Teen physically assaults his own father! | The Quinn Family | FULL EPISODE

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it's time to just calm down and be firm with his children you're gonna hurt yourself they don't recognize when to stop sometimes all right that's enough oh before I know it David's got a scratch on the side of his face that his son's given him and he's not even said anything about it you got a scratch on your face yeah he brought ice me already yeah and there's Casey feeling good because he's done that to his dad freak is a ball you will break nobody instead of that deal with the situation he laughs everything off so then he becomes a good cop she's the bad cop and mum's fed up with it [Music] well this week I'm in Amherst New Hampshire so let's take a look at the family that needs my help hi we're the Quinn family I'm Gina mom David dad and we have four children Cali 16 Casey 14.10 get your head in the toilet or else and Carly is nine I'm a chiropractor I'm a personal trainer right now I'm an amateur competitive bodybuilder usually when the kids are home I'm home I told her not to mess with me [Music] should be on he's a wonderful wrestler but clearly Casey is the most aggressive child we get very nervous because we're so afraid he's gonna hurt somebody Casey will punch shove he will wrestle oh so we've got a big man in the house now have we sorry all our kids are swearing in a language is unacceptable it's just unbelievable to us but that's where we're at look at that costume has become so common in this household that nobody even bats an eyelid [Music] I behave sometimes like one of the kids then they don't understand that there's a point where enough's enough Corey no no no no no no no no no no no no we are having a heck of a time trying to educate them on that line these kids just don't take you seriously when I come home they say things that I think they know are gonna send me in an outbreak get downstairs and finish up or the deal's off the feeling like when I walk in the door I don't even want to be here that's not a good thing so I'm spending more time at the gym it's been very difficult to just have some quality time with the kids and with the family well it would be nice if this family just came together and spent some good time with one another no it's not fair we feel like we are at a total loss I feel like we're putting a Band-Aid on a pretty big wound no please hurry well I know I've certainly seen enough enough is enough I'm on my way to help [Music] hi pleased to meet you I'm Joe Frost I'm Gina Quinn hi come on in thank you hi pleased to meet you Joe how is 10. this is Callie hi Kelly pleased to meet you Joe how are you good how are you I was introduced to the children and they were a little bit in the shop that I was actually there in their own home okay Steve pleased to meet you and what's your name really I can't even pleased to meet you Hi how are you nine nine okay when I saw Joe for the first time I thought she's gonna be a really nice person and she's gonna help us where's Dad dad's working is he okay so what I'm going to do is today I'm gonna hang out with you guys as a family so don't mind me doing what you would normally do okay I definitely was not intimidated [Music] not long before I was in the house I saw mum having a discussion with regards to chores yeah I know and I told you you are you can be in Direct Control of how much money you earn right so they get paid to do the chores we've decided that if they had some chores to do they can earn the money these children are learning but anything they do has a price tag attached to it I don't think that's right if you look at their room it's just clothes all over them all right so much for that for making your bed tied in around like maybe a dollar a dollar if you're so cheap we can't go anywhere if we're making two dollars well you know twenty dollars a week is enough yeah well making your bed separating laundry cleaning your room come on how much do you think you should get paid to do it like at least five dollars into your room well I was quite taken back by this take your clothes off you put them in the hamper how big a deal is that separating laundry okay it's a little bit more time consuming getting kids to do house chores can be pretty challenging but actually negotiating a price tag for them is ridiculous [Music] cleaner room if it's not your room you don't go in there it's our room to maintain the home right now I'm responsible for the entire house and when I ask you guys to do something The Barrage of of verbal abuse that I get is unbelievable after haggling over a price to do chores I saw exactly how harsh Casey can be with his brother and sisters get out I need to use this Corey Corey put his head inside a wash basket that Casey wanted stop and give it back to me if Corey's goofing off and not doing what Casey thinks he should be doing problem arises [Music] I feel like Casey Casey I mean a lot Casey pinched his neck and mocked it all up just keeps on pinching my neck see I didn't do that put them in there you know a little rough housing can be okay but Casey has certainly stepped over the line here I'm pushing down because then he takes it he puts it on his head the physicality of the children's Behavior has gotten to the point of being dangerous how do you pinch his neck [Music] the boy's full and then mum went off straight away to run an errand the question was would it all start to kick off again I need to run out by myself sometimes I have to run a quick errand and leave the kids home alone and I am fearful that while I am gone something will escalate I do say a comment I'm gonna punch you in the freaking head yeah completely ass back so why don't you just leave it because you guys start stuff I just get really annoyed sometimes that I just can't control it anymore throw this out to your head kick you so hard when Casey has his attitude on I think oh God I better just stay out of this you're an ass I don't care I choose to yell and Shout at each other they choose to react very quickly this is how they've been conditioned to communicate with one another and that's caused a great lack of respect don't touch that no you weren't going on she got to the computer and she's on stop it [Music] you have to come home mom when mum arrived home later I wanted to ask her about her competitive bodybuilding I mean I was interested so for you would you say it was a challenge that you set yourself and the reward and the achievement of it makes you stand six foot tall and feel really proud of that yeah I'm very proud of what it's personal growth for you yeah a year and a half ago I got introduced to competitive bodybuilding I am hooked and I am looking forward to my second competition do you feel you have as much satisfaction at home at the moment uh with the family no it is so hard to admit that I am not enjoying my family right now and don't want to be there because I feel so unappreciated for what I do do for them I'm so upset that I've I've withdrawn myself almost for survival just like so I don't totally explode and break down and I just kind of block it out after speaking to Mom on you that I needed to work on making sure she could emotionally reconnect with her children I don't want to look back and say oh my gosh the kids are gone I didn't enjoy any of it and and it's over hello Lammy chops I was hoping that when Dad came home he would restore order and discipline and be the solution instead it was the problem you're in training months I don't think catch a dog Dip's a very playful person he laughs a lot you're awake I saw you you know he's a really happy go lucky chap but I realized this constant smile stayed on his face [Music] even when his children started to misbehave laughter seems to be just a natural response and it's very misinterpreted by the kids no no no [Music] there's ranked on it he just doesn't see when it's time to just calm down and be firm with his children you're gonna hurt yourself no they don't recognize when to stop sometimes all right that's enough oh yeah I know it David's got a side of his face that his son's given him and he's not even said anything about it you guys to go out on her face yeah he brought ice me already and there's Casey feeling good because he's done that to his dad freak is a ball you will break no but instead of that did with the situation he laughs everything off so then he becomes a good cop she's the bad cop her mom's fed up with it hey Carly I'm gonna have dinner there can you pick up your I've had a really good day today it's been really interesting just hanging out with you all we are not perfect parents and we probably never will be perfect parents but we need to be better parents get some sleep greatest fear is that behaviors that we see now will escalate into behaviors that we will no longer be able to control good night good night thank you bye-bye these kids know what they need and their parents are not doing it for them so when I come back tomorrow to talk to them I'm gonna have to lay it down straight [Music] the first thing I want to talk to you both about is discipline and your lack of consistency when did you both make a choice to not follow through on the discipline you had placed in the house what are the rules what is it I mean it it varies day to day that's I don't think we've sat down shouldn't vary I know but they do we don't want them swearing at us that should remain consistent this is my point you know just now I bring up what's the rules and you're like well they vary and well they shouldn't but fundamentally you guys should have spoke about rules and conduct if we don't address what needs to be dealt with we're going to have kids that are going to spiral out of control and it's bad now agreed Dad let's talk about yourself you know you've got a great personality you are Sunshine but there comes a point when your kids are smacking you in the face and they're being rude to you and you're like I'm like what is he doing there's a line you've got to draw the line David it's hard to feel where that line is I mean no you know it oh trust me David I know you know when Casey was roughhousing with you and you guys were wrestling they got to a point where your face went serious for a minute and that is when you should have turned around and said to him hold on a minute Casey that's enough now instead you just blew it off last but not least less concentrate on yourself here Gina sad when I hear you turn around and say I'm discouraged I don't really want to spend time with my kids well that is sad I don't feel I'm not happy to admit that it's just somewhat true right now because the behavior that's displayed on a regular basis is not enjoyable but if you're not doing anything to change that canceling out that behavior that we see how can you be the mother that enjoys being around her kids well I can't successfully until it does change it's not that you don't want that though is it no [Music] I don't have to make some changes and I want to obviously I wouldn't be here the Dave always reminds me they're going to be gone and you're going to look back then you're not going to feel very good about the fact that you didn't enjoy your kids I don't want to I don't want that to happen what we need is togetherness what we need is a family growing bonding with one another emotionally connecting I want Focus effort perseverance and I want you guys working together as a team okay we're in yeah okay let's go foreign house rules so that both mum and dad can be consistent in forcing discipline your mum and dad now are going to talk to you with regards to those house rules so that you're fully aware of what's not acceptable in this house okay the first thing is no hitting each other I realize we're gonna wrestle around a little bit and play but there is a line and we constantly go over it and I'm looking at you yes I'll get that Mark on your face you gave it to me the other day yeah that's right son yeah what you mean yeah that's what I said hi hi Casey felt really proud that he had wrestled his dad down to the floor very aggressively without listening to his dad when he said stop and I just realized that Dad has given his son mixed messages so I wonder why it's chaos upstairs you know you know the the stuff that you do in the ring when you wrestle it's the stuff that you do as a sport there is a line when you know when somebody says stop that's enough that you respect that and I want you guys to respect what your dad's saying because let's face it your mum and dad are in charge here what's another household Gina well um I think from verbal abuse amongst each other is just as painful as their physical abuse that's house rule so I think we all want to get on the same train right we're all going in the same direction which is I'm I'm pleased to say my dad had established the house rules what I did was give the kids a chance to voice their opinion about how much they want discipline as well come and take a seat next to David Gina I had the kids use balloons so as they were telling their parents what they hadn't enforced in the past they realized was full of hot air parley you say something to two people and then it what you let one person do it and not the other Casey you don't follow through with punishments like when you said when you were leaving for New York and you said anybody that misses school will be grounded and I was about to miss school and you wanted to ground me and then Cali missed school and you didn't ground her my parents just it's full of hot air they just they'll say one thing and completely switch it about it [Laughter] dad started to laugh and found it highly amusing you guys always make rules that I can't go places and that Casey Canada and it's always different the rules are always different between the two of us oh from a minute can you come with me please I I'm really frustrated because I'm in there helping this family really sets some boundaries and some strong discipline for the aggressive behavior and there I am watching one of the parents not taking this whole thing seriously so I pulled David aside and took him upstairs so I can have a really firm word with him do you want to be in a place where your son muscles up to you at 16 and says let's have it let's go no how do you want confrontation with him no do you want your daughter pregnant at 17. because she couldn't come to you absolutely no they felt like a Schoolboy going to the principal but I understand and recognize that it had to be done I can't continue to be the jokester all the time your kids need a dad year who can take them seriously and not laugh at everything David's in this situation because he wasn't good at laying down firm boundary lines and holding his place as the father of this house and these kids in turn have got no respect for him I have a small amount of time with you and if I need to put my foot on your backside and say let's take this seriously then I will so if he wants change he's got to realize that he can be this goofy dad but he's also going to have to be firm at times as well and I'm going to make you proud of yourself as a father when you and I are done all right trust me okay go out like two movies and Casey wants to go out too and he gets to go out and I don't felt better so they know how we feel when they don't follow through so when you're inconsistent with discipline or when you set something up and you don't follow through so I get the point Joe was trying to make is that we've let the kids down and they're calling us on it [Music] the next day was all about teaching Casey to respect the word stop whether he's at home or on the wrestling mat simple as that what I want to establish here knows no enough is enough when you're back home when you're messing around and you're goofing around remember that you're having fun and you're enjoying it but the same time when no is no it's no one enough is enough it's enough Casey needs to realize that even though he obeys the rules when it comes to wrestling at school he needs to apply the same when he's at home but he got too rough with his brother sometimes when I wrestle with my brother I don't feel comfortable I think okay she goes after me and hurts me I stepped in and I took Casey aside and I said to him instead of being his bully why don't you be like his big brother who we can look up to and be his mental shame how to use his grip properly so that it benefits him good teaching Casey well done Corey what's Corey could trustee's brother again I need you to work on Casey respecting the word stop or no and it took a while but he began to make progress I think if I used to just discipline that I have when I'm training for a match like at home I think that would be good because I'll I'll be a good kid [Music] stuff huh all right so look I'm pleased with what I've seen here today because I've seen a lot of control on this map we can still have our fun we can still play but we have to have a healthy boundary there Casey I think has really understood that very clearly you might just have to kiss him [Music] when I resumed a teacher the next day it was down to tackling house chores not only do these kids do know house chores but they're trying to extort their parents to pay a high price to do them paper I don't think you should get two dollars for tidying up your bedroom it's your bedroom look after it and there are chores that you're going to be doing in the house it's got nothing to do with your money because these chores are mandatory your parents to write down the chores that they expect you to do and then you can show visually here when you've done it I think it's gonna be very effective because there's no misunderstanding about what has to be done and it's also going to relieve me of having to harp on them [Music] I made it very clear to the kids that they will not be paid to do house chores that's mandatory however they will be given the privilege to have pocket money every week but there is a Twist these boxes are to measure your swearing the swearing the cussing the name calling it's not appropriate behavior it's rude it's disrespectful the older kids can get up to 15 a week and the younger kids five dollars a week but they gotta mind their tongues so you do have the privilege of having your pocket money weekly but if your parents hear your cusp you're gonna lose 50 cents every time you do it we lose 50 cents when we're swearing and stuff and like we do swear a lot I do want follow through if you hear the kids pass in and swearing I want you to come straight over here and you're going to keep tally of how much it is so you can remain consistent every week family don't spend any time together because they're so busy being combative with one another so it's important for me to take them out so that they would spend family time together and do something adventurous so listen I'm glad you're all tugged up I can see you've got all good boots on you've got gloves coats on which is good it's winter it's cold and I'm not an outdoor kind of girl we are here today spent some family time together and enjoy our adventure my plan was to take him on a great big hike so that they would work as a team and start to trust one another however 20 minutes holding a map and a compass Mom and Dad managed to get the whole family lost why are you going over there I'm just looking for marker six maybe it's here no no that's still north yeah and we still have to go East let's stop for a minute and let's get in control where are we let's get our compasses out look on the map Gina and let's get our Direction okay so we hold this thing out we look at our map through the woods to number six going Southeast once this family did finally they pulled it off all right now you're talking all right let's go each family member had a chance to be the leader to use the compass in the map and they did really well together as a family yeah so it looks like there's a field on the other side of this Cali and Frank because Cali's leading us look build a fire right it's not to be what do you think the queen family made it to the end of the hike where they then started to build a campfire and we started to relax a bit let him strike it he can he can strike it good design Corey just rest your feet for a minute good job guys done I love the way that you kept communicating with one another I'm expecting marshmallows and hot chocolate at this point you know we had a long day and we're all a little bit tired and it didn't go that way so tonight what we will be doing is spending the night in the cabin house I immediately looked at my wife and she was beside herself you know I've seen a ghost I know Mama's I really wasn't happy about it at all that's his shot did you want to take a look yep [Music] I shot the whole family around the dormitory so that they could realize there was no electricity there's no TV and there's no phones as you will see there are sleeping bags there are lanterns there's this stove which keeps the cabin very warm actually Mom are we talking yet or is it in shock Kelly I don't know that's really the last thing I want to do is sleep in a cabin all right now I'm going to show you through to the kitchens yeah after the queens were familiar with their surroundings add a few words of advice that I wanted to give them before I left for several days remember the techniques that I've been put in the house you know I kind of looked at myself and said what the heck are we gonna do what I would love to do is to collect your cell phones from you so have fun enjoy tonight and I will see you in several days when I get back and see how you guys done bye-bye bye I think Jill felt that we had been Guided by her through the day and now it was time for us to come together as a family you have a choice to make up well Cali had a breakdown it's okay to be upset and mom's pretty upset too you know I want to go I don't want it we weren't ready for all this nobody was nobody knew about it here it is you gotta decide to make the best of it how do you make the best of it here we are I think it's kind of fun it's not fun all right so that's your choice you've made your choice it's been three days since I've seen the Quinn family I'm a little bit curious to see how they got on spending the night in that cabin first clip that we're going to look at is the cabin clip and we're going to take a look at exactly how you guys did yeah [Music] [Applause] wait first I have to explain it this when you hit twice you reverse it start over it now okay [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] let's go guys it's time to go home yay okay guys I get the shower first I called second I'm going in my shower I think we made the most of it some of us had a little bit more trouble with it than others but I think we got through it okay you did well done when I left I heard a young girl crying to see her come around like that and realize I've got a choice here I can sit and not enjoy this experience or make the most of it as she came around because you guys chose to have a really positive attitude in recognizing the importance of what you were doing there and that spending time together I'm really pleased that you did that I really am sorry no you're not supposed to be on the computer you know your time is up one of your criticisms to me and to Mom was we are not consistent we never follow through correct yeah let's go I know you do why can't I just go on a computer why don't I just say thank you dog for listening right there right there no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dad no no let me see on the computer okay we have no stop dad you're being such a okay stop thank you okay all right let's stop you right here thank you dog it's like you know what let's just how it's just be tight yeah it's you and like not at this stage wrong time to be playful and Gest with your language you made a very clear point that he was on that computer his time was up he shouldn't be on it now and let's go and you should have turned around and giving him a warning you should have said to him you're smart mouthing me and that's disrespectful let's take a look at the next clip hey now you can clean that one too soap and water since you decided to sip out of it it's fine no soap and water shut off simply ask you to clean the cup that you decide stop pissing everyone again sorry you feel that way no one freaking likes you Mom okay was he angry where do you need to go up in his room chill out what did you just teach him that it's okay to react to me that way you're not saying to him you need to go up into your room because this conversation is over at this stage you've lost your temper you've got to knit this Behavior you've got to take care of it your kids need you to be firm okay they need parents who are in are you guys in yeah okay today no messing around okay it's hardcore we go in and we deal with what we need to deal with today all right okay so let's get started we don't have time to waste all right so pocket money where are we what's our allowances I am ready to see ching ching ching ching it was payday in the Quinn household and it was going to be interesting to see who was going to get paid the full amount and who was going to get paid less because they need to clean up their act it's a privilege however it was attached to the Sailor maps in this house every swear word used will cost these kids 50 cents off their pocket money put a zip across this think first Cali with a tally there are five knocked off so so that's two dollars and fifty cents off the 15. we owe you 12.50 I think that the last bars are a great idea it gives us some money for us for the weekend All Right Carly nothing I've had none of my allowance taken away Corey five dollars I'm due to get my full five dollars this week [Music] okay Casey hello I mean look at this it looks like a prison wall all right Casey it's a big change for me not being able to swear because that's what I'm used to 250 got five quid there another 250 here that's 750 750 eight and nine nine dollars taken off of fifteen leaves how much six dollars six dollars this week you guys are in control of the weekly allowance that you get all right now these kids know there's the price to pay if they decide to cuss so hopefully they'll do this so good stuff don't spend it all at once before I left there was one more thing that I really needed to do for mum so I came up with an idea to give mum the opportunity to become closer to her kids what I'm going to give you to house there are 18 windows to this house each day mum opens a new window that will help her I'm gonna start the first one today the first window write a message for the kids on their bathroom mirror and you're going to find that the more you open the windows of this house the more you're going to open the windows to your heart even though they're getting older I shouldn't have to be any less nurturing toward them because they still have a ways to go and they still need that from me so you can allow these kids in sane [Music] as high as mum's brick wall is inside she's all mushy and I know that she really does want to reconnect with her kids your kids love you unconditionally in the one I believe what a mother can give it's been really great having mum be honest and open with me whilst I've been working with her but I need mum to do that with her own kids [Music] it's been so long since I've extended these subtle little I love yous that I don't know how to do it anymore Joe had a show me she had to tell me what to do mum wrote on the mirror I love you more today than the day you were born and Kelly was the first to see that I've been very preoccupied and I take full responsibility for that and I need to show you not just tell you that I love you but show you that I love you okay all right okay so I love you I love you too one by one I had each child go up and look at the message that mom had wrote on the mirror I know you still want to just snuggle up don't you I haven't been too good at that have I I'm sorry this is what I'm thinking this is what I'm feeling and I want to tell you right now it was really hard I haven't gotten the very best of me I'm sorry I'm gonna try a whole lot harder [Music] I love you too you're a good girl well it's hardest for me with Casey [Music] sorry I haven't shown you and it felt great to reach out to Casey I think he was a little bit uncomfortable with it because he's just not used to that from me but yet I think he wanted to accept it from me make a real conscious effort with one another here because you have a very special relationship with the two of you it was very emotional and difficult but a huge breakthrough [Music] [Laughter] bring it in your little cherubs come here the journey has been difficult the journey has been necessary keep up with your allowances having Joe come in and touch Our Lives the godsend in the family is grateful and remember family time is important because what you guys gain from it when you all hung out and had some fun we decided to go camping tomorrow night I'm glad that joke came I think it really helped us you're more than welcome Joe has opened my eyes to so much that she has allowed me to be able to change and be the parent that I want to be keep going with it and keep talking I want to hear chat chat chat chat chat chat the queen family no doubt have proved that they're willing to do what it takes to reconnect with their family and that's what's important here because the love that they have for one another is going to carry them through the rough and the smooth [Music] we're a co-worker because she does I could not have imagined an outcome as awesome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 505,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supernanny, supernanny full episodes, super nanny, supernanny uk, supernanny full episodes worst family, supernanny megan, supernanny girl faints full episode, supernanny worst family ever, supernanny 2020, supernanny season 8, supernanny best moments, supernanny teenagers, supernanny madison, supernanny us, jo frost, extreme parental guidance, supernanny bedtime, supernanny mean mom, super nanny 911 full episode, supernanny autism
Id: D51CrFH1coQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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