Dream is the most cruel minecraft player ever

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i was on dream's minecraft server streaming on twitch and dream joined the call it would have been fine if not for this nowadays when i stream on twitch i get around 80 000 viewers which is awesome but today twitch was glitching out so it said that my view account was at 20 000. again that's still crazy and i'm completely fine with it but dream he really wouldn't let it go 17k now also a large percentage of my viewers actively hate me when they first hear my videos and streams this isn't pog if you're new here and don't find me annoying please scroll down and check that you subscribed and if you still hate me at the end of the video enjoy dream i've got can you make an end to this from now on every time you're mentioned the entire chat spam's drister can you put a stop to it i mean that was your meme yeah but it's your biological sister well again i'm not suggesting you kill her or anything i was just merely you know what's your suggestion i don't i don't know i thought you might have i'm just dream sister's friend i'm gonna go on a talent show and tell people why they suck how do you feel about that god what i wouldn't do to judge you you got any talents my talent my talent being wrong about minecraft mechanics that is a really [ __ ] talent i do have a talent i can you know how you can like click right like that oh yeah i can click very loud do it that's a talent it's it's a hundred percent of talent you can go really loud oh can you do it i just turn it oh wow you can't do it how do i get more friends like you well you have to be nice to your friends first of all how am i not nice to my friends hi what do you want i came to say hi and you just were saying how nice you are to your friends i am nice to you say yes yes does he have a gun to your head i've never even equipped a gun oh guns are banty oh god if guns weren't banned here i'd be what's your chords i'd be up to so much so what do you even do in the day man you upload like once a month i just don't know what you do i upload more than once a month but you upload twice a month i just don't know what you do well i mean i have to be there for most of your videos dude if we fell right now we'd [ __ ] we'd die what if i were to punch you right now tommy i i as i just said i'd die i only got 37 ingots from those piss amounts i could piss mourinho that's quite a lot i could piss more ingots than that yeah i wonder how many you would have got if you were just mining in the overall like nothing you know what dream well said good fact you know a lot of fun facts don't you you seem like a you seem like a very fun guy you seem like a guy who if i went to a party i'd go he's fun and then never talk to him again what here tommy tommy yeah get in my boat what the [ __ ] that supposed to mean oh it's not going to kill you i promise get in if you troll me right now i'm going to lose my [ __ ] i think the twitch view accounts are glitched today because i want to see if we get more than i mean the viewer account the view account's not glitched you're just the viewer account's getting close to ninja that was me and he joined the server dream i didn't know you were such a mean guy what's wrong with you dream i'm gonna teach you okay you clearly don't have many friends right would i be right insane you have you have three friends i have many many friends okay name them everyone on the smp is my friend everyone is smp is my friend but dubbo well you're probably better friends with most yeah friends with half the s p yeah i'm better friends people prefer me over over most of the people did you know if you respell goggy it really it spells orgy or g that's weird in it what i know that's why that was my reaction also didn't even know how to didn't know how to cope during i in the past four days i've uploaded three videos wow impressive i uploaded one video that's less than me sure i wonder if one of you combined those video views yeah they said [ __ ] you don't know you know what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna make a little shop in the dream smp yeah what my what i think i want to do is make it and then make people pay for motivational quotes and then they are the least motivational things of all time well then no one's going to pay for it tommy yeah yeah they're supposed to be a businessman yeah but they won't know they won't know dream until they've paid for it then they're going to tell other customers who are not going to pay for no they won't reputation of trust dream they trust me i want to hear about you man you you need to give me some give me some chit chat what's your what's your day like what's your what's your you know you you're you're tasting women by taste in women interesting they have to be very nice and respectful what makes a good woman for you what's dreams ideal woman what do you mean no good what do you see in women hello tell me what's your viewer account right now okay currently i am on 25 000. this is 19 000 to me like it's got to be like 70k or something but i'm on i'm on 19 000. 20 000 you're really falling off though tell me come on now zap nap gets 19 turbo only has 2k no no that that's that's that's okay why are you laughing at him that's so mean do you have to message taboo and call me 2k andy i'm not gonna make fun of him for his view account you [ __ ] it's your deal do you like people more based on their sub count no i don't you do okay well where should we build our little where's the hottest spot in this smp to build a little motivational shack i don't know where would you take a hot girl if you took them on the smp to church yeah oh the ladies like it when i take them to church god this looks welcoming as [ __ ] doesn't it it does we're gonna scam so many [ __ ] you got a lot of [ __ ] dream you're gonna answer my question what's your question exactly i said you got a lot of [ __ ] dream um i don't own any dogs actually i don't have any pet dogs good save what the [ __ ] you are such a boring man let's go get us a bite how am i meant to get a girlfriend when george not found exists oh that's true he's just you're talking to me yesterday about how he wants to meet the queen no george if george not found slept with the queen i don't know what i'd do ah i really don't know i don't know i don't know what we do what has he got her on snapchat i don't know yet i don't know i bet he does he might what i wouldn't do to get this queen snap code 20 minutes are going to knock on your door and we need to speak to tommy call me in it they pull you outside they talk to you and they they're asking you we've heard you made comments about the queen is this true that was a [ __ ] joke this is a very good no it didn't listen dream there's nothing wrong with having one every now and then that doesn't land messaging wilbur wilbur can you please call on my stream i need you for clickbait my viewers are so low yeah yeah it was it was tommy tommy how does it feel i don't mind dream i don't yeah i'm sure you don't why is when wilbur's here he's gonna [ __ ] you up he's gonna [ __ ] you up you're gonna get so [ __ ] up he's gonna make fun of you too he's not gonna make fun of me he's gonna go well okay let's see if he makes fun of me then when he joins okay what should we bet how much how what should we bet okay five dollars if he makes fun of me or not one dollar okay three dollars one dollar one your last video got 26 million views you oh my god last video didn't that was my last manhunt wow you're falling off which one is it vc2 you can just look why is he not more like told me hello it's me wilbur what do you think of um tommy having two viewers on twitch tommy has no viewers let's go no that's not true that's not that was goggy that was goggy uh oh he's there he's here hi it's me hey gogging doggy doggy how are your eyes how are your eyes going george i just bloody well can't see the color green me goggy what's your thoughts on um i think everything that would get me cancelled is very good what do you think if i was american i would vote republican no no no please that's so bad goggy what are you really hate minecraft i'm doing it for money goggy what are your thoughts on the school system i i it's all right i guess doggie what are your thoughts i liked all the controversial things you know what i've been having some thoughts recently i'm going to give you my entire youtube channel because you're far better at this than me thank you so much goggy no problem wilbur i'm just going to dm you the password now dm it to me immediately i am right now cause i'm gogging i am wilbur please write more songs about women hey goggy what do you think about tommy on 18k viewers really no no no no no no no no no no no no no we're looking at it look at it go to twitch and look i can explain i can explain what's wrong do you value our friendship any less well me wilbur i certainly don't but i really dis value you now tommy you're not worth the clout i thought you were uh goggy do guns make society safer or more violent unless you get to 20k viewers i am not going to be your friend anymore and you won't be able to make mean jokes about me on twitter really turbo just passed has more viewers than me no it's probably because phil's are streaming and he's better that's why if i was a tommy viewer i would not be interested in watching someone with half netherice and no boots running around did you do any did you do any uh sponsored streams recently [Laughter] wilbur's gone quiet oh wait i'm moving i love doing sponsored streams they make me lots of money i only stream i've been sponsored nowadays you must be really rich and famous and cool and handsome and tall yes i am i have so much money what are your thoughts on women's rights goggy it's so good on men's rides yes well i think i think that we live in a society where it's quite a male dominated so really we should focus on the women's rights before we go towards human rights as a whole including men's rights mad goggy but you still like racism oh i still love racism well goggy you are you a big racist [Laughter] george you left-handed yeah he is i'm putting that on my judge george is left-handed that's the investment keys he uses in minecraft what keys do you use in minecraft uh the front door keys is that you got it all out your system tommy's just in a bad mood because his view account's lowered oh it's 17k now he's dropping what has he been doing to cause this massive complaint i really don't know what's the demotivational quote oh you are going to die oh why are you all [ __ ] stood around me because we want to be part of the 20 000 view of the stream no you guys are so i don't round up george it's 16k wilbur will but will you defend me please i've been thinking a lot about anteaters recently and i just i think they're just ridiculous looking and awful animals hey sam what do you want [Music] tell him tell me she showed up because he has 17k viewers tell me to shut up wait tommy only has 17. yeah shut up tommy only have 17k viewers oh that must be a hard place for you tommy yeah i'm actually really sad you can you can probably tell i actually um i want less viewers you got your wish yeah i did i i mean i did oh it was massive before what are you talking about you two are flirting you are aren't you 15k oh my god dream would you ever date george what depends does he have over 15k twitch viewers yeah i do yeah i would never date george that's good anteaters they also their tongues are like anteaters have no teeth how do you know that that's just a common fact i thought everyone knew those dreadful animals dude they literally have no teeth i guess you don't need teeth if you eat ants they just suck them up they just does anyone want to go mining with me anyone other than awesome dude you know tommy i'm trying really hard to be british and wait it's bugged right tommy doesn't actually have no no he has fifty no i mean i do oh yeah 16 here now he's gonna should we all have a club for tommy thank you i guess i'm getting pity claps
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 6,486,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, technoblade, badboyhalo, dreams sister, tommyinnit dreams sister, mrbeast, dream war, dream smp, fun, dream sister, wilbur soot, georgenotfound, quackity, Dream is the most cruel minecraft player ever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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