How To Make Friends As A 30 Year Old

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like the video and subscribe right now and i'll show you a picture of a big boy ready three two one where the hell is a 30 year old supposed to hang out and make new friends because i have none law school constant pot use zoning out on video games and general shittiness have left me utterly friendless i had a girlfriend but she split about two months ago the portuguese and shittiness being the main causes i quit pot but now all i do is school work and exercise like a fiend to try and not get high or feel bad that the girlfriend split i live in a huge city l.a but i have a hard time talking to people i would love to have people to hang out with because i'm slowly going insane where does one find such a thing when they are no longer so young good luck to you and your quest to find friends but remember once you find them you actually have to be friends with them i have always been that guy who lived in the house apartment that became the hub of activity for my friend group and i never had to work very hard to be around people anytime i wanted when i started living by myself i quickly realized that all those people were coming over to see my roommates and although i called them friends i hardly ever saw them after moving by myself once you find someone you like you're gonna have to make the risky and terrifying action of actually asking them to hang out sometime i moved from a small town to a big city three years ago i'm 30 now and here's what i've learned one live with random people find a house share with four slash five slash six other random people the first place i lived in had three other adams living there it didn't work out so i moved out after my six meter contract ended and moved into another place with five other randoms i've lived there for two years now and people come and people go some people move cities some stay but a whole bunch of friends came out of that two change jobs easier said than done i know but you want to work for a company where everybody else is your age group 25 30 ish because guess what they're in the same boat as you and then what then every day you you walk around the office saying anybody up for a lunch or start a lunch chat room slash email grub whatever and do the same for drinks closer to the weekend boom friends also you're at law school use them lunch groups turn into dinner groups turn into stick together the whole weekend groups three dating sites just go on loads of dates not everybody you meet will be somebody you want to get involved with but if you're having a good time stay friends and then assimilate their hotter friends four entertain everybody loves bbqs and weekend roasts so then once a month throw one hundred dollars aside for food invite a few six to eight people over from wherever maybe it's somebody from work maybe it's a random you met at friday night out on the town they bring drinks ofc and about 30 minutes after the last bite has been eaten everybody will want to carry on to a bar boom friends 5. go to bar by yourself in my experience drunken experiences with other drunken people quickly create friendships and more ofc so find a bar prop it up tell the bartender you've just moved there decent bartenders will usually involve you in conversations invite you to meet their friends who drink at that very same bar invite you to stay for the lock-in after the bar closes on saturday night boom friends the problem isn't that you're not young it's that you're not doing anything go do something the only thing that's harder in your 30s about meeting people is that you no longer have a nicely age segregated population around you like you did in school but you can also conveniently date and hang out with people from a much wider age range as well find something you want to do and go do it for god's sake you're in la pretty much everything in the universe is available there and anything that's not is within a few hours drive you've got the beach the mountains the desert you've got local dodgeball leagues don't want to take up ballroom dancing find an astronomy club and go pester them about which telescope to buy while they eyeball saturn in the middle of nowhere go to arizona and shoot something if you're an exercise nut job volunteer to join somebody's ragnar team in april every team has somebody bail out just before the race so you get to make 11 really grateful friends we could have used you last time we did the race in any event just do something eventually you'll meet other people doing the same thing don't do something you hate just because you think it has good odds of getting you a date that way lies even greater misery hey i kinda have the same problem left or my friends to move to a new town for a great job been a year and i still don't have any friends when i get really lonely i'll just go to the bar and drink by myself people watch or watch a hockey game sports are actually good conversation starters spend enough time there and someone will try to talk to you may not turn out to be a good friend but at the very least a good single serving friend you have the advantage of living in a place like la so you have plenty of options for where to hang out also lots of good shows there start going to concerts those are good places to meet people as well try to find something that interests you something that genuinely interests you rock climbing martial arts anything really find more people that like these things and participate friendships will form automatically oh and follow jim jeffery's only commandment don't be a this is the answer right here i'm 28 and i wasn't trying to make any new friends but i just got into a hobby last year none of my friends were into long-range slash precision shooting there are probably five to six friends i have now that have been purely from meeting people at the range asking questions answering questions etc just engage people in a mutual hobby and friendships will follow to be clear it's not like five to six is a big number but this is without seeking it out there are plenty of opportunities i have passed up precisely because it wasn't something i was seeking out but yeah either volunteer or find a hobby and friendships are made through two connections it is one thing to meet someone at the range and arrange to meet there another time a few weeks later but when you add in grabbing some beers and dinner afterwards then you invite them another time to watch some sports or a car race after a range trip it just snowballs need more than one point of contact improv classes the groundlings or second city if this isn't probably the best idea i've seen i don't know where else you're gonna find one a lot of late twenties slash early thirty year olds are into improv not a lot of people go with friends either so it takes the pressure off of bringing someone and everybody else will usually be there on their own as well take that opportunity to meet new people have new conversations get some funny out and see if people want to go out for drinks after classes as a 28 year old who hasn't made any new friends in a few years this entire thread makes me sad for my future age ain't nothing but a number but that doesn't mean you won't still die someday get going look online for a recreational league ball team usually you can sign up as a single player sign up for some kind of non-academic class cooking dance etc go to a gym and take some of those classes they offer basically just start doing activities where there are a lot of the same people isolated in an area for a set amount of time every week you'll get to know them whether you like it or not my mom would tell you to go to church it's not as dumb a suggestion as it sounds i have loads of friends i met through church i met my girlfriend through a coup i think meeting people in the us in general is a ducking nightmare people still really have this stranger danger paranoia if you even just try and greet them to be honest i've never met so many extroverted confident and socially competent people as i've met in the us i don't think that's a problem at all though i don't live there and i might be using selective thinking atm however i was surprised someone would say that about the american people completely different from my own experience i met my husband on okcupid we have the same issue i'm 30 he's 32. neither of us grew up where we live now we don't have coworkers our age we are tired of going to bars all the time which is what our single childless friends understandably want to do so we spend a lot of time together at home and visit our hometowns as much as we can kind of shitty oh god this is exactly what's going on with my husband we had a ton of friends three years back but we have both moved and traveled for work so much we've lost contact with everyone over the years hence being tired of bars spending lots of time together and visiting our families and hometowns good luck with everything find a hobby you like then go to a place where said hobby is performed i play magic the gathering it's a competitive fantasy card game it's easy to compare the skills to those that you'd use in poker anyways people are always gathering together to play these kinds of games just finn something you like the people who play this game are on average 25 to 45 years old but i've seen 16 and 60 years olds at my local game shop see also dungeons and dragons it's not the geeky loser game society thinks it is warhammer land groups for video games volunteer to referee women's roller derby worked for me it gets you out surrounds you with awesome people gets you fit and you get to watch women try to kill each other did i mention the 100 or so women you'll now be hanging it with word of advice though do not go there with the intention of quickly picking up a skater they see creepers 100 miles out and will eat you alive as a non-creeper it's a fun process to watch hobbies i moved across the country at 27 i met friends through just find groups with similar interests i also did co-ed sports softball football volleyball etc this does require you to be somewhat decent at sports for instance i played baseball as a kid all through high school so i was skilled enough to make some exciting plays teams love that and buy you beers after then return the favor next week and buy a pitcher or three for the team i sucked at volleyball made no friends at that one might have been me because i was debbie downer because i expected more of myself note don't sleep with any women from your team until at least mid-season if she or you goes crazy it makes it awkward for everyone happened to a guy and he stopped showing up no it wasn't me also nerd hobbies are really cliquey fear also somewhat expensive and surprise a lot of them are married and have more friends than you would think i play warhammer 40k google it tabletop war game with dozens of small figures when the boys play the wives drink wine and do whatever it is women do we all assume pillow fights although we have never caught them you should use law school to talk to people you stand a good chance of finding someone who shares common interests with you the same applies with the gym i would say something along the lines that you don't want to seem creepy but you saw the person working out and since it seems to be working much better for them than it is you were wondering if they could give you any pointers for the love of god don't bother with pubs or clubs sure you might get laid but the kind of people who you meet there around the age of 30 aren't the kind of people you will want in your life on a permanent basis i live in la and i'm an introvert but i have found friends through interest i have i ride a fixed gear bike got on and started doing different night rides with groups it's free and you start running into all kinds of people and just cruise and end up chatting wanted a moped forever finally got one and met moped peeps through now on tuesdays i will meet up and we go eaton bs i also raced cars and met a lot of people through that all of this has also given me the chance to have friends outside of what i do for work as well on top of that i also try and stay positive so people like to be around me i go to bars solo all the time i have a couple local places now and a lot of friend slash people i know there basically just find your hobbies and interest get online find local groups and start meeting up kickboxing or brazilian ji yujitsu seriously everybody and their mothers are getting into it so there's a wide variety of folks who come from all walks of life i strongly believe that nothing brings people closer together than punching each other in the face or choking someone near unconscious these two martial arts are pear based activities out of the very nature of the damn thing you're going to have to spend time and meet someone find a gym that has good reviews on yelp that's beginner friendly and that is close to your house not only will you get fit doing so but you'll meet a whole bunch of people you would have never met before gyms truly are social networks for a lot of people and if you do an activity that exposes you to a lot of people in a very short amount of time unlike weightlifting or doing the whole treadmill stick at the regular gym you are bound to find somebody that you connect with good luck i'm speaking from experience i really do hope that you find good friends doing whatever you decide to do 37 years old same issues you need to go do things does seem pretty good however if you're anything like me nothing much interests you especially when flying solo i'm too friggin shy to find talking to random people anything but terrifyingly awkward people pick up that vibe immediately and you just become that guy no one wants to be that guy reddit may downvote me into oblivion for this but if you're religious at all finding a good church temple slash place of worship is also a great way to meet people usually there are also activities other than just regular worship for instance bible studies men's groups women's groups baseball teams etc and all of those are great ways to get to know the people outside of just those regularly scheduled congregational worship times personally when i move to where i'm currently living i started going to a local church that had a number of people my age i wouldn't say that i have a ton of friends i now know a number of solid people that i like being around and events go to on a regular basis you've been visited by classy doggo you will be blessed with good looks and classiness but only if you comment stay classy doggo thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
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Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, friends, buddies, make friends, 30 year old
Id: ZAY2F7oojI4
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Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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