What Was Your Worst "Frick, Why Did I Do That" Moment?

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what is your worst crap why did i just do that moment nsw i did temp jobs during the summer in high school they were hard and generally really random but it was money anyway i was doing a moving demolition job at this big bank that had recently built a new branch in another part of town we were tearing down walls moving chairs and cleaning out all the crap that had been hiding under all of the furniture after 40 years of operation anyhow i got brought upstairs to the conference room and the foreman told me to break down the giant freaking table that ran the length of the room being a very literal person and having done demolition that all day i proceeded to flip the behemoth and go to town in its various legs and support frames after about an hour of work i had reduced the table to movable chunks and had bagged all of the smaller bits legs and stuff long story short the foreman walked in and said something like what the eye will freaking kill you heck happened pray this can be glued back together needless to say it was like a couple thousand dollar custom built table that had been with the bank since it had opened there they decided not to press charges since i was an unsupervised miner with a hammer and unclear directions but i pretty much crap myself when i realized what i had done i laughed really hard and can totally feel your position on this telling someone holding a hammer to break something is kind of a clear directive one time i was driving and i didn't like the song that came on the radio so i just turned my car off i'm glad that i enjoy having and reading intellectual conversations and ideas on reddit and i get rid it gold for how very stupid i actually am i'm actually fine with that not sure how you escalate that one any higher didn't like the song drove car off cliff i was smoking a cigarette and browsing my phone when i was done with my sig i put it out and threw my phone into the receptacle and started to walk away when i realized what the frick did i just do growing up our laundry hamper was beside the toilet never pee in the hamper but i tossed my dirty socks into the toilet more times than i would like to admit at a birthday party in 4th grade i threw a rock at a balloon in an effort to pop it the rock bounced back up and hit me right between the eyes i now have an l-shaped scar on my forehead to memorialize my idiocy luigi breaker went in my apartment went i went to reset it i noticed a gap in one of the slots where the black plastic breaker switch should have been without thinking i stuck my fingers in there to see what's what audible zap sound and incredible shock burn on my finger couldn't feel my arm for weeks dude never frick with electricity i was around seven or eight years old my dad had a lot in the backyard that had a bunch of miscellaneous crap like pallets a lot of boards snow fence a big mound of dirt etc i was throwing rocks over the fence and i don't know why i thought to myself hum i bet i could catapult a rock over the fence and that would be cool i'll either board over the big mound of dirt lay a rock on the other side basically a makeshift teeter-totter i take a big leap and slam all my body weight down on the opposite side a split second later i'm on my butt and one of my eyes the vision was all red rosy due to blood running into my eye then i started crying and running for the house ended up with stitches on my eyebrow crap why did i just do that tl dr made teeter-totter caterpile thing to launch rock hit and head lots of blood and stitches childhood hold might be a moment way back when some friends and i all white kids from la suburbs drove into downtown l.a and decided to buy some pot we found a guy at a gas station who said he would sell us herb only if we smoked a blunt with him this dude was thug his name is juice he was terrifying to my honky butt i was in the back seat of my friend's mom's escalade we rode a hard euro and when the blunt got to me i stupidly said our manual and live this i died or at least i wished i did because i seem to be the only person in the car who wasn't immediately uncomfortable then juice politely chimes in i'm about six seconds from slapping your butt i turned red apologized profusely for what i had done juice just sat there quietly for like two full minutes looking at me asked me if i was going to smoke the blunt or babysit that crap and then he busted up laughing called me the bravest idiot he had ever met we became friends and he always used to come over to my house and cook dinner with my mom great guy even better cook juice did not freak my mom lord love my mom but juice is better than that juice ended up teaching me a lot about how messed up my world view was especially towards racial issues he wasn't over all the time as my friends and i preferred to be out doing stuff with trees i just happen to have really normal parents who aren't afraid of black people so it wasn't even an issue that he was black i love that i've been on reddit about a month in this comment about my own racial insensitivity and drug use will be the largest grossing karma source for a life i'll be sure to ration it out so i don't end up malnourished and start to repost things this one is my favorite because it ends in friendship and cooking okay first i am must say that i have a stupid fascination with balloons now the moment a friend of mine was making a barbecue at his home and invited me as i arrive outside of his house was his 12 14 not sure years niece with a female friend of the same age they were playing with a bunch of helium balloons that they found on the street you may be guessing where this is going row nice balloons i say as the other girl turns around to say hi and i notice her huge boobs like [ __ ] huge for her age so yes i pretty much finished the sentence while looking straight at her boobs awkward silence she turns red as a tomato i do the same my friend's niece understands what just happened and starts to laugh to the point of crying and i try to find the words to explain myself i start mumbling not yo i'm not a never mind i better go inside so yeah i was 30 btw why don't you have a seat over there pooped in the shower instead of getting the floor all wet well frick what do i do with this now i am not dave rich justin lewis bobby t or bill i find it funny that you all think you can identify your friends by their pooping habits i am also not jade or del toro though i would love to meet him stomp it down trying to light a barbecue not very successful thought about using lighter fluid or something but had none time to think outside the box what other flammable liquids did i have around booze was obviously too valuable to waste but i remembered i had a bunch of bottles of cheap aftershave cologne that i had gotten as gifts over the years and would never wear poured that stuff on the coals and lit it up the smell was unbelievable if you imagine the combined stink of all your cheap colognes released into the atmosphere in a single burst you still don't understand how bad it was house evacuated because of the stink and we went to buy booze instead the shop was a mile away and when you came out you could smell my freaking barbecue [Music] i was in my dad's car and i thought to myself what if i just spit on the dashboard then i spit on the dashboard he looks at me and goes what the freak i applaud your commitment to the what would happen if i just line of thought you're living the dream [Music] i was sitting in sixth grade english class watching a video my ear was kind of itchy and i had a pencil in my hand so i was picking at the inside of my ear with the eraser end this was actually really pleasurable and all was going well until i realized something was amiss the eraser had come loose and it was inside my ear no worries i thought so i went to grab it with my fingers nope i could not grab it each attempt was even more futile than the last the eraser was pushed farther and farther into my ear canal i started to panic frick frick frick why did i just do that i was too embarrassed to say anything to the teacher and just sat through the rest of the school day as if everything was normal when i got home i let my mom know she was cool but didn't really know what to think of the situation she took me on an emergency appointment to the pediatric doctor upon booking the appointment the receptionist asked me if i was special my mother let her know i was in fact gifted when i got there they took a look and referred me on another emergency appointment to his nose and throat specialty doctor the ant doc took a look and let me know if he was not successful at removing the eraser from the cocoon of my ear that they would probably have to do surgery which scared the crap out of me luckily he worked some sort of voodoo and pulled the eraser out i got to keep it i'm not sure what happened at it my family and friends never let me forget that incident it actually led to quite a bit of anxiety for me i'm an adult no and come to think of it no one has brought up that story in a few years [Music] accidentally mixing up the search bar with the status bar on facebook in my defense it was on an older version of mobile facebook where everything looked the same what did you write was talking to a girl at a table full of people mostly strangers she said her name was bambi i asked what like the deer did you mom get murdered in front of you as well it sounded funny in my head in your defense i think that's hilarious while in high school a friend's mother passed away suddenly she had a brain aneurysm and just laid down one day to never awake again she was his birth mother but he wasn't too close with her since his parents had divorced while he was young and his father remarried he asked a few people to give him support at the funeral and keep him in good spirits trying to be a good friend i went as did quite a few others well a week or so pass and it's time to begin practice for graduation one day after we go through the motions and our release to go home he walks over to me and some other friends and asks so where are we all going after this welp me being the socially inept person i am answered with the first thing that came to my mind i said to your mom's house i was trying to be funny the realization then dawned upon me as to what i had just done i mumbled i'm so sorry i then walked to my car and drove home the look of anger that passed over his face is something i'll never forget tl dr i told a friend we were going to his mom's house as a joke too bad i forgot i had gone to his mom's funeral just the week before i too had a bad habit of saying your mom is a response to everything until one fateful day i said it to an employee and he walked out he came back a few hours later to apologize for leaving he proceeded to tell me that his mother had been strangled with a belt in front of him when he was younger the man who did it was up for his parole hearing that week lick a stripper's glorly hole just once in tawana may the strippers in tijuana always wash their lady parts plentifully for you good sir dude you are freaking nuts i was sitting next to this kid with two ray ted at lunch one day and he started making noises food makes him excited i don't know so i started making noises with him without realizing what i was doing i knew he knew everyone knew and just looked at me he asked so you're going to make noises with me i looked him square in the eye and said yup made another noise for good luck got up and left i think a little piece of me died right then that's a balls of steel moment right there when i was a kid i wanted to see if when you stepped on the business end of a rake if it would hit you in the head like in the cartoons it does last night i took a shot out of my best friend's wife's titties at the bar he was right there encouraging and laughing the whole time but i still feel bad about it doesn't matter a titty liquor before i bought myself a celeb every single time after i finished using my electric toothbrush to masturbate my reaction was that of shame my username was not inspired in any fashion by this masturbatory endeavor i touched the debauchery in that shawnee state i had seen a cool looking sticker on a pole and i touched the sticker was on a button that called the campus security luckily i was with my high school class so i pulled an ezio and blended in also the campus security were cool about it being a false alarm they didn't try to find out who did it you heard me a debauchery button had fricked unprotected a random girl day after i got an std check all that blood drawn and pee in a cup for nothing driving down the road going 55 friend hands me a glass bottle tells me to throw it outside i assumed he wanted to watch the glass shatter threw it in front of us glass everywhere pop the two front tires i thought you were rapping at first this one time i was at a party with my friends and one when one of them had to leave i gently kissed him on the cheek and said good night sweet prince we're both dudes and i'm pretty sure it was the three helium balloons i had just inhaled to get a funny voice that was the cause that sounds hilarious as heck no reason to be ashamed haha in college i slapped someone in the face with a jizz-covered flip-flop because he stole my clothes while i was showering that seems like a reasonable response when i was 10 i had karate class during practice one day i was kicking a bag and chat myself due to having constipation for a week i then proceeded to jog into our practice lines only to be followed by a line of crap drippings from my pants parents still joke about it today i texted my bf at the time telling him how frisky i was and what exactly i would do to him when i got home sent it to my prof instead his reply one i am going to assume that this text was meant for somebody else not me two it's come not cm three have a great evening i'm sure you will my friend and i were playing catch when this hawk flies by relatively low we see it land in what we assume is his nest i tell my friend that i could probably hit it i miss completely but the hawk got territorial and i've never ran so fast in my life in middle school my teacher taught us that men have less wrinkles when they age due to them shaving their faces as a girl i didn't want to be wrinkly when i was older so i thought it would be a great idea to shave my face a bit ended up shaving off an eyebrow i pulled my junior year math tiches pants down because she didn't seem mad enough that someone else pulled mine down yes she was hot her panties were pink with a white border and since it will probably be asked yes i have fapped to this memory i am a loser what can i say yes i regretted it immediately afterwards no i didn't pull her pants down to see her panties yes i should have handled it better i was 16 and stupid i get that it sucked for the teacher after years of getting food and fists thrown at me by people who wanted to pick on someone i just snapped and took it out on the wrong person students were picking on me that day which wasn't unusual usually it was small embarrassing things like taking my backpack and emptying the contents or sticking gum on my shirt or whatever on this day in particular they were really out to get me in class we were in groups so some of us were walking around and getting items like rulers protractors etc a guy who didn't like me came up and lifted my shirt and sharpied my stomach so i called him a butthole or something and then he pulled my pants down and shouted i suck at most things is naked look and when everyone started laughing i got really embarrassed and the teacher just said don't do that go back to your seat and i suck at most things pull your pants up and go back to your group i got angry and she was standing helping another student holding a worksheet and book and i pulled her pants down ran down the hallway and grandfather with a seven-foot sword sword he made out of two x4s for me that day and hit him in the balls full speed as he sat on the couch still have no idea why seven year old me did that or how i was able to hold that dang thing up i was using my new waxing pot for the first time and decided to give myself an at-home bikini wax well it was going fine but i noticed that after i waxed ouch there was still some waxy residue left on me that wouldn't come off so i put nail polish remover on it oh god the burn why i had a series of stupid choices happen one night last november so after a crappy week i got really drunk at a friend's party of mine after nearly passing out i got a second wind but it came right as everyone started going to bed this made drunk me angry so i had another drink went outside and ran for a long time after a while i turned back but since it was frigid at the time i was both freezing and out of breath a few girls i had met a few months ago had an apartment nearby so drunk me thought it would be a good idea to go there for a bit to catch my breath they were already asleep so drunk me decided i should let myself in i started to wake her but a tincture of reality hit me and i realized that this situation was not okay unfortunately drunk me took over again as she woke up and decided i should immediately hide as not to alarm her under her bed she of course knew someone was there and out of fear for her life or something ran into her roommate's room drunk me then decided rather than explain myself i should just run away and i ran out of the apartment and back to him friend's house where i promptly passed out i woke up in the morning to my friend talking about how someone had broke into the girl's house my first thought was someone must have done so after i went there though i quickly put it together that the person was me anyways i went over and apologized profusely unfortunately i still ended up with two less friends than before i regret it a lot and feel bad about what they must have thought we still see each other occasionally but they avoid me and i don't blame them woke up in the middle of the night and had to use a bathroom was too lazy to turn the light on and to stand and pee so i kinda just plopped down onto what i thought was the normal sitting area ended up bashing my dong and nuts on a portion of the seat and falling over to the side into the bathtub worst part is i had a half chub orientation day of college got in a good conversation with a girl she says hey i have to go can i give you my number i say you could but i never call people i said that because at the time i was really stereotypically sap and calling people was incredibly difficult for me instant regret because 10 seconds later when she was gone the awful awful thing i just did hit me like a sack of bricks i had to pee but my aunt was in the bathroom as she comes out i decide to squeeze her boobs and yell blah blah blah she grabs my hands and yells in the most evil voice don't you ever touch my breasts again everyone in the house heard she told my parents what happened in front of all my millions of cousins a bit harsh since i was a six-year-old girl the horror after a pretty nasty surgery while i was still drugged up i tried to make a bargain with the trainee nurse that i would get undressed if she'd do the same in front of my doctor and mother [Music] confided in my mother over 25 years of evidence attesting to her manipulative deceitful ways and i still foolishly thought things would be different now that i'm an adult i was part of a band and we were playing a decently sized show my family girlfriend at the time and her family were there at that concert well there was this white guy up in the front who started doing the rey's lower fist movement and without thinking i said allowed yeah white power except i said it into the mic spends weeks chipping away at a woman to get her to go out with me when she finally agreed i sent my mate a message describing what i would like to do to this woman in bed of course being giddy with bagging a dream date i sent the rather graphic message straight to her rather than my friend technically she hasn't canceled or a date but it's been eight years since i heard from her so i'm nearly ready to accept defeat and move on once when i was young i got a driver and just straight up hit a golf ball into my glass window door immediately after i just had no clue as to why i did that when i was younger my brother who has cystic fibrosis and i were having an argument and i was getting angry so i ended the argument with at least i don't have cystic fibrosis ever since i have been feeling regret one day i was running in the woods and i came across a large glass bottle an old timmy milk jug or something and decided that it would be the most satisfying thing in the world at that moment to break it against a tree so i wound up and swung it as hard as i could at a tree trunk hitting it about knee level naturally a large shard of broken glass flew at me and embedded itself in my calf i stood there like an idiot for a while and then left a trail of blood on the entire run home a tl dr tried to break a bottle for no reason slashed my leg open in the worst possible place when i was in sixth grade i poked a kid with my mechanical pencil as a joke and i accidentally injected an inch-long piece of lead into his arm i get it not literally lead only said that because it's often referred to as lead anyways unless this happened to you in tennessee seven years ago i did not stab you sorry it happened though i never thought this could happen to think of all the fake drugs i did injecting myself with mechanical pencils at the age of six i really liked all the bees that flew around in the garden outside my house i decided that i wanted to keep them and observe them during the winter so i made some concoction of orange juice honey and sugars and all of them were instantly attracted to it i then lured them into my mom's car thought great i'll have them for winter andy can make more honey and then i forgot about it later well my mom needed to go out and well it was all downhill from there one time when i was kid i was playing with my sister and i picked up a brick above my head and said prepare to die i then proceeded to drop said brick on head leaving me in tears and my sister in stitches from laughter if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 10,994
Rating: 4.8661709 out of 5
Keywords: worst mistake, worst mistakes in history, mistakes, worst, awkward moments, awkward, regrets, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: xkkeHjQk2lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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