TEENS READ ANNIE96 IS TYPING... | Creepiest Texts Ever (React)

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(silence) - (FBE) Today we're gonna have you read a transcript of a viral chat conversation. - Oh my god, what? - I think of, like, a Vine or some sort of meme. - Is this, um, annie159 or something? - It sounds scary. I don't know what it is. I'm kinda scared to read a viral conversation, 'cause the internet is a scary place. - "While playing around with WhatsApp, I stumbled across a weird chat history between two people I didn't know. It scared the hell out of me." - "When I tried to find it again, the app crashed and kept crashing." This scares me, 'cause what if it's an actual ghost or something? And he's gonna get mad, 'cause they're reading it. - It sounds like it's so bad. When he said "WhatsApp," I was like, "Oh, shoot." 'Cause that's like Kik. - Yeah, WhatsApp is always sus. - Annie96 said, "You asleep?" Double question mark. - Mcdavey goes and says, "No. Guess you're not either." - "No. Guess you're not either." P face. - (snickers) - Annie96 says, "It's can't." Dot-dot. "It's the wind." - "Sounds like cats fighting. What's your excuse?" Tongue sticking out face. What? - Mcdavey says, "Studying." Sad face. That's the same vibe I get when I study. - "So that's what they call porn now?" Oh my god. - A third colon-P. Why aren't they using emojis? - "Annie, what the fuck?!" - (laughs) - "Not denying it?" Oh, she is right. - I'm typing. - "Mcdavey is typing." - "I still can't believe what Johnny did today." - Okay, so he's curving her hard. - Oh. - "Me neither. That boy has issues." - What the fuck? Johnny isn't even there to defend himself. That's just messed up. - "WTF? The wind's so loud. That doesn't sound normal, LOL." - "No wind over here. Just rain." - They don't live... - Near each other. - ...near each other. - No. Can be close. - So she's trying to vibe him over message, and they're not in the same town? - "Lucky you. I need my beauty sleep." I do. - "Damn right you do." Wink. - Oh, no, no. That's not a compliment. He just dissed her. She's like-- "No, you're ugly. You need this sleep so you can get prettier." That's-- that's messed up. - "Shit, I think I heard footsteps on the gravel outside." ♪ Dun, dun, dun! ♪ - "Get your crazy dad to check it out." - Is this supposed to be, like, a horror thing? - "I'm home alone! The fam are on holiday, remember? I told you this!" - Oh, mcdavey. He's slipping. He can't remember nothing. - I'm gonna be mad if a little ghost face girl jumps out at me when I get to the end of this. - "Really? Till when? We should hang out." D face. - Now he's sending the mixed messages, 'cause he's saying he wants to hang out. Also, where did Johnny go? They talked about Johnny for like two lines. - It's Johnny! - It's freaking Johnny. - "They really sound like footsteps, but there's something odd about them. I should look out the window, but my bed is so warm." - "Sure you wanna look out the window when you're alone? What if there really is someone there in your garden, looking up at you?" - "Not funny, David." - "Gonna check. BRB." Oh, she fucking dead. - She's gonna come back and be like, "Dude, it's a bad guy!" - She's dead. - "If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood..." - Who ya gonna call? - (both) Ghostbusters! - "Annie96 is typing." - If they say, "Ghostbusters"... - "David, there's someone in the garden!" No! - "What? Really?" Seems we're going for an unexpected turn. - "YES. I can see a man's back." Then call 911. What are you doing typing David? - "He's... looking for something on his hands and knees in the bushes." What? - Wait. So is it-- - Mcdavey's typing. Hold up, dude. - What? - He's got to get lit. - "Ha-ha, he must be high." Dot-dot. "Probably looking for his drugs." He and I think on the same level. - "David, this is serious! What should I do?" - Why did she take two minutes to respond to that... - Yeah, what the hell? - ...if she's in distress? - This guy is stupid. "Nothing." Question mark. "He'll probably go away by himself." - With a smiley face. - I know, right? - It is him. He's gonna kill her! - "OMG. Now he's digging with his bare hands. He's gonna ruin the garden." - "What's he look like?" - "David, WTF? This isn't funny." Is it you? Is it David? - "How are you doing that?" It is him. It's him. It's him. It's him. - "What are you talking about?" - "Annie96 is typing." "I can see that it's you in my garden. How are you writing here without touching your phone? Look up. I'm by the window. Can't you hear me banging on it?" Is she dumb? - It's not. - Obviously it's not him if he's-- stupid. - Ooh, this is some ghost stuff. - "Fuck, Annie. Now you're scaring me t--" What the? - "Fuck, Annie. You're scaring me..." What? Okay, the screen just jumped. - Is this-- - "Fuck, Annie. You're scaring me too." - No! No. - Do you see that? - This is fake, right? The screen just glitched. - "Fuck, Annie. Now you're scaring me too. I'm definitely not in your garden. That's not me." - "Stop playing around. I can see your face. And you're wearing that stupid football jacket you're..." She spelled "you're" wrong. I hate that. "...you're so proud of." - He's wearing a football jacket! - "It must be someone who looks like me. Honestly, Annie, I'm home. I wouldn't play around like that." - Oh my gosh. This mcdavey kid is hacked. 'Cause the girl saw him. - "It has to be a friend of yours, David, playing a sick prank. How else could he be wearing your jacket?" - He could've let him borrow it, like, "Hey, homey, I'm cold." - "There are loads of jackets like that. My friends don't look anything like me. You just have me on your mind." - Okay, David needs to stop fucking around. - Annie's about to die, and he doesn't realize that. - Andy's literally about to get murdered. - Okay, can we just come to the conclusion that Davey's a fuckboy? - Yes. Thank you. - "He's digging again." "Fucking leave already!" What is that? Four? Three? Three exclamation marks. - It's getting crazy. - "Annie, do you have a gun in your house?" - What if he convinces this girl to shoot the guy in her garden or something?" Like, my god, that's insane. - "Don't be stupid, David. I couldn't shoot anyone." - "You don't have to use it. Just show that you're carrying." - "Annie96 is typing." "Doesn't that jacket have your name on the back?" - "Mcdavey is typing." "Yeah, the team all got one with their name on it." - "I can see your fucking name!" Oh my gosh. - That didn't occur to him. "Oh man, I got my name on the back. Maybe I should just put some duct tape over it or take another jacket." - "What the hell is this, David?" She's gonna die. - "Fuck, he's seen me!" - "Why is he smiling like that?" - Dude, what the hell? - "He's coming." Why is she so-- Wah! What is hap-- why does it keep glitching? - Something's wrong. Okay. Oh, now he gets a good idea. - "Call the cops." - No shit, Sherlock. - (singsong) "Annie, pick up." - Oh no. Did I die? - "I've called the cops, told them there was a break-in attempt at your place. They said they're on their way, but it'll take about half an hour." So they definitely live far away from each other. - "It's in the house. Can't talk. I have to be quiet. Lights off. I'm in the closet with a knife. Hard to type. Shaking too much." He needs to call the cops again. - It's interesting that she said "it's" in the house instead of "he's" in the house, like she was saying before. - "Fuck, fuck. Hang in there, Annie. The police will be there in 20 minutes." - Why's the police so far? - "Do you know where he is?" - I feel like it should take them half an hour to get to the house. - "No, I grabbed the knife when I saw it running toward the house, and I got in the closet when I heard it breaking in." - See? She already fucked up. You do not go underneath the closet. You go underneath the bed. - Horror movie 101. - "Oh God, it's calling out to me." (dramatically) Annie96. Annie96! - (chuckles) - "It doesn't sound like you, David." - "Its voice is so deep." "Filling the house." "Filling my head." - "Annie96 is typing." "Come out, Annie." Wait, wait, wait. I swear to God, this is like a creepypasta story. - It's saying, "Come out, Annie." - "I just want to look at you"? Ooh. Mm-mm. - "Annie96 is typing." Stop. "Have I gone mad, David?" - "Have I gone mad, David?" Yeah. "Is this what that feels like?" I feel like maybe she is just crazy. - "Just 10 more minutes, Annie. Keep it together. You are so strong. You will get through this." - "It's coming up the stairs but so slowly. Irregular steps." - "Why does it look like you, David? Why you?" Double question mark. - "I don't know, Annie! Please believe me." - Mcdavey's a lying piece of shit. He's like, "Nah, fam. I ain't there. I ain't there. But my jacket's there. It looks like me, I'm there." - But she says it doesn't sound like this. - No, no, no. This is it. I gotta sell it out. He's got a bot on his computer with ready-to-go sentences correlating to her. - "Can you make it stop?" - "I would if I could. I promise you." What is this kid supposed to do? - "It's at the end of the hall." - "David, I didn't say anything to my parents when they left." - "Is this the last time that I'll see them?" - "Annie." - Just "Annie." - "Annie 96 is typing." "This has something to do with you, David. Only you can make it stop. Think fast." (scoffs) What? - "I DON'T KNOW, ANNIE. GOD, PLEASE." - "Please." Tripple dot-dot-dot. - She hit him with the ellipses. It's real. - "It might be... because I think about you so much"? "I think about you all the time." - "So stop." - (laughing) - What?! Why would she say-- - "I don't know how." -"I don't know how." - "It's scraping something on the walls, getting closer. Please, David." - "I'm trying. I'm trying so hard." - She needs to not text him anymore, because obviously he's thinking about her. - She is typing. "It's slowing down. Try harder." - "Whatever you're doing, it's working." Whaaat? - "It's stopped. I can't hear anything." - "Really? Don't go out yet. Stay put until the police get there." - "What should I tell them if he's gone?" - "EVERYTHING, Annie. EVERYTHING you told me." - "I didn't know you felt that way about me, David." Smiley face. - I am done. - She just took a pause about this whole crisis. "Oh, I didn't know you think about me like that." - So now, in the face of a murderer, she's getting all happy. Ugh, okay. Continue. - Huh? - "Can you come over in the morning, David? I really need to see you." Smiley face. (sighs deeply) She thought she was gonna get murdered or something. And the next thing, she's like, "Oh, I didn't think you felt that way." - "Of course, Annie. I'll be there." - "Great! Can't wait!" No, no, no, no! This isn't Annie! - Oh, you're fucked. He's fucked. - This isn't Annie. Like, as soon as that line... - "Annie..." - ..."Come over," I knew that wasn't Annie." - "Annie..." dot-dot-dot. - Wait. - "Annie. How do I know this is you?" - Oh my gosh. Is it not even her? - "Annie. How do I know this is you?" - It's not her, you dumb-- - "Annie96 went offline." He's dead! - "Annie went offline." - That's it? - Is that it? - He actually did get her and killed her and took the phone and was writing him, "Can you come over tomorrow?" so he could kill him to get rid of the evidence. - I feel like this is fake. This is some, like... you know, some 30-year-old writer, like, (gruff voice) "I'm trying to type like a teenager. They use emoticons. - This had to have been over four years ago. Because if it was nowadays, it'd be a tweet thread. - I thought it was real up until the, "There's someone in my garden." And then I was like, "All right, bye." - Come on, it's WhatsApp. The scariest possible thing is like, "Hey, girl. Send me some nudes." - (laughs) - Thanks for watching us read "Annie96 Is Typing" on the React channel. - Don't forget to subscribe for new videos every week. - Bye, guys. - Hey, guys. I'm Zach, a producer at the React channel. If you liked this episode, then make sure you let us know in the comments. (distorts) That's-- that's weird. What's this? "Come out-- come outside." Okay.
Channel: REACT
Views: 5,958,378
Rating: 4.8577642 out of 5
Keywords: annie96 is typing, annie96, creepiest texts ever, typing, scary, text, creepiest text ever, creepypasta, creepy pasta, whatsapp, TEENS READ ANNIE96 IS TYPING... | Creepiest Texts Ever (React), reaction, react, reactions, reacts, Try not to laugh, laugh challenge, laughing challenge, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, FBE, laugh or grin while watching this, try to watch this, viral, comedy, react gaming, kids versus food, do they know it, staff reacts, lyric breakdown
Id: 61E1JxkHVwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2017
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