Teens call on Supernanny for help! | The Chapman Family | Supernanny USA

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[Music] wow another week another family let's take a look and see what we've got this time hi we're the champion family i'm brittany i'm mariah well this is the first teenager's calling me in for help must be pretty bad we're sisters and we have three brothers ethan is four cole is four and quinn is three i'm kevin my mom's name is sarah you should be able to hold me i'll just be at the studio working on stuff and my dad's name is glenn hey mariah our house is pretty crazy me and mariah are both homeschooled we go to classes that we have online where we can talk to the teacher we kind of have to teach ourselves later my parents work full-time jobs my dad works as a customer service sales rep and my mom's a photographer she has her own business that she just started and turned just a little bit more this way we've gotten so much stuff piled on top of us we have to do school and keep the kids and clean the house it's crazy pretty much me and ryan i feel like we're parents to them stop and it's been really hard it's too much for these girls our grades aren't the best right now my brothers interrupt us when we're doing anything we've fallen further and further behind and i'm failing pretty much a lot of my classes our host is not a good learning environment when there's no school work being done here i don't think my dad understands us at all can you please get me a nail clipper and clip his nails at the table he's just a very negative person to us we want my dad to understand and know what actually goes on and how hard it is for us my mom doesn't really pay attention to the whole family that much the business is more important we can't we feel really jailed up in this house um we can't do anything today so when do these girls get a chance to be teenagers me and mariah are both giving up on school and giving up on a lot of stuff and we don't want to be like that we just want us to be happier family and we want to be normal kids [Music] super annie please come help us our family needs it a lot this is just sad girls i'm on my way just hold on in there [Music] [Music] hello hello pleased to meet you i'm joe i'm sarah hi come on when joe first walked in our house i felt excited but also somewhat intimidated my biggest fear is that she will misinterpret our intentions for having the girls helping out with the kids and doing the things that they do nice to meet you i'm brittany how brittany joe first came you're like oh my gosh she's actually here so lots of stuff to sort out what i am gonna do today though is watch your day just do what you would normally do if i wasn't here okay okay you know it was important for me because the girls had called me in to really get true representation of how this family operated and there was brittany and mariah taking care of the house and making sure breakfast was ready i noticed on the wall in the kitchen there was a board that had loads of chores on them and i saw the girls names attached to that it seems like they do everything so glenn how much work do the girls get done while you're at work i think they should get done more than they do there's a lot of tension between me and the two of them on that scale right there yeah you know if they want to go do something with their friends it's probably just because this way my parents dealt with me are your chores done great you know but if my stuff wasn't done it was like why are you asking but do you have good relationships with your parents no not really kind of estranged from my own family you're estranged from your own family yeah my mom was controlling to the end and degree well i have to question whether glenn's just stopped to think about that situation and how he's carrying on that same pattern throughout his own family who wants to i'm leaving within an hour and a half of me being in the house mum told the girls that she was going off to work so you'll be gone right until about six yeah right okay within minutes glenn left to go off to work baker i'll get him you want him screaming or giggling that to me was just crazy these parents was going off to work and leaving their 17 year old and 14 year old to take care of three busy boys whilst expecting them to do school work online oh after work off to work [Music] as glenn left to go off to work quinn just had a meltdown this is pretty normal there's something quite sad about that when he feels it's quite normal that's what his girl should do look after his sons this is just absurd this really is this really is so britney what's happening now you're trying to get the little one down for a sleep and the older ones there they're just having quiet time oh don't bite me [Music] you know right now i can hear quinn screaming at the top of his lungs and it's stressful for these older girls because they really don't know what to do and they shouldn't know what to do you know they're kids this isn't saturday or sunday it's not a summer break it's tuesday and these girls are not at school because they're acting as these kids parents queen's temper tantrum has spiraled out of control now [Music] this is crazy isn't it there we are watching these teenage girls trying to figure out really what they should do should this be their concern these girls are just trying to do the best they can every day in looking after the boys and trying to get their work done you wanna cut it you got to push down really hard i mean their grades have been really bad you better sit down live man ethan there's no real way that britney can do her school work she's overlooking her laptop constantly to make sure that the kids they're being taken care of make me another sandwich how are these girls supposed to study it's kind of like mum taking the younger ones to work with her with them running around well she's not going to be able to get any work done is she school is a mandatory foundation for these girls future and these parents have been selfish what is it that you do day in and day out and you're like i'm fed up with this watching them 24 7 not being able to go places instead of cleaning and cooking and being a mom if you turn around and say to me joe i just want to be a teenager okay what would that represent for you having a life my word i don't remember the last time that i was hugged so hard i wanna hear what's going on right now right in here [Music] the quiet girl that i'm actually looking at now is is not you usually very loud and annoying where is there room for you to have a relationship with your dad i've kind of given up trying because i don't see that he respects us everything that we do is never good for him [Music] these girls look after these boys and don't have an outlet and adults would eventually break down if they did not take care of themselves so why do these parents feel that their teenage daughters wouldn't [Music] there were certain stages throughout the day that the older girls would just sit on the sofa and a complete loss of really not knowing what to do with the boys [Music] a lot of the mood swings that we see comes from them not having structure for them oh stop kicking me it hurts so happy what is it that you feel most frustrated about when this happens then i can't get him to stop crying but he can't control it [Music] okay i'll start the floors see the dishes just sit down i'll get the books come here cool well it just seems like they're never off duty [Music] quinn are you girls literally trying to get all the chores done before she gets back yeah so if the things are not done what's dad like when he gets home crabby i just find it incredibly sad and irresponsible that these parents have not even just stopped to think how much they're putting on their daughters sarah had told brittany that she was going to be home by six o'clock you guys tired yeah yeah i think you're hungry what the kids have for dinner tonight anything my mum said that she's gonna bring home subs what time is that and i do [Music] do you want to um give your mom a call and find out when she is going to come back there was brittany the teenager calling her mum to see where she was and it's like what parents do with the teenagers it's six o'clock where are you you're meant to be home you know she's not picking up her personal phone so you're narrowing in the studio phone i would expect any mother working or not to have their phone on especially under those circumstances okay britney's only done eight hours with the kids so what's another hour it's not going to hurt is it i think it is mama's home hey buddy hi mom hi here here hi how was your day a little busy as usual [Music] when mum came home she explained it's not always like this half of the week it is and half of the week it's not well quite frankly half the week's too much for me if you're having to give your kids fast food [Music] so who's tidying this up me and brittany and these girls are left here to clear up everything there isn't a bedtime routine in this house there was musical beds see nobody's getting a good night's sleep it's manic it really is quinn just had a meltdown he started crying and he couldn't stop [Music] so what's happened i just said i'm on the bed that to me was just crazy where cole's trying to sleep and brittany's trying to get cold down to sleep and now you've just gonna put yep baby in the bedroom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh i'm okay now just wave a sudden wave no no i'm fine i'm fine and i'm looking at her thinking no you're not fine you look pale and you're dizzy [Music] i'm okay really but you're not you know you're not where's carl and where was mum sitting down in the sofa in the sitting room so whose turn is it now because you walked away whose turn is it i don't know i don't i toss up my hands and throw in the towel because i just don't know what to do to get them all to just you know that's that's how it is every night you just get to the point where it's like i can't deal anymore i don't know i give up i throw a white towel i'm done you're done so so who deals with the kids now then who deals with the kids if you're done and it's quick towing brittany and mariah oh i forgot the girls brittany's in there right now so it's britney standing with all right okay let's go see that then this is so sad this is so sad [Music] i'll never talk [Music] i've seen a lot today in observation enough that i'm ready to to just leave and come in tomorrow and really address some serious issues with mom and dad there's a lot to be said tomorrow and quite frankly i don't think it's going to be a pretty picture tomorrow either we need to cut to the chase my observation yesterday was heartbreaking there have been spirits here that have been broken and a smell not just of desperation but of fear sarah you have a 17 year old and a 14 year old and they are left to raise three younger boys [Music] some would call that selfish when i started my own business it was with the intent of just having more flexibility than working for someone else and a way to bring in some additional income into the family and it just it exploded but you don't even juggle effectively to be able to allow yourself to go to work and take on your moral responsibilities as a mother in raising your children you're telling me things that i know it's more how do i fix them our concern is whether you want to because at the end of the day it was your daughter's that called me because it certainly didn't come from the pair of you from your daughters crying out for help because the people they should be able to come to they felt they couldn't i want to talk about school work these young girls can't do the work that they need to do and focus and pull those grades when they're looking after three young kids it's not happening all it does is shatter their self-esteem you have no idea what these girls have to deal with during the day and they're trying to do their work which brings me on to schedule where where is the schedule there isn't what do your boys do all day how are we stimulating and enhancing their imagination their creativity i'm not here during the day i'm working i'm gone so does that moment while i'm gone so does that take your responsibility away of what you should be doing as a father what chaos bedtime is i mean yesterday sarah you said to messi i'm throwing the towel in i quit quitting is to give up you can't you can't give up [Music] i believe i said that when my two-year-old was having a meltdown correct and who took care of that britney doesn't they say something sarah may i ask you what kind of relationship you have right now with your daughters what kind of relationship do you think you have with him not as good as he used to be i mean where do you think you're going to be in the next five years with your daughters i couldn't tell you i can you can be nowhere glenn a father is the first role model that a young girl has of the opposite sex there's such an important relationship your daughters have low self-esteem because they're not given the love and the attentiveness that they deserve you expect too much you're not in because you're 100 right tell your husband they can't ever voice their opinion they can't ever say i don't agree with you dad on this it's not okay for them to say that at all ever and that's not fair that's not fair to them at all i just want to have a household where everybody respects each other you will not get respect from anyone in this house unless you give respect and you're breaking spirits glenn just snapping back bones here mate is that the kind of father that you really want to be obviously not if you really don't shape up you are going to lose everything now if you want to hold on to what you have you need to change your girls rang me to come in and help their family everything i've seen in your house can be changed so i smelt fear and i smelt desperation but it doesn't mean i can't smell hope here so are we gonna go for this are we gonna turn around and say yes we deserve to change things around huh so let's do it and let's get cracking soon as this family needs somebody to tell them what they need to do to change but the first thing for me that was important was for glenn to prove to these girls that they could start to trust him dad let's have a quick word i think it's important for you as a father just to be able to sit down with the girls and just clear the air be the role model as a father these girls need a hug from their dad i just wanted to talk to you guys just us there's been a lot of poor choices and poor actions on my part uncool and i'm i'm sorry for that if we're gonna do this thing we need to close the doors on that part and this needs to be clean slate moving forward agreed truce ryan what are some of your concerns they were very reluctant at first mariah hesitated many times and looked at britney for reassurance that it would be okay to do so i'm not going to be upset about anything i want to move forward you to trust us more like when we're if we're cleaning something or doing something don't tell us how we should do it so in two quick words just back off yeah okay [Laughter] so as a young female what do you need from your dad [Music] encouragement and more time spent together what you need from dad brittany i don't feel like you and i are close anymore i don't feel like i can talk to you if i have a problem if i need help or something i don't feel i can come to you with it i think the first time glenn realized as he looked into his daughter's faces that they were hurt that hurts to hear that [Music] and i promise that i am going to do everything i can to change that you guys know that i love you more than anything that's all you need to know [Music] i love you guys [Music] now that dad and the girls have cleared some air it's important to establish a routine to take the pressure off the girls so mum can have the responsibility in raising our boys what i have here is the family routine all it's going to do is solidify the family unit at nine o'clock i've put here girls school so the girls get their four hours of teaching the boys need to be looked after so who's gonna do that mom sarah at first was rather hesitant you could see she was quite scared of the fact that she'd have to be looking after her boys all on her own and what would she do by herself how would she manage from 2 30 onwards in the afternoon that's when you get to go and do your projects whatever it is your assignment for that afternoon with regards to photography what happens between four and seven who takes care of the three younger boys are you asking what it has been or what it is no what it should be like what are you going to do about it now the albums are the girls babysit yes what's been going on yep the other options are hire someone can you do that i'm sure we can glenn shaking his head he's like yeah we're gonna have to do that that's that's gonna be our only option okay that's what i like to hear shake my hand glenn stood firm and said we need to get a babysitter whilst you're at work and i was really happy that he stepped up and said that for me that was a really good sign so i would like to uh put a slot in here for just brittany and mariah time okay dad with the girls this is your framework for your family bingo good job all right i'll be there good job hey so after going through the routine with both mum and dad i then took the girls to the routine and explained exactly what was going to happen so there's enough opportunity here for you girls to go out and do your own thing as well meet up with your friends be teenagers my god is the first time i've seen you girl smile i loved it i love the routine when does it start next i wanted to show the family exactly how overloaded these girls are with their chores dishwasher me breakfast me okay laundry mom fold clothes that's everyone well yeah everyone greet me right let's go mom and dad have a notable disagreement on that one but that's okay i don't think they have good communication with their father they are in fear of his reaction you don't agree you fold the clothes though right yeah i will stand up to my parents and britney is more afraid to stand up to my parents give me your argument why do you feel you fold the clothes more because i have been doing it more lately what's lately very last time laundry was done no it's just all the time when you guys are gone there's no boy yeah just as i was going over the chores i saw that britney looked a little pale a little faint [Music] call 9-1-1 she just passed out one minute i was staring at britney the next minute she'd killed over brett hmm can't name one the body can only take so much before it breaks and really britney has taken on an awful amount she just passed out someone called the doctor put britney in the car and took her there straight away if this isn't enough to really turn around glenn and sarah then i don't know what is going to be enough come on she fainted because she was just under a lot of stress and she hasn't been sleeping good she was not eating really being yelled at by my mom my dad too that all adds up so you should go out and rest really as soon as i came home from the doctor joe had me go upstairs and get some more rest i think i'm stressed just from daily life at my house brittany took a rest and i continued to teach the family brittany and mariah currently are in an online charter school they are actually attending a public school via the internet however they're not doing well with school these girls need time in a place that creates an atmosphere for them to feel enthusiastic to work here we go then when joe showed me and ryan the school zone i was surprised that we actually have a place to work now this is going to be your special area all right your school zone so that you can come up here away from downstairs and just get your work done before this goes on me and mariah would work downstairs where there's distractions the younger ones are not going to be allowed up here this is your time so this whole area will be cut off got your dictionaries and your books up here place some snacks over here look there's some water and stuff the more you can focus the more you can concentrate we can then start getting on the track of getting those grades up i think my grades are going to go up now that i have a place to actually do my homework and where it's quiet hi [Music] before i go it's time to resolve once and for all who does what so let's start again clean mum and dad's room mom and dad dress boys dad it was far easier to say okay who's going to take care of this and who's going to take care of that go andre me we'll do it put boys to bed it looks like it's over to you [Laughter] clean the boys bedroom we'll do that yeah vacuum we can do that breakfast ah we know who does that give that five bath the boys mom it's bedtime an empty trash that's mine okay so i think my daughters were doing little high fives behind our backs because now you look at that chart and it's like mom and dad girls with the techniques in place it's time for me to leave for a few days to see exactly how they get on alone so take responsibility for it and make a difference for your family because you're worth it keep it together all of you i'll see you when i get back take care good night if they can put in the commitment the effort and really stick and have faith there's no reason why they cannot achieve with or without me there's still [Laughter] it's time to see if this family's stuck to the routine or whether they went back to their old ways take a look when joe returned i was a little bit fearful and yet in a good way are we anxious a little we're having flashbacks from the last conversation we had at the table oh right okay [Music] you want to go over to the middle school sure we'll burn some rubber in the park tonight okay before we go anywhere i want to know that you know what what the controls are so you tell me what what are the pedals for this one's for gases for break what's that one over there emergency brake when do you use that in emergencies okay we're good okay [Music] when you feel like you're hitting about a 45 degree angle coming up on it pretty quick here that that's that's really really good good job all right loving that really clear communication i love your tone of voice the nice praise there as well this is really good glenn seriously this is just like this is what every teenager wants to be doing okay oh my god disgusting [Music] for a quick walk what can i just go for a quick walk chores done all right my there's still i can't vacuum in here until later so every time i do i just sweep there's stuff all over the floor great but i did it before and it got messy again so we should just not do it more than once a day or what we're gonna say wait till a little bit later because it's just gonna get messy and in there you don't need to disrespect me like that brett whatever do you see what's going on here the floors were really bad at that point and they needed to be done so um just you know do the one thing that i'm asking you to do take you five minutes and then go for your walk okay but that wasn't conveyed was it that's the point here we don't have that many chores anymore dad said it's not gonna stay that way after joe leaves me there's the schedule he said that to me well it was fun while it lasted mom's getting fed up with all this super tiny stuff she doesn't want to accept the schedule i can't change when the cameras aren't here and when the microphones aren't done all right i'm just gonna go back to crappy though unless we stop it how are we gonna stop it um they're just putting on an act for the cameras that's really how they feel [Music] and the only way that they are going to see that that's not going to be the same it is by proving that this is not a free pass for them to just walk all over us either [Music] you know to be honest with you i don't know if these parents are willing to try the techniques that i've taught them but i want to make sure that these girls are able to voice their concerns when i've left my main priority today is going to be building trust and good communication so are we ready for some more work absolutely yeah okay so let's get cracking [Music] so who is up for going out this afternoon and having some family fun more work needed to be done with regards to the teenagers and their parents and you get their seatbelts on i wanted to build on their communication skills we're going to go over here the nice thing is that we were able to take the younger ones and they played around in the woods and i was able to present an outdoor activity for this family to do that became challenging but fun as well communication lines we're physically going to walk these lines all four of you holding hands and all you have are these ropes and this wire the rest has got to come from up here this challenge is going to strengthen your communication as a family okay i could see the hesitation in their eyes but i really wanted to bring home the essence of teamwork doing this obstacle britney talk talk you guys have all got to talk mom you're going too far okay all right we're stuck what's your strategy i'm starting to fall right so i want to make sure i can get to the other room and the vacation brittany's going to have to brace you you got to stiffen up a little bit though so i've got something to lean on the more that they can feel open and free to communicate and express themselves can she do that brittany yes the more it's going to bring them closer together as a family in finding resolution to the issues as they arise hang on here we go good job brett that's it are we at the end yep imagine that it was a good measure really of how far they had come with regards to their communication well done there's definitely work still to do there but the fact that they were all willing to really listen and communicate with one another is a step forward dad listened to what i had to say and he trusted that i knew what i was doing she did a good job my parents listening to us doesn't happen that often it's pretty cool you're getting awesome out there with all the turmoil going on in the house the younger boys have really been left out of the picture so i wanted to do something with them and mum before i left so boys you're going off to bed now aren't you so once you've read the stories you tuck them all into bed and then night night lights off and walk out of the room the first time the children come out we say it's their time darling the second time they come out you say nothing remember it's about just going in guiding them back into their beds and then coming back out again you must not play you must not play in the store absolutely wonderful this time has been created for mum to just cozy in with her boys and send our kids off to sleep feeling snug it's time for no night time okay let's climb in the bed this family do have the tools in place to make a positive change so with me now leaving i just hope they continue so how are we all feeling [Music] oh we're feeling i know you're sad that i'm leaving but truthfully how are you feeling about everything okay do you think we've made headway here yes before joe got here i think my relationship with my dad was close to calling it quits same with mariah but now part of me really believes that things are changing i'm familiar i just feel like there's hope for something that all of us have wanted for so long thank you welcome it's been a tough process not one that i liked all the way through it but you know you do what you got to do to make things right for your family give your dad a chance um he's trying okay hey you look after yourself all right didn't watch out to leave she's been such an influence on my life i look up to her i think of her as a hero she saved our family gonna miss her bye [Music] i'm glad i was able to offer my experience and help with this family i've definitely switched a light bulb on if you've got two parents who are willing to step up their responsibilities and they are going to make a drastic impact on their children wait for mom i'm very proud of my family of all the changes and everything that they've went through now we do get to do more stuff as a family you gotta walk slow if you're gonna look for bugs to be able to just get out and all be relaxed together has got a big high coolness factor can you guys just be yourself i feel like i can be a regular teenager now and i'm really hoping that it does stay that way oh yeah yeah yeah [Music] what do you say me and my family all talk now we know how to communicate without fighting you know keep it up or i'm picking up the phone i'm calling joe thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 4,875,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supernanny, supernanny full episodes, super nanny, supernanny uk, supernanny full episodes worst family, supernanny megan, supernanny girl faints full episode, supernanny worst family ever, supernanny 2020, supernanny season 8, supernanny best moments, supernanny teenagers, supernanny madison, supernanny us, jo frost, extreme parental guidance, supernanny bedtime, supernanny mean mom, super nanny 911 full episode, supernanny autism
Id: UssmVSSlk9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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