Technoblade Makes Dream's Minecraft Server 1000% Funnier...

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wait you guys hate women over there i need to reconsider sides [Music] do you guys forget about technoblade look i've been in a lot of wars at the minute and it's not great i'm not the best fighter but you know who is the only man that's ever killed dream yeah yeah technoblade and today gents we got him on the dream smp and on our side this all came to plan uh when our nation fell apart to summarize we had a bit of an election on dream server uh that we completely lost to an evil dictator called jay schlapp and now uh because we lost to him we're living in a dirt shack in the middle of nowhere and we're completely banished from dream server but the thing is no one else on the server knew that we were about to have technoblade on our side and having tetoblade it's just yes hey by the way please subscribe there are so many ways of going hey hey please subscribe but i'll just be up front and say if you can just check you're subscribed that'd really help out i really don't want to bother you all i ask is that if you can just check the subscribe button right now to see if you subscribe since i spend hours on these videos that'd help out so much anyways it's technoblade time i think i think we should speak to the blade maybe we don't add him but i think okay fine speak to him speak to him do you know him do you not think that's cool get him in this call i will listen but i am not speaking to him you're talking you're doing the talking i refuse to open to another man hey techno oh so i heard you want to join us well i just i saw there was a possibility of like ford and democratically elected governments and i was like oh man i'm up for that and wilbur's a little sensitive right now all the americans have just turned on very understanding and i hate to break it but you are american um i want you on our side technoblade but i'm not sure take no blade oh if i were to let you onto my side would you train us to fight back i would do that tommy we need to construct a barracks we need to make it hidden we need to keep it underground any training facilities technoblade needs i want it built and then i want us to practice tommy did someone say rebellion you want to get on pal because i i mean i know wilbur's not with you but tenno i am i know i know we've had our wars i know how strong you are right now yeah all right tenor blade i'm gonna i'm gonna come to the spawn and i'm gonna get you and you're gonna stick by my side tommy tommy look at me be careful the wound is fresh the area is hot they're looking for you can i have your diamond armor thank you i believe in you man you've been the you've been the best right-hand man i could ask for thank you brother all right tell me when to log in tell blade i quite like a little bit more passion in your voice if that's okay with the dictators will be do you have the strength parts i'm gonna i'm gonna drink strength all right i'm gonna head back to the spawn it's nice to speak to you again big man didn't we speak yesterday yeah we did all right good seeing you too how's the journey going tommy i'm making my way through oh oh gee oh [ __ ] i'm dropping in the strength so what you're going to do is you're going to go to the the uh the east wall and then there's a little hole through that you're going to run through that you're going to sprint after me and we're going to have to [ __ ] run so follow you and go east uh whichever way i'm going i'm not quite sure which way is which so you'll be to the east when i say where is east to the left you're the one that's right east to the right all right i'll be i'll be on that i'll be on hard west no no north north tech no no it's the north that's not left or right oh confidence is not being inspired within me right now okay i have to say okay uh you've screwed me wait no i'm probably on my own oh you tango blade we just change accounts oh go go go go go go go i'm okay i'm here i'm here run follow me behind you behind you no that's that's not that's that's gotta get up we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go i don't see you oh wait is that your brother yes that's me he's not he's not hurting us okay this way this way this way [ __ ] off okay follow me follow me let me just go run how is he going yeah yeah go go go go go okay i swear to god if you've been in cahoots with jay schlatt this whole time did i do that to you you're quite a big fan of winning technology i'm a big fan of anarchy is what i'm a fan of okay everyone in my chat is saying you were you were hired you're not hired are you okay why do you mean exactly okay run run run run this way okay go go near him so the game sounds good no no no no you judge ball don't fail me now okay run run channel blade run keep going keep going he shot you okay you're fine you're fine you're fine okay punk knows oh my he's trying to kill okay i've got to kill him i've got to kill him i'm way over here tommy let me just punch this tree for wood no don't don't punch no trees watch okay go go go go go no no he's fine just fine keep running just keep running you're not doing any fighting now where are you i'm just to your east that doesn't mean anything to me just hit f3 look at the sun you see the direction of the sun it's the other way from the sun okay punk's got to go punk's gotta go i told him to go and he ain't going i don't know where i know you need to hide you need to hide this guy's going to kill you he seems to have something against you kill him kill him then kill him he's killing the whole okay i've got him okay do i do it do i leave his stuff or do i what do i okay i'm taking the boat please stop and run get us okay all right all right we need we need items really badly [ __ ] all right teleblade where are you i'm to the east just just tell me in better words it's in the other direction so you went to the left you went to the of course eastfield we don't know which way east is that we've established maths isn't my strong point it's the moon you'll need me but you were to the left of the moon okay there's no time to be arguing about who who's in charge of the moon we've got to go this way welcome to our humble abode okay tenno i'm just gonna go listen to the presidential thing hold up what this country where we were no longer take else we are victorious well but what's happened what's happening oh my god i hate to break it to you but uh ally who would have been our ally um uh punk because he for some reason had a vendetta against techno i had to murder him and i stole all of his his things i told you man we can't trust anyone we can't trust anyone when we can allow look technoblade i appreciate your skill level and i appreciate your ability man but you know what i don't appreciate [Music] i don't know i don't know you well enough yeah sorry i got distracted by the dog he's already talking about him sorry sorry i'm getting killed or something oh dog killed you're not getting killed oh that's good i appreciate you and i appreciate what you're offering to do i'm afraid you haven't gained trust yet look just stop look at the [ __ ] dog all right i'm naming him le man dog all right it's le man dog the dog this is the bonus i'm thinking i'm thinking we might like you're up to fine cape thank you i can't see it okay look come downstairs i'm thinking we completely we completely block up our entrance to our little hole and then we make this area down here once we've completely like mined it out of its resources we make down here our sort of commune area we turn it into a good sort of training area for us and we start work well we've gotta work out a way to go back man i can't we can't live out here forever you know we've got guests coming on how am i gonna tour him around i think there's only one more thing we can do tommy i think we need tubber okay i've added him to the call do much else hello turbo taboo what's your job in manberg to follow schlatt around and do whatever he says without question taboo do you like schlepp why do you ask this table i'm not going to continue what i'm saying until you give me a straight answer do you like schlatt not really no wilbur tabo i want you to join us but i want you to join us in proxy i need you to spy for us i want you to stay in manberg and keep up the lackey that you're you're searching for me and tommy in there all right to kill us okay okay i need you to update me on what's going on in manburg i need you to be our spy on the inside welcome to the team turbo tommy kicking from the cool that's it oh okay you know you know the guest we're bringing on this week right will you don't say it don't say it but you know right obama no wait techno i'll put in the truth i'll put in the chat so what we're gonna on can you tell the viewers on a scale of one to ten how how exciting it it's not what i would have expected i have to say yeah we gotta turn on the surprise scale me and tenno have gotta go back there we've gotta work out some form of basic negotiation with schlatt so we're not completely exiled let me come with you so tommy you need one day i think one day is fine where you're allowed to um where you're allowed to enter the city for the purpose that i'm not allowed to say parrot messages me what resources do you guys need i did i promised i don't know why he's messaging me i'm not really in charge here television thank you wilbur has anyone got a jukebox fellas [Music] technically this is very mean this is very useful this is very very meaningful right now this is meaningful you have to pretend this is meaningful this is like this is like the most important thing [Music] actually i have i have one of them wait can you hand it back this is the the disc i listened to with with jay schlatt on his on what what should have been his one and only night on this server i'm ready to come back and help you with the negotiations with mr schlep taking off my head out of respect yeah we're gonna go back there we're gonna show jay schlatt who's violence tenno with with with the reason violently let's go fellas i'm all for stabbing no you're not going to do any stabbing unless you have to have an axe it's more of a chop or a hack i see an opportunity to assassinate the president do i take it yes no what no no no no technoblade oh wow lemandberg is just the walls are just gone aren't they yes because we believe in freedom and we want more people to join oh sorry sorry none about that right like 10 of your members i mean i mean what's i mean what's the point what's your what are you trying to say i'm just trying to expand members mathematically speaking you're going the wrong direction sometimes you gotta lose money to make money technoblade he makes it like i don't know i don't think that's true i think losing money just loses money every time i spend money my my balance goes down actually i don't know maybe you guys haven't credited you are a gentleman and a scholar can i just tell you that he's trying to get you on his side tanner blade don't ignore him he's just he's buttering you up listen ignore him it's been it's been a while since we last met uh last time we saw each other was standing here uh reading out the election results seems like a long time ago it doesn't seems like a [ __ ] long time ago you're looking at you were looking at a little shot that make you whatever whatever shut up i want to ask something of you schlatt me wilbur and tetna were we we would like a one day visa of sometime this week oh war is roaring outside of this world no no one being implied yeah just for one day you want to be in my country i want to be in your country schlatt why is that we have a guest coming on well i have one of my guests coming on next week and i'd like to oh i mean does anybody know who this guest is thomas i mean it's not a hundred percent confirmed tell me tommy it'll help with the visa process all right in a week's time on on my stream uh ninja will be logging on the dream smb and i'll be streaming with him and he's and i'm gonna be touring him around i love that guy so in the name of ninja can you give us a one day pass well what's in it for me tommy ninja sees your your land so i'd appreciate if if you give us one day of peace time where no wars there'll be no fighting and we can all we can all forget about this whole whole shebang for one night only you know what tommy are you two both president or is it that you're inviting yes no we are working together he's not what the [ __ ] it's not that much money to be honest what the [ __ ] there's a constitutional crisis going on over there hey bubba how you [ __ ] doing mate mommy no he's bad boy hey oh language we don't [ __ ] her you [ __ ] up no killing no killing today no blade that's what i'm not dead we have the visa let's let's go all right it's been hold on i haven't i haven't signed it yet oh there's a signing i need a book and quill he yeah oh my god look at this you've changed is it just you that i'm giving the visa to me and wilbur i want pink you want pink guy and uh lover boy too yeah hey don't don't call him love her don't call him that all right tommy the visa has been granted enjoy presidential decree and it will be granted one three-day access of thank you schlapp i'll let you know when we're ready give me the visa when you want to cash it in that's that's fine hey why is this guy got a guns allowed in the mannburg now no yeah yeah i've got your [ __ ] visa you shut the [ __ ] up cursing stop i'll revoke that darn thing yeah you and bobo halo are gonna get along so well show these gentlemen now yeah i'm also raising nikki's taxes and just hers wait you guys hate women over there i need to reconsider sides no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm kind of taking more of a leadership role at the minute wilbur's very i mean i was told that um never might wait i can't no no what were you told what were you told what are you doing what were you tubbo yeah it was it's not oh hey wilbur hey tubber you've escorted us please turn around and leave oh oh goodbye hey hey tecno oh i'm back you're not like there's nothing up with you is that how much how much do you guys hear we heard a lot no did you did you hear the clarification what was the clarification god i got myself uncanny i've heard a little bit of a rumor about you i just want to make sure no no it's nothing to do with you hating women it's to do with um were you paid a sum of money i assure you i have no money whatsoever tenner blade you you gave thank you [ __ ] sake peter blade word on the street is that you're out to get us i would have done that already so i think i'm good tenor but i don't trust you man you've been everywhere that is not a good response to china i'm a violent anarchist okay you think i'd side with the government okay no that's a point but i still don't trust you until you take back your sexist ways i'd say that guys guys this is a character don't trend to me and then and then you guys were gone yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're gone it's too late my career what do we call our our new home wilbur we need a name district no no we've got we've got a one that we've got to be one that people can trend on twitter it's got to be short snappy lovable better than le manburg we've got to have a name that everyone can know as we're based on hamilton right i'm sure we can find something with that oh wait everyone inside inside and underground now i just saw eric i just saw eric i just saw eric he's trying to join us but he's not going to but if i'm not letting nikki in right now i'm definitely not letting eric in man cave man cave man cave i like man cave you know how mannberg had a ring to it dream smp but like it's you know it's gonna be something people can tweet with passion wilbur the cobblestone cowboys i'm guessing i'm changing sides i'm just saying um my standards are low but they're not they're not that low i know what we call a new nation this is what i wanted to call the member but we changed it to berg we're going to be pog topia yeah yeah anyone i like pocktopia yeah you like it's it functions as the name pogtopia is good i like it well we'll the second ravine has a bit where you can see see the outside look i'm gonna i'm gonna um get down some torches everywhere headquarters and then i think i think the super smelt smelter's next oh [ __ ] way wilma oh my god there's a strip mine that goes throughout wait this is my strip mine the weight will but we've got a tunnel back what's a leman berg yeah wait should i go down let me come with you let's go let's go this kind of stops here oh we probably missed the exit hold on it's got there's got to be a way out why don't we why don't we why don't we go up ourselves but at the end i'll make a tunnel going up we've got to work out where this goes willa what i just saw manifold's name tag what i see them they're crouching they're crouching as well keep going keep going keep going where the [ __ ] are we are we under are we under manberg wait there's turbo there's slap there's slap wait that's probably the white house will wait wait this isn't wilbur i think we might be about to have some ptsd oh i'm pretty sure i see aerodynamics oh my [ __ ] god is this the bunker or is this this is the bunker tommy oh i thought this was the control room yeah no this isn't your bunker this is your bunker from the revolution video no it isn't this is too high of a y level is it what is this let's go this is your bunker this is going to be the car crap oh my god we should probably not stay over this yeah let's let's go let's get round the mountain quickly let's get around here hey click the screen right now nine months ago i had a war with wilbur and technoblade the times have changed but um if you haven't seen those videos i'd really ask that if you enjoyed this you go and watch them anyway that's it catch you later
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 13,007,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, technoblade, technoblade minecraft, wilbur soot, quackity, jschlatt, schlatt dream smp, jschlatt dream, schlatt wins, georgenotfound, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, dream war, dream smp, dream election, fun
Id: I6pusIj2z2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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