you want to see more Tesla related content like this video then feel free to subscribe I'd appreciate it drop a like if you enjoyed the video as it really helps out the channel catch you all in the next one peace
Channel: Jeremiah Jones
Views: 89,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model 3, tesla model y, tesla 2023 model y, tesla 2023 model 3, tesla how to setup, tesla how to set up, tesla model y best settings, tesla model 3 best settings, tesla setup guide, tesla new owner guide, tesla new owner tips, tesla tips and tricks, tesla settings deep dive, tesla settings walkthrough, tesla settings to change, tesla new owner videos, how to setup tesla model 3, how to setup tesla model y, tesla model s, tesla model x
Id: 6DEidAoQpA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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