technoblade SHOCKING MOMENTS on dream smp

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and i hate to say it to you but there's one thing i have that you'll never ever ever have i have the blade just lay in there get in some shut eye which one of you make no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's fine it'll be okay [Applause] listen pal i could just kill you right now all right i'm not going to because we're such good friends but i just know i could at all times so why don't we just um and they want blood so i suggest you take what you've got now you let nikki go and you get off that land very unbecoming nice those dogs they need training it's not my fault i give them a punch and they'll start screaming i have a democratic vote [Music] maybe think about this everyone because i actually can give quite a quite a whole lot to the team i actually can do quite a whole lot uh such as such as uh leadership listen hear me out hear me out fellas just hear me out okay just hear me just hear me just hit me out just just hear me out just hit me out please i can't just keep doing war streams okay okay listen listen listen listen at least click go live if you're gonna start fighting people jesus mother christ oh my okay okay listen hear me out this mother cries hear me out hear me out i'm just i'm so overwhelmed well you terribly just turned on me all right let's go back to breeding dogs i just got spanish screamed out by techno and i mean not for nothing but that sure looks like a visa operation john f kennedy go uh hey chad now let's let's walk out of here with swag oh i mean with pog i mean with pogba go go go go go go go where the heck am i where are you i'm okay i'm here i'm here run follow me behind okay run run past him run past him go go he's not he's not hurting us okay this way this way this way off are you interested in receiving a god apple perhaps i have been collecting god apples look at this i got three i got three god apples i told sapnap he does the optical course i'll give it to him but if you do it before him you can have it who are we robbing sapnaf today i went through the thing i didn't survive but i went through the thing [Music] of course oh my god oh that was awesome doesn't count but it was awesome easy first try baby first try baby let's go let's go oh first try oh my god oh it was so trivial and on my first [Music] thank you thank you i got i got your stuff there you go yes these are all the items i needed dude it's so impressive that you hit the button in like two out of three attempts that was so good oh my god all right anyways let me show you the phone show me the phone show me the phone yeah i'm working hard on the farm i'm actually a little hungry so this is this is good oh okay yeah this is good this is good this is this is a bigger than i was expecting but you know i've seen what you can do technoblade oh okay how long have you been on this how long have you spent here uh i haven't logged off wait you you haven't logged off the server yeah i've just i've just been here that's like that's like 14 hours revolution waits for no man i i respect that i respect that i was expecting the cave to look a little bit more developed in that case oh that's not in my skill set all right that's what i'll be doing today then so i was thinking um how do i go how do i get down from here i can't i can't even see the ground hey what if i do this okay okay this just went very bad never question my intellect again you fools you before you thought you thought oh techno blade just throw a pearl i don't want to make it boring and make it boring i'm trying to run a stream over here the taco bell isn't here we have to keep going we gotta keep going chat chat i need to find a horse i need to find a horse immediately i was going to find a horse i was going to breed no no tubbo tubbo you die tubbo i will kill you i will kill you no no there could only be one tumbo there can only be one there can only be one leave leave no [Music] all right all right one competitor down one competitor down there can only be one there can only be one chat taco bell all right how about this horse go go go wasting time with it's not wasting time to get a better method of transportation it's 75 oh this horse sucks oh my god you don't even get to live you don't even get to live [Music] we need the fastest horse we need rocket we need rocket and render distance that's what i need it's what i need oh my god horse saw being stubborn he's walking really slowly all this this is just so much worse it's just so much worse can we kill can we kill for taco bell oh my god hbo h-bomb log off log off h-bomb it's mine it's mine h-bomb go go go log off right now it's mine it's mine it's mine george log off get off this server i need taco bell
Channel: Ro0oney
Views: 2,069,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m5ns-NrRigc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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