Teachers, How Obvious It Is When Student Has A CRUSH On A Classmate? 🤔

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like the video and subscribe right now to help this elephant fully load ass credit teachers have read it how obvious is it when one student has a crush on a classmate depends on the age but the signs are obvious as hell lots of staring and not so obvious but very obvious attempts at being near them visible disappointment when they aren't put in the same group for group work jealousy in all forms I've seen a kid hater classmate for weeks because that classmate sat next to the kids crush for morning meeting in 4th grade I punched my best friend in the back of the head really hard for hugging my crush he was so confused visible disappointment when they aren't put in the same group for group work come on then BM bro shoutout to my high school neck and teacher for noticing that me and a girl were into each other constantly putting us in the same group straight up asking the girl if she had a boyfriend while I was in the room mrs. Andersson is the best wingman of all time my ninth grade geography teacher was the same way she even let the guy switch his permanent seat to sit by me I'm married to him now so I guess I should be extra thankful for how cool she was about it it's 100% super obvious all the time but I teach emotionally damaged teenagers and all teens emotionally damaged former middle school teacher here I actually told kids one year that if they wanted me to change their seating chart they could airmail me this was to avoid potential conflicts or bullying instead a girl asked me to put her next to the boy she liked I did I wanted to reward her for asking for what she wanted I think my exact words were get it girl unfortunately for her he wasn't interested I told my teacher in third grade that a girl was annoying me so the teacher sat me next to the girl for the rest of the year what's even more obvious is when one has a crush and the other isn't interested I'm speaking strictly from the demographic from my own school I taught at so I hope it's clear I'm not generalizing all teenagers here but I've noticed when a girl is crushing and guy isn't he is more likely but not always to be more forward about telling her so to the point in one or two cases of sometimes being openly cruel to her the girls in the reverse situation act annoyed and will sometimes make their disinterest clear but more often than not they grin and bear it and try to pretend the crush doesn't exist that's all I've got I was there for months I have been needlessly cruel in the past more outright dismissive if I'm telling the truth that was before I ever developed any strong affection for anyone though I'd be nicer about it if anyone showed interest nowadays I hope I was the weird smelly kid that everyone picked on and never learned to defend myself one year the school decided to print an agenda / phone directory with all of the students home phone numbers in it one of the girls I sort of vaguely knew called and told me she liked me me assuming this was just another cruel prank said no and hung up on her she called back tearfully to tell me she hated me so yeah I was an [ __ ] but my only defenses that I never cold for Majan denny one actually considering me like that at the time and try to pretend the crush doesn't exist today I learned I'm apparently everyone's crush a few years after I graduated HS I ran into my geometry teacher she vividly remembered me because I got a low C but selected to retake her class because I really didn't learn geometry not her fault midway through the semester she actually saw the look on my face when I got it we did a quick catch-up and she asked me if Michelle and I ever got together I looked at her puzzled and said no why would you think we would she laughed at me and explained that it was brutally obvious to her day one that she liked me proceeded to fill me in on everything she did that indicated she was into me that whooshed right over my head as a stupid tenth grader she said she saw her the first day of class walk in stop for a second and walk directly over to the desk next to mine and sit down at that point you've chosen your desk for the semester this class was the only time I would see her at school maybe in the halls every now and then she would always mahalo all the team did soccer swimming / track / lacrosse / baseball and be sure to congratulate me when my name got announced for winning / scoring even mentioned she went to the game and saw me play she gave me a nickname that she used all the time she saw when I would struggle and try to help me my teacher loved this she thought it was so cute made sure to walk out of the classroom next to me every time she'd compliment me sometimes on clothes to be fair it was common knowledge she had a boyfriend at another school so I didn't even think that this was anything more than her being friendly I was also a dweeb that happened to be very athletically inclined the folks I hung out with were not the popular crowd where she was I didn't even hang out with my teammates the jocks the easily fit in with them and could approach the group in my mind there were not enough mathematicians on earth to calculate how far out of her league I was she's definitely out of my league actually we are not even playing the same sport it's kind of like she's in the NBA and I work in a muffler store next to the stadium in middle school they just start trying to get on each other's nerves more and are usually overly smiley the main problem comes when only one of them is smiley that hurt me right in the fields holy [ __ ] it all seems clear now I'm a grade 12 can confirm this doesn't apply to middle schoolers only I once intercepted a note from a boy to a girl that roughly translated from French said I get hard for you do I make you moist I've done it before want to do it this was eighth grade English our Casanova wasn't the brightest bulb in the packet but he had advanced visceral competences do I make you moist check yes or no I had two kids in one of my classes who I knew were interested in each other the kids were working on an assignment of their desks and I was making the rounds through the room when I got close to the couple I overheard him say to her you give me the biggest bonus you should have seen his face when he realized that I heard him oh my lord ha ha they started hanging around each other a lot always hugging making lots of context for physical contact then they started holding hands became very very close to the point that you'd never see one without the other until they finally started dating they were two of the most troublesome children and to this day everyone is afraid of this relationship to me it sounds like they shoulder started dating from physical contact also what kind of physical contact everything with students is obvious I know who you have a crush on I know when you and your friend got in a fight and aren't the same today I know when you are having a bad week I know when you've lost motivation I know when you're looking for attention and I know when you want to be left alone some teachers use this information to make informed decisions like sitting you next to your crush cutting you slack that day asking if everything is all right etc but I've seen some usage to be unfair to students edit thank you for the silver I'm glad to hear some positive stories of caring teachers from people I work at an alternative school with kids who have lots of trauma from their past I think if you cannot be compassionate you shouldn't be in this profession but I understand many have had negative experiences with teachers who shouldn't have taken the career path I really appreciate a teacher I had in high school who when I fell asleep constantly in his class didn't get mad at me but instead asked quietly after class if I was getting enough sleep at home because he was concerned about me I was in one of my first depression cycles and not sleeping well I really appreciated the kindness it all makes so much sense now thank you your writing style makes you sound like Santa when they start ducking on your desk while you're trying to teach about chala mein Charlemagne always turns me on - aren't there helping through accurate reenactment they start sitting next to each other then why does she keep moving away well not now but when I was in high school a student and a substitute teacher had a relationship it started off as him giving compliments every day then after some time later they were kissing and he would grab her in front of other students don't know how she wasn't fired or how they were never caught wow that is so blatant and unprofessional is to be shocking I know these stories exist but they always blow my mind I just finished my schooling to get my teaching certification and I'm doing sub work until jobs are posted in the district super obvious when a girl says to loop out while laughing at a guy who is teasing her or a guy goes out of his way to make fun of her slash steal something from her so she'll have to pursue him to get it back it makes me 100% certain that is a perfect spelling of the way young girls say stop in that situation my now wife admitted to stealing my sweater so I'd have to call her I still wonder about the ethics of that stop it wrong start up I don't know I stole this girl's car and she stopped talking to me steal something from her so she'll have to pursue him to get it back fifteen year-old niece flirting style feels very seen right now I teach English to Italian kids I don't speak Italian and even to me the sort of thing is obvious it is pretty adorable I have to admit her her used to teach sixth and eighth grade science at an inner-city school I told all of my students their best chance at dating their crush was to be respectful the eighth graders ignored me and proceeded to make fun of their crushes the sixth graders though they bought it 11 year olds were holding the door open and pulling chairs out for their crushes being supportive and kind to one another cutest [ __ ] ever edit one letter hell yeah great move teach I remember one time during an eighth grade field day hearing a bit of an altercation between a few kids when I went over there I saw that this one very nerdy kid was chasing another boy around the football field while a few other boys laughed and a girl was telling them to stop turns out what happened was at one of those boys was teasing the girl like that kind of stupid teasing 8th grade boys do to girls they like and add the nerdy kid who also seemed to have a crush on this girl stood up to the boy to defend her honor and wanted to fight him so instead of fighting the boy ran in circles while the nerdy kid chased him furious and red in the face it was very cringy I got the vibe that the girl didn't mind the teasing from that boy and that the nerdy kids crush was probably not reciprocated I broke up the fight partly because I wanted to save the nerdy kid from his eighth-grade self I think most of us have been in a situation as a teenager where we try to impress someone who doesn't feel the same way I didn't want him to look back years later and be even more embarrassed by it had gone on longer I need someone to save me from my eighth-grade self side note I'm almost 40 told this story in a thread once before but a very old friend of mine back in elementary school wanted to impress three girls so I let him beat me up it wasn't a hard a swooping button a swooping no less they laughed and walked away after it happened but that wasn't the worst part the worst part was that he never got anywhere with any of them mind you this was about grade seven or eight so he could have at least landed a kiss but not even that I have a scar on my side from one of those early teenage attempts to impress there's a boy in my class whose voice hasn't changed yet but every time he is talking to another girl from a different class he is noticeably lowering his voice to sound deeper obvious signs are obvious I'm 22 and caught myself doing that when I hung out with a girl I was interested in not a teacher but I had an amazing teacher she knew I had a crush on this girl and she might have know she had a crush on me all high school assigned seating we were put next to each other all projects we did together she put us together for everything I'm marrying that girl in 4.5 weeks thanks mrs. Peris better invite her to the wedding in the words of my teacher who I recently saw during break in college now when she decided to sit in your lap every day and started playing house with you instead of working I kind of got the hint how in God's name did you miss it apparently the fact that this girl was so obvious while I didn't see it triggered her she even ranted about it for a couple of minutes in rather classes before she realized that that was inappropriate in my deference the girl was actively trying to send mixed signals girl literally confesses undying love she might be kidding better play it safe how is that a mixed signal like my lord eight pound six ounce bag eases help this dude I once had a teacher tell me that my crush and I worked together well and used him and I as an example for something we ended up together and she said oh I so predicted it seeing the reaction on her face was priceless and I'll never forget it so apparently we were very obvious you guys still together or now okay now I'm wondering how common it is for teachers to ship their students sometimes it can be amusing to sit two people together who we think might be attracted to one another or if it seems toxic having their seats very far away from one another another interesting that krill one is having one of the individual sit next to the others best friend usually about two or three rows in front so they can observe the two together you've been visited by graduation dog oh you will be blessed with the ability to pass all of your exomes but only if you comment congrats on passing dog oh thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
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Id: vvhUbiXsbHw
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Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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