R4 Team Secret vs Suomi | TeTe Invitational $3000

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I call doughty juice - they don't say that you are really handsome but used to the dog say that you are really handsome to the dog yeah sorry it's the last round of the mutational secret consume me and let me just pull up the scoreboard here initially fit was right Batman and what about now juice to the dog is the lady to me man stop your sister dog stop donating here yeah yeah you stop it my dog is penny girl I know okay so doubt yellow slam red me purple really today no he's gonna play the next game good good good and what's this we go for I just how do we country max I'm scared if it's gonna work humans do you think I don't know how about you just go something and just fast castle 3tc boom okay I mean and then at stable 3tt comer feet easy and then you add stable slabs 24 up let's [ __ ] max don't pay me I cannot well you can fine yeah but they won't be able to pick up if I might not even a little bit let's go Sam here yeah okay guys good luck thanks daddy okay wait wait you're not joke I mean your job and then I go okay now is pushing and stretching a little bit farther Oh Matt Oh Matt on that is shocking was the best pocket I'd get you know fight to the zero good start GT sealed surprise with humans we can I'm actually curious to see who will get better Connor here hmm don't know how he played Q so did you see my scouts and help well no no no you just went to Catholic yeah yeah Britain's mines playing [ __ ] they probably know still make senses and Linda's Girl Scouts as well anomaly they know so not that obvious is my sculpting dead but I cannot find the portal she whispered autoscout thinking general do that [Music] [Music] to push this I'm still searching for my insertion cord of Thebes can you find my shapes top-scorer I'm scouting the complete job repair you doubt you have to actually allow to boom yes it's already so far I can relax now [Music] I'm not sick it can be annoying with scout [Music] as the fourth dared up can you walk to that forest yeah yes I can but that acceptable form up on the other side is also fairly safe look at the Mac scouting me Boyd is miscalculate yes he wants to know what's going on yes there's a crocodile though [Music] his compass yeah do you know so much I can check that's what I'm asking he's annoying and to find them I can't find them but they are searching for its base I can see if these many scouts like you asked me to okay just a second teasing here was I was looking at like a second good real good really really good uber sucks going archers right they will come up with next or look at that cast lage time [Music] Oh Eagle on me voice evil of me Oh is he coming to you well of scouting Italy okay I'll just hear frickin Viper I just wanted to drop a TC wait is mine by divine punishment Normandy senator see Joe but well I will be fine now but I lost it for villainous like what why well because I was about to build a PC there and he fell out of your wall they know knots entirely like I said where is it he's here now wait to see come inside to me to kill me which is kind of magic to do how many viper man usually it's vitae Marxist chaplet booming and I'm a client all I didn't expect you to die - forretress well months except army may be able to the tower door why is that not involved one first evolved because it's super obvious war I didn't know come fragile economic scene yet [Music] think to fight this is just [Music] [Music] you follow the gate oh yeah that's that's why we don't displace like tons archers over here the might be going to you don't just Nick Nick is scorpion it's fine I get wrong that's the time to get a stable fun elephant sex offense will get to enjoy with your five pcs should be okay yeah unless he hits my master inventor to match you think you just see what EE I said the best thing you can do is elephants but Max is not showing up they got information max showed up man max showed up oh right what are you doing I'm doing a doubt movement I can tell this is how I got cleaned up don't you know how exactly villagers I'm making I'm a kiloton elephant [Music] all the party well there's too many dominant wait man you understand the time all over the place right now you're a p.m. I suppose but you're more than you know we [ __ ] not is the with elephants we should be fine no like to shop with the best pocket in this game there can be only one [Music] well he's doing for worse tables there should we go him thanks or big go to the max planck some people in city of elephant which we go stay up for break to the gate I also have a u-turn here the problem is problem is the veining possibility we need to get him because I don't want to get raided question is Matthew dentist high percentages we're all havin [ __ ] is it for the lead not sure this is the best bite better the most part is canceled I don't get all the conversions where are you sending those to those that's very confident well I want to send you all up is the slam with dominated side oh yeah like one here you hear me calling yes yes I scared of a poetic let's understand what intelligence can be sure is that witness becomes like this well they cannot fight us in breaking earth like here to snipe amongst kind of feel like an Eden Army at home okey okey no well you already hear some Bell takes that thing disagrees [Music] and you need to start jaded as well my base is gonna get super red to open the wall into the to max economy over the rates from the room are they waiting like eat a couple we can't play the pair but array like yes control the hill there yeah well we would have to now let's go for the ball Thank You Selina just single look I became a star second up a gasser there I'm probably gonna get ready I'm not sure that's the best way you can't take all that down I don't have any siege and the rates at Illinois I'm adding a workshop like we'll be able to see us fire but you see cuisine the mess and sound of marx is this enough I other markets next we'll have to clean in the corner so a lot of stone I can't sell honey I would use to secure trade that's the have stone myself careful house come believe in your micro let's keep pushing you need more electrons not that woman unless they're probably helps yes yes it's a good sign I connect everything is named Max who doubt say the mothers who and it was after I got punishment if you just wanted to test the strength there yeah easy convincing victory good stir I can let them nearly play now I was when you were hitting the last but you we see like Mike Rinder none stop because she lost her like 50 bills in Veco just not really noticing I was all over the place oh what a beast that looks like you have better eco like as you go through early cast it seems like fighty to boom does that so let's check in five tseebo to keep it actually off RTC that's like I only needed five elephants to stop the person than five to see before I had I was the Eco difference was really bad about out overtook him at 60 or something already began now like here obviously went to stables +2 to clear Europe and touted below singing elephant and yeah but at the start it was obviously horrible that's great I wonder why well I like when I told you we team world I expected nothing so much you told me okay just for this and then it's okay I evolve does that yeah it's like the fraud was completely open yeah that's about Timor for you you're not really I could have done a better job keeping track of his units I admit that yes as we approach the catalyst we stole it wasn't I can't waste but like still you should have that front is one literature wallingford 30 seconds and you could elephants are beasts okay and when you over boom you don't care about his mobility to read you he's doing your favor so what maps do you want to play vents that is new today think you got the plan for African waters I have an idea how we should play what's the cook was a cult second madness am Aslam no really I think we shouldn't play any Maps there or and or they did which maps are in Bora I have no idea that's all it is respecting map again any map of my god so we shouldn't play African waters we should yeah why not no that's the only one that because that made that happen we don't from that it's actually craziness map and we shouldn't play any much stats that are on board too I want to play a people ideas and Indian pocket open Scout and market and slings 500-foot banks will be cast Alicia mmediately and dominate dominate I want to be cranks in that case Frank sorceress I said I said flanks not Franks yeah I know that you said flag hearings but we ship France as a flank I am strategy but we will show them how to make it work they are pick or the pick comes in what was coming okay hopefully roadmap comes in caption captain English to play Cabot cavesson in its Coliseum Commission is a Colosseum up yeah right they played those three lumber camps in the center you want to play cover song I want to play cover okay let's play covers on oh and you know didn't we say we don't want to play that again suomi because they will talk our phones and when they do we ever say that we talked about maps note remember I was talking about that about sarcoma not a lecture how why why not why why we plane nearly wants to play covers on I see the pet player decides like the site the casters on the players let's play Maps you haven't played before we're late sinkhole that's not recycle Delta monocle or shelters to hide our monocle wrap him take a person not holy crest that's it venture you say well what maps do you guys want trapped among African waters I know that and that is fine we can say that if that's forgot you have a planet I have a tear as deliberate there I think he is just want a tea rush man let's go max we haven't seen them shelter let's hide out with the short fish on the edges we go that they talk boys just pick the maps Advent arias me we gotta for that one but I understand I don't care what did they pick they picked the comes in comes in Colosseum there I guarantee room service playing Incas yeah probably Ethiopian Incas and Frank's maybe was it Mongols causes lot hundred sonam's that is our maps they're surface like on capsule as Indians like to scatter in the day what's our map boys yoga no nearly nearly is playing next game he decides a man --kavitha have a son and what's the second home map I decide okay though not adventure actually I'm nothing this is monocle Monaco I have chosen it oh okay I like to take my phone it's ugly as hell man let's go for it lady let's see we want to save Indians for that even right we gotta put on a show boys it's a short film talk or sit on this surface should we change her map where do we use instant as you can get them program for trade on both obviously but we need to decide where we want to use them it's why did not call that the ring Lord like this enough I'm gonna play monocle hey doubts for game 4 there's no stone stories of sidon not that much the food seems standard actually 14 months I feel it Athena canteen is way open more open comes in the series of the Indian cyberleader although there is more efficient Monica well and those are going to be sick either way are we playing now we have the maps compactor character all the fish map man so who wants to play comes in now that they nearly lemme tell t YP so crispiness I just asked after you know that is the fifth met office so at the place nearly you want to play comes in oh it might be my worst map perfect I give lagers and slammed out you wanna play what is I was away for a second what was second this next man I'm seein but a CEO with sawfish I want to take that as well know that explain for sure so tied to my premiere isn't not nearly well Nia's not to play this Oh okay there's no slam right so a user you sure don't want to play there's no way I can what doubt says you don't want to play he's just said I prefer to play throws one and really both yeah okay no I am play play you play a play you probably want Indians pocket right or the challenge let's see if you beat max pocket here and I want to play to have that pressure man no I had the last game into stuff but he was actually set to Sigma they played Celts and Incas a belief carpod watts is it son what but but is it good or not Panisse is an option where to go for the wood outside or in Finland played all inside right yeah yeah Finland played all three inside yeah what's their map comes in or covers on now no no right now but right now that's it come see why is there a doubt in the game not ours single player did you send positions no I don't know the positions I assume your pockets what do you see well let's see the second best pocket for now and well what service we want to play do one of the Celts Kazaam ass like that's what we had the five all right I think inca celts and the question is like Monaco or caption Indians we said we want to share till they sell their I think these were Indians shine the motion but ask a let's step 5 well on a genome map I see I see the moniker and I would prefer their own continent Monica for sure but for senior then concede is more open Monica is Kavita caught in the middle so range anything they are better I will go Monica I will go - for simple rally they can dominate one side but so we're using Indians for monocle I think we can even edit the path thank you no I don't say this is bad I say that I prefer them in crime scene and earn Monaco yeah Monaco we said that especially like it's very easy to wall yourselves and do Indians hear them yeah I think it's way better it's a term have flanks we can go all of these ways else we have Inca Celts in there what we want for cows on this water Maps Italians Japanese I think Malay college and she goes well probably actually Italian society and then one more flank yeah I think Malay could be better than Japanese but Japanese could be fine as well so Monaco what we use it for monocle then at Shawn's right young humans as well as an option I think they are bad on monocle you can't probably but you see as I believe okay let's go whoo so who is what color you are yellow and tattle red near the purple or other way around the other way around and you bite me all over like why did you turn I'm steady now that no it's because I have disabled a okay you the journey journey sorry you know what you have there family share No when do you have the family sure there is like you need you are is the family mode or not and then when you have the family mode and on you you cannot open the family for some reason yeah so Esther trees around the town center can I do mail first or Akshay finish up parade the bamboo you what map legacy now that's it good let's go they go what well we only agreed Indians pocket well yeah thanks we have options we have Japanese Celts Incas cannot receive Saracens for example oh no I will go head straight do we want to use Japanese here we're gonna say them for shelter or monocle or pain they are good here they're really good for the next two maps as well but if they were in construction Japanese dominating because those many times abyss and case dominate as well but which side is Rubens talk with me so Castile so red would be very versus no versus nearly yes yeah well I was so you think of all the chosen Nellie I already picking us why the counter room talks aggression okay enjoy Inca fight there Betty what you going for I go my aim aliens are killed that's up to you I think Japan we don't have Japanese right we had Japanese phenomena yeah but we did it when I could go for Vikings as well we are not doing then in any way rent why guess we're not but yeah tether just picked something enjoy enjoy your time enjoy your life else- Vikings wherever you want Bulgarians repossession my team I'm going for buckets man that's all good not Saracens services for Mayans actually Vegas had everyone Celts okay good luck thank doubt okay this is short fish right away you find it it's the short fish outside yeah outside it's like three four is it looking a bit in between us as well like here yes yes I should have but I'm searching for I have some really close they sometimes that there's two lakes together so you can go for for those find any short fish what is the lottery start we have restart nope this is horses short which I found so far well it sources after that is so far man bowling is forbidden right with scope yes you guys going outside or inside forward 9-8 in such a wild said I make sense that's my opponent oh there is [ __ ] - when you go it's so weird I really no actually you see can you find those two super me button yes sir oh god this is going to be disaster why this was an eagle yeah but I didn't find everything yet don't you think I'm having really low amount of that oh okay I see is eagle yeah probably surface how long ago did you see anyway well I think I have to go for a new byberry what's in them you know [Music] oh thanks yeah maybe X good lines of your guys as well and I will go for discovery very aggressively against them as well I go is three actors okay the max is sending a scout here so not unlikely that will we have most of the aggression here I don't see income is there I think just sending everything there makes a lot of sense Oh glasses actually you see a scout still know everything you see oh yeah bingo so you see a sculptor right yeah and I don't know where is my abilities doing I'm assuming they attack but I don't see anything okay he's taking stone house well okay he stabbed arrested me release us for my atoms here where exactly they're right there maybe you would know do believe Wilson Monsieur Prince I'm getting the updates come on Brad woman got the beasts and note really worried what are you doing there we produce honey don't he will most likely taro says go man yeah my pair take their doubt I don't know where ok the militants are here though I cannot I need to fall help you no time yeah just be careful like make a knock or something because he has that Billy is there I have participant I was seriously max scouts have behind here as well Sonny were just around again he's going to be here take their coats were coming here yeah he's doing very and Sydney I have my heart sister full rainbow now yeah xxxx the wish of the tower well I need you to actually send your girls inside yeah I'm a tower is not really xxx well here okay clean everything from molest no nothing I mean come here hey okay the market by Peck I need you have his cuts daddy act I have seven-mile arms and 10th in scouts and 10 bills my base I cannot be better fix [Music] and there oh yes I'm building here here's the main fighting does max have a good line [Music] you have Carly I think when you do this we also need a barrister nice you can that's fierce good spot for a shower maybe how do you go one tox uthat Oh everything there I thought we kind of split wind up lemons here he's doing tower they're a mess with Montes customer attrition X ya think we should site here I don't want that arrow okay I'm there yeah see I'm fine as long [Music] we're the village families you see them this car I would like this something does point playing on I'm gonna be sofa bearing maksoon rip that's what losing an ego can do [Music] [ __ ] game thank you at one moment was close we had started game mm-hmm you both have particular dress and really nice nice velocity equals to one point as always every Texas Cup game you failed with the walls it's not fun when units reacting now I feel like an [ __ ] you don't normally feel like one Norman did people react and defend them I have more punishment coming now I feel like I hurt his feelings Uncle Sam that's the warm-up right the six points between every player gets out come up yes one our home is nice we don't know the man but it's a comma at least we should have saved in Indians if you're gonna use nearly say Indians named you know it just don't stop either still here [Music] how is this place not working dogs would you know what I thought was the best yeah we talked about it but you guys wanted to approach now talked about that but why so high relationship you're allowed to say it with the Sonoran boy well mmm this map is not in boarding boys all bad names well III think one guy go full-frontal doc the other guy go one back one front and then front and the pocket to pound fish boom for scouts doing sugar coat pocket is on again okay so so this will make sense that I replace this dough [Music] the monocle came up again should be secure supported yeah person pocket and then Italians for sure and then we have options with Japanese Malians Malay what not Portuguese is also an option [Music] the annoying watch maybe you guys now they nearly lost his if you wanna see Japanese stop if there's anything nearly bashing in we do it as we're friends we can do it it's fine but like he lost his ego can because no scouting guess he doesn't know he doesn't know that he's gonna get pushed by men arms that's something that caught him by surprise so the the whole thing they're talking Titanic is because they make plans with you guys nearly lost his ego so he didn't have scouting Intel what do you say that happens to a person's whoa you guys do whatever you want no no person is opening this code grossest I'll I think so so I'm this woman well I like that as well go back to bashing doubt angry of course it's no secret nearly is the club in our team there's no secret by police line right is here to learn is here to improve and this is a good game for him to learn from yeah I'm not playing so lots as a pocket at least it's doubt and then the three of you can choose and out nearly terrorism your sister Olaf I really think I'll play I'll play next mónica or this one what do prefer oh yeah there thank you for five uses the dog this is Morristown the place let's bash me instead yes no host what server whatever whatever you want us if slam is playing in East yes if not then West you buddy perfected blaze lamb kawasan cuz I won or kawasan or Monica I was sum up to a lesson awesome awesome awesome I was I was Oh I'm checking my you're not people I feel like really stinking struggles you guys what it seems like yeah yeah it's at any game it have a lot a default he's also the fresh one in his place learning is improving and he will have games like this just like all of us has gained her game likes games like this it happens the pressure is on them it is ever to shop with the best pocket and show how to carry nearly at the same time isn't almost like there's nine percent of people enjoy something I rarely write stuff and then well it's always a loud minority right there's also it is but like we're all for like banter guys banter is completely fine banter is awesome we love banter we have let's ban three between us every time we invoice this it's 99% banter and 1% series but the other would beat every single one of you in chat right now so I pretty much play I know the second we say we watch football and we sit on the couch it's fine that we yell at the TV that the football player is stuck with him if they don't score but face you wouldn't go to their like you wouldn't send I talk to them to their face right you would never say that you know they're way better than you it's it's nonsense you're just frustrated in the moment what should you do wanna support your team and someone make some mistakes it happens but you would never do like actually be it's a good thinking everything I'm saying is there's a limit there's a limit and Panther is fine cheeky jokes cheeky punches here and there is fine but just keep it keep it a little bit under control that make sense keep it at an acceptable level take that back you beat that slap once off camera that yeah just enjoy the show again this torment for us isn't it's not the Champions League final it's a whole match so to say and again I repeat like I said before nearly of course he is the weakest person in our team but he's here to learn he's here to improve and we will keep improving him and that's the whole point him getting a shit-ton I hate just because he's the weakest seeker player doesn't make any sense we could take any one of you in our team and it would be the exact same thing this constructive criticism is fine that's all good but just pure blind [Music] he sucks his [ __ ] he's dragging the team down all this crap is just nonsense are you learning - I'm going - yeah always like I said I haven't been reading all the chat but I I don't know how bad it's been but I'm just assuming that it's not great considering the way people are counting and talking that's just it just like misbehave just be nice then we had an unfortunate game it happens he's gonna learn from this and analyze it and improve also you don't have it doesn't mean that you have to be nice to me it's not how it works just act like a human decent human being it's just not difficult but this is like Real Madrid having a very new player you will get to suspect like in any other sport yeah but it's a justified that's the case that's the thing so justified it's not that shitty player and Real Madrid I just called his shitty player would kick my ass every single day of the week simple as that yeah he had a really bad game no one is denying that but it doesn't justify keyboard warriors running to chat it's probably not only my stream imagine upon casting this I'm not sure who's casting now but every single caster he's probably hearing it in its own stream out stream tattoo stream everywhere so I am just saying I'm gonna go grab a cup of coffee I'm gonna unmute so you guys can gonna talk and I'll start to find the game and we'll hopefully jump in the game back but 31 I don't know the way I think they're looking at the map again together looks like it they want me to front and back talk or only front Polly front that will unlock ketchup maybe even third one if pocket is there as well and if you feel like your pocket is there as well you mean sneak talk or what now mine a reminder okay did by percent the player positions not doubt yellow you you ever back I also need to specify just neither was playing Incas against Incas it was a game that was supposed to be super messy either way it's usually very much it'll mist when you're playing Incas and their style he was gonna play just also came to my mind that no matter what it's gonna be a very either hit or miss game for him in that scenario so just watch my adventure in quick ball it was good all right that Jeff thanks for the host man hope you had a good stream you hello workers man what the hell what Pepsi domestic is the [Music] I think we should give more instruction to him in the game in game in that game there's nothing I can say or do or instruct yeah he lost his ego and he cannot I could have what I could have done isn't my Scout to scout his opponent it was already at a point in the game where I needed to Scout my most of him I already told unfortunate with my short fish how far it was so it was a really rough spot when he lost the Eagle that don't invite all the scouting in till it's gone I didn't but that was also really good can this you know when you get afraid to doubt focus and I'm Japanese or Malay you son is already gone no it's out yeah okay roll Japanese would just be early pigma later what I didn't think was always one best treasure tattoo of course happy good at that just he's also amazing yes I hope he's also amazing at playing normal right so yeah yeah there's also thing if you feed way too much information to a player even during a game if I was the console telling you the best after that I'll probably work out really well I'll probably miss try and mess up my own game secondly I would over feed him which in return would make him probably mess up and something identified there was that nearly needs to have a barracks themselves we can mix in Spears that's something we have now that Lily's gonna do next time and after the whole tournament I'm gonna probably watch everybody on Neely and make pointers on where what he can do and improve on and everything last series as well nothing as I am but before that we also had a really good learning experience for him home on one of the maps he's learning a lot from there's like yeah it's release rate he will slowly learn and improve and hopefully we can get him to a level where he will be a fighting force strong force at the high level team game tournaments as well there's nearly a good mechanics yes yes nearly is very decent that everything I would say but it's not great at those things actually before Naylor came back from his one-month break he was supposed to come here to Leipzig for a week and we were gone we were gonna do heavy heavy training or proper training for him but unfortunately a coronavirus truck and that didn't really wasn't good possible so let's see here so we have obviously it's always all degrees even colors so it's yellow purple and red or team secret and teal blue and green 4:00 a.m. yeah I heard the Lord 3-0 there yesterday pretty bad pretty badass so Noah's playing as the Italians thank you had out his pocket Persians and tattoo as Frank Malay and the Finnish players we have Japanese the last down here we have Persia pocket through Max as well and we're stuck on Mallya so pocket ships are the same and then we have moly ins against the Italians on the top and Japanese against Malay on the bottom so in this map is interesting right there's six pot in six legs in theory this leg and this leg to both teams have two lakes that are safe there's always sneaky villagers and stuff sneaky dogs that can cause issues right but those two like solitaire is safe for either team and then we have these two legs that are between the two flanks all the teams which is where I expected to be action and I thought the best strategy here or interesting strategy is that one of our teammates goes pull an enemy lake and the other teammate will do like first dock in the back and then he would make like two dogs and fuel a chair just to snipe fish and I think that would be a good approach I don't think that's what you're going for other thing about this map is there's a ton of berries in the middle so Frank's might have been an option but there's too much water I don't think that matters all the relics are in the middle as well so five routes in the middle and ten berries see anything interesting so far not really everyone's just building up I'm curious about the pockets if they're gonna go Scouts or if they are going to like do double dogfish bloom and fast castle can we see any land aggression here well ignoring water initially and I don't actually Japanese is a good suit like actually Japanese and Marlins are both good suits for this they can do like Doc okay interesting just before I talk about that the top flank of Finland went for the back dog so he's in the same pond max doctor other pond safe pond and then the less is going for the front pond so right now it looks like the rest wants to fight for this palm against arrow however tatto is going for the back dog as well and then we have nearly with the front dog here so it's like right now actually all six pawns are docked by one person actually I'm actually shocked that this has happened I had never expected that I would always think they would be like at least two people in one dock right but now actually all six pawns are docked and yeah it's interesting so Neil is already walling I like this preparation is preparing and they also scouted this doubt did ping this dog so they know that he went for backup yeah just easy waldare in there so now I like to is falling into probably one team or without except a wall there they can guarantee that there is no one entering the lake they also scared the back dog of taro so pretty much every team now knows how the dog situation is I don't think they know about this dog and don't think you notice about this they also saying like what I was saying was that Marlins and Japanese are both very good same cell hybrid maps where you combine water and land which I kind of expect to happen here I think the less will try to secure this lake pond but he will also try to do some land aggression fairly fast well I think ribbon stock won't even do any water I think he will go straight on land right away yeah I was expecting doubt to dock both ponds and cattle and you know to both for four pounds they're actually doing strategy I suggested now which was one of them to go back to talk and you gotta go front so we'll see maybe that's what's happening so the less it's up to fuel h ruby sucks up the fuel age and in layers up to feudal age everyone except taro is up to fuel age Patel is Malay and he's doing good and he's gonna be out now so everyone's got a few days probably Scouts from the pockets he's already preparing Wolof actually don't like that they didn't walk between these forests instead and you know doesn't know but that might now they don't know but this would have been way easier for him to team alright rapid zippy I think is just busy who's the weakest so my player in your pinion well rubistar is probably the weakest among these players and have Suki as well which is really good so nearly is doing a second dog and Reuben stock is doing a front tuck so to me stuff does want to go for the fish vanilla will have to identify this is happening to me make sure he has lake I decide you last be two dollars and tap to their both teams are playing identical now just with differences it's really interesting it refers if suppose instead of unique unit next to the name I prefer unique unit but most people were when I seemed like they wanted me to do the symbols so doubled fire ship from less assumed I was shocked by ship from nearly as well I think nearly was too late on gold here so you cannot produce but he's got this I were really good move by nearly to scout the dock now he knows he has to be ready for that no sign of a barracks from room stop he's doing a villager so I'm guessing he wants to sneak a villager on the middle pound here which would have been avoided if there was a wall there so there it's kind of weird how the team walling why don't they use the wood lines together instead of walking to the palms I don't really get that you know I'm doing exactly the same though max has docked both bounced oh well that is still just one pound now it's going for a second pound it's kind of interesting to see how this shapes up tapes out yeah I think I had to remove the mob because of it yeah interference finish Nilla needs to be on point t needs to queue up more water units right now he's only filled one more fire Galia nice microwave I need to pull back now I was losing my together good move actually it took the debate from the villager with the scout so the villager couldn't repair anymore and then he took out a fire ship to move there by nearly the other side what just happened to be here and fire some demos interesting to see how this proceeds in the lasting a barracks now is doing a transition to land so far not too much different variants okay Oh out will have to support it so Teddy can finish the water you didn't ice quit pole there some scouts at the pockets made my shirt you see the difference here now max already has a couple of farms opt out is fully relying on the fish come here Horton fishy Shepherd out on max has less nice with 600 is doing a market now to try and buy their goal to work ice doubt please see this doubt he's in your vision okay that's about it good dog good dog good doggy that's the best pocket in the world guys right here without knows about the dog that's good obviously I thought the market that was looking to go through casters as well we saw just pretty far away the new barracks now seems like Mila dealt really well with the top pressure here so good job Kamui Ruben start maxing with the castle aged out he's a little bit away from it police transitioning now so max will have a lead on the castle each time but that should hit casters with a better equal because he has six more bills right now okay efficient ship since knocked out made more Scouts as well well actually max lost two Scouts there against the fire ships that's very strange usage of the scouts Oh transport shape still an alien that with the moves too bad with the stock get a wall behind so these won't do anything but still cute tattoo looks like it's gonna win the water here as well so demo and yet how should you jump on this now maybe the rest was a little too software can expect arrow to investors mushroom water but if that wind stirs like it's actually actually huge for the team here patient you've actually tanking pretty long yeah Chatham primis one water here so we have four lakes now again six no more legs against two so yeah I think it's looking pretty damn good for poor voice Scout said obviously in Damascus from soccer for the world but yeah now so they denied doubt denied this with the scouts Oh perfect perfect so far the only disadvantage our team has right now is that max is up to Castle is passage in doubt but both should have a very Rico regardless arches formulas but Tattler is also know at the castle age lesson where the castle age room is stuck on with the castle aged nearly on the way to Castle age looks like a pretty good game so far right math six minus four is six it's a reason why they say never do math on stream okay seed out where do you place it downstairs number-one priority Gil nuts I am missing Gillman sir oh we're still going up tau D tau oh he sees it he's making a fire guy I think this was still sloppy sloppy sloppy I don't have to invest a lot here actually probably gonna have to do war galley as well yep so this is annoying for food out obviously and what max has a free fishing here going on nothing no issues here are all right so unfortunate don't be an annoyance without but I think he should be fine still we tease these are rough it's gonna boom like Mad Men now and he should be able to take this as well that day with a TC needs to kind of get the polar storm she should have it's probably my starfish blooming here as well as he is double range from endless shifting nearly nil it's gonna have to do some crisis management here think he needs more bills honestly I don't rely on this few girls probably make galius as well oh this looks like it's gonna be rough in Italy but Paul Beck makes these workshop house university or monastery that's his way to secure his base right now but he won't be able to but doubt has maybe nothing is here that was not upgrades though only fortune whatever the less has less blood lines as well so this max this is not a great fight and Ruben song as well what a villager so we can expect movement stuff to be making a poor siege here so nearly is gonna be targeted another with for Town Center's maybe a little bit too really minor but at the same time it will keep all his all the areas of his base safe so it's not too bad but I'd rather him just like he could have done a seat workshop University to block this off from further distance but again this is not a scary army it's not gonna hurt him too much like the outpost Montero is everything safe btc-e the last week to TC only no sign he might do a thirties there nearly again a little bit I would say one of the issues I've seen with nearly so far in these games is that his quick walls and often point so I think it definitely is to start with more pre pre walling rather than quick going it's doing crossbow - I screwed up a lot of archers probably it's a third range trying to finish off the wall again double no barracks monastery this is actually tricky for doubt because he's gonna push with pikemen monk and siege he's going to push doubt the problem here is that Max has 81 villagers he's ahead of Delta villagers now at 40 is running and Max has a completely untouched game well doubt he had to take care of water and he's now gonna have to deal with a with a monk's each brush from actually doubt should probably take this fight just take that right this is your best chance of winning the fight and yeah great stuff this is really good without really good to get that in to initiate that sort of snowball cause now max is there and the last so doubt should go back now good boy but he did kill off the initiate the initial scary part which was like four pikemen there and like in crossbones I was really good for doubt adding another stable still only 3tc the odd max is gonna have a better position and out but then again tattoos looking great compared to the less and rooting stock is also quite far behind nearly Nico we're gonna have to hope that our flanks will have a lead but the pocket might be slightly behind how old is Terra guys Terra is one two years old one year older than me new Tarot is thirty or the 29:29 actually well nine I think 31 no he's 29 or 30 I think all this lamb I'm not sure I think slam is also slightly older than me I could be wrong though I actually don't remember it's made a problem that team series kind of ultra eSports you already are the youngest of the team why is that a problem now the issue here is doubt with these resources spending everything to defend this and look at max on the way to imperil age luckily I think tat was gonna be amping very shortly so tattoo might be able to buy enough that Onizuka pikemen biggest issue we have right now is how are they gonna deal with max max is gonna have such a power power spike getting in with Mike we're gonna have a real power spike game it's also not a great fight for Dallas he's kind of like forced into taking over there it's actually really bad for our team I think is looking good for Sami unfortunately the key here now is if max can take out tad of the game then we are gonna be in big trouble yeah this was a bear that fight for for secret we're missing a building the less is also on the way to him help is gonna be faster because he's Malay but it is looking rough population-wise we're looking okay good castle by doubt this is going to be a tough one that hasn't even clicked right he's actually not even close to clicking it doesn't have a gold so this is gonna be a tough one nearly needs to wall immediately needs to gate it has to be a gate there has to be walls this is gonna be for disaster from healing as well I agree with him going out here but you should have gated this to make sure he cannot be hit by the Paladins on max now Reuben stock also broke through there so he's gonna start preparing trade for them nicely prepare markets there now is on the way to impose well so the saving grace maybe right now would be that Reuben stock stillness seventy five bills bless unless eighty five so in theory or flanks are still looking better but that's not that's potentially not gonna matter to mature max is not spreading out waiting everywhere it's cavalier with the last armor upgrade doubt is on the waiting himself now he has to invest in Ruby stock even has a villager inside this is the main issue not the position they're getting in the middle is huge vessels on sinners army tatto stillness or bliss I still really think that on these that helps this are like remember as well as persons so paladin from X are gonna be Max's paladin on the way guys holidays for the paladins almost as far as doubt is on the way to in peril age and tattoos out on an up with our ballista 15 paladin 10 paladin and these guys are a goner Catelyn needs to help appear immediately it's no sign of it which like it makes sense logically because you want to think about your army composition an army composition wise it makes sense the tattoo place are blessed because doubt is the pocket within melee units but that there is the barracks my boy my boy labor late just send our me home go home please yeah tattoos he's reading the game well now so doubt is up he's doing Cavaliers doing armor upgrades don't secure that cold they're always going to be fighting with the hill now though trying to save the units but this is gonna be paladins they are paladin right now with +2 damage as well from persian team bonus so really rough from patottie good move here jump into the castle send out on the other side but it's still gonna be heavy losses actually max is pulling out now so great great reaction from Terry but again if you look at the map node position looking way better for so many positionally molasses pretty much as in it as terrace and Ruby stuff is approaching to be in it as well it's on the way to him they need to figure out their own composition here seems like Nellie will stick with herbalist and he's also doing war galleys so I guess he wants to oh this is why we do stuff made its gonna make fast fire ships here this poem is very important for the trade right stay on markets here so if neither losses to control here and then it's clear really ugly so nearly it has to take care of this as one big fighter as well all this 2015 cavalier with fifteen paladin's is the bad fighter secret ad that type of secret attack is being pressured here at the same time with Japanese traps this chap is downhill cat they bring it to the high ground I think Neil is now busy with the water so he will not make too much on land and Ruben stock I don't know this is looking really good for me now yeah I think no I mean the fish from Miller was is done anyway so he was using it to block but there's castle there now test Palin on the way almost our trade no sign of trade either coming in from the city boys while song has already prepared markets looking rail will rock and the key here was that Reuben stock went forward and pressured doubt on land think the biggest mistake here was agreed of team secret Tati went he won't water so he just went full boom nearly he won't waters he went full boom there was no land presence at all except outs than unit and Reuben Stockwell and crossbow the rest went crossbow and Max was untouched catalyst maxed out though population wise it's not looking great it's about equal but Nellie's losing water here as well just have some cast there this is where Neil is gonna fight this game Neil and Reuben stuff then there will be a max and dealt with Tarot and lists chat though they lose his castle who's gonna take the castle of the less as well type of extreme cannon galleons sweet moon is dead little fifty power in from max 22 Fidel doctors have castles and towns honors without stretching even so these paladin's just get tickled by the arrows of the castle and consonant-vowel T's premier steamroll here belt is out the out is out boys and with doubt out I think that goes for our team as well think our team is out as well even though tat was pushing here is push it just needs 10 paladin from Max and displeases gone right he wheezed cycles those paladin down and that's a referee no for mr. Terry and the doubt is out belt as one of the pop now that's all villagers is no military vanilla is doing a good job holding hair but unfortunately they need him in the middle knowledge doing Jenny's crossbows but he doesn't have elite and there's enough r+ behind this as well trade they haven't even started trading well Suomi has trade cars already up and running do you think of Tywin Lannister Leone it helped that they could hold I think if it had tattoo or nil they went clan units they would have been fine the issue was at both tattoo and million neither of them made lamb units so the lamb pressure was all on doubt and doubt had to make so many pal nights and you have to deal with the water here that it obviously gives max we wasn't touched at all i complete this game so yeah but these five releasing the meal as well and the max took them you guys want to know the actual problem you have gone for mutton Tryndamere yeah both you guys want you want four legs and then all of you just boomed well that went a few nights but listen listen like so you hit Castle a shawl you nearly a 40 seat at e3 t is in no army at all in the middle only doubt so yes obviously there's presence then in the middle and Rubens talking but as they can do whatever they want and they pressure the other flanks were like super low anvils mitigate room stock in data center you guys have probably 50 villages lead just among the thanks but it doesn't matter as long as pocket can be untouched and imput paladin before doubt even is in the main issue there was just a team strategy after like you had a huge lead as you all went to castle it was just yeah the legs I finish the bomb be we call the they push in the middle and there yeah nothing it's just that both flanks just went full boom instead of animal turn I think even if one of you know your tarot made archery ranges you would have been behind this game I was in it I made after a while but I should have transitioned to Catholics with archery ranges hmm for me they call me wear super tight yeah it always like that would Malay right but like you guys had four legs you could have even so one of you could have taken a little bit hit and gone archers because max was untouched the whole game nothing happened to him at all right so yes best pocket in the world out what do you have to say well I was blind now you know what it was going on the map to map which I was called a what was their reaction their know like I said you guys had lead early on you guys definitely a better approach or don't know saying execution but it was transition to castle ash where you guys failed every the five released their mothers were like having a map control you can hit everyone from there yeah yeah like I was also sure like as you guys went to cast a shawl you like was that this game you have a huge lead then just I also felt like after I got to the crossbow numbers I could never really fight with doubts we need the walls in front of the lake so that I can get over to him well didn't the most the game was already done by them okay it didn't really matter at that point because you're already behind in position and you're already behind in the position on the map so it doesn't matter at that point and yeah you just need it like one a doubt neuter support army in castle a chose it early Catholic you thanks for supporting guys yeah yeah yeah it's was just winning water and then not really knowing what to do I think like also it's just even like especially considering wind water it's when I think it even makes more sense to actually make some line units as you then like the only way you guys fall behind is if you give up my position that's what you did I did not give up on - I hear the scows nights every team and tell them and tell them I do so the game now is African waters no monocle yes banks apportion sentiment bears would have been interesting I'm still think Persians will be way better you are already loving the summer aren't you dude this freakin middle of April answer to warmer like I said the issue is doing evening afternoon evening the Sun is there right in me I'd have to see if I can get a new apartment it's a monocle what's the map like again yeah but disaster map that's gonna be are there bears in that map double bears right talk boys but you should know you were the one that wants to play this map I didn't Italy won there is there's only one small berries and ocean yeah it's like for today we'll check and gold isn't it to be like a lot of smoke but of the goal it's a Volvo man it's quite install just like a judge first guess I've got a lot of potential here mmm these videos Britain's I guess Arabia but we here at European so over miles left yeah - left it is it is easy to wall but it's also like it's easy team well actually I really to team ball no no no we should team yes it's super easy but it's also super easy to have a whole so it has to be checked but we need to vote from behind as well and question is how they want to how much you won't commit on the shore for sure I think we have to use Japanese sir because we don't need Japanese for the oh wait Japanese are really good for potential a scheme as well but they have used Japanese so we're going to run into that anyway yeah we need to go for the kill now man so Japanese for sure and so Japanese could be good and mine since pocket well better know facts with this [ __ ] berries what about Saracens Mayans and now you sold me there but then we can have Japanese for the last game they might not be a last game that's true yeah all the stone is on the outside what's the hunt like on this map and no hunt on the mainland you have to go outside for hunt and it's not ringing okay all right Mongo's here I'm getting the mail is also creating noise in some places well [ __ ] cool place what you play I start this disaster I I won't play these llamas playing I wanna play I want to play on well don't I - please no you can play no no no you played the league and you'll you never played it slamming you need to feel the power is that what I became so far yeah yeah yeah I like that so who's playing slam terror doubt but but do we pick is down for Saracens minds and why not Japan is here well I was thinking we could say Japanese for asking then but of course that's getting the feces super far though yeah well he's Japanese here japanese my own sons oh I'll take hands no no I answer since Japanese oh you want to ignore hands whose pocket them Mayans nice purchase actually no actually is lost on you know what triple arches crash will be sick here because all the choke points I think many units are no good kill nights the only for running around we don't need that early game maybe maybe pocket gophers canceled actually wall everyone goes I mean the flats go are to support you go fast gasps OH pocket Kells fast guests lawyers I think the solid out meet yourself it's super solid buddies what What did he say can you repeat kilts and fast cast answers don't you like that data it's not different over tsoukalos the walling is easy against allegiance am I gonna sell cattle easy to load everything into what the front but where the fish is that's quite open well I mean you just you wall yourself or at the base you don't roll your fish inside your base yep bait the fish is like exposed villagers I'm telling which else is the way to go here - disagree that Celts is not bad here but I think going to practice is your pocket going for the fire going Scout is useless so it could be really nice but if they have any marks it perfect now they will not get to the castle age that fast isn't expected so Saracens Mayans Celts and Celts go past Castle Mangano's and you were laughing at that - no you're like amazed when I first you said it I thought you said olinger so I was thinking fast impala sure well I told it to balls and like usually you can attack quality players but easily it's really good yeah and it should be a lot to fight your place am I gonna suit clad but then we could also do Aztecs as pocket and can go siege monk in the middle we're accessible with Kel special now then also a style worth late game you can raid with Eagles around the whole map you can do that little warriors as well mmm building without a pillow muchas muchas gracias out and so how do I want to do this who wants to play where are we going for that that's the best one we got well but he will push once I read you think you'll be pushed on this map like push to the middle right with magnets I mean if we get to the castle a tree this one I don't think this the feudal age was I the problem was the problem gasps late monks defense but then we have trouble to say that you in the product strategy man let's go but I'm thinking a sticks might be better for that even well just because of Eagle sweet but - is more solid so again but it's all about timing you don't see that first mile on a bit faster is the key what if your transitions to mangle war wouldn't you rather have a stick monks and also the chance well--there's crossbow to sniper at enemy Knights or many many notes killed about months as well beekeepers laughs as well they hear amazing was cheaper seat good for a belt Aztecs let's go Black Forest Astrix or killed actually think about building archery ranges behind their fish yeah because it's so easy to wall yourself Zee apps Thank You percent fish off is kind of the only thing that is really exposed I don't like it because you're sacrificing yourself them are you I don't think so I mean okay like you don't do ranges somewhere safe you will not be able to defend your side we will go to the next guy potentially and but I don't feel like kind of pitched fight team walling you yeah but also it's a risk you might find they might find you and you get cross-matched I think it's not a good move there it's like kind of it could be a winning move things can do try it's nothing is too risky risky as you do if you are very underdog so [ __ ] the other owners on the dog did you love to us today what is a blending I think honestly I think we should use Saracens will be nice and fast is - is lipstick to have more power for the rain archers to break walls and search Vietnamese could be good x-ray cannot afford to save would use anymore day but then we need to use Japanese we have systems you want you can use - man the last one next word Celts could just do a Jewish fast castle even that's the thing see like this shows them I think you guys are I wish teammate in it the space you have there don't have a lot of space yeah but that's exactly the point I guess like we saw like you met with Michael and you hear most pains and you can buy time until 60 minutes and I think people should be thanked if you want to do this each thing doesn't matter Chris applying to be all husband yeah because the distance is very short anyways and if you want to do damage you kind of want to be flanked like futile a chart so damaged but the point there is that it might be too clumsy to go through the middle with the siege so you might want to have the option to just go on the side but that's why me like you do a judo kind of push through the middle with this [ __ ] probably was too much right here in the putting the middle with sitting facilities brainless well go guys I mean we discussed a tree for one hour feels ready yes so what are we doing then you can go with laps and then Malian sir since or my answer since love and my it yes interrupted Mayans and Saracens flanks or we should use Japanese here probably but it is fine as well all right let's go then well technically opening with like our to support of minds should be close easily maybe Japanese pocket even we can go on the side with one guy yes mine is gonna go for mines here we go for castle no there's no stone I would say my intestines in Japanese pokey Japanese push between a terrace and he had whoever was Archibald domine the walls - Malians flank that works as well but a - flag he will he goes man for me at times he has surely fish with their armor that helps I don't like full moons from two players now what play but you had your armor then why not Celts faster speed by not Klaus suppose ice for free okay so what we going for we're taking way too long her well the best try to make said will be Japanese pocket - and sides as flanks what are just the Pennines go marathons they pushed one side bring the balls for sure and take it from there all the Cal's masterpiece exorcists up to this Michael and some colors yet we need to decide replace where and what so Tata plays Japanese no and with the slats pocket is very nearly every beautiful story and I like me Chad you then what do you prefer between which to Mayans and first of all pocket of flame I go Frank then you should probably play my ons okay that works with me our ghost laughs this laughs will be stronger like that's all Shore fish on the outside right yeah I'm look at you on the outside yeah my radar or barbecue red Sun purple I'm purple so we have Japanese theme for last game potentially you unless we really think Japanese are so good here that I should use them and set us loose I go Japanese let's go let's do this trusting a mer mer Chinese Ethiopians he's gonna go skorpa stream in well there wasn't too much color now remember in the middle is no more there's more going out 6 you're going to lay there with the villager yes you could blame each sheep yes I'm actually not sure if someone threw my sip here oh it was yours lame bursaries evidence only a so far oh he's going to name something or whatever I will push one serve them with my arms I'll make a barracks towards behind your sights and push with your arms so weather may be more aggressive early I'll just go straight into ranges where will you be making your ranges one second here pretty tight in here I'll be making them like here so I walked this forest and to this forest well I understand where would you make an ranges all right here you guys move into outsides right away yeah I want to be walling outside right now slowly you can do bream in front of my mill to the left here yeah it's pretty tight this map is just screaming for a whole max is taking gold out there is anyone go skiing I have asked out there there watch this on the outside all the way my range is gonna be just a little bit somewhere else oh okay we have to scout [Music] I'm up I'm just not sure I think I might just go seize months to a certain extent okay I'm just gonna run back home hey can you take it the marketing habits they didn't matter [Music] well I need something easily the scheme just screams he'll drop a stable and give you some lights oh yeah I see that I see that coming my way yes - yes well [Music] [Music] it's something that I'm really just okay then I will have an iced UNITA or I mean we should be fine lucemon Venice right now yes to Manuel is [Music] we'll attack the max afcars earmarks no excuses [Music] [Music] I would I come around to the Maxis way like searchers do you need to make more than that study I know then do send them into the mix like II like releasing a lot yes well he assesses worse Abdeslam okay thank you the sperms are coming from here yeah he wants to help oh let's also suppose from there there to spare money some research yes for yes 3ds is here device there's two theses in space yes v TC watchdog plane took out three slurps pikemen as well from Ruby stuff here archers right here it's best to right yeah he was listed running - skimmers yeah a few nights here would actually be really good because police is adding a lot of sperms [Music] you teach my relic man this is my relic you go convert tonight instead just what he did you know we go just scorp there to you but there's yes later then do you see the food car in the flight I know there's another score sir two more nights I'm gonna go back I know we both fooled our ballots for now okay and trait right there oh maybe that's why charming you're currently the new PCs because we'd be able to see you there [Music] there's another predictor if if I'm wondering if I see what I should make but why is there English word when so many succeeding things if it right you are one of those just be careful there's a lot of army kind of coming this way I want to be a little late up I got a Maggie now coming up to you I have about ten plus three nights - yeah yeah one second oh yeah he's coming in oh there's a nice shot max is building staples here I'm denying it for now I'll go pikemen a nice supercell I look like from Megiddo okay good there can you sing one idea are they I'm sending that Maggie now - yeah careful here good great okay cycle pikes the start as Timmy I should pray them triangle Eagles banner oh really okay [Music] yeah you know I'll build more military up there I was building it further behind you see going sports or stable you elephant actually I think you should get obscene now Aslam we have really a position with on there market scorp stir I'm doing okay in the airport see me here we are controlling their corner women's lib lifts if you just hold your position [Music] yeah and colinearity so then a lot of sworps over here I just [Music] face these minutes cops now - been doing for a while oh yeah well Airport is top 100 shots here I should look into coming up now could you just wall there look one sec and I spoke up seats coming [Music] we have tunisia them used to mr. oh yeah [Music] [Music] stop [Music] I used to chosen cast the tag you have more requirements yeah trying to aim for the cannons on this corpse [Music] [Music] anyone need food he's played eccentric Center first okay just one second just getting it there was anything cool I'm okay for now but I can use when doing a dance between you Tony I can use food : I'm setting his altar you let me do that - yeah the fight is fine [Music] I'll give you some verses by cutting [Music] containing short yeah it a lot of freaky map but thank god this is nothing Bora do you see boy I hope not just that thank God it's not don't tell me live it okay okay don't you scare me man scare myself now this thing I really said ninja screaming with this used I was ready to sling a 3,000 gold now us Saracen power man there's a road game boys and get out I was when I saw the test I was like okay we are dead why come on Mollison boom in the middle game over and it was like that but max did some real moves making stables in the corner and where would you make stables in the middle like he got the huge lead and he didn't abuse it middle is so clumsy oh yeah slang got the bean game move there when he denies slam max these labels yeah that dude is so much dead villages for you guys and our ballast you love our police they can tell you this amigos when enemies hundred three yards or something it's feeling good did you have cold fingers as well there was a point I think I could have made a transition they made sense anyway we had good composition going yeah now I was thinking we saw that from the minute one I was earlier that we need to make a comeback Oh game finally shelter oh boy oh boy oh boy let me see the map that is hideout with short fish in the corners like I did on this hour korma that's bad it was just because we haven't no one has played this map yet print oh it's dammit I was their home ah yeah yeah yeah so yeah Spanish makes sense their Spanish pocket probably mmm sure fish is not that far away so I guess everybody goes for that you rather he left or from our details [Music] Chinese boy introduce our second Chinese we have wait how is middle let not trees oh [ __ ] every with trees did it is yeah it looks like it's not it is on the screen shut I'm looking at it looks like it's right up there no no it's it's full wall okay okay so tied up okay good tear so I don't know Walt though yeah the goal is always the side seems like if you delayed regression is big here yeah as well huh what about slab we are Frank's as well if I think pocket cannot go for it porch might be friends with this cows like we need Spanish for potential trader I don't think you get it far look at the gold sports like once you control the map game is over you can't contest of all so between it's not like it's just it's like ball is like just like hideout oh it's like it's not impossible to just it feels smaller space inside the base it doesn't feel it is it's much less well Chinese come on flank is 1% then quit hands-free from storage I would say Frank's book it maybe Spanish flag for tal Rasha that's a good option as well [Music] we also have kyumin's guys don't use humans I don't think this is right valve may make the teasing surface we haven't used aspects as well as this could be a really good plank yeah the walling is like if you start rolling this not alone so we have Huns their Mongols we have Chinese give as text slabs your Spanish these Malia's as well but no we need six that potentially could late game as well it probably Mongols make sense as one flank mumbles Chinese and then Frank's to Spanish pocket there's a fairly easy to pose these two wars right I don't know I'm not a good map yeah but the only scary part is if they have like an Aztec flag that could be deadly I think that sex is good yeah I think especially with all the open goals something like a castle a choice it's really good but then again just I still think just Mongols Chinese flanks are super safe into our units and then you have support from Frank's pocket will be sick thank you done in the early modern Spanish doesn't matter I think the game working the maps like this is a good heels and the gold is very exposed well I think we should go Chinese and Mongols flanks and then Frank's pocket them I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be back Klaus pockets could be an option as well there's like the relics are super safe around as well so how crazy streeter aliens we already used come on guys I think we should forget about the fish what I mean there's no Indian so it's not that important and it's a bit far play with like if you sign out basically we need to scout to see if they're taking water yeah that for sure but if they are going for that and we think we can play a like that's an extra pressure point especially from Aflac is opening minute Alice actually I think actually you can rather be a town center and short but the farm space will be bad so maybe not actually you don't want somebody else stuck there now I don't think you should do t see there hey you should it's a lot of a lot of food you will see from farming yeah I guess maybe just make meals into the farms yeah the base is super small it's all outside yeah we need I think Chinese drinks more seating but there's only one bore okay wait mister I don't see any more actually well then maybe not don't sit there here this 40 yeah how's my spawn so weird [Music] Aztecs and potential to do the Josh and many times many times towers like maybe like that so build order it not taking all but right way to the stone became a talent like the distance look at the distance is so close to pressure right that's applying like both mingle turn on things game how could I tell Russia's here I don't think we want to go towers Oh guys guys guys guys guys guys steady we like humans what I said earlier yeah well we we don't go and made it easy on the outside with humans no no it's good mmm and like or Baltimore HP so you can like wall even if she jewel up like two minutes later but you have Walter is that's good did they use Franks no no why don't you just marry them like human think can be good but the killer Frank's hold it's such a close distance and I like it when should behave Chinese when his friends form is very solid but it so that we have Chinese and Chinese Jamie I think Chinese foreign ethics can be really good as Texas problem I think they say we apply pressure made me a test hours there and then Chinese placed more like to double Rangers and nobody goes for the outside maybe pocket later on did you have friends you have Chinese I think it's better to stay without yes stay calm but maybe if you hear the lead just sent for villagers there for like support and is written that's fine I still like Mongols Iran's they don't see why not you're just like your you know you will get the hunt bonus and that you're not worse in tutelage stand Aztecs this is here do we get your work we used to do pins you Vietnamese fast up and eastern fletching is really strong here well Marlins could be an option in this case if you want to have super strong Clank like that exhibit is something so close like you Byzantine skirmishes could be strong but today well it's Chinese for sure and Frank's pocket let's just add in the other tank Aztecs Mongols are the main ones are same aliens as well honestly Mars could be really good bathtubs no daughter's who's playing honestly no you cannot stay out the geyser I have played three games really no I have exactly two three four but I've also played three I played some cider I host ball viper host well who's playing used to us or West Europe Islam or Tarot playing in Islam wants to play write them up to you man whatever you prefer you guys played two games I have played three so nearly do you want to play that was a new guild reaction man chato slam make up your mind okay you know what is okay all right all right let's go who's playing I'll play confidence let's go invite me when it hosts first max okay so yeah bareback he's very guy step back you you guys good luck you all right Sims doubt Frank's pocket but this is the last time play bodies or if Mongols are involved I will play them there's no Mongols involved no ma okay what's the other sit beside a sex as Susan Chinese I would like to play Chinese I was thinking like your elastic one I like a Chinese man okay okay okay sure let's do it well it's time you want smoke elastics you're like slim is more of a mongrel Claire I like Mongols a lot more Yampa hmm broke off a boat a quite strong right Momo's will be I think a stays very just considered Josh open opening yeah just opening is very risky sure you're going Josh fast castle the plan nobody goes just first guessing you're going many tons in domination okay okay least I think so because you will see you were very close to the enemy and if you stayed there kids and he makes first hour you will be stuck there forever so shelter-rite thank allah for he is the best color in the game so if you don't enjoy your farms this game hate you forever I like Americans better but you can have so much food on your homepage none if you prefer Chinese you can have Chinese longer than socket that's fine um Madden arms and archers in that's we go start it again I can't it's great okay these Mongols sterile Chinese so mirror except longest Chinese it makes sense they don't care then it's a cheap right yes a Scouter from earliest I'm sorry we have Frank profited an additional bonus I'll be right there count in six races I have only six offer have it I date forgive me one of two each don't see my Bordeaux now moguls taking him but they cannot blame which is just searching for my shapes thank you to suspect front so I built on slams site or your side when it to the side yeah just wondering where should I get this table up let's see loose I know yet put the ideal I can wall sort of towards my goal is I would be oh yeah actually I can't even find my second-born there's nothing oh there I'll keep working I can't fly man what focus is there anybody checking for shellfish but Frank's is scouting here so they make this table this way though okay you're on the top I'm spending a lot of time Scout here trash sure that do you want my okay for now max - got asked out here as well are you but do we know over the surface or not I'm scouting the surface now doesn't it like my premises cows do just need more devious Maxis Scott is over here so I got a feeling might be coming this way you can ignore his lunch I think young guy not fully dabbled in open spaces then Sam do you need me no but I don't know I lost track of my guys military he may be going around to you I'm holding well that's fine but the question is max making stuff I don't know I see one scout there so if you guys see other Scouts than this I don't know what the militia of max ghosts are here max ghosts are here how many there's five men in arms here and probably what three four Scouts if he brings Vil's forward I will but I don't know if he's doing that I'm guessing room stocked with fast casting marks each push likely I think they're going to you know down yeah I'm sending mad at her we had a whole well I did not check I didn't do em ii see everything yeah kid they're going to me thank you now I'm coming with for man-at-arms next oh okay for now yeah my armies here max is adding more horse notes okay maybe not the best fight well I'm like Cummings Army's almost there okay almost there you'll see me not want many scenarios over there no it's fine it's fine actually there are just you just simple side oh [ __ ] I'm just here there's bad people on there yeah we can take that down it's a bit annoying on my production they're gonna move out I did plus one why do you need me I'm good on my dresses yes I just maybe come back yes sir he went to make a shuttle all the time we'll have it is my night semester loony you're not choosing this advantage at all maybe but to the max you can but more like to get a nice walk if you got a lot not really that many so away he skeletal timings together cause II don't I stop I mean just having a standoff with police I don't find it to be not subscribe we're not fighting he's using all scientific apart Mad Max Alvis with skip adding in night's big numbers let's break the Palestine you run inside with one night yeah I can fight sound of that this is nice no vacuum Skycar swag hold on that side I can do a cast on a set developed yet to move that sides they're definitely up to something their scores will be that you need to be going full circle and going for the economy good max moves is my army yeah I see it yeah this might be a good double way are you up to yes status I can do forecast instance he's not committing to tell me they're like this waters doctors won't prosper their cookies and yes and he he just sent one patron crossbow up there his lamb is a commanding position ah we can focus outside I can L make it now careful get them all gets everything yo I'm gettin this Sam you can a castle there soon [Applause] if we could open up a wall here then promise maybe pilot mr. Kuryakin the stuff from the world that run in here in space in going under a nice that's the cause we were talking about yeah that's him but be mindful Valentin is 80 percent slope use that but we can jump here mine is like to protect my example is born out with jumping is possible [Applause] dick chosen to annoy them do anything more there or no I'm okay for now [Music] until the cable starting chain or I think it's already have [Music] we go for that fight I guess it's just price for them expecting it to be better now set something back Gigi I swear walk you through the game breaking down so no one use Shore Fisher Oh actually room is that well you didn't know where to put his bills make sense dg2 deep slamming defeated Islam whenever game yeah I guess we're actually a I'm key player of secret confirmed there's nice we won in the end but we won't ever serious so I guess we can kind of say that we were the the winner of today imitation oh I guess that makes sense right considering we won every serious doubt undefeated doubt no doubt lost one game you lost the game on four legs enough elects the six pounds so slam was only on the guys plate and they still what in the final the what I see what you mean ah okay I'm gonna begin today yep I wished when I grow up I'll be like Sam foster again today I lost to one man is there somebody didn't win a single one just making stance what a mess we are one man yeah a bunch of famous man what is your work when you wanna lay it out each show man well each of these matches had $300 on the line so we won probably around over a thousand ours was a good last game Delta the worst echo but I think that he went up faster which helped he's toughing behind an equal max might have investor labor to have him cast leech we took a really good lead against Rubin stock as well on our side and it looked like slam and maybe less had a very equal game on that said yeah good stuff so that was it then for the tip Invitational debt limitation was now over next team in tournament is the battle Africa - coming up it starts in I don't actually know exactly when it starts I think it starts early May mid May it starts in May let's peel like that so if you're watching on YouTube hope you guys enjoyed the Tetra invitational and i'll see you probably for some other video sometime so bye-bye to you to chat say cup say goodbye to YouTube please so read down there now guys everyone is gonna say goodbye to you okay look yeah bye YouTube bye hello youtube and bye hello Thank You Betsy bye YouTube so all of YouTube goodbye here we go goodbye to YouTube
Channel: TheViper
Views: 71,887
Rating: 4.9375749 out of 5
Id: mpxByPOzpmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 22sec (12202 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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