Teachers, which students do you remember? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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teachers have read it who are the students you remember from 5 10 20 years ago and what did they do to be remembered threaten to kill me my first lesson in the school 10 years on he's just been put in prisons for robbing an old lady and breaking her hand classy I will always remember to students I had 10 years ago a girl and a boy they were senior year of high school and about to graduate they were dating and she was pregnant with his baby I had a great relationship with them both and I had hopes they would make excellent parents she went into labor in the middle of my class and he had to rush her out they came to my wedding last year with their nine-year-old child edit a word in my 30 years of teaching there are many many students I remember for a wide variety of reasons however the story that readers may find somewhat interesting concerns a student in my AP physics class about six years ago she was always on her phone whenever there was even one minute of downtime and she was always laughing when looking at her phone finally I asked her what the hell is always so funny and that's how I discovered and got hooked on reddit five years ago I hosted an eighth grade study hall in classroom a computer lab study hall is a joke so as long as students stayed though silent had something out in front of them I was happy computers were only allowed to be used for work one student was looking to write an essay on Microsoft Word I approved he sat in the seat where I couldn't see his screen big mistake towards the end of study hall he gathered a crowd around his computer I went to go investigate upon arrival I see a thank you for your order screen on Amazon for 15 thousand dollars worth of computer parts the kicker the credit card he used in one of the parts was found on a website that had an inventory of stolen credit card numbers no longer a teacher by five years ago I was teaching freshman English in this kid just was not doing any work I didn't want to fail him and tried to meet with him and figure out what was going on I suspected home issues he kept saying he had a lot going on and that he would do the work he was just distracted finally contact the Hmong because he is not doing anything and I'm worried he is going to fail she emails me this long email that basically said her kid was a crafty [ __ ] who could sell ice to an Eskimo and not to trust anything he says in the same paragraph proceeded to tell me well he did become a father in the fall so he has had his hands full with that WTF lady I was more concerned about the glaze a registered sign way she talked about her 14 year old reproducing I coached swimming for a prep school so although you wouldn't classify me a teacher I taught I worked with a kid who was literally the most intelligent skilled and hard-working individual I had ever met still to this day his parents were wealthy so in addition to normal practice they paid for me to train him one-on-one in the mornings the pool opened at 5:00 a.m. I would usually arrive at 4:55 a.m. his parents put the accountability in him and so he wouldn't wake them up in the morning he would ride his bike no matter what the weather forecast was not only that but I never beat him to the pool he was always waiting for me when I arrived we would go over the plan for the day and most often he will change the intervals and distances to make them more challenging the thing was I was already making the workout as hard as possible fast forward to last week as a freshman in scholarship to Stanford he recently broke the pac-12 record for fastest mile ever swum at the championships we keep up on social media and I know that it'll be incredibly successful later on in life five years ago a senior that was the barely getting by usually failing didn't give a crap kid talked back total less that was going into the Marines like his dad and certainly wasn't interested in web design but had to take a tech course I could eventually tell he was just trying to be a badass for the girl next to him that was a complete bad girl so I separated them at the end of first six weeks and I somehow got him entrusted he became one of the best in the class I have no idea how I did it but something clicked they eventually did a group project making a website for a business idea from one of my other classes not only did he lead the team and make an awesome site but he helped the team from the other class with their business idea finished my class with an A he said his first hey since elementary school I was so damn proud I knew he would never use the ability to do web design in the Marines but maybe it showed him he could succeed I now live to do that for another kid edit thanks for all the up votes I completely understand technology as used immensely in armed forces my brother does quite a bit I just meant that student wasn't going to he had already chosen his direction edit to thanks for the gold when I was newly qualified I had a huge class of 36 pupils I had one boy who was returning from the local pupil referral unit for behavior support he had been through a really rough childhood and had awful attachment disorder issues I remember on the first day I met him we had to evacuate the room because he was trashing it I spent a lot of time working with him when he started with me he could barely write his name by the end of the year he was writing stories it took a lot of work but he trusted me so was willing to try he was a lovely kid that was nearly 10 years ago now he'd be 18 now I had a student with cerebral palsy in my British Lit class I knew on day one that we'd get along because he was one of the few who laughed at my Monty Python reference dude was in a wheelchair and was in foster care but he never complained or made excuses he busted us on all of his assignments participated in group work and class discussions and had a wicked sense of humor I got to choose a student of the month and I chose him come to find out that it was the first time he'd ever been Honnold for academics in school even though he was intelligent and a good student I'm fortunate that I had an opportunity to be his teacher and get to know him I teach third grade when I give spelling tests I tell the kids they can doodle on the back in between words a super bright creative girl used to write me Star Wars is on the back of her tests instead now some of the more curious kids sometimes write questions that I'd answer but these quizzes were on another level entirely who did hard shootin the morsi's lee cantina and what is layers home planet are a couple examples t-then include cute little doodles of the characters involved in the questions as a huge Star Wars fan myself possibly not as big a fan as this student though I will never ever forget these amazing quizzes and their amazing creator during my teaching internship there was one kid who was very bright performed at the top of the class but was clearly stoned half the time he was one of a very few disadvantaged minority kids in a very affluent white school district one day he adjusts his hoodie and a joint falls out onto the floor at my feet he sees it I see it and nobody else does I looked him in the eye and Jeff Henry you Dumbo's look as I stepped on the joint to hide it and then said something to direct everybody's eyes to the board so he could pick it up and I could pretend I never saw it I didn't sign up to be a drug sniffing dog and wasn't going to be the first positive role model to turn this kid over to law enforcement for punishment that could screw him over for life that was the day I decided I had to teach in an alternative education environment not my own story as a teacher though I am one as well but a story I heard from one of my high school teachers Mr F was teaching oral interpretation at that time basically a class on giving speeches and there was this one student will call him Billy whenever there was any category of speech Billy would always find some way to give a bizarre and slightly macabre speech that still technically fit the requirements when the class had to give a speech on how to do something Billy demonstrated a procedure to build a miniature guillotine and used it on a Barbie doll in front of the class it worked when the class had to give a persuasive speech Billy gave a speech about why oj was actually innocent but the real kicker was when the students had to give an informative speech about one of their hobbies Billy discussed at length his hobby of taking the daily obituary from the paper and crossing the dead people out of the book he proceeded to show off his phone book with name after name of now deceased individuals crossed out about seven years ago when I was a mainstream first grade teacher I had a little girl I wished I could take home she was being raised by her grandmother who was about 75 and also raising several of the girls cousins her mother was in the throes of addiction and the grandmother while doing her best was clearly overwhelmed and in way over her head she was provided the basics roof over her head fed and appropriately clothes but when she first started school she was like a little wildling she was so unsocialized and no one had taught her anything academic she didn't know letters numbers shapes or how to write her own name and she was starving for affection I loved her so much because she was so eager and so sweet even if she would quickly put any kids who got in her way on the ground I lost track of her after she moved on to middle school but last I heard she wasn't doing well very angry and out of control and I don't know if her grandmother is still even alive so who knows who she lives with now if she had ended up in different circumstances she had so much to offer breaks my heart teacher for seven years now special education my kids are all fairly memorable in their own ways but there are certain kids that come to mind much easily than others and with more frequency for me it is a little boy with Down syndrome who I think of involuntarily almost daily and to be honest I feel slightly ashamed of the why he was a kindergartner and just learning to count he had very limited verbal abilities and while he was working with a speech-language pathologist during math time our focus was math and not speech and the way he counted was unique he couldn't pronounce the numbers correctly but once he mastered counting to ten he counted everything and loudly done do we nearly bear by cieariy a she ee nun pah each sound over emphasized and stretched out I work out regularly and in working out counting your sets is fairly standard at the time his counting just stuck in my head when I'd be doing my sets to this day I cannot count anything in my head without counting in his voice especially when I'm working out I have a feeling this will never go away I explained to him that the meaning of the word futile was something equivalent to hitting an exposed steel i-beam in the back of my classroom as in there was no point he said what do you mean like this and punched it as hard as he could broke his hand I only taught for a year and remember lots of students but my favorite has to be the fourth grade girl who had creative life goals the other girls wanted to be nurses or dancers when they grew up but this girl wrote that she wanted to be a bounty hunter obstetrician I still get a good laugh out of that one just last week a student disclosed to me that she was living away from home in a sort of youth hostel although she was safe she said she was really struggling with money and would often stay home from college UK because she was too hungry I sorted her a food parcel out for the next day and she said she was so excited to be carrying a heavy bag of food home and she would finally be able to afford tampons I cried when she'd gone not a teacher but I was and still am earning my pocket money in my middle school by being a math tutor I once had a student who could perfectly tell and was it at almost any math problem but she couldn't show how she got there he just knew but her teacher despite correct and worse as always was giving her f-from though thoughts process two years to eight a week teaching how to write her thoughts good times now she is on math physics class and she don't need my help but we are still in contact I honestly can remember all of my students but the ones that pop up in my head from time to time are the ones I had an especially positive weird interaction with one the student who told me she was a lesbian and wouldn't stop giving me hints that she wanted to hang out with me after school or during the summer to the mentally impaired student who would make casual death wreaths to anybody for any random example oh that would be a shame if the next exam is hard and we would find you beaten in the parking lot edit Thanks I learned a lot of vocabulary Alex not sure what condition he had but he was kind of slow on a class trip overnight at some camp some of the guys were kind of messing with him Alex do you beat your meat I will not be beating by the meat poor kid had no idea what it meant another kid Brad was under his sheet and started to exaggerate a jerk off motion you could clearly see his hand motion Alex and beating my meat I will not be beating by the meat and jumped on Brad and punched him right in the D edit I just noticed the question asked for teachers to clarify I was a student not a teacher shortly prior to my wife beginning her teaching career at a private school she worked there for 14 more years a student had kidnapped one of the few children of color tied him up and called him his slave and the n-word etc I will have to verify what happened to the kid his parents were billionaires or something like that I know the child who got tied up continued to attend the school and his father was a police officer hopefully his tuition was free if there is enough interest I will get the name of the kid who did the slave thing and see what he's up to now the kid who was tied up is kickin serious ass in life career e.t.c update my wife will ask a friend for the name of the student and I will see if I can track them down she doesn't remember however she did add some details the incident occurred at recess against the kids will so the kidnapping thing is something I remember hearing from someone else he tied the other student the only black child at the school up to a basketball pole and called him to his slave and the n-word my wife guesses that the other student is likely went to a great college and parents bought him out of any trouble but we'll verify I had a student stand up in the middle of class and mimic what he would do if he was a Nazi surrounded by Jews the last I heard he ended up in jail for animal cruelty and domestic violence I had to teach my childhood bully his son he was just like his dad a stupid jock walking around like as it didn't stink woefully ignorant of how he was destined to peak during high school and then go on to do nothing noteworthy after that it turned out to be an all white kid in the end though I never really got to tell him because I was killed by some Wizards pet snake my GF first year of teaching and she taught nonverbal sevillio tasak kids she worked really hard with these four seven and eight years through their meltdowns and seizures one parents evening she was showing the parents some of their art and they pointed at the child's NAND and asked who wrote it she said the child did and they started crying saying they did not think the kid would ever achieve something this simple it was a good day not me but a good friend was his first year teaching Spanish in a not-so-great area first day goes around class asking kids their names et si comes to one kid says his name but then informs my buddy that his rap name is Billy tells him that if he comes up to the front of the class and laid it down that he would call him that apparently he was pretty good so Biddy it was edit a word apparently is not spelled a parent key I was a volunteer English teacher in a prison I told the college prep courses basics of essay format composition and evidence-based writing one of my guys was blatantly bipolar and his writing was brilliant but he kept failing just couldn't hold it together through the term had something like a decade left on a 30-year sentence a few years later I'm walking to work and bam there he is working with the street cleanup team sure enough he'd been diagnosed nibbler was on stable meds holding a job and going to school TL DR dude sorter spent 22 years in prisons for having an untreated mental illness not a teacher but a student of one when I was in high school I suggested to the teacher that if a student can get a 90 or better on a test they can be excused the absence of one home she had a policy of every time you missed a homework assignment you got a point off your final grade fast-forward a decade I was visiting my parents and they asked me to pick us something from the supermarket I ran into her in the aisle she came said hi Rob 132 I just want to tell you that I've kept your policy in place of a 90 or higher on a test to make up for a missed homework and every year I tell the students about it and I always mentioned your name it really helps some kids study more to make up a missed homeworks the worst part is I never got to use it I only got in the mid 80s math wasn't my thing not a teacher but I'll tell you about a time a teacher actually remembered me 18 plus years later so I was selling shoes at Macy's at the time when I was in college and this little old lady approached me asking for a size I went back to get it for her and saw her sitting next to a couple of older women her age it took them to her and let her know if she needed anything else - please let me know why thank you disoriented possum that's very nice of you you have grown up a lot said the woman next to her I remember thinking how the duck does she know my name because I wasn't wearing my nametag that day I looked at her and studied her face and it snapped Mrs B I asked yes she replied I knew it was you when I first saw you you look and sound much like your mother it was Mrs B my pre kindergarten teacher's assistant I thanked her for the compliment and later checked out her friend gave her a hug and bid her farewell it was very a very touching moment for me I wish I had asked her what it was about me that she remembered my name and who I was I guess I'll never know I taught preschool for five years and then switched to upper elementary fourth and fifth grade my first two years teaching upper elementary I looped with my class I had mostly the same students for two full school years they were like my own children at that point they are getting close to graduating high school at this point and I think about them all the time I can still list first and last names of every student and to their parents they were my favorite group of students in my 12 years in education I think they taught me just as much as I taught them taught Primary School in the UK I'm an American teacher in 1988 Louise was 10 years old the class was on a swimming field trip to the city pool she got her first period while swimming that day she was the first girl in her class to start menstruating apparently when she climbed out of the pool it was obvious what was going on all of the kids noticed and started teasing her she was quite embarrassed and I was embarrassed for her I took her to the changing room to clean up and change into her school uniform I got her a tampon from a lifeguard it was quite awkward nearly 15 years ago I worked in an absolutely horrific Department one morning before school started I had the pleasure of being told how it a teacher I was by my head of department I'm not needless to say I was cut up and spent most of the morning crying on and off just before I was due to teach my year Elevens three of the girls found me crying one of them stayed with me one of them blocked the doorway to refuse entry to anyone else and one of them ran off to the loo to get me a tissue these were the hard nuts of the school the ones that were dumped on me because they're year ten teacher couldn't handle them I will never ever forget the kindness they showed me on that day I wonder where they are now I still remember a student she was a troubled girl from a huge family who was having some troubles I think the kids were sort of farmed out to different relatives I had been trying to reach her and get her invested in school when one day I realised it was her birthday another teacher and I took at a lunch off-campus totally breaking the rules by the way we went to spaghetti factory she had never eaten in a restaurant where you got salad and an entree and dessert before we told the server it was her birthday and she got a cupcake with a candle in it Dart after that she paid much more attention in class and actually got a good grade by the end of the year that last day of school she showed me that she had kept the it'll candle in her wants to remember that day no big deal made at home because of some family trauma that I can't remember now she gave me a cheap silver ring that immediately turned my finger green but I still have I say her briefly the next year but she was failing again because her English teacher doesn't love me the way you do broke my heart all she really wanted was somebody to love her I always wondered how she turned out but I'll never know [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, funny, r/
Id: x7Ep_irn5fY
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Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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