Kid whips his sister! | The DeMello Family | FULL EPISODE | Supernanny USA

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[Music] um he's whipping her we got Indiana Jones here I didn't wh yes you did I think one of the reasons why the children are bouncing off the walls it's because they're just kept inside all the time is this all your backyard yes wow big yeah I mean we don't play outside a lot it's just that we're stuck in the house a lot stuck in the house so it seems like a lot lot of aggression goes on because we don't they don't get out enough no they don't like it they love to be out I'm a bit lost hold on they like going out they love going out but they're stuck inside yeah I don't get that [Music] that's this week I'm in torum Massachusetts ready to help a family who I believe desperately need my help so we better look right hi we're the dellos I'm Don I'm Diane and we have three kids Damon is six Dante is four and GI is two skeleton I told you no see our house is a very stressful chaotic atmosphere shut up there's a lot of screaming yelling no you didn't it fighting throwing things neither one of us have control Damon Damon is a strong willed child he likes to get very angry and physical sometimes when he doesn't get what he wants Dante is middle child Dante became the screamer of the house mix color M Janna's a sweet little girl who's actually becoming angry she is picking up from her older brothers these bad habits that's for sure shut up mommy well what a surprise that the little ones copying my day is random I don't have a schedule so it's constant just chaos and running around and get in the car there's no routine stop I do not want to live life like this any longer eat your lunch it's too stressful there's no joy here everything's so sad I just want the household to be more happy more loving hey Super Nanny we're at the breaking point I ha you mama please come and help us now we need you guys you're being pushovers you better buckle up because things are about to change I'm on me [Music] way Hello Hello nice to meet you nice to meet Joe Joe Frost hi Joe come on in thank you I was a little nervous and anxious I wasn't sure what she was going to tell us or how we were going to handle what she had to say to us hi what's your name d hi dant please to meet you and and who's this what's your name say hello hi he done around he's at work he's at work so I'll get to see him later yes it wasn't long before I saw mom put discipline into practice I didn't like what I saw and I didn't like how Damon was talking to his mother Damon don't turn it on St M we can play it later when we have time to play it we'll play it later I hate you well then now you're not going to play at all you won't play later and you won't play get off of me [Music] Damon Not only was mom so called discipline ineffective but I really couldn't believe how she was tolerating the way her son was speaking to her calling her stupid mama I mean when did that become acceptable [Music] um he's whipping her God we got Indiana Jones here I didn't wh yes you did I think one of the reasons why the children are bouncing off the walls it's because they're just kept inside all the time is this all your backyard yes wow big yeah I mean we don't play outside a lot it's just that we're stuck in the house a lot stuck in the house so it seems like a lot of aggression goes on because we don't they don't get out enough no they don't like it they love to be out I'm a bit lost hold on they like going out they love going out but they're stuck inside yeah I don't get that that's it's just so tough with three of them running in all directions my husband want usn't out there I couldn't fagle 3 running in all directions so a lot of times you know we always stay in the house right I mean it's every child's Delight to have such space to be able to skip and play ball and run around and yet mom's not even using that time do the kids get up this morning they get up at about 8: so for almost 6 hours they've been in yeah it does Blow Me Away really I mean they've all got Cabin Fever they stick in the house 24/7 none of them go out 15 minutes mom so I decided to take the kids outside just to see how chaotic it can be mommy what honey why don't you go play want playing the swings go play honey when they got outside they didn't know what to do and Mom stood around and they stood around they don't actually come out do they into a park or an open field or a no sometimes you know in the summer we do Pools and More activities but other than that I don't take them anywhere no I mean I can I can see yeah it's just cuz they're kind of just standing around not KN to what to do really yeah any other kid would have grabbed a football or you know grabbing their bike and trying to ride it on the grass or climbing up on the slide go it's all doom and gloom isn't it and now I've seen it all these kids don't even know how to have fun in their backyard mom's just not enthusiastic to be around the kids and to do anything with the kids it's like she's sleepwalking what she needs it's a good wakeup [Music] call eventually dad came came home yeah they come kids girl je fros please to meet you nice to meet you too I introduced myself he went upstairs to change he didn't really acknowledge mom that was a bit weird and then when he came downstairs I thought better ask these two about their relationship so are you guys on the same page same page as far as what your parenting you communicate often about that yeah most of the time he said they do communicate but she said they don't you don't communicate we don't communicate about it but we're on the same page as far as we do the same things which is a lot of talk no action I lot talk no action well we just repeat ourselves and the kids don't listen and we have the same techniques don't do this stop yeah we can only do as much as we know really we're rookies you know what do we know what do we know about parenting you know what I mean rookie you've got three kids how can you be a rookie hardly a rookie hey soon I got to see dad's idea of discipline what are you hitting her for this is where boys go or don't behave daddy why did daddy put you in the chair D what a shut up mean [Music] Dante dad had Dante on the chair then he was having a conversation with him get your foot off the table like put your feet on the table put them down why do you say that all the time Dante you want to tell Daddy why you say that he kept trying to reason and go over and over get the he in that chair hoping that Dante say oh yeah Dad I know I get it yeah I really messed up never mind I won't do it again a picture stup dir oh so do that that's time out yeah yeah is he finished it now or he hasn't or he's finished it now but then he just said stupid daddy again he just doesn't get it so was your time out effective I don't know I don't know I don't think so partially what do you feel no no I realized that dad is asleep at the will as well he knows what he does doesn't work but he does it anyway what do you want to drink dantey water I've seen Mom and Dad deal with discipline separately so now I'm going to be interested to see how they handle dinner time together I don't want it you like this I ha you I don't want it what do you want cheese but even before we got there the kids kicked into high gear told you this is what I made I'm not making a second meal give me that fish and chips he wants fish and chips come on Dam eat what I made and then I couldn't believe what I heard right all right all right all right so I'll make a chicken mom got up to make the second meal when she said she wasn't going to make it why would you make more work for yourself I I just want to please him but do you do you look like you pleasing him I mean seriously look look at this little one's face do do you look like do you look like you're pleasing no and just to drive the point home Damon decided to tell Mom what to do with the first meal after she'd made the second mom I want macaroni what did you say you wanted the macaroni too this is cold not funny warm what this can I he asked for some macaroni with it and now it's cold so go warm it up Mom's looking at me like H can you believe this kid and I'm looking at her like huh can I believe you're doing this Damon come eat right I'm calling it a day I have seen more than enough we do need to have a family meeting and sit down and discuss what's necessary in order to see change here so nice and early tomorrow okay family meeting thank you very much for today what this family are doing they know is absurd they know it's wrong it's just really lazy parenting tomorrow morning nice and early adult conversation okay I don't know what the future holds or how much longer till one of us breaks night or till the whole family breaks or the marriage breaks good night I think tomorrow is going to be a real wake up call for Mom and Dad in the family meeting but they need [Music] it hi hi so let's get straight down to business deep down none of of you are happy the kids are sad the kids are angry and actually the pair of you are not doing your job together you chose to have these kids to raise them I thought it was going to be easy I thought they were going to be well behaved you get married you have kids and everything's gr who told you that nobody just the way I grew up fairy T and I had no idea it was going to be so much work do you know what I just I really I find that hard to believe I just don't see no enthusiasm there's nothing interesting about you being around your kids you have three children who need their parents' interaction who need to connect with you emotionally mentally who need you to feel like you give a damn being with them you're uninteresting seriously Diane watching you with the kids your face is your your the lights S no one's at home there is not an ounce of enthusiasm for you being around the kids not an ounce everything's an effort it is they won't stay happy for more than 5 minutes I can't please them I don't think I'd be happy I can't please them no matter what I do I get on the floor I play I coll her there was no enthusiasm it was like oh I've got to do this because I'm supposed to do this not that you wanted to do it you didn't want to do it you didn't want to do anything with your kids and they see that it's not true it is I don't agree with that there is no effort there I love my kids and I get on the floor I color with them I play with them you serly the activity person I'm very creative as far as coloring and arts and crafts where was it yesterday where was it when I was observing you where was it yesterday was one day no where was it I don't I I don't know at the end of the day it's not happening it's heartbreaking for them but also you're missing out you know what I'm talking about cuz you're sitting here getting emotional you're getting emotional because you know you know what your boys are missing you know what your boys ain't getting yeah exactly kids need it yeah we do love them very much well I talk a good talk but I can walk a good walk and right up until now you guys have been talking a good talk but I need you guys to be walking it so are we in or are we out because we don't have time to waste here I'm in and I'm ready right then let's get to work thank [Music] you hello hello the first thing I do want to do is to go in and help Diane and Don create a routine that's going to help put a lot of stability in the children's daily lives so talk write down your cornerstones and then we're going to add a few more things in so why you writing talk I know it so write down that's what I'm thinking that's why I got confused you're talking we're talking 7:00 that you so not used to talking you're like right we don't want to right talk Diane we don't want to WR talk we want to talk okay so Damon up at 645 once they can make a routine and not be overwhelmed by it I think it's going to be more manageable for Mom to be able to do her chores and actually spend time with the kids why don't you do this a long time ago it was just wow it's that simple this routine would have something new for the Dello family playtime activities you'd think that they would have a list of things they would want to do but hey who better to make the list than the kids swing sets swing sets great let's write that down I think it was the first time since I've arrived that I saw these kids actually smile me girl the whole family was involved in you know making the activities does Dante like to ride the bike too yeah ride the bike ride the bike I can see the sparkle on their eyes I oh I want to do this and I want to ride bikes and they were shouting them out and it was just great hands up who spends too much time in the house we'll see you the family did a great job in writing down ideas but later on I am going to have to put them to the test when it comes to them going out together as a [Music] family now I do need to implement discipline and I have been given a perfect opportunity to teach that because I've Just Seen Dante lash out as his brother he hey hey hey behave Dante that wasn't a nice thing to say to your brother it was also a chance to teach these children that it's not okay to shout out stupid at others don't just call him stupid he had a very good idea that's not a nice thing okay please say sorry to your brother neither was mommy and daddy you don't call people stupid that's not nice Dante if you don't apologize to your brother I am going to put you in a Timeout yeah please tell your brother you're sorry so no look at your brother and tell him your story Dante stuck his heels in I'm not a apologizing I'm not saying sorry so you think about it if I don't hear it you're going in time out and then Mom jumped in and undermined Me by pacifying Dante which clearly shows me why discipline has never worked for this family hold on look what you're doing tell me what you're doing not what you're doing just consoling correct I'm trying to teach your child the importance of having respect and to console him is basically say that stroking that is then making me the bad cop it's not about that I needed to show Mom that discipline does work as long as you follow through and you don't cave in in pacifying your children it's all right it's all right you didn't you didn't say you're sorry you didn't [Applause] [Music] tell you didn't say your s mom and dad looked at me like really is she is she really going to do this to my child mama was holding her daughter like I was the big bad wolf I mean if you want your kids to learn and change their behavior it means as a parent you got to get tough every now and then and because you didn't you're now going to stay here for 4 minutes and when they saw that Dante just sat on that that chair and understood what he should be doing and thinking about they realized there was a point and purpose of why it was necessary to do Dante I put you in the timeout here on the naughty chair because you did not listen to me okay I want you to apologize please and tell me you're sorry I said Dante I'd like you to tell me you're sorry please sorry okay apology accepted I'd like to give you a hug and kiss okay I feel better about the timeouts before I would just put them on the chair and just let them run away after a few minutes and I thought timeout didn't work but I realized now there's a right way to do timeout so it does work Damon Dante look I've got something come over here look when these kids get angry they call out stupid these children don't get the opportunity to express how they feel internally so what I'm going to do is introduce a technique that will help them what we have here are lollipops different kind of lollipops this is going to encourage the communication by allowing the children to freely choose the lollipop that represents how they're feeling when Joe brought in those uh lollipop sticks with the little faces on them that's a little challenging naturally at first I'm thinking my kids are too little for that this one is when we're feeling silly and we're feeling silly because we want to do silly things I thought that was adorable the way she laid them all out and the kids were excited to see what each one was going to be and they couldn't wait to pick out how they felt Damon which one are you feeling right now silly okay you pick it then you hold it you're feeling silly okay what are you feeling you're feeling happy okay Dante how you feeling you're feeling loved using the lollipop technique will give the children the opportunity to explain how they're feeling if if they want to and if they don't want to talk about it at least we've made the first step in them holding up the faces and later on in the afternoon I let the parents put that technique into practice let them decide let them decide okay what's that one I'm ping my kids are definitely u a lot smaller than I thought the age factor is a factor but not like I was thinking what do you got Damon I'm thank you're feeling angry how come time out huh you're angry about timeout I can see Damon opening up more now that he's got those lollipops cuz he can't wait to show me the way he feels so it's nice that I can understand him now I'm we are actually going out on an adventure so with Dad at work I wanted mom to address her work worst fear and that was taking all their kids out in public would they behave the same way they do inside basically we're going to parent on the Fly we're going to deal with it as it happens I thought oh no what kind of Adventure is this going to be because I wasn't sure if I was going to handle all three kids so we're on our way to the supermarket now because what you're going to do is pick up the kids lunch this of the biggest nightmares I have taken three kids to the grocery store all right you got your kids behind you never have your kids behind you Dante no come on we're got to get our lunch voice Dante come here please Dante come here please where you need eyes at the back of your head I had to remind you a couple of times to keep the kids in front of her GA pick those out cuz when they start to lag behind she doesn't know what they're doing you can have that for the picnic I love you like onion rings Dante they have [Music] onion I looked down for GA and she was gone where' Gana go I've got a mom who's not watching where a younger child is and it's as simple as that help me find her Dante mommy eyes at the back of your headed I'm not messing with you here when I came back with Tiana mom's face was Panic stricken you were focused on that Deli and your head was turned I'm telling you now you've got to be diligent GI no running stay with Mama I was thankful that it wasn't a stranger and I knew there was a lesson to be learned if Mom learns to keep an eye on her kids she'll actually realize that she can have fun with them and actually enjoy being out Dante we're going to go have our lunch and then we're going to come up and play why we have they were well behaved there was no fighting that's a big pickle so far she's doing a fabulous job I hope that this has really encouraged mom to get out of the house more so that she grows that confidence daily and the kids start to enjoy themselves more and so does Mom you want to go upstairs and see what they have upstairs [Applause] [Music] yeah hey it was a nice day out I feel I can take them out a lot more somewhere that's interesting for them let them explore and have a good time going to go over here going to go to the other room no Janna don't throw food no later on dad was back from work and Gian was kicking off and as these parents both know how to do discipline I thought it'd be a good idea if Dad did it one warning okay she goes to the chair and you explain why set the alarm for how many minutes 2 minutes correct she gets off you place her back with no communication she does it 2 minutes you go back you explain and then you tell her you want her to apologize okay you need to tell Daddy you're sorry two minutes again hugs and kisses get off the chair move on dad had the steps down on paper but it remained to be seen if he could execute it you eat your food or you going to go and timeout you got a choice you either eat or you go to timeout you either eat your lunch or you go time out first step and dad had fallen off the rils I just needed to pull him aside to ask why what is stopping you from doing this I'm thinking she's too late okay all right so you think right now at 2 and a half she's too young understand what the timeout shair means you think she's too young the answer is she's not she is of the correct age where she would be disciplined now all right we're going to go on the timeout finally dad got going with Giana and I just hoped that he would remember all the steps you're not listening to Daddy and you're not eating and no blinking time up Pi don't talk no communication remember the paper why is it that even when it's written down he doesn't do it correctly come on don't talk Don because it's not rocket science you look at it you see the steps and you just do what are you doing what's that what are you do what you're supposed to [Music] to it was obvious that he thought Giana didn't understand what he was doing and who's paying the price Tiana stop for a minute here because you're creating the failure and guess you're sitting on the timeout not you no it's not right no it's not and I'm not pleased with that get with the program that's right so that your child doesn't have to be going through this 247 in the end both Don and Giana managed to do this for two straight minutes daddy put you in time out because you didn't do what daddy told you to do you didn't eat your lunch now say sorry to Daddy sorry Daddy oh okay I love you Dad did the final steps of the timeout properly I just hope that he can do it just as well from top to bottom whilst I'm gone told you to do I want to let you guys know that I'm leaving this is it yes I am leaving for several days are they going to have difficulties oh yes without a doubt these kids are going to test them homework because Mom and Dad need help with their communication whilst I'm away I'm going to leave them with a communication exercise to do when Mom and Dad need to talk about certain issues they're going to write that down into the circle and they're each going to take turns until they come to the middle and there they will both come to a resolution I hope for their sakes their kids sakes that they really continue to do this when I'm not there all right and follow through without Joe here for the next couple of days I'm a little nervous that we're not going to be able to pull it off as good we'll just be back right back to where we were before thank Jo you're welcome byebye this family have certainly shown a lack of faith in themsel whilst I've been there I just hope it doesn't fall apart at the seams whilst I'm gone the Telo family have had a lot of work to do whilst I've been away hello hello so I just hope that they've put their heads together and made it happen realistically how well do you think you've done I think I've done pretty good yeah pretty good yeah more good than bad all right well let's take a look then great so the first thing we are going to take a look at is toy time out what's just a chair time out here time out here what' the baby do a good time out here what did he do was he naughty come on out you're a good boy now come on come play okay very sweet okay so to answer your questions does your child understand oh yes two years she learning surprisingly so she's learning and then what she'll do is do that in her own world with her own toys is and she'll mimic the life that she lives and that's exactly what she's doing so let's move on to yourself da doing timeouts all right then you're going to go back and time out go the yes you are no I said you are I'm not going to argue with you why are you talking to him if he's in time out was trying to teach him something you're sabotaging the technique he says something you got to get the last word in he says something he could get the last word in and all you're doing is winding him up I'm just saying you know he's he's used to going Tit for Tat so I think he's having a little hard time trying to control his you know arguing back and forth cuz that's what he's used to doing so he's falling into Old Behavior correct it's old Behavior but you're behaving like like you're in a playground you're not being the adult here you're not even acting IM matur on you need to think hard circles you didn't support if you say I didn't support your cause and I'm telling you then we need to go over the values and rules so I can support your cause just keep going around circles I until we meet the middle I guess that's the idea of this isn't it who oh no is this wining come to the middle that's not resolved I know so it's your turn to write any anyway I'm not walking away from I'm trying to do things at we're supposed to come to an agreement as we get to the middle TR turn the [Music] right yet again every technique you're sabotaging I don't care what shows on telly it's not as important as what's going on between the pair of you right how did you feel at the time by yourself I felt like this is why I don't communicate cuz I don't get anywhere and I just felt like I was all on so basically then you're living like a divorced couple but underneath the same Ruth to be honest there's still a lot of work to be done my question is is whether you can actually look at yourself and see your flaws and change those I'm so okay okay than thanks sure [Music] I could see from watching the DVD that Dad was still struggling with discipline big time however Damon gave me an opportunity to show Dad how to do discipline again the correct way sit properly I finish eating Dante sit down Damon go Dante should have been on a warning by now already did war minutes ago then follow through actually I don't think I've ever spent as much time going over the steps of a naughty technique than I have in this family it went in one ear and out the other I told you you got up you got up I told you not to get out of the table now you staying time out and Don had a major problem with being being quiet so I just thought the only way I'm going to teach this guy how to do that is to really put a mask over his mouth this is what I'm going to ask you to wear to keep your mouth she handed over a uh a muzzle pretty much in the form of a uh a mask type of [Music] thing you know it worked but it's still hard believe me even with that [Music] on [Applause] [Music] eventually Dante realized that he wasn't going to win this one and dad was going to knuckle down and do what was necessary and it was the first time that Dad got it right so we go back and we do what explanation hey hi Dante D well the reason why I had you in timeout is because you didn't do what daddy said you didn't sitting at the table until you were excused Oh Daddy you're sorry sorry give me a hug a kiss I'll tell you it's been a long time coming but I can say now safely that Dad does know how to do a time out right okay all [Music] right finally progress but unless Mom and Dad come together then nothing actually will ever get solved ready for some work yeah good because I will need you to put your coats on CU we're going outside okay it is coming to the end of my time with Diane and Don but what I want to do is to take them outside there's a very important point to be made as you can see we have a very large block of ice it's quite symbolic because very deep down at the bottom was a photograph of the pair of them was that picture photo yes we didn't have children yet all right that was our first year of marriage actually do you remember how you both felt in that photo I do how excited to be together happy less stressful but it takes work takes work to remain in that place and I just really basically spoke to them about the importance of their marriage their parenting these things take time and you have to chip away at making sure that you are willing every day to put in what's necessary to get the results that you want so take a nice pick because you're both going to chip away from the top to reach that photo underneath R baby let's get it baby let's get it I thought it was a pretty neat thing to do cuz we were chipping away at all the stress and aggravation we just got to this happy couple and it just brought back a lot of memories there it is baby I really think that I've made dad think about his behavior and how that affects his wife his marriage his kids his family if you want how you both felt here then you got to work it do you want it baby yes I want it let's go inside and as we started to walk away it turned around very casually and said it's my fault what was that I just heard that's my fault really why well it's hard to own up why I don't know just having I'm man I don't know e I'm feeling that all of this is really making a DE impact on Dad so when we got into the house I asked him just to express how he's been feeling to Mom sorry I like the way I've been [Music] acting my uh selfishness I hope that from this point on that we can move forward and raise our kids the way that we want to raise them you know the right way so I'm want to try I'm going to try and work at it cuz I love you and the kids thank you your whole life I love you [Music] too l i I'm going to go when I went in Mom and Dad weren't really on the same page together the kids never went out and played mom felt like she was stuck in the house and Dad really couldn't be bothered to be honest with you but now they've got communication and they're enjoying their family life byebye byebye I didn't think anything could come of this crazy stressed out family what a difference just got home now take make me a kiss kiss kiss ignorance I guess there Bliss but there wasn't much Bliss in my house I'll tell you Joe helped us with a lot of things care you H I know the kids are going to be a lot happier they're going to see the change in their mom and dad and it's going to make for a happy your family keep going keep going okay all right listen remember your family it's a priority sometimes it was some hard pills to swallow byee I think they we can work it out and I think it's it's going to work I know it's going to [Applause] work [Music] he
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 464,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supernanny, supernanny full episodes, super nanny, supernanny uk, supernanny full episodes worst family, supernanny megan, supernanny girl faints full episode, supernanny worst family ever, supernanny 2020, supernanny season 8, supernanny best moments, supernanny teenagers, supernanny madison, supernanny us, jo frost, extreme parental guidance, supernanny bedtime, supernanny mean mom, super nanny 911 full episode, supernanny autism
Id: 7vGyJNlVw2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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