Nanny Fears for Children's Safety and Calls in Jo| The Swift Family | Supernanny Full Episodes

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i'm in sacramento california and a fellow nanny has reached out to me because her family need my help strange right let's take a look hi my name's katie i'm 22 years old and i am the nanny for the swift family joshua what's going on hey come on no cannot come on my name's tony and i'm jenny and we have five kids jack who's 11 joshua who's 10 shawn who's seven then we have max who's four and baby mia who's nine months gloria is my mom she is extremely involved with our family on a daily basis that's i gave super nanny a call because i felt like it was really necessary for the children's safety i'm worried about them getting hit by cars i'm worried about them getting kidnapped this little boy shouldn't be out in the street i mean where are his parents it's definitely a concern of mine that the children are going to get hurt especially a little nine month old this is just too dangerous [Music] oh dear you didn't tell me she was behind oh i didn't know nobody's aware of her crawling around on the floor not in a minute that's not safe at all does she get this in her mouth she puts it in her mouth gloria is definitely more of a parent than jenny and tony we're not gonna play with the food really you're gonna have to put the baby somewhere jimmy no she's fine she takes care of the kids a lot there's stuff all over the floor over there no she's right here just let her no don't put her in there she needs to crawl around a little bit no this is what she had in her mouth that's a band-aid that's crazy what are these parents thinking i want all these cups picked up hey we're at our wit's end [Music] we're exhausted hey don't do that super nanny i'm begging you to please help the sweat family lay down now guys you're falling apart the seams but i'm on my way [Music] hello hello hi nice to meet you i'm jenny when joe first came in the house i have to admit that i was intimidated hi sean pleased to meet you please meet you too hi to meet you i'm josh hi jack pleasure to meet you meet you too hi tony who's the one hiding behind the blanket hello this is mia hello just after i arrived i got this whole conversation about how they're not really happy with their nanny i mean really i call her more of a babysitter i wouldn't call her as a substitution for a parent you know what i'm saying she's not always here on a regular basis she comes it's just like okay whatever she more watches the kids when we're gone the problems that she faces every day looking after these kids do you not face them yourself i do but i feel like it's it's okay for me to face those problems but it's not okay for her so she should be equipped to deal with your children even though you're not right exactly in a perfect world i think this woman's extremely lazy she's hired a nanny she has grandma and yet she's saying i think my nanny should be able to take care of my kids completely even if i can't really hello and as if on cue katie the nanny walked straight through the door joe how are you good and then almost immediately dad left no no it's raining stay in then mum left and i was left with the nanny and the kids okay you're good when it was time for katie to change mia's diaper shaun and max saw the opportunity to misbehave oh my gosh what is going out there and the rough housing continued into mum and dad's bedroom [Music] oh your diaper's all messed up in there [Music] finally katie realised where the boys were hey sean sean that's it hey guys i don't think that mom wants you to be playing in her room so you need to go ask her katie's totally unsure of how she should be managing these boys and i soon found out why would you say that you're both on the same page no i don't think so jenny and tony have never sat me down and given me a game plan to disciplining their children i've really gone on by observing them and trying to simulate what they would do there aren't really clear rules and it kind of changes between us between parents between if my mom's here if i'm here that's a sure-fire recipe for disaster everybody needs to be in sync mum needed to pick some things up at the grocery store and so i said to her let's go with all the kids just to get them all out together hey excuse me no max come here please sean come here i was panicking because i knew the kid's first inclination was going to be to run away sean come here and i was trying really hard to keep things under control but i could feel things slipping away we're gonna go to the restroom right you have to go yeah i have to you can't go by yourself i have to go with you come dan can you stand right by and watch her just don't take her out are you being serious well i mean are you being serious yes totally that that's that's this is what i would do that's no way that's crazy she was about to leave her seven-year-old in charge of the baby you don't have enough hands you think it's because you don't have enough hands yeah okay you don't need more than one pair of hands to realize that you take your baby with you to keep them safe and i don't think that's a priority for mum at the moment i was really happy when we got out of that grocery store and tell you the truth i probably made it through half the things that i was planning on getting [Music] after watching mum in the supermarket i'm concerned about her actions so i pulled her aside to talk to her do you feel overwhelmed right now with all the kids it feels overwhelming yeah it feels like work 90 of the time it's not fun i'm not having fun i don't think my mom has fun i don't think my husband has fun i think we're all just trying to get through the day the best that we can and that's just not what i envisioned you know when i go to bed at night i feel sad because i'm like this isn't i don't want them to grow up like this i don't want them to grow up sad or thinking like you know i grew up and it was just that's what i say i see you i see you uh yeah it's very obvious to me that this mum's not enjoying parenthood because she's not engaging with any of her children and having fun and if she's going to change that it's going to take effort later on in the day one of mom and dad's key helpers grandma came around for dinner hi nice to meet you i'm joe hello i'm gloria hi laura pleasure to meet you do you want to put her in her chair yeah okay i will do that and gloria went straight into minding those kids here eat this max turn around sit down finally somebody around here was taking control sure come here i need you to do something i'll hold that go to mia's bedroom and get me up those wipes fast there are little things that go on that grandma sees and observes and she's shaping and molding their behavior and etiquette every day and yet it's going to the sidelines when it comes to jen and tony doing that look out [Music] that poor does it have a fence no i know does it have an alarm disc canoe but the pool alarm is disconnected these kids are riding their bikes very close to the pool edge no helmets on and there's no pool alarm on i mean it's a dangerous situation with the baby we have to be very careful with this door because she's now crawling out and has gotten out you know some distance so safety is an issue here big issue big major issue you know there's only so much you can say if you go too far it's not okay why what happens with these two it's oh it's okay my judgment is it's not okay these kids need to be safe and they need to be protected by their parents you need to go get your jacket and come in because it's too cold out here i've seen enough quite frankly it was time for me to leave so what i'd like to do is call for a family meeting tomorrow so that we can sit down and really work out where we're going to go from here okay perfect i need to have a serious conversation with these parents tomorrow because what i've seen i'm not happy with [Music] i was very nervous about hearing what joe would have to say i started to realize man i'm there's a lot of things here i'm doing wrong it's not just one or two things it's everything there are four adults around your children but you guys are not on the same page it really sends a bad message to the kids and that's why you're in this pickle now for sure so it's going to be really important that you guys talk about raising your family with grandma as she is a key co-carer in your lives she has her own view and her own ways in which she feels that the kids should be raised and instead of maturely communicating i think we both get defensive yeah i don't buy it oh guess who's getting fed up of hearing gloria put things right you guys but only because you won't step up yourselves i think you're immature to be honest with you it's a conversation you say to yourself well how do we get here because you were lazy because it wasn't important enough because sitting down and working out what was right for your kids just wasn't important enough which leads me to talk about yourself and your connection with the kids i think that if i had more free time here at the house but i have to do the laundry or whatever you got help you got help coming at your ears i think it's immature and lazy to allow your mum to take over and then you're bringing the nanny in and you're saying right now you do that you have to jump in to your kids well otherwise you're not going to know them look you put it into yourself so you have date night you go out and you recognize the importance to feed that relationship it's the same with the kids [Music] safety big issues doors being opened kids just drop things on floors so why is it not necessary for you to follow through with your kids when it comes to them picking up after themselves when actually those pieces could choke me out and kill her no paul alarm being rigged it's off right now do you need the broken leg no do you need the drowning no that's just blurbing out hot air and saying it's important but your actions well there are no actions so we've got a lot of work to do we need to leave the egos and the laziness at the front door it's 100 commitment you guys are either in or you're out we're ready i'm excited so i'll see you soon okay thank you i do need a round table summit with gloria jen and tony because no one's on the same page so we're gonna hash it out have this conversation and start putting in a game plan you are the parents you have the fortune of having your mother-in-law or mother support you so i think what would be very important at this first stage would be for you both to discuss what you feel needs to be resolved so that gloria can hear that and support that one thing that i see with my mom is um i'll either undermine what she says or vice versa i may have said today you don't have to do whatever and then i'll they'll come home and they'll say well you said to me earlier i didn't have to do something but now grandma just sat in the car and told me i did have to that happens a lot it's very frustrating as a parent to you know get undermined you feel helpless they have to be the ones that set the agenda i facilitate it grandma was saying the same thing as nanny katie there are no rules in the house and they need to come from the parents not the grandma and not the nanny gloria takes the kids to swimming and she has for a long time a big thing for me is i would like gloria to respect the other sports that they do just as much as swimming and that's a big thing that has upset me the last month and a half because they have been playing one of them's been playing basketball and i don't feel that she takes the basketball as much as a priority as the swimming i took that as a complete affront i was at every game except one and i was there with all the parents i don't know exactly what you're honing in on here well i mean i i don't want to go over example well no i don't these parents have grandma come in and take care of the kids and yet they complain that gloria focuses on swimming and not enough on basketball like really it's really clear that there's a lot of resentment there's a lot of anger there's a lot of harvard feelings here between the three of you it's really sad actually to really iron out these issues that the adults were having it was important that they come together on the same page with regards to the kids the first thing that we needed to do was to get mom and dad to establish and create some house rules so that all the adults in the house could stick with them fighting fighting fighting okay how about ask when they leave yeah after we've established the rules i brought in nanny katie so that mum and dad could start to delegate who was going to take care of what tasks with what child in this circumstance what you will do is divide the labor and conquer correct in the household there's chaos going on at all times but this board it's a way of organizing the four of us so that we are all on the same page each circle represents one day of the week and so i got mum busy filling in the first someone's got to feed the baby right right i was gonna have my mom do that i was able to delegate the tasks to my mom and a little bit to katie and i realized immediately this is going to be a great tool mum successfully distributed the work in the first circle and tomorrow she'll get busy on the second so what i'm going to ask you to do is stick that up in what i call the tv room so then everyone can have a look at that i think that having the board there and going to it every day and writing down what we expect i think it's going to be a great thing [Music] the next thing to do was really to get this house safe for mia so i took the family shopping to get some baby proof items however little max wasn't in the mood to go shopping max you hold on to the cart he's not holding out of the cart max you need to come and hold on to the cart thank you max started in with his usual behavior max where are you going oh yeah really i'm gonna hand that over to you mum i'm gonna give you a warning do not take your hand off the cart look at me when i'm talking to you do you understand he wasn't listening wasn't following directions uh he's gone again do i tell him he's gonna have a time like i just warned him max i need to talk to you because you let go of the cart after i told you not to when we get home you're going to have a timeout max stop right now you're not going to get a gumball today because you didn't listen to it [Music] max kicked off he was screaming at the top of his lungs and mum and dad would beside themselves with embarrassment of how to deal with this situation if we would have given him the gumball then that would let him know it's okay that he he can let go of the card and not follow directions come back to the card stop stop stop stop for a minute right now i want you to hold on to that cart and stop messing around right now that's enough jen and tony found what they were looking for but they still need to follow through with discipline when they got home when we all arrived back at the house it was time to put max straight on time out i am putting you on a timeout because you kept letting go of the basket and you did not listen to me and i need you to stay here for four minutes get a timer [Applause] [Music] we saw jen implement a timeout with max and he tested on that as well it got really ugly for a while but having joe there allowed me to carry through and not give in [Music] but eventually through jen's perseverance he did stay in the timeout and we did get the first discipline ever executed max mommy put you on a timeout because you did not hold on to the cart like i asked you to when jenny was doing the timeout with max i thought she did a great job um she really stuck to her guns sorry okay have a hug i felt really good at the end of the timeout because that's probably one of the first times tony or myself have really stuck with the punishment i love you with max's discipline follow through we got busy with baby proof in the house with the items that we bought from the shop you want to do some of those okay you can do some of these too sean and max helped out by covering up the outlets got it yeah nice whilst dad put casings around power strips ah i got it beautiful bumpers on the corners of end tables covers over electrical cords and a guard on mirror's bedroom door to keep those little fingers safe i'd made it very clear to mum and dad in the family meeting that small items on the floor would seriously be a choking hazard for mia and now i wanted to make that point very clear to the boys we all know that those little things that go in baby's mouths can choke can be very dangerous and then i had the boys put the small toys into baby proof containers i think we feel a lot safer now having mia crawling around on the floor and then there was pool safety i had mum and dad switch the pool alarm back on and then i gave them a nice little visual to remind the boys to keep the sliding doors closed for mia's sake this is the difference between mia crawling out there and you guys remembering to close the door the butterflies separate look two halves so you want to bring it together okay the kids immediately responded they were excited about it and it's just so easy to see that the wings need to be together max come on when you're done you always have to remember close the butterfly there's no doubt that this house will be a much safer environment for me and the boys going forward with household safety on the go it's going to be important to work on relationships and jen and gloria have a lot of strain in their relationship and we need to get to the bottom of this let's have a conversation about what creates this friction between the pair of you do you want me to say whatever oh you just go for it pair of you i feel that i don't live up to your expectations that i don't do a good enough job so i think that's left me in a situation where i felt resentment [Music] i've always been in your corner i've always thought of you as absolutely wonderful over the years i've heard my daughter say that i am disappointed in her and i've gone to the point of saying i think you're disappointed in yourself gloria what do you feel you need to do with regards to assessing yourself i need to maybe take some steps back here i've been very concerned about safety and the kids they need to come more to the forefront with you and tony they need to be thought of first so we're not doing a good enough job well let's be honest i mean that's why i'm here when there are things that are not being taken care of which are all the things that i've been helping you guys to understand safety discipline for unruly behavior and parents are not taking care of that then you're like well what's going on here what are these parents doing but you are recognising that you need to back off now in knowing what's been put in place yeah what do you need to do with regards to working on yourself to be more assertive i need to make sure that our rules are set by tony and myself and that we uphold them and that you're there to help with them and support them so that when you're here it's enjoyable and fun and there's not so much pressure to be a third parent i don't want a better relationship with you i really do what you want because you're my daughter and i love you dearly i love you i love you don't laugh oh i can't help it make me cry it's been a really long time since i've said to my mom you know i love you and given her a hug what this conversation did was open the door and that was a beginning mom mentioned to me that she doesn't find parenting fun but she's done nothing to work on our relationships with her kids it would be a real good start for you to actually just get involved doing some things with them they enjoy doing okay so i thought what we'd do is just start off with josh maybe we'll play horse or whatever [Music] you're gonna go easy on me right who's yellow and who's green oh i'm yellow how was uh practice last night i got a rebound so i like this mom gets a chance to really hang out with josh and do what he loves doing but it also gives him a chance just to have an everyday conversation has he started football yet so that she understands more about josh as he's growing up we talked about how school is going and how i've been doing in my basketball games yeah she's on fire and then it was jack's turn he's very creative so i bought some clay out to get his imagination fired up what should we make i think we should have a plan you're the architect huh let's just go free do whatever we ever want to do no direction huh no direction whatsoever the great thing about spending the alone time with the boys is that it's starting to open up the lines of communication between us i like your cartoon character and you did them the three different ways normal old and buff what i realized is that it's been a long time since i've played with them and really had the opportunity to talk about things that are important to them that's cool like clouds for it to sit on now good idea i hope to spend one-on-one time with my mom more often it's sean fun broke a house rule so he was being punished which meant that it became max's turn with mum and i had a little project for the pair of them max was going to learn how to ride his bike without his training wheels and mum was going to teach him get your feet up there okay now we're going to go straight look at the handlebars you're just going to hold this you go you go you go push pedal pedal pedal okay you know jen's got him going really fast and if she just keeps doing it with him very very quickly he's going to end up being able to ride this bike by himself well done do it again yeah you want to do it again now because you rode your fight by yourself here we go are you ready go pedal although i have four boys i don't think i've ever taught one of them by myself anyway to ride their bike it meant the world to me to be able to teach him that skill and i know i'll never forget it and i don't think he'll ever forget it either mum's beginning to realize that through doing these activities with her boys it's just growing their relationship more and more so that she can continue to bond i know how to wind my bike now [Music] let's discuss what you guys are all going to do whilst i'm gone the labour of love is going to be very important for the three of you because it's going to keep the relationships healthy shawn hopefully we'll get to have that time with you yeah i'm nervous for joe to leave i'm not going to have her there to ask her questions and i'm going to have to just figure it out on my own please work hard and enjoy and i'll see you in several days okay all right this family really has had to absorb a lot since i've been there but you know i am going to expect them to step up they want change they can have to work for it [Music] i've been gone for three days and i'm curious to see exactly how this family i've got on whilst i've been away i don't want to have any mistakes on the dvd session i want to get a hundred percent i want an a plus hello hello i don't really think joe's gonna have a big problem with anything i did personally now tony is another story who's ready to take a look we're ready we're ready if you want to help get max and sean dressed yeah you're not dressed yet can you get dressed please katie's coming over tonight because uh dad and i are going to dinner if you don't listen to katie or you don't follow our rules i will you're going to have a timeout i will you will be missing outside time tomorrow jack you will lose game time tomorrow hi come over here let me show you this your concern is movie and bed consequences you're gonna give them that warning and then if it happens again then it's a consequence okay feel good watching that yeah for probably the first time i went over with katie specifically what my expectations were just your overall confidence in communication was absolutely superb i mean everybody had clarity everybody knew where they were at right and even the kids and how they responded was absolutely fantastic it was very wonderful to see great [Music] watch for me be mindful of your sister who's right underneath you jump sean butterfly thank you what we are seeing is a complete turnaround from what we had in the beginning in a safety little sanctuary for me to uh no doubt be walking very soon yeah yeah dumb both well you really have good to see sean you and i are going to watercolor [Music] did you know that your grandfather my dad was an artist grandma jack he watercolored all the time so you think you're gonna be ready for second grade well i thought first grade was gonna be like push up yeah it wasn't that hard it wasn't as hard as you thought yeah it's a great day for a bike ride in order for me to let you go you have to give me a kiss [Music] the kiss is a big thing yeah he doesn't give those out very easily what i get from that as well is you enjoying motherhood you enjoying now your parenting that's the biggest deal here because the children feel that that allows you to have more emotional intimacy with them which is all part of your bonding and your experiences together which was so necessary okay so tony we're going to move on to yourself allergies kiddo you got them because i have just one teaspoon okay fully needed [Music] max get up here now quickly here i'll go like this and you don't taste it okay i'm gonna have to hold you down and force you to take it unless you do it right now i'm gonna count to three and i'm gonna pin you down and i'm gonna make you take i'm getting upset now i'm starting to get frustrated with you okay if you don't take your medicine i'm going to put you on a timeout okay do you understand no that's your warning look at me that is your warning look in my eyes [Music] one two three in a nutshell you don't know what you're doing and because you didn't know what you were doing you sabotaged the situation with max what you're looking at there was it necessary i thought so at the time take this now i wasn't going to pin you down and you'll have no choice and then you'll do this and so i mean yeah like you did nothing to be able to make him feel that taking the medicine would be good for him he took it after i gave him the warning about the time because he didn't want to sit on a timeout the time that's not to control though the timer is to teach them boundaries it's to teach them rules it's not right to use a timeout to control that so what do you do though because i've told them before when taking medicine that change your own attitude i mean there's a lack of tolerance here big time there's a lack of patience so you have to change your whole demeanor in the way that you behave and then you'll get a better response from the children i've seen some great material here from mum however if you're not on board you'll sabotage everything i saw on the dvd that dad was giving max his medicine in a very forceful way i need to teach dad how to have a better approach max you know you're taking medicine for your eye right for your allergies right look at dad those are for afterwards that's right i know i know that those aren't disgusting but we have to take this i can't you're having a conversation with yourself he's not even spoke and you're like i know that you're thinking this and yeah and you know you have a conversation with yourself have a conversation with max maxie take this medicine babe [Music] because it doesn't taste good i know but we have to take it so you'll feel better so your eye will stop itching we can take the seltzer water right afterwards look it's right there ready to go and you have a little syringe that you can put it in that he can apply it himself yeah we do have one of those why don't you do it yourself do you want to use the spoon or do you want to use the squeezer you want to use the squeezer okay you do it it was just being more empathetic about how he was feeling and how frightened he was all the way down and once we empowered him you saw a different result different kid you got it good job good job max you're all done i just need to exercise my patience with max especially when it comes to getting him involved and letting him do things on his own what do we do just let him do it himself we gave him the choice i think dad's certainly learnt more patience i think he's recognising when and when not to give discipline and i think he's feeling more confident in himself which means he's making progress i think mum's done a really fantastic job building those relationships with her sons through one-on-one time i do have another little idea that i want to show up to bring the whole family together all right let's go follow me we've got a surprise place to go to so off we went to the trampolining center but before we went bouncing had a little gift i wanted to give the family as you can see this is the swift family fun photo album so with this instant camera we get to take photos and actually put them into your photo album which is rather cool and who's ready to have some fun bye okay this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you really enjoy playing dodgeball and just jumping as a family jack get this one i think the kids loved having jenny in the trampolines i think we've been to that trampoline center probably 20 times she's never one time gone on the trampolines i think i'll always remember that i have the worst aim my mom usually doesn't play with us it was very nice spending time with my mom it was amazing everybody was playing the kids were having a great time all right tony you're gonna get it [Music] glo definitely has an arm i mean she is very athletic [Music] one right in the back [Music] before we left mum and grandma started putting photos into the album now that's a nice one i feel like the photo album is something we can continue to create as a family what i've learned from joe is that the activity doesn't matter what's important is that you're together able to play together and really enjoy one another's company i'm becoming more confident and feeling more fulfilled and happy in my day before i arrived mum didn't even enjoy motherhood and didn't know how to connect with her older boys now she does and she's enjoying it and that's really what it's all about [Music] glory has done a lot for this family and i don't truly believe it's been appreciated so before i leave i want to change that i notice that grandma does a lot of things with you guys and sometimes it's really nice to let the person know who does that that we appreciate the things that they do for us i thought it'd be a great idea if the boys drew some pictures and for jen and tony to write a thoughtful letter and so i brought grandma into her grandma presentation this is the thing i worked really hard on i did it gratitude that you have been so kind to me oh my goodness wow very nice let me see oh max it was absolutely wonderful each of the little boys with their picture and their with their story behind it i made this for you thank you okay oh my goodness it was just marvelous thank you very much you're a great guy and then it was time for dad to read the letter from himself and jen to gloria glo it is very hard to put into words how much jenny and i appreciate all you do for our family the kids love you so much and now with all of us on the same page i think we will all start having a lot more fun with the kids and each other we both love you very much and can't thank you enough for all your love and support love tony and jenny very nice very nice thank you you're welcome the letter was probably one of the best things that have happened in a long time it was very gratifying [Music] boys it's time for me to leave tony take care of yourself thank you for everything joe thank you so much i now know what i need to do we have a plan to do it and we have the tools to carry it out i'm gonna put you through the same actions i hope that you've realized that you are capable of much more than what you thought you were capable of i agree [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 2,496,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supernanny, supernanny full episodes, super nanny, supernanny uk, supernanny full episodes worst family, supernanny megan, supernanny girl faints full episode, supernanny worst family ever, supernanny 2020, supernanny season 8, supernanny best moments, supernanny teenagers, supernanny madison, supernanny us, jo frost, extreme parental guidance, supernanny bedtime, supernanny mean mom, super nanny 911 full episode, supernanny autism, swift family supernanny
Id: FWqMYwIbD6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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