Dad hasn't slept in his bed in 8 years?! | The Schrage Family | FULL EPISODE | Supernanny USA

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all right Ellie go get your pajamas I have to lay down between Ellie and Emma to get them to go to sleep are you going to sleep am I saying goodnight to you now okay well good night then good night good night I'll tell you what this is a first I've never had to tuck in a family that I was visiting on my observation day that was the first for everything good night I mean I've never been into a household where I've switched the lights out on apparent tuckeding cozy with her daughters found that absolutely bizarre [Music] can't wait to see what's in store for me this week let's take a look [Music] family I'm Kyle I'm Christy and we have three daughters Ellie who is 10. hi Emma who is six and Cara who is four I work for a sales office in Nashville Tennessee I am a stay-at-home mom they're just wild they don't listen yeah you get down you know better our children have gotten to the point where they control Christie yeah yeah well these kids can just obviously do what they want to do I mean you know there's no discipline in this house is there [Music] the entire wall system and our upstairs has an assortment of wonderful beautiful crayons and markers and pencil marks it's lack of respect there is no way I would allow this are you kidding [Music] Cara is four years old and she still has a passy oh this is a joke that passes got to go [Music] she has an addiction you ready for bed when night time comes and it's time for bed they will not go upstairs and go sleep in their beds is anybody else tired children go to bed when they want to go to bed or when Christy is ready to go to bed we will force one or two of them in there it has been eight years since we've been in the same bed we don't even sleep together mom and dad look you go in there there is no way that this family can be getting a proper night's sleep this has got to change it can't go on like this any longer I mean I can't go on like this any longer I just feel like we have to fix it right now Supernanny come on we need your help can you put your foot on it driver please we better get there quick [Music] thank you hello hi nice to meet you I'm Joe I'm Christy hi when Joe knocked on the door it was only the girls and I at home Kyle was still at work and I was really quite nervous the mum was very shy when I first met her but she did introduce me to her daughters this is Kara she's four this is this is Tara is this your sister hi pleased to meet you I'm Joe but she asked me if I'd like to look around the house and I was curious to do so oh great I see the kids did the interior design yes they did and I saw while it's basic graffiti [Music] what do we got here huh that's Ellie's name but this is not her room there was uh lots of colorful artwork there's just been scribbled and it was on the carpets as well so they've done it do they have permission to do it I've got to ask they don't have permission they do it when I'm not looking do you reinforce any form of discipline at all with the girls well yeah but they still do it so this lady had clearly allowed her children to do this to the walls of their bedroom without consent after seeing all the artwork I was introduced to MIMA is your space respected uh sometimes and sometimes not me Maurice Christie's mother and she lives with them this is like your little Alex area this is your this is your little space here I'm very grateful that I have the opportunity to be that close to my grandchildren but sometimes you can be a little too close memo doesn't have any privacy the kids just cross those boundaries and go into a space animals I think Memaw would like the kids to respect her privacy to knock on the door before they go in here and just mess up my stuff they will even lay down on the ground and kick at the door if Mima doesn't let him in [Music] someone missing a party who's just this Belongs to You Cara's main issue is probably the pacifier her whole mouth is starting to look funny because of it her teeth are sticking way out oh are you too big for a passing how many of these do you have two red ones or if you ever made attempts to to dispose of the pacifier with the other two when we took it away they stopped crying like after one night they were fine yeah no it's my fault I weakened to give it back to her so we can get some sleep right mum's right four years old and using a pacifier is way too old so it looks like we'll have to put a stop to that it shows mum unable to complete any task and to follow through I just gotten really good at just kind of getting up every day and living and not feeling anything and then the same thing happening the next day I think I have been detached [Music] see mom reads in while the kids were outside bored and Restless sad it was very obvious that Mom was stuck in a bad rut what what do you kind of do around this time I usually just pick up at pick up after them or do laundry or she's on the shore unconfident and enthusiastic about motherhood a little bit fake kind of not really there mum's very detached and it made me want to sit down and talk to her about it I'm gonna sit down with me and see if the cause wasn't the sleep deprivation that she had mentioned in submission so what has been the effect of lack of sleep it's exhaustive when it comes down to being like the wife and the mother and the the anything that requires an organizational fit into a little mobile thing I'm not I'm not good and it just it it just makes life really hard for me and just like I'm constantly treading water or something I get this the way I feel I I don't always have the fear of um disappointing people because you want people to like you yes a lot of things make you fearful like heights make me a bit queasy yeah I have that one you have that one that makes me feel a bit queasy fear has become a comfort for Christy it's a full security it's stopped her from moving forward and empowering herself to really make some really good changes I'm Kyle nice to meet you once dad came home they all had dinner and then the kids started to get ready for bedtime which was interesting to say the least pajamas on so pajamas on is literally the beginning of bedtime is that yes that's correct all right Ellie go get your pajamas I have to lay down between Ellie and Emma to get them to go to sleep are you going to sleep am I saying goodnight to you now okay well good night then look at night good night I'll tell you what this is a first I've never had to tuck in a family that I was visiting on my observation day that was a first for everything good night I mean I've never been into a household where I've switched the lights out on a parenting cozy with her daughters I found that absolutely bizarre so no no evening together no with the children being in the bed my wife and I don't get any time couples time not only just to talk but just to sleep together to be with one another it's it's amazing we have three children I don't know how it happened but it it did oh she's a question I have to when was the last time you slept in your own beds it's probably been about seven to eight years seven how did you have children did you meet on the way to the bathroom uh funny you should say that I sat out on the couch with the four-year-old Kara and watch a movie until she falls asleep or we both fall asleep and then anywhere from 11 o'clock to two in the morning I move the 10 year old Ellie upstairs into a bed move the four-year-old Cara into Christy's bed and I go upstairs and sleep in a separate bed so believe it or not to where Dad will end up tonight I mean how actually it's like musical acropoly for me I'm surprised they're still together to be honest with you it was embarrassing with her looking right in your eyes in unbelief that I have to go into a bed without my wife by myself and roll over and go to sleep tomorrow morning need a meeting stuff that needs to be addressed and spoken about okay yeah all right then great good night um hey go upstairs I'll see myself out okay good night thank you really the lack of respect for the house with regards to the children graffiti and all over the walls it's even worse than that because they wouldn't even consider doing that at somebody else's house it's just here they know they just don't expect their home but but let's talk about something wider than that as well if there's no discipline in the house then you're not putting in place rules boundaries and consequence so how are you teaching fundamentally those values that you want to instill we know correct then how are you doing your job as a parent we're not Cara with a passy at her age has gone beyond the use of why we would use patsies and it's got to go she's not a baby oh I know I know it has to go but it means that you've got to find the stroke to recognize and an understanding of why it has to go because allowing her to become more mature and to be the age that she is leaves the fear of you possibly not getting what you get from her emotionally and physically because you need that because it's absent in your relationship correct bedtimes are always interesting tell you what though it's the first time I've ever had to shut the light down and say good night to a parent on my first night of observing a family I couldn't believe what I was seeing it's crazy I've got to ask you know what are you thinking the thing that we're just too tired to to fight so it's easier to just let them go where they want and then adapt around them the fact that you have both not had a good night's sleep in well I can't say days let's say years has manifested itself into so much negativity and sleep deprivation will take a toll on you physically and then it will break you down mentally and then it will have you go stop already there Christy there's no fun in the house where's the fun the lethargicness not wanting to be enthusiastic about Parenthood it's all really about you so how do you encourage and be a positive role model as a woman for three females in your house I'm doing a real good job at all fears got you good it's got you right there sold so between the three of us we are going to make change my hand yeah yeah we in win yes all right let's do this because we haven't got time to waste it we need to change things drastically okay on my first day of teaching I wanted to knock this family completely out of their comfort zone and start off with a bang hi hi so I addressed as many of their issues as I could I started off by setting up a really strict routine for this family to follow it will allow you to parent successfully every day and ultimately feel in control I need to learn how to organize and I need to learn how to make things better for me and this routine will be good for the whole family all right so I'm really looking forward to starting with this routine I followed that up by having me more make up signs for her door these are my new door stands so that her space could be respected what does that say now now which means what you can come in then you can come in oh but if I am doing things that I want to be by myself then I say later and for the grandfather I wanted to challenge mum's fear of heights I'm very scared of heights because I knew that if she could get over that then the fear of displeasing her children wouldn't be so bad after all I thought oh no I'm gonna have to jump off that thing I was just feeling like I'm scared of heights and I don't want to do this she could have turned around and said to me well what about you then so I wanted to show that I was willing to grow as well or face my own fears of heights so are you ready yeah it's ready as I'll ever be one two three go wanted me to know that I could conquer the fear of my life and parenting the zipline showed me that I can do it Christy did it and she was really pleased with herself that she came down from that Tower so now it shouldn't be so bad for her Having the courage to discipline her children right she did good too after Mom's blood was pumping from coming down from that zip line I could see that she was very proud of herself so now it's time to start establishing some house rules and I'm going to do something really unique here because what I'm going to do is give the parents one set of house rules and Grandma another no rules No Boundaries in this house therefore no control so now what we're going to do is to establish house rules we're also going to establish rules for Memo's space we all sat down at the table and wrote out a list of house rules we're hurting each other okay respect I think it's very helpful because if the kids act up you can go straight to that rules board and say this is what you're doing wrong and this is why you're getting in trouble so your Memo's rules are an extension of the house rules so there will be things here that you're looking to say yes I certainly want those in my space too I have a respect for my apartment that's it sing it me more exactly ah the rules will work very well no I call it fighting great you put it in it that's what you call it you write it down me more will have had rules to go in her apartment so that she's very much a part of the family and the third adult and the kids will respect her rules too right so I'll get you to pull the kids in and let's go through the house all right after we set up the rules we have the kids come in so the parents could explain to them absolutely clearly what was going to change sleep and stay in your own bed and as from tomorrow we will be doing that okay okay that's sleeping stay in the bed any opportunity I get to have mum really explain to the kids that she expects certain behavior from them brings her one step closer to showing these kids she's their mother first listen and do as you are told [Music] we'll explain what we want you to do and then you do it okay so we'll go through Memo's rules respect privacy and don't bother my things memo was spot on she explained very clearly her rules and what she expected she did a great job okay so let's put the rules up now we've established the rules it's important to bring in discipline so if these kids misbehave they'll know exactly what to expect if these rules are broken they're going to be consequences okay you're going to end up doing timeouts so this is how it works you'll give the kids a warning you will make a very conscious effort of coming down to their level low tone voice because you're not happy you're exercising your Authority but only verbally if they choose to carry on with that behavior then what I want you to do is to pick a spot and send them there they'll stay there one minute per year of their age you'll explain why and then you'll receive an apology for their behavior after explaining discipline to mum she was able to apply the technique can you help me clean up the table now you just want to play in the show well mum expected Cara to clean up after lunch she tried to escape into Memaw's house all she needs to do is get the fork in the spring no no no no no no no no okay come on get up she's gotta go to the stamp okay I'm putting you on the step because you were not listening to me so you're gonna stay on here for four minutes and I'm gonna set the timer and I would remove her [ __ ] as well because I said no passy when you're on the stick nothing mum did fine put in Cara on the naughty step but she can't be afraid to speak authoritative otherwise it's not going to work this is Kara saying I don't need to listen to you who's the parent who's in charge and who needs to show carer if she doesn't make this distinction between when she's being serious and when she's having fun then how is carer to know any different it's just really no way for mum to show that she doesn't want that behavior and she needs it to stop right now she leave again no I think I had to put Kara on the naughty spot about 40 times so every time she comes back up here what do you think she's gonna do hi exactly mum just wasn't showing Kara that she meant business so I decided to show her exactly how it should be done okay you're not carrying her down because she's big girl and that exhausts you because you have to carry your taking it by the hand and you're bringing her down because you're not messing around this is serious okay and she's misbehaving and so I place care in a naughty corner so she couldn't keep running up them steps okay set the alarm [Music] Cara finally stayed in that spot for her four minutes and now she definitely doesn't want to go back so it definitely worked hey sorry okay give me a hug just keep next day it was all about tackling Cara's party issue I believe that children shouldn't be using a passive past the age of two and I know that most dentists would agree with me this is what we're going to do we are going to deal with these patties once and for all in the past our failed attempts with care in the passy we're not really Kara's fault they were I believe Christina wouldn't care to grow up so we are going to have a passing and we are going to put all the patties into this jar and today you are going to give up the passy because you don't need it anymore you'll be a girl obviously how many we can get each I'll leave this in here and we'll put them in there when we find them ready I'm looking first I know I'm off there's nobody looking okay thanks yeah I got two there might be one in the car oh is a blue one the thing is is that parents get stuck in a rut and they give up too early but if only they would look to dealing with this issue with a new approach then they would resolve this situation and I think that was the case with carers pacifier so what we're going to do is we're going to put these in the trash can we're going to throw them away putting them all in the jar and having Cara throw away the pacifiers was really neat over here There She Goes I mean I wanted them to go so I was happy about that it's fun it's fun to have no passes give me a picture now you're a big girl she threw the passes away and she brought it up a couple of times and then she moved on and you know sometimes that's just how it is with kids [Music] resolving the situation with Cara and the passy shows that if these parents choose not to sit back and accept the status quo then things will change and I wanted to use this momentum to stop these girls from drawing on those walls Joe came up with a really neat idea she had built three little frames and in the frame there were big pieces of office paper as you will see each Pat tears off and then just replace it now that I'd briefed mum and dad about how the drawing pads would work it was time for them to explain it to the kids mom and dad do you want to explain what we've got this is Ellie's pad of paper that's Emma's powder paper and that last one is Kara's pad of paper that's right but guess what it's really for eign see all that stuff on the wall well this is to keep you girls from doing that okay and we don't want to see any more writing on the walls all right where's the box of crayons oh there's crayons now with the wall murals nobody will be writing on the wall anymore in the little eyeball a little eyelash fish the wall mirror was a great success however I still need to tackle this family's biggest issue and that's bedtime and now Cara doesn't have a pacifier to soothe her will it be drama so tonight there's a new bedtime routine and the bedtime routine is going to be about you girls feeling very safe and secure in your own bedrooms where do I begin with bedtime it's it's just insane really it's created such sleep deprivation that it's destructive to the whole family in a couple of minutes Cara is going to go and get washed and she's gonna have stories read to her you girls are gonna go and take a shower or a bath giving the girls a bedtime routine where it's staggered so they all go to bed at different times which allows the parents to wind them down and to read stories to them just allows the whole process of bedtime to happen much smoother than what it was before Aladdin and Abu gasp as they sell other golden jewels in the cavern can you lay down honestly no she's not sleeping sorry she says she's gonna sleep later oh she did did she this is what you're going to do okay the stay in bed technique okay she comes out the first time you say to its bedtime darling tuck her in and come out the second time you say it's just bedtime the third time you say nothing get up Cara thank you then mum placed Kara into bed and she came out straight away and then it really was tantrums and Tiaras she didn't want to be going to bed on her own [Music] [Music] it's bedtime [Music] she continued to cry and Mum sat on the sofa her heart was just really feeling emotionally what Kara was going through tell me tell yourself why are we doing this why are we doing this because it's well it has to be done don't give me the answers that you've that you've memorized from listening to me really think about why we're doing this I needed mum's attention for her to focus on why it is important that these kids get to sleep and that she gets a good night's sleep as well it's just not easy no it's not but no it's only change no it's not because she's going oh you're so mean you're a mean mummy you don't love me you're abandoning me that's not that cry someone's feeling very very sad I could never have done that without Joe there of care already down dad put the other two girls to bed and whilst I was talking to mum I realized that within an hour all three were asleep oh look at that kids are in their own beds you know nine o'clock and lights are out for everyone mum and dad came downstairs and really didn't know what to do with themselves I'm leaving for a couple of days this is about you guys putting in the techniques and continuing because soon I'm going to be going for good so this is an important part of what we're doing here I'm nervous about when Joe leaves that we'll Resort back to our old ways thank you you're welcome I knew that whilst I weren't around that Mum would really have to step it up but this was the first time that I was going to be leaving mum and dad Alone by themselves years stay there and just hug one another [Applause] the three days away from the shragi family I was dying to see how they got on okay are we ready to take a look at this DVD yes okay so let's take a look then stop it or you're going to the naughty spot you stop [Music] four minutes every time you get up [Music] thank you [Music] do you want to tell me something nice love it good job discipline is in the house hello it's good that you recognize the steps that you've got it underneath your belt you're showing a good follow through all right very very good there now we're gonna take a look at yourself Chris stay out with the girls for the afternoon [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay come on Ellie come on and get Emma now worst day of my life can we go somewhere else no okay you're taking him to the park but you're not really getting engaged with them you're standing on the edge and I could see there was a disinterest you were kind of on the side and you really want to have fun you need to push through that so let's take a look at the first clip of bedtime Jump On In the bed good night y'all will be okay just want somebody to shoot me why [Music] I'm out that's it foreign I love you Mommy okay you did a great beginning you talked the kids in it was great and then you went okay I've had enough now I'm done ultimately who was gonna step in you had to step in because who else was going to do it let's take a look at the second clip here of bedtime [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] it's bedtime okay so when she said she wanted Mommy that's what you should give her she'll give her mummy bedtime and take her back in [Music] oh dear no it's all over no oh my word no all that hard work cannot compromise the technique you cannot compromise it otherwise it just doesn't work doesn't work and it didn't but she does need you she needs you to place her back if it's not done by you it does create the good cop bad cop let's address bedtime once and for all right okay let's continue to work with what is necessary so that we can tweak today the stuff that needs to be addressed with what we've seen on the DVD here and uh let's start now okay good stuff [Music] after seeing Christy so unengaged in the park I just knew that I would have to deal with this constant issue Chrissy out with the girls sure three of them out let's have some fun with us so I decided to take this family to the YMCA and give Christy a gentle nudge so she would learn how to enjoy herself with her kids so just pull out the inner child and let's enjoy it yeah I could see that Christy was a little nervous and definitely out of her League okay how are we getting in here but I knew that once she got started she'd have a whole heap of fun where are you Laura [Music] okay Follow the Leader [Music] I understand why Joe made me get in there and get involved it was so the kids would know that I cared enough to give him my time and to play with them it's about being a parent who actively engages with your children and shows them that you're interested in spending time with them and that's what's happening here having fun with the kids allows them to burn energy productively and at the same time they're not going to be so clingy when it comes to bedtime so we know that we need to do homework tonight with regards to the Bedtime the steaks are too high let's face it if you're not consistent with it you're going to go down ill before I leave this house I need to know you are strong enough to be able to commit to doing this bedtime technique so are you ready to put the kids to bed yeah whilst I was gone mum couldn't resist getting into bed with the little one and it compromised the technique so to move forward I've got to make sure that Mum is totally committed to doing this so what's happening tonight with with Carl Carl's going to take a back seat okay and do his thing and tonight you're taking a charge bedtime I wanted mom to do this technique without Carl around because at the end of the day mum is the one that's got to find the strength in putting these kids to bed and actively ignoring them what would you wish for ask Gladden I would wish for Freedom the genie replied [Music] what's the bedtime story was over tears and Tantrums started and it was really hard for mum just to pull herself away [Music] [Applause] it's time to go to bed baby [Music] I may have been a little nervous having to do bedtime without Kyle but I definitely saw the need for me to have to do it alone okay so this is what we are going to change about yourself right now stay right there I want to show you your face so what we're going to do to change that I guess I'm going to not look like that you are on a mission get these kids into bed okay upright you're gonna get it done when those kids come out you're going to very firmly take them by the hand and you've got to take them back into their bedrooms I think I needed that final push from Joe about bedtime Cara was just like a little maniac she was just running all over the room and zipping in and out so it was a test in time for her and it's not easy there's no way it's easy for any parent but it doesn't mean it's not right [Music] it was hard it's always hard hearing your child cry I knew it was for the best I knew that Emma was better off as soon as Christy did step up and she was strong and persistent these girls went off to sleep just like I knew they would sleep I did so good I didn't even cry did you really so excited to hear that Christy took charge at bedtime to see her stand firm and to be the mother that these children needed to be is just so relieving so congratulations you have clearly shown yourself you're able I'm capable of doing it thank you so much for helping bedtime is the one thing I thought we might not be able to overcome that's the one thing that I was most worried about and I think we're on the road to overcoming it so my work is done here you sure and your work is really just beginning it's been a really intense time for the shragi family but I know that I've left them with tours and knowledge and techniques to help them along the right pathway of being positive parents very big [Music] I definitely have a newfound confidence in my parenting skills well because now I have some give me a hug you thank you Joe we're so grateful that she came to see us and our family is going to be so much stronger because of what she's done for us take care bye Joe I thank you so much for helping our family you you have a tremendous gift and you came in and saw where we needed help and you helped us and I thank you I am a better parent now but I'm still learning and I will probably always be learning but with Joe's techniques we've got a good foundation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 634,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supernanny, supernanny full episodes, super nanny, supernanny uk, supernanny full episodes worst family, supernanny megan, supernanny girl faints full episode, supernanny worst family ever, supernanny 2020, supernanny season 8, supernanny best moments, supernanny teenagers, supernanny madison, supernanny us, jo frost, extreme parental guidance, supernanny bedtime, supernanny mean mom, super nanny 911 full episode, supernanny autism
Id: 2hijVY9LxuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 45sec (2385 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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