Technoblade is a strange man

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i was on the dream smp i was lost completely out in the wilderness and i knew that there was one man who i could call to help me get back so i rang technoblade and then he was quite strange quite weird but you know it was hey by the way whoever's listening please subscribe i can show loads of youtube analytics telling you about how you who's listening probably isn't subscribed but i'd rather just ask and say that if you can please check the subscribe button to see if you are i'm not here to try and lie to you you know if you enjoy subscribing really helps out the channel so please consider subscribing anyway i rang technoblade [Music] i'm lost so i heard you need the human hair listen don't rub it in man i'm not you know i'm not big on my numbers it's all right i recognize those trees i'll be right there where are you i'm getting my horse you have a [ __ ] yeah what okay i haven't been on for four days what's been oh a dog i'm gonna get a dog what's been happening i've been mastering the art of the horse [Music] what does that mean what does that mean you do this you do this where you just say words they don't mean anything but you say it in a way that makes you sound small perfect stairs oh my god unfortunately the horses i've bred are only i'd say only about 60 63rd percentile so far but we're getting there i'm thinking i should de-emphasize health in favor of jump boost yes what's up [Music] what what words did you just say i recognized the truth you actually did you actually recognized the trees yeah what the hell is wrong with you they have names you know why okay so why is everyone calling you the human gps at the minute it's because i've spent some time to memorize the layout of this entire server if you want to get to your uh dirt ravine it's over there actually you're heading to my carrot farm is in that direction [Music] and nothing else where are we going i'm following you mr east and western [ __ ] oh yeah it's right over here teach me about directions i want to be more like you all right so basically when you're uh when you're leaving the spawn area you want to head east oh no you're doing that thing it's okay so you're gonna no no no no no no no no to base it off just tell me left or right it doesn't mean being an artist man you're being greedy you're being greedy oh let's go see these spuds come give me a torture no have you been round here my dog's going off and my mum's not sorting it and it's really upset oh oh that's a camera isn't it oh i put that there they added cameras to minecraft okay probably i can watch live stream oh betty will you saw betty out please oh my oh no it's not it's just not worth it i'll let her off the farm's looking good there's a bit of a [Music] betty oh techno we [ __ ] are we [ __ ] up oh parents are pissed i shouldn't shouldn't have shouted them i shouldn't have i shouldn't even shout why did you try buying their house you're a dick um where where what show me around show me around what's changed cause i haven't been on for four whole days i haven't been in this ravine for like a week uh here's the nether portal i just discovered oh gee you beat it okay come in oh what where are you where am i where am i where am i don't worry i recognize those trees where are we well the moon is certain the moon take note that's the west oh my [ __ ] god okay this is the east all right okay okay we get out we get that we get them if i take out my jesus christ just spawn us in this direction okay quit why i just went through the portal in our base and now we're all the way over here where are we oh wilbur where are we though i don't know oh but you're meant to be mister mr eastern the west and the in the north because i haven't been down yet that means we ought to be oh so you're not really a human gps are you well we're gonna find it i have to stop it yeah but that doesn't mean you're a human gps that's the compass is the gps and you're just holding it you're a fraud you're a fraud in one direction i'm doing all right it doesn't need a point for a destination it points to spawn ah you've got to know you're you're a high-pitched defensive tone now haven't you you're getting all right you're getting yourself i literally just got four bass would have gone to the right to the right to the right i would have gone what would tend to do right now and he'd go um h-bombs messaging me saying are you interested in content but you've got to stick with me okay techno will take me to you take me to h-bomb human gps all right where is hbo no no no i'm following you please please take me to h-bomb i i don't know where h-bot well are you a human gps or not it doesn't mean i know where people are why just just when you go to the gps and you type in someone's name does it instantly show you their immediate location no be as vague as possible bro why is that your new catchphrase you started doing you do like a wobbly bruh [Music] so oh that's so not vague h-bump hey stick with me human gps i'm gonna get all scared okay we'll have two code words i'll go to leave the call no i'll go i'll go [ __ ] i'll go plob if we should go into a separate call and i'll go um i'll go tree if you should kill him all right all right i got you guys content you can't just keep saying you gotta look do you gotta just do what you're looking at yes you understand oh hey wilbur understand what's going on no no i don't actually hate perfect come on up you're gonna die yeah what is this h-bomb what what is this you kept just announcing that it was content unexpected like that was already weird okay you're set your bed behind you no just you're going to want to respawn here because you're going to die i'm not going to die i'm really really good at the video game okay well what you're going to do is you're going to do a really far jump and you're going to land on a slime block all right you land on the slime block at the top of your jump no that was not a good idea no problem here don't punch my dog oh [ __ ] they've been uh oh hey all right ignore them h-bomb just let just let him quarrel and you land on another slime block and then there's a target block that you need to shoot what why is that not fireworks why did you why did my dog just die and my neighbors started doing fireworks i didn't realize that this server was big enough for that but i guess we really are bringing dreamers this is the worst day of my life why why do they have celebrating is it like england day yeah yeah it's england day [ __ ] oh they're celebrating halloween told me don't do that oh hello wilbur hey wilbur i feel like the success rate of this maneuver isn't very high just judging from the chat the point of this is to kill people who broke the bed i well i gotta come back now because someone yeah this isn't this isn't a very good content h-bomb yeah because you'll look cool if you do it now do you think you could do it you say you're not minecraft i don't think you quite understand the server we we do political contrive here not not not jumping puzzles i'm having fun now i gotta say watching someone die doing something immediately makes me think i should not do that thing like millions of years of evolution well said one said that instinct no no no no i called you big jump make the jump i missed okay i have an anvil i could drop yeah i'll do it do it do it oh wait do you have any sand uh h bomb oh yeah that's worth it okay wish me luck please all right and i pick up his items what a fool what a full h-bomb give me that tana can i speak to you i want my things back i think they're all despawning right now actually what did you don't pick them all oh no no i think h-bomb stole him we should we should kill him has he has he stolen it you know can you give me a bit of a boost please it's all there oh no [ __ ] then we went to go and visit scappy since he had something to show us you see them iron doors down holy [ __ ] oh my god [ __ ] this would cost so many millions of dollars in california oh my god wait wait wait wait wait we're not getting trolled are we cuz he hired a professional builder to use his account through fiverr oh oh and he spelled disc wrong that's okay who did you sell it to oh for [ __ ] sake oh no really you sold it to him he doesn't like talking to me skeppy next time he logs on let's just spawn trap him repeatedly until he quits the server that's how we get the disc it's advanced interrogation technique that's just torture you're just describing torture you just said torture advanced interrogation techniques i'll give you a tour okay yeah let's let's put let's drown our horses uh come on hello hello you always do that every time man you go hello oh have you ever gone hay or like sorry that was too much scappy what is this mansion of yours well i spent all of last night and the day before building it i've been on all day night getting quartz uh would you guys have it i can buy off of you no no we don't yeah why why get in here he does what he wants he said hey get off this one's mine now you can have it back if you want a room here first month free next month i could catch up to that horse in like two seconds yeah you don't steal my horse scappy god i'm so sorry yeah we'll buy a room you know what i think it's time you guys go now yeah no have you heard of uh what's that what's the term you were saying a minute ago about interrogation advanced interrogation techniques yeah we're gonna be we call this an advanced interrogation technique in the business naturally you've been interrogated and the verdict is that we're gonna have a room and we're gonna pay it in quartz yeah we don't have any quotes techno has a lot of chords he doesn't have i don't know why you can't i know he's like you're so dirty it's not like a thing that he suddenly has fine which room do you guys want you guys want one each or you want to share the same room what a rude question to ask well i'm just curious i don't know why rude question yeah i bet you don't know judging on your all right so we have separate rooms [ __ ] let's get some cameras down yeah yeah yeah yeah tv yeah big brother what the [ __ ] property value just went way down oh jesus here's what we're gonna do we're gonna have the bottom room if that's cool with you and this is where we'll we'll hang out uh and in return we won't file a tax report of of poor property you promise yes all right you guys can have the bottom rooms wait do you have any quartz i don't have yes i do i do what do you want this quartz for you you live here for free it would just be nice all right i'll give you one thank you being attacked by yet another creeper jesus christ the property value on this place oh my god okay who do i who's the manager who do we complain to double halo i don't want to complain to him i swear to god you've got an infestation how do we get bad boy halo i don't know but we're gonna have to get the disc from him apparently oh yeah you know about the disc war right oh vaguely you've seen all my videos haven't you oh no i just saw some clips of like dream and it's goons and netherrider armor repeatedly spawned killing you guys and you don't watch anyone's videos or just not like i'd say pretty much no one's here okay yeah you're good i watch you're yours tommy i don't upload that means nothing what the hell what the [ __ ] this goes straight to my character when did you make this uh a few days ago hey do you want to come see what i want to make this is actually my project come with me here's what we're going to do this is our plan you see down here i'm going to make a massive underground railway so we can zoom between places how's that sound how's that sound oh pretty good you thank you it's gonna be sick as [ __ ] and i'm gonna spend ages making it do you want to make it with me no why not sounds like a lot of work i already spent the last couple of days perfecting my own method of transportation i don't want to spend that much time hollowing out stone like i'll i'll consider it tommy i'll keep it under consideration yeah yeah okay yeah what should we do what was your plan what's your plan uh i was thinking i'd wait until all of us are alive at the same time and then i'd introduce our new effort to increase our logistics since that's the key to winning a war because we don't have enough ammunition and i was gonna i was gonna solve that problem yeah but what about the railway though what do you think about the railway uh i i guess we can do the railway yeah yeah yeah yeah we're gonna need a lot of iron as well that's true oh solve that already yeah i've got one got two look at this guy can yes but not very well i feel like you could use more work i feel like if i was being chased by enemies and then i got here i'd just die terribly okay look i fixed it see this is our secret entrance and we we we hook up a railway to here what do you what do you think i could actually work oh i have this netherice sword take a look at this take a look at this make sure you hand it back though please what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i think i've used the sword before oh my god you and your photographic memory no no no it's literally a new sword man you can't just keep saying all wives oh yeah it is dream sword yeah but oh yeah i use that to kill cows i mean i saw them you're mocking me you're making fun of me in your brain you're making fun of me in your brain and looting three so i was like man this would be really good for killing cows and it has mending it's not it's meant for war it's my war sword it's not count you can't win a war without food wait my brother just texted me why are you screaming i'm taking the test did you know i spoke to you on the morning of the first time we spoke was the morning of my physics tests and instead of instead of revising we spoke about potatoes so just just know just know the reason i failed that is because of you all right yeah do you feel guilty i really don't care what's wrong with you what how do we get back by the way how do we i assume we don't yeah human gps you mean gps yeah yeah anyway it's west and we want to go east i think it was down here this is east i can feel it thanks human gps also my compass is pointing this way which means our base is this way how if we how could we oh it's here see you literally walked straight past it so what do you say what do you say blade me and you for hours on end we make this we make this tunnel i feel like you should stop why because i am bored yeah but yeah this is this this will stop your boredom there like it will enhance my voice you can't enhance boredom it's not something it's not some number i used to think that then i learned you've already you've already upset me today that's what i like to hear everyone's saying turbo's already made uh made a tunnel yeah let's make tubbo do the work okay well what should my project be then i like making railways and bridges a facilitator your job is to is to watch other people do the work for you and okay stop running away from me we're on the same side it doesn't feel like we're understanding well yeah well you insulted me i said you could be a facilitator yeah and then you were like watch people and i'm like i don't i don't want to be watching people watching me sitting here like watching other people play video games what kind of [ __ ] what kind of exact excuse for don't be too far into the youtube video to be able to click off at this point it doesn't the highlights will be fine we'll be fine so sorry
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 2,615,395
Rating: 4.9587789 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, technoblade, technoblade minecraft, wilbur soot, skeppy, dream smp, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, dream war, dream election, fun, Technoblade is a strange man
Id: 7msDInjK0wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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