Teachers,What Are the Best Notes You've Intercepted in Class?

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teachers of reddit what are some of the best notes you've intercepted in class oh boy i was a student when this happened probably seventh or eighth grade so at my school we had a very notorious substitute teacher she was notorious for one reason and one reason only her weight there was no question it was a medical issue not just poor health i mean it has to be near impossible to get as big as she by just eating poor and not exercising so one day a couple of my friends were giggling to themselves in the corner as one of the artsy kids scribbled on a piece of paper this caught the teacher attention let's call her miz sushi waddled over and demanded that he hand her the paper to which the kid turned the brightest red i have ever seen on a person when she saw the paper she instantly started sobbing and left the room he had made a drawing with the title me's sue's view of the classroom to which he drew a few desks each with middle schooler sized chicken wings sitting at it i feel so bad for ms sue i was a senior in high school and it was the end of year so i was doing anything but work assigned during a lecture in an ap course i wrote on a piece of paper there are footprints on the ceiling pass it on i have no clue why i found it hilarious but every time the next person got it they'd look up at the ceiling with a confused look resulting with my friend and me laughing uncontrollably my teacher noticed took the note and looked up with the same confused look and i thought my guts were going to rip she was a pretty cool teacher chuckled then threw it away i proceeded to write this note in every class i had that day if you are in school i suggest trying this it's harmless and very entertaining if anyone has heard of this no it wasn't my idea i found the idea on reddit that morning i wish i could have tried this door not a teacher but i left a rather threatening note to one of my classmates in the first grade i was down and left it sitting right in my desk as i left for lunch but my nosey butt teacher decided to pick it up and read it for herself i don't remember too many specifics about the note nor do i even remember what this kid had done to pee me off but i do remember including the phrase i'll be back with weapons long story short i got called in for a private talk sometime later that day and told that i'd be sent to the office if i did something like that again the teacher was surprisingly cool about the whole thing though now you would run the risk of expulsion or even a rest every year when it comes time to teach the declaration of independence i have my wife write a breakup letter and fold it into one of those paper footballs i pretend to find it in the hall and then read it to the class at the end i ask them if they want to know who wrote it they get so mad when i tell them it says dear britain from america this is so nerdy and i am so happy not a teacher but when i was in early middle school we had a teacher who would read the notes out loud if she caught you passing them i wasn't as sneaky as i thought i was and next thing i know the whole class found out i wanted to marry this girl i had just started talking to i did not live that down for years when i was in sixth grade there was a homeroom pta meeting and all of the kids parents were seated at their kids desks the teacher mrs c was a crotchety old woman with a club foot she started off the meeting by informing the parents about what her expectations of each child were homework policy grading policies etc apparently she came across as rather stern and stuffy because my dad passed a note to my mom as my mom read it mrs c took notice and said jokingly would you like to read that note in front of the class mrs tiff to flerry's mom my mom just about crap herself and was so relieved that mrs c was only kidding because the note read god knew what he was doing when he gave her that foot note says anything you want if you're allowed to read it yourself in 10th grade science class my buddy and i were passing a note back and forth to past time we were talking about a girl when he wrote i'd like to frick up the butt the teacher got the note and read it verbatim i'd like to frick up the butt my buddy responded i didn't know you were into that sort of thing miz laughs everywhere i got detention for a day he got detention for two weeks he framed the note worth it i used to have a teacher in middle school that would do the read aloud thing late 80s early 90s when they caught a note being passed i remember a specific time where it was a note that they had been passing back and forth and just talked about how they had been meeting up and making out and stuff the teacher is reading it out loud and laughing and laughing thinking it is hilarious i remember looking around the room and while it started kind of funny it was clear about halfway through that it was kind of going too far he finished reading it but i remember seeing a look in his eyes and i never saw him do it again just one of those moments in life you remember forever for no real discernible reason and then i buried my dong in her i was actually the student whose note got intercepted i tried to pass a friend a note including a joke i thought was really funny at the time around grade 7 she caught me and read the note slowly and with her thick accent why do gnomes laugh when they play soccer because the grass tickles their balls frick i'm almost 20 and i'm dying over here not a teacher but when i was in first grade i was writing silly notes to a friend and wrote hey kyle i like to lick the toilet he laughed a bit too hard and the teacher saw it and read it out loud got in trouble at school and got my butt whooped at home too kyle and i were no longer friends after that overreaction 101 two students who were passing a note back and forth in one of my afternoon classes i'd had some discipline issues with them towards the beginning of the year but that had been months before so i made intercepting it a low priority eventually it became so obvious that i had to intervene the note was simple it was weights and cash values they were negotiating immediately i assumed the obvious weed and grabbed them both and took them to the hall and got security i think i even laughed because it was so blatantly obvious what was going on i thought only an idiot would do something like that turns out i was way off my two businessmen were negotiating the price for dried chilies one was in culinary arts and the other grew peppers in his biology class the cooking kid wanted really hot chili powder for his chili i apologized through my laughter and bought the chili powder for him for the record the chili was okay ish way too many beans misit each theraphorium is well paying i thought it meant something horrible so balled him out in front of the class that was pretty embarrassing not a teacher and not exactly intercepted but in second grade i was feeling really sick i asked to go to the nurse and the teacher refused we were supposed to be writing a journal entry and then have her read over it so i wrote in my journal that my teacher wouldn't let me go to the nurse so i wanted to kill myself she screamed when she read it ended up meeting with the guidance counselor and they called my parents i was a disturbed child dude wtf what kind of teacher refuses someone to go to the nurse especially a child i caught a student passing a note that said banana mac peeling and had a doodle of a anthropomorphic banana riding a surfboard i found a love note between two sophomores on the floor of the hallway the boy was trying very hard to win her back the note consisted of many promises but the one line that stood out was please think about it i'll love you if you want we taped it to our staff fridge so all could live in its glory crap that sounds like something i would have said in high school not a note but a student was giggling at his phone i quietly creeped up behind him and he and his friends started a group chat with memes about my booty he was mortified i pretended to be and gave him a detention but it was pretty hilarious squats four days intercepted this one in a fifth grade classroom front eliza drawing of a rose back will you go out with me yes or no comma yes or no this bugs me more than it should i got a really good one last week it was really clever really made me hopeful for the future of the literary arts it read these nuts good to see this is making a comeback a few years ago i got a detention for writing my pen is leaking because my teacher thought it said my dong was leaking i mean come on it doesn't even make sense if you'd written that in cursive there wouldn't have been any confusion first off no one has passed a paper note in the last seven years it's all done with texts but when i used to get them my favorites were the ones where high school sophomores would spout about how in love they were and how the last five days have been the best of their lives cracked me up every time it's all done with texts yeah by people who have never heard of the ns freaking a i have to do observation as as part of my degree plan as this i do whatever the real teacher tells me to do some teachers have you run their class and critique you others have you grade papers some have you just sit in the classroom you are essentially a free aide if they want to use you this way so the teacher had me act as an aide and keep distracted students on task as i was walking papers from one side of the room to the other the teacher snapped with her fingers at some students passing a note and instructed me to read it out loud i intercepted the note and read it then looked up at her and shook my head slightly the teacher thought it was embarrassing for the girls and wanted me to make an example out of them she insisted so i read it out loud jesus class is boring i'm a sixth grade science and social studies teacher and i teach in a majority hispanic school the students know that i don't speak spanish but i never told them that i could read spanish one day during passing period between their science and social studies block i found a note between two girls that had my name in the conversation so naturally i was curious in spanish the note said miss crayola creative has no boobs and a tiny butt i was so amused that i wrote under the conversation in purple gel pen that is true but it doesn't bother me how about we pay more attention to what we are doing in class love ms cralacrativ i just put it back on their table where i found it and pretended not to notice their horrified faces when they came back to class they don't write notes in my class anymore [Music] freshman year i taught my best friend the anglo-saxon runic alphabet to write notes confident read cocky that no one would ever be able to read what we were writing we didn't bother being discreet and for two years we passed entire notebooks in class teachers who bothered to try to take up our notes just handed them back baffled and let us carry on otherwise we really were good students so we get to junior year biology and carry on the tradition it took a few days for our teacher to notice but when he did he inevitably took up the notebook he went to the front of the class to read it but of course was just utterly flummoxed he asked what language it was and which of us had the idea to do our notes that way when i fessed up that it was me he looked me dead in the face and called me bizarre then told me i was either going to teach him the language or take a detention i ended up developing a really close relationship with him and view him as a father figure to this day tl dr friend and i pass notes in an obscure language for years perplexing many teachers before my favorite teacher made me teach it to him yes it really said this omg his spunk tasted like funk fair sucky eisel both girls were white and then red very very red the owner of the fluid in question sat several seats away in comfortable ignorance they were all good kids though they really were just wild 12th graders teacher here intercepted a note when i was student teaching it read something like student one mr pop ap looks super cute today student two yeah i know right i like his tie a lot and his hair today looks good s1 i wish he could take me to prom i'd love to see him without clothes on had to turn the note into the principal and write a discipline referral a few days later she apologized and said she wasn't going to ask me to prom should have put them into the farm system waited until they graduated then moved them up to the majors 10th grade french class being taught by a student teacher one time my friend passed me a note that just said dank memes in really big letters on it with my immensely creative mind i just passed it back to him without writing anything he opened it gave me a disappointed look and pass it to the guy beside him and the student teacher intercepted with the typical i'll take that thank you then proceeded to open the note stop walking turn around slowly and then pronounce the class dank memes i'm seeing a guy in royal courier's dress holding a scroll upon which the phrase has been written in exquisitely elegant cursive he takes it unfurls it and announces in his loudest and most impressive booming voice dank memes and the whole class cheers and claps also sadly not a teacher but in your 12-2 of my friend spent a double period drawing a vivid masterpiece of a stegosaurus making unorthodox love to a t-rex in a position i hope to never find myself at either end of anyway the teacher walked over and demanded to see what it was friend one in a fit of desperation attempts to eat said note a4 teacher proceeds to take what's left out of friend one's mouth looks at it shudders stares at both friends who can't stop laughing with utter disgust a twelve sent to principal continue to be unable to stop laughing threatened with expulsion due to their art abilities math teacher in eighth grade demanded that a student hand over a note he was about to pass to a guy next to him this note was a drawing of about 11 guys riding back doors on each other in some sort of conga line he really didn't want to hand it over to her insisting it was nothing when she wouldn't given he had no options left so he ate it slowly saying it was nothing and eating it right in front of her picturing that one of the funniest things here we're so lucky to have principal anderson substituting now we have the privilege of staring at that tub of lard all day long if i were him i would walk my fat butt right into oncoming traffic i want you billy p.s i'm frisky takes off glasses knots when i was in fifth grade my teacher got really sick and was gone for a good two weeks for the first week of that stretch we had a really mean substitute teacher let's call him is see ms c was a mean old b she once told a student that he was going to heck because he rode his skateboard in the school parking lot where there was a no skateboarding sign she yelled at our class if there was ever the slightest whisper one day i decided to draw an unflattering picture of her i gave her a snake's body with bad wings and a snaggle tooth the finishing touch was a price tag coming out of her hair i decided to sign my work at the bottom of the paper then i passed it around the classroom and surprisingly she got a hold of it she grabbed me by the tris up hard and took me to the principal's office here's where things get good this was by no means my first trip to the principal's office or my last my jimmies had been rustled by me see being so forceful and physical but i calmed myself down i walked into the principal's office and somehow managed to totally spin the whole thing i told her about how bad miz she was and how she had told that kid he was going to heck i set the story up to make it sound like she forced my hand my picture wasn't a juvenile attempt of humor but rather an act of defiance against a tyrant the principal let me off scot-free and told me she would be having words with me see as i walked to my next class i passed ms see in the hallway she had a crap-eating grin on her face because she assumed i had detention or something she said she was on her way to talk to the principal about what happened that was on a thursday ms c didn't come back the next day i never saw her subbing for another class again that was a sweet sweet victory tl dr i drew a picture of a mean substitute teacher she sent me to the principal's office i talked my way out of getting in trouble and the substitute got fired you're a legend i bet you didn't even look when the explosion went off my friend and i used to draw comics four of each other in high school they were crude stick figures but we labeled people things when needed one day in anatomy our elderly slightly overweight teacher was wearing a see-through blouse on top of a tank top and my friend drew a picture labelled ems camper stripping stick figure on a stick figure pole and everything we got pulled outside got ready for a crap storm only to be met with a hopeful sounding do you really think i could be a stripper we were speechless i had a note made by me intercepted by my english teacher it was a drawing of a massive ejaculating dong covering the whole of one side of paper the teacher opens the note shows it to the class and looks me straight in the eyes and says that's a really nice self portrait you have there i believe he meant to write this emma whipped tyres but emma whip it all over the place emma whip it good but instead he wrote this emma wiped tires but ima wipe it all over the place emma wipe it good when i was in seventh grade i had a lady sub who unfortunately looked exactly like fred armisen i passed a note to my friend saying that she reminded me of the skit fred did where he dressed up as a caveman and just went on and on about how masculine she looked well she intercepted it and read it in front of the whole class once she figured out that it was about her she sent me to the principal's office and i was given in school suspension for three days not the best as in funny but it made me smile the rest of the week girl one i can't believe miss mached or baked is leaving at the end of the week i'm going to miss her girl too she's the best teacher we ever had and she's only learning how to be a teacher girl one i know i love it was at this point i picked up the note read it smiled to myself and walked away kids can be nice sometimes if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 174,815
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Keywords: school, school stories, teachers, students, embarrassing moments, embarrassing, school notes, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: c_RrFUbB3jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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