These boys have no respect for women! | The McKeever Family | FULL EPISODE | Supernanny USA

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[Music] here in southern california let's take a look at the family i'm going to help [Applause] them stop that stop hunter me and he's dying and i'm lucy hunter is seven i don't wanna be alive anymore river is six what are you doing the main issue with river is river he's violent temper he's very violent come on now he's picking up heavier objects and i'm afraid river put that down now put it down put it down you don't play with hot iron put it down hunter is hyperactive he throws fits oh he just is non-stop aggressive i don't care i own two companies one is a recording studio i could work up to 60 to 70 hours a week basically i take care of the kids 24 hours a day so that's my life seems like mom's raising the boys here i think lucy sometimes has it easier how do you figure you don't have it hard i mean oh my god what are you nuts get your bogus ass up and start hopping watch your language heck hell diary poopy that's disgusting these parents should be doing something about that i have a second weenie in my weaning you're an idiot you two are so stupid i swear to god you guys are stupid how are your kids gonna have respect for you you've got no respect for them don't even kick me why are these parents not disciplining their boys you know what a timeout is right no there's no discipline in this house because nothing works if you throw that i'm gonna smack your butt all these empty threats and bribes your kids don't believe you it's just getting really bad i don't want to go shopping anymore cory wants to do stuff on the weekends i just say forget it go without me because i'm just so embarrassed please please just come we really need you yeah you're right you guys do need my help because this is totally unacceptable i'm on my way [Music] hi nice to meet you hi nice to meet you lucy come on in when joe first came in she had this look in her eye like lucy i'm not here to chit chat or be your friend i'm gonna be your warden where are the boys boys are in here what's your name red why are you doing that be nice as soon as i met the young boys they decided to attack me why are you punching me nice when rivers started attacking joe i just wanted to die i'm hiding in the play what's in my hand what are their names that's river in that time river and hunter so you've obviously got issues that need to be addressed oh very much so and we will get to the bottom of those trust me but today i need to look okay do you want me to give you a tour of the house first yeah okay i don't like them though here's there right now yeah stop it rip river no and we went upstairs and the boys were just going wild stop that now river river stop it riv no never stop it once again oh you're privates one day you don't say that it's rude river so after getting punched i thought what next and then the boy started throwing balls at me river all right river stop it i've visited a few families and been targeted and this was one of those families we need to beat out that lady no you don't i batted off a ball that came my way and as i walked down the staircase i braced myself thinking that i was going to have a big bouncy ball hit me in the back of the head river that's wrong i realized i was going to have to duck and dive a lot on this job be it that lady on the wing river do not talk that way i've dealt with plenty of kids that have had potty mouths but these boys were certainly let's say creative do you know why i'm here river yeah that's this spit these kids do know the difference between right and wrong behavior but nothing's been reinforced but there are no boundaries because it's not being backed up by discipline river you don't do that hey i'm sorry he doesn't usually disrespect women i i'm very sorry mum's desperate she's totally lost control of dealing with the boys and on top of it all she's mentally exhausted all right what would you normally be doing today while i was attempting to do their homework okay well i'll let you continue to do that then okay hey guys we have to do homework now [Music] homework time could have been a lot calmer what is this this is what a five looks like right there this looks like chicken scratch what is this supposed to be edgy it's not it's horrible you know you guys make the homework last longer because you take so darn long for mom it's all about rushing the homework and getting it done you're wasting my time look at that writing it's horrible you were an idiot come on i'm sure we've been on this page for 50 hours come on mom loses her patience do your homework enough and keeping them engaged seems to be a real problem we're not playing with toys right now after watching mum attempt to wrangle the boys into doing their homework i wanted dad to come home soon so that i could see if he did a better job in keeping the boys in line [Music] later that afternoon corey came home joe frost pleased to meet you very nice to meet you thank you for coming how the boys been today not on their best behavior that's for sure lucy told him how the kids had behaved and mom had asked corey to put river into a timeout let's go let's go in the room for timeout if you're not going to do it let's go in the room do not grab me there right now you're not helping do not scratch me river didn't want to go in and started to hit his dad start now stop it stop let me go and there was this full-blown fight happening between curry and his younger son was i really seen this i mean could it get any worse [Music] stop it stop river and his dad had been fighting for almost an hour and river had completely trashed the room but when corey demanded that river pick up his mess that's when things got really disgusting are you ready to clean back clean this room up you're not gonna come out river you're now you're picking your nose that's disgusting do not [Music] i'll dare you stop you're you're hurting me you're going back in the room and you're going to clean that mess up stop it river get up be happy too if you stop kicking me timeouts don't serve anything but trouble for this family you don't kick me instead it just validates how hostile each member are to one another it serves no purpose but a row in the house let go of that stop stop stop [Music] you're pissing me off this is why i'll just lay on i'll just lay down with him and i'll hold him cause this will be non-stop uh all day but i don't know what is in his head that he does that it just makes me look bad as a father this whole episode and take a look your son's just scratched on your neck out what got achieved here nothing i thought i fell nothing river don't even think about her she's here to help us why would you hit her i'll tell you that tomorrow river has a strong personality but he's been given enormous amount of power and control he actually doesn't know how to deal with that in a mature way because he's too young [Music] i think dad's zoned out i think daz just resigns the fact that he can't deal with anything anymore and he's detached himself all right let's go we're going up to bed emotionally he's is cut off he's been able to just detach and you're gonna get your pajamas on let's go lay down get in bed get in bed i'm done lay down corey get up here now hunter get in bed i can't hold him anymore i believe that corey is fully aware that if he doesn't change the way he's thinking and the way he's behaving that his children are going to be the sacrifice i mean what am i supposed to do i mean i don't know i just i can't say anything and they don't listen there's nothing i can do i mean i'm sure there's probably maybe something i don't know i don't know what i'm doing i don't know what to do anymore having seen enough for the day it was time for me to go because the quicker i could leave the quicker i could come back to sit down with his family and really discuss the severity of the issues that needed to be addressed [Music] the first thing i want to talk to you about is your boys their behaviour is disgusting yesterday i was kicked punched spat at they're cussing and swearing it was just an absolute nightmare i mean a nightmare i'm seeing things being broken things being thrown they've got no respect for their home but it doesn't surprise me because they've got no respect for the pair of you they've got no respect for anybody who's in it so why should they even respect their surroundings well i think i'm probably more to blame with that because i can't handle their behavior and you know i do bribe them with things look at the price you're paying for it you're not in charge i mean let's face it you're not in charge which brings me to the next point discipline discipline is totally ineffective in this house nothing is followed through you undermine one another they come at you aggressively and you pin them down aggressively you're grabbing them by the ankle i don't know what else to do homework it's done with impatience yeah it is done within patients and i will sit here for two three hours trying to get them to do homework and they won't if i had another parent here obviously we could each get help to me it's like okay you gotta get this done when she does their homework i'm not here it's done before i get home even if he's home he'll sit on the couch and i'm doing both boys and he sees me dealing with it and nothing's done this is not about who did what this is about you together you know i'm talking to you both as parents together the boys feel the resentment they're caught in the middle dad you detach and remove yourself from the situation because just choosing to do what feeds you leaves you in a place where you're not dealing with what needs to be addressed at home and that causes the hostility that grows between the pair of you they need you they need their father you need to be present so we're not giving up no so we're ready for some hard work i'm ready i'm ready let's go when i arrived the next day the first thing that i wanted to address was that these boys are not held accountable for what they do consequences for misbehavior and i feel reward when they're behaving well so i came up with an idea to do just that so what we have are some smiley balls here okay mum and dad you hold the bags that have the large amount of balls in there when they behave themselves they gain a ball and when they don't they lose one and based upon the amount of balls that they have in their fishbowl they're then given privileges to do the things that they want to so it's not taken for granted as you get more mom and dad are going to allow you to do the things that you want to do and a ball i have to be good these balls are to work for you guys right but the focus for these boys is for them actually adding them to their fishbowl i think with the privileged balls what joe's trying to teach us is that if you're going to get something in life you have to work for it with the privilege balls being set up for consequences for misbehavior it was really important now to lay down these rules so the boys would know exactly what was expected of them what's being placed up here rules behavior that we don't want to see otherwise it will equal discipline first one that's going up here not doing as you are told yeah what's the second one here name calling swearing not listening talking back anything that's aggressive that's striking out will result in immediate discipline i don't like the health laws i just don't because if you choose to do them you're going to end up with discipline because of what you want to be doing what we've heard we want to be doing fun things we want to be having fun we want to be able to go places that we can all enjoy and have a good time yeah but dad has a good time with us because he gets all right that's all he cares about curry he's looking at you what do you have to say and his dad just looked at him empty and he had an opportunity to turn around and say to his son yeah we're going to make some changes son excuse me boys one moment come on cory come with me please i had to take him into the bedroom and talk to him about these situations and i needed to do it away from the kids right now you look like a 13 year old you have one shot at being able to turn around and tell your boy that you know what it's not all i care about now don't walk away from me and don't walk away from this because your kids need you they're gonna bring more into your life than you ever imagined i was actually really pissed i don't want people to see me in this light i've been hiding all my life and here is a time now there's a chance millions of people could see this all you're thinking about is yourself you are selfish and now i am cross with you because there are two kids life's at stake no you're right i understand that then stand up and take responsibility for what you chose to have in your life there's a bloody blessing that you have two kids and you can't answer them when they turn around and talk to you i've never heard that out of his mouth before i don't know [Music] didn't feel good he needs to grow up he needs to recognize his responsibilities and he needs to address those for his sake for his boy sex for his family's sake and he needs to start now are you in are you out i'm in all right then go and be in [Music] after my stern talk with dad they saw that things were going to change and they were bound to act up sooner or later and sure enough when hunter was refused a snack he started to trash the guest room [Music] what is going on why did you do this this is not acceptable i am made me mad here hunter when we all leave this room i expect that this room gets put back how it's supposed to i don't know [Music] it was crucial that hunter realized that he would be punished for his behaviour and once he realized that he wasn't going to be let off the hook he had no choice but to clean up that room this is hard why don't we do this done [Music] that's better that's better because you chose to break the rules you will be doing time out in this room now so you will be here for seven minutes i hate time out okay you can only explain why he was placed in timeout all right then for him to apologize hugs and kisses okay all right and then he's ball so he sat in timeout for seven minutes but at the end of the day he misbehaved so he still was gonna lose a privilege ball are you ready to apologize to me now okay look at me see mommy i'm sorry good boy okay come give me a hug before joe came the timeouts didn't really work well now that joe's taught us the proper steps what to do i think it's going to be a challenge but i think it would definitely work give me your mom one more time please no no we had a chat [Music] [Applause] he's having these emotional meltdowns because he's never been told no these boys ain't used to having consequences so of course they're going to resist change so they're going to learn right they're going to learn how to deal with that the next day what i really wanted to do was talk to the boys about how they felt about their father and it didn't take long really to get an answer would you like to play hard and sit with dad dad doesn't play hide and seek that doesn't play hide and seek when i first met the boys they told me that they didn't like their father then all he cared about was work he never spent any time with them they never had any fun with him i was sad by the last mom the boys misbehave because they're denied the attention they should be receiving from their father so i come up with a really good idea that would help improve their behavior and their relationship with their father so i brought in a board that would visually show the kids exactly how much commitment they would receive from their dad every day with regards to play i've been talking to the boys about time being spent with you and they're like they want more dead time right every day i want you all to pick something that you're all going to do for the hour at the top there were lots of activities that the kids can do and underneath a disc that would show them that dad would concentrate solely on the boys and do something that they want to do an hour every day if because of work you don't get that hour in you're gonna bring it over to the next day okay that sounds good i like it i like my dad's new routine i'm gonna put it on the wall up there so that you guys can see that nice and clearly okay this is something that will help the kids realize that their dad does love him that he does want to play with him that he does care i think that's it's a good idea it makes me know that i have to stay on top of things i want the boys to choose what do you want to do we can do this afternoon to impress the importance of dad spending time with the boys i just wanted to get him out of the house now what are we going to do go to the park go to the park [Music] the boys wanted to go over to the park good job and it was just nice to see all three of them having fun as any father with his son should be when i'm playing with hunter river at the park it feels great i want to spend time with my kids i want to make them happy i never really learned this from my dad but you've taught me a lot and i i want to say thank you you're welcome i didn't know how to really be a great father i mean it sounds like a cop-out but the thing is no one ever taught me it's not rocket science just play with your children give them the time so that you're building a happy home and you've got contented kids hey your boys done homework tonight it was really wonderful to see dad spend some down time with the boys but whilst it was calm i wanted to tackle this family's biggest problem homework so the first thing i want to do with homework is to be very relaxed and i went through the steps of being able to create an atmosphere that was nice and calm for the boys to study and then let's place ourselves in a situation here where we can sit next to the child and help dad whenever you are home i want you to find the time to be at the table because if you can do one-on-one it's going to be much better when river does homework i want to be there to help him but when he starts acting the way he acts i just feel there's nothing i can do and um i guess that's why sometimes i'd rather let mom do the homework why don't you sit with one over there i hate homework forever i'm trying to help you you got to let me help you i need to help you your clothes are fine river let me take a look at paper please and i've done that yeah remember look at me darling okay three steps okay look at me three steps because look he's sitting there trying to do it himself because you're not giving him clear direction yeah okay talk to him clearly and directly all right river this is what we're going to do three steps to this homework one two and three now the way you're talking to him at the moment is with tone that is if you're it sounds like you're turning off all right this is about being encouraging okay so these boys are more than capable of doing their homework they just need a little direction this is what we got to do okay now that one's minus that's 22. zero's yeah okay that's good now what we need to do is the second thing that daddy was talking about all right so you go through those with daddy show him oh good boy dad do the next one number two keep going from there shut very good what i learned from jill about doing homework with my kids is that it is possible to break through to a stubborn little boy like mine and a nut that's it good boy what's up after homework i thought everything was going okay but at dinner the river started to misbehave again chickens [Music] i'm standing right here this is where i choose to sit that's set next to river and river kicked off it didn't want his dad sitting there he wanted to control where his dad sat uh river this is what's expected from you you sit your chair back in the place where you're supposed to and eat your dinner do not do not do not shout you do not throw that do not shout you know when our kids are really angry it's better to remain calm rather than feed into that anger and get angry too please go out the room believe me it's no fun getting hit by these kids but it's not going to stop me helping this family you're getting angry jojo's your friend there's no real magic in knowing how to deal with a child that has anger issues my main importance with both parents was to allow them to recognize how they were dealing with it now and what it was doing to contribute to the way river was continuing to behave see how he's trying to get your interaction he wants you to feed into his anger river you don't throw that well if you behave if you say that then you set it up the first thing i told mum and dad was to remain calm so that temperaments wouldn't get worse and secondly to tell river unless he's calm he's not going to get the attention he wants or be heard because you're hurt right you're not allowed in this room while you're behaving that way you have to be calm to be in this room all right you're not allowed in this room while you're behaving that way when river wanted to spend time with hunter and mum at the computer it gave me a perfect chance to illustrate this put principle down when he's calmed down [Music] tell him what behave you expect the two of you together unite together as soon as you decide you're gonna calm down and be a good boy then you may be in here but until then i don't want you in here so what river's wanting is his own way and attention and i taught mum and dad that if they can teach river just to calm down then he'll get what he wants and he'll also be heard take a deep breath [Music] you're gonna behave good great good corey and i we both came together and river realized that we were a team and and he realized that both of us weren't gonna put up with it we're really pleased to hear he's gonna behave that whole process was crucial because it will happen again but as long as they keep following through they are always going to make river think about the way he behaves and the choices that he makes come here you're right well done the peer review okay i saw something very different here you laid down those rules and you laid down expectations and he saw that you were green you were green you were on the same page [Music] so i am going to leave for a few days i'm going to leave you some homework mum i want you to follow through with discipline don't give a hundred chances here's one warning and nip it in the bud straight away and follow through dad warnings low projection no shouting and remember you're in it together when joe comes back and sees um how we've changed and what we've done i think joe's going to be very very proud of us all right she's struggling together i want to stick to all the things that she's put into place i think we're going to do great right see you in a few days okay thank you so much you're welcome bye-bye i'm concerned about this family whilst i leave them for a few days there's still a lot to be sorted out i just hope that they can keep their sanity before losing their tempers [Music] after leaving this family for several days i'm more than curious about whether mum and dad have held up fault or whether they've gone back to those bad habits again so who's looking forward to taking a look at this dpd a little nervous a little nervous okay i hate this stupid ass ball yeah you got you just got a warning you know what guys this is a warning i'm warning you guys right now this is your warning i'm giving you a warning right now morning river warning good morning [Music] look at that even the kids are mimicking morning morning morning morning 50. what are you thinking empty threats lead you back to the same old place you were before i arrived a place of no control you have been showing good progress don't go back don't go back yeah would you quote you pick what you want to do first hunter that is good that's excellent draw a line where you think would be a half of an orange excellent you guys are doing really good nice price you just pause it there seems like that went like a breeze yeah yeah that was when i was by myself and that did absolute breeze yeah but you've obviously instilled the points of coming together and setting the right mood nice note how do you make something so simple so difficult it's not easy you can do this and you know it no i'm not you're making this very difficult you want to be here all day i thought you're doing good please don't do this to me [Music] how is your communication there with hunter positive or negative i guess it's negative if you feed negativity in the beginning you're going to set up that whole energy it's about saying i believe in you that's my point contingent watch he's doing great but he's getting frustrated right now working with him the answer is thanks i know right of course you know the answer okay where are you oh is that down here put how many more nice writing what are you doing over there i sat down for one second i i didn't think the last she was handling it was not to me it wasn't a big deal you walked away you sat over there and lucy jumped in you talk about him not quitting and you quit good old lucy will jump in again and save the day please do not huff and puff like a 12 year old curry where are you i am i am standing up i'm telling you to me it was the last question it wasn't a big deal she was healthy precisely and that's why you're over there and that's why your wife is still there because it wasn't that important to you i'm sorry i don't see it that way but that's of course you don't see it that way of course you don't because you're selfish no that's not true you're selfish it has to do with your lack of commitment you've been getting away with it for too long in this house so you want to sit here and sulk about the circumstances then i suggest you take a good look at yourself first because everything that is going on here is due to you the next clip that we are going to take a look at dad is your energy okay well guys what do you want to do why are you guys so difficult you guys what do you want to play yeah hunter why do you do that because you always do hard i don't try to throw it and so i so you're making me chase it it makes no sense come on they look at the basketball dead dad it's under the car i know i don't want to get dirty dad i need to take a break i'm just i'm tired i just need to rest for five minutes dad why can't you kick i'm just tired right now i'm just feeling i'm exhausted for some reason all right i'm waiting for it this is what i saw a lack of willingness a lack of commitment enthusiasm i'm tired i don't want to get dirty with the ball i don't have a lot of energy don't an emotional energy i mean where do you think that is it's up and down you know i have good days i have bad days i do believe that you have a lot of internal emotional issues yeah because i feel that mentally they have you in a place that's heavy and dark curry excuse me [Music] whilst watching the dvd i confronted dad about his lack of energy and interest with the boys curry he left the table in tears but i wasn't going to let him off the hook keeps isolating himself and it's no good all right you are not alone okay do you think that that you the first person that i have met the first father the first mother who has had to deal with so much but i just feel like everything's here see don't you understand that the way you feel mentally about the issues that you need to address are coming out already with the way you play with your kids they're manifesting itself through energy your lack of enthusiasm it's because of where you're at mentally emotionally there is stuff that needs to be processed there is stuff that you need to heal from there is stuff that you need to talk about you know i really felt his pain he can't see the light through the trees because he's not been able to reach out and ask for that help for that support recognize what you're not doing so that we can change it this is about change as a father you need to be there for your children you need to look them in the eye and tell them you care about them you need to hug them and i think the biggest thing like with my father i never really grabbed me and said hey i love you you know to help cory and his son build a better relationship i wanted to create an unforgettable memory corey how do you fancy teaching your son how to ride his bike without the stabilizers i'd love to hunt has been wanting to take his trainer wheels stuff of his bike to ride and today he was able to do that you got to use your arms okay well at first when joe suggested let's take the training wheels off i thought okay on a flat surface but this allows him to practice his balance from left to right right to left you have to learn how to use your handlebars if you don't learn how to use your handlebars you won't be able to do it [Music] and it was so important that they have this time and that hunter be taught by his father because they don't have a relationship at the moment that is particularly good if i go like this see how you start falling you have to you have to hold these tight okay so hold these together down there and play all these times hunter's confidence wasn't sky high and he was worried about falling off the bike and so it meant listening to dad and trusting him on his word so that he would be able to ride his bike by himself let's do it let's do it come on let's go ready come on it's all you now you can do it keep [Music] going hunter got on his bike and started riding just thought wow he can do it hunter was just over the moon i mean his face just lit up and he was just like going in the wind i mean it was really beautiful to see dad was pleased with what he was seeing and he realized that he had been a big part of that and hunter was beside himself that was hard there you go give me a second that made me very proud when hunter started riding the bike now i understand with the positive reinforcement and the communication you can get through to anybody it's all you corey never had that and now i'm realizing why cory has some of the faults he does because he didn't have that and so as much as it's helping hunter and how happy hunter is i could see it in cory's eyes i mean that was huge for him come on hunter do not stop keep going you're doing amazing us keep going hunter you're doing fantastic so having dad teach hunter how to ride his bike will go a long way because he'll remember that his father taught him how to ride his bike [Music] yeah this has been priceless like i can't thank you enough this is i'm just so excited because i'm gonna take everything and i'm gonna do this i would like to tell joe that this has just been a huge family change i think you're a fantastic lady you really know your stuff i really appreciate you and you have helped our family tremendously and i can't give you enough thanks bye rupert give me one of those high fives do it okay go on back ready all right okay give me a high five give me a low five give me another five very grateful that joe came into our life she's made a huge difference in our family i think she's wonderful thank you so much are you welcome you're welcome take care of yourself okay keep up the work hey work work you're welcome the time's flown by with this family there's been much intense work but i do know that they have the tools and the techniques and a more broader understanding of why things happened in their family and why it got to the stage that it did and the greatest thing that came out of working with this family was communication thank you jojo [Music] do you have fun riv what's up he put your water on top there quickly i really think this whole experience has been a wake-up call you know i think it's going to take a while but i think there's going to be a lot more change now that i look back i realized i was selfish i can't turn back and i want to put a smile on my kids faces i think it's an amazing gift what joe did making corey try to become the father figure that the boys want they want two three smiles i believe with time things would change and i can see the change already in my kids my dad plays with us more now he's going higher and higher he's going time with dad's fun [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 2,505,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supernanny, supernanny full episodes, super nanny, supernanny uk, supernanny full episodes worst family, supernanny megan, supernanny girl faints full episode, supernanny worst family ever, supernanny 2020, supernanny season 8, supernanny best moments, supernanny teenagers, supernanny madison, supernanny us, jo frost, extreme parental guidance, supernanny bedtime, supernanny mean mom, super nanny 911 full episode, supernanny autism
Id: 2s5oD_WP8iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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