Technoblade Close Calls and Clutches for 14 Minutes straight (10000 IQ)

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i went through the thing i didn't survive but i went through the thing of course oh my god oh that was awesome doesn't count but it was awesome easy first try baby first try baby let's go let's go [Music] diamond stuff okay team with tre okay i would team with traps like me and travis want a team but it'd be so broken i don't know i'm not against the idea all right i've got a pearl why do i have good two fps we can both just tp yeah let's go i got a wood sword though yeah me too are you joking and not even close not even close number one minecraft player in the universe nice nice i'm right with you i'm completely surrounded on all sides i don't like this okay that guy walked away [Music] my brain can't process this many objects at the same time no [Music] and now this guy is probably going to jump that's how you solve all your problems she just 1v 3 all of them technoblade love me now out of here navy oh water bucket here we go ah no no not again easy not even close go i think carl's horse is over here let's steal it now i liked my tweet i can't i can't do that to him oh no i'm not no horse move move not the place to lag dude i swear i hit w immediately and the horse just sat there for 10 seconds it just sat there for 10 seconds at the edge like you know what has this master been good to me has it been good nice oh my god hit i'm dead p got me there's two of you 3v2 oh i thought oh i'm sorry oh he's got so much health and it doesn't matter because i'm a god never look in my direction again all that practice and i did oh no they know where i am uh you're such a bad teammate what i thought we were gonna like knock them off but this was this was a necessary sacrifice was it though yes no stop stop actually stop i'm so good at video games i still don't understand how you managed to do that i'm technoblade by staying alive for a while i see a woofless he's got like a sharpness one dime he's actually like pretty rich i'm not next to him i'm coming i like how he's got better stuff than you and his oh god he just got all of his health back come back come back oh my god oh jesus oh that was that was a close fight get this head i need help all that hurt that hurt dude that hurt oh my god oh i need to i need to start chilling when i go after people that was that was too close anytime that sharp one diamond hurt yes are you kidding me [Music] i'm so good at video games that his aura was unable to defeat me the stream's current bit rate is higher than the recommended bit rate bro i turned up my bit rate 10 and youtube hasn't stopped complaining i'm sorry that i want high quality i look away from my screen for two seconds would that have killed me are creepers that strong in this region hey i i have another right please tell not today not today not today uh-oh thank you whoever punched me thank you you are a kind soul thank you whoever that was whoever that was i love you i'm just gonna run straight up at red team's base if i make this like just ever i get all your subs not even using a weapon i just threw some guy off a ledge with my bare the other guy doesn't have a clue you're there dude go he's there i did it yes oh my god you actually did it what the hell off the cliff oh my god i'm so good at this game i killed them all i live i'm hacking i'm hacking what is this i'm hacking yes give me the win points yes thank you america [Music] i rest in peace hilarious hello off the map oh god no no no no master plan i actually saw this guy from across the map and planned to enter pearl to him i'm just that good don't even question i just need to get down without instantly dying just there's just immediate death in every direction what can i use to slow my fall oh check this out i've never done this before but if i do it on my first try it'll be sick all right check this out i'm gonna all right i negated the fall damage with that ladder you all saw it i'm just that good at minecraft pretty sick not gonna lie yeah i just thought i'd show you that trick before a dream copies me in this next manhunt uh just just a bit of a spoiler alert there there's a guy here already but i don't care actually i kind of care he is a lot of stuff i care a lot um didn't place those blocks properly uh [Laughter] i'm gonna panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic easy peasy what am i talking about half a heart easy not even close not even close not even not even close not no it's all part of my master plan [Music] ah [Music] the half-heart pokemon victory i can't believe it this is the end you think it's already happening he died trying to gain what a fool what a fool yo you're insane oh see you later morons it's gonna be lethal in three two later idiots later i'll see you all on the other side you guys think i can make that jump what if i do this okay okay this just went very bad never question my intellect again you fools you before you thought you thought oh techno blade just throw a pearl um want to make it boring and make it boring i'm trying to run a stream over here okay okay i'm trying you think i'm just gonna throw a pearl from the top like some little baby come on guys have to have some excitement in your life all right we're doing mlg stunts out here uh we wasted a few pearls i actually want to save pearls but it's fine it saved my life dude i had like i i had like 10 seconds i had so much time i was like open to my inventory like how am i supposed to save myself i'm gonna i'm gonna open i'm gonna craft a crafting table and then craft some ladders and then ladder clutch like what so there's glass on that side but that would have been good to know that would i hear creepers no no no no no no no no no no bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge they've got uh arrows so they're shooting this is not a dead end your phone oh oh techno blade oh you fools you fools you messed with the wrong man 1v3 1v3 1v3 and i burned to death but i'm a hero this guy actually no no no no i planned all of this i am the number one skywars player energix is a fair and balanced kit that should remain in the game oh no it's just me what is this all right one before clutch let's go we got this let me just miss all of my arrows oh hello straight line that guy all right two players down just two more to go let me just miss that shot all right we're out nope why is there fire nope nope nope nope why am i so bad this is it get him and final one be one with mango and we did it yes there he's in the chat and there's the accusation oh he actually pulled it off so we entered the final round i only get one chance if i want to secure this victory and if i want to do it i'll have to beat dream at his own version i mess with the floor a bit because why not and dream dream wants to fight me there but i don't want to give them even a half slab of low ground so i circle around the pillar we're getting ready to fight each other here mess with the floor a bit more because it's just what you got to do i got a free hit there because dream lets go of a shield a second hit and a crossbow to the foot i start to go in he's imitating king zhang's tactics but it's just it's just not the same he gets a good crit though i get the crossbow ball and thus we begin the final exchange oh oh like bro i can't believe this oh i did it i did it i did it oh my god techno congratulations i'm genuinely a hundred thousand dollars i genuinely cannot process
Channel: Nightmare
Views: 1,124,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Technoblade, Technoblade close calls, Technoblade MLG, Technoblade MLG Video, Technoblade MLG Clutch, Technoblade MLG Moments, Technoblade mlgs, Technoblade 10000 IQ, Technoblade 10000 IQ Moments, Technoblade IQ Moments, Technoblade IQ Plays, Technoblade clutch, Technoblade clutch moments, Technoblade clutch mcc, Technoblade clutch dream smp, Technoblade clutch moments dream smp, Technoblade bedwars, Technoblade Dream SMP, Technoblade MCC, Technoblade Minecraft Monday
Id: ItlNQFIs6hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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