New York Landing in the Soup! - Pilot VLOG 158

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hey what's going on guys sean here live in the corporate pilot life this is the first video that i've recorded since the coronavirus outbreak has happened so yes i still got the goatee going i'm having fun with it but anyway i haven't done a whole lot of flying here lately but i am going flying today we came down from new york down to farmingdale this morning and now we're turning around going back empty so i figured i'd set up the cameras and let you guys come along with us um i'll be flying this leg today on the left seat i got my buddy lloyd flying with me he flew the southbound leg i'm gonna fly the northbound leg keep it even that way this guy does a great job i'm really enjoying flying with him i know you guys are going to enjoy it too so give us a couple minutes we're going to fire up it's really beautiful weather here and it's got a little bit of rain in route i think it's going to be nice up in farmingdale again this morning it was super foggy coming out of farmingdale it was like overcast at 500 i think when we took off when i woke up it was overcast at 200 feet i think so it was a little dicey getting out of there i wish i could have had the cameras going for you guys we just didn't have time to get it going so anyway we're gonna have some nice weather for the takeoff today beautiful day beautiful airplane empty flight we're gonna have a great time so sit tight we're gonna get this thing fired up in the hotel confirmed that uh we're right for northwest right turn cherokee 7-7 hotel um left or right turn is approved either i'll do that all righty sir i believe i'm ready whenever you are okay turn right at delta tax review charlie the piper fly heading one two zero runway one two right clear for takeoff runway heading clear for takeoff went to your ride hawker all right one two zero on the heading 120 on the heading cleared four take off yeah and line items uh exterior lights they are set transponders checked uh t cast is t-a-r-a flight controls bottoms are checked props are checked anti-ice is not required master warning and fats all checked flaps are break speeds trims looks good ready to go play it forward take off all right power's coming up are set our met apr is armed airspeed's alive 80 knots what's up chops p1 okay positive right europe gear up on her feet flaps already up after takeoffs please sir contact palm beach departure going departure hawker thanks for helping hello departure hawker through 1500 climbing 2000 sparks your video contact common maintain 5 000 miles from buoy period are now runway a one-two run approach maintain 100 knots or greater kill treasure under our cleared uh we're doing the vr128 and we'll maintain 100 knots our greatest treasures turn the left heading under zero left turn heading two nine zero all right there's one to go four thousand five thousand left turn to ninety contact miami center 132.25 one three two two five hawkers thanks for help after takeoff check complete thank you sir miami center good afternoon hawker at five thousand miles flight level two one zero climate change flight level two one zero occurs number seven zero zero zero two one zero give me vertical speed up there i'll sync it up to what i need thank you sir okay double up six from the leader down to one approach point 125.5 twenty five five except yet two twenty eight november eight five romeo contact tom beats approach 128.3 twenty eight point three eight five remain maintained flight level two three zero climb maintain flight level two three zero 23 blue i see 23 up we go all right if you would go and throw the autopilot on for me autopilot i see it on thank you sir fly heading 360 vector is clocked heading 360 radio vectors climb hawker that he's going to take us on the east side yeah november 4 echo hotel contact miami approach 126.05 26.05 i go tell us yankee yeah that thing's getting some bite to it yeah she got some teeth cleared the right fire right by it oh all right comes by up yep zero starting our defense two two four zero very seriously snow care is two zero yankee membership right to throw smart at eight thousand pound because tomorrow three zero zero six yeah these overhangs just sometimes have a little turbulence in them got no nobody in the back to spill their wine today but still all right past this guy quickly here good good good then we'll aim it up and we'll do a little climbing then 784 contact miami center 134.35 134.35 hawkers thanks for your help have a good one hello miami hawker through seventeen five climbing two three zero five one eighteen miami center climb and maintain for level three three zero good afternoon climb maintain flight level three three zero hunkers looks most excellent to me sir oh okay good good all right lights are off to 18 down looks good standard climb checks when you have a moment okay we're going to a clown and check world 2033 miami center thank you radar service terminated squawk vfr freeport approach 126.5 we'll talk on the way back number 252 romeo papa contact miami center 132.25 good day and how's the oxygen over there looks perfect all the way up all right climb check is complete all right now if we just get that buy that stuff on top of this stuff uh around charleston yeah coming down here we'll be okay hey look at that weather oh man it's really building up yeah yeah that's all this stuff over here she was very weak on that transmission standby senate pilot's discretion maintain fundamental 240. contact jacksonville center 135.45 good day 135 45. hawker thanks for your help you're welcome united 12 29 contact jack cena one three two point four two thirty two forty two have a good one united the 853 whiskey bikes are requested deviations uh two zero degrees right of course 853 whiskey mike requesting deviations right number 853 whiskey mic deviations up to 20 degrees further right approved wagner went able then savannah up to 20 degrees right approved walk near one able then savannah three western things good afternoon miami hawker through 28.5 climbing three three zero request about 10 right deviate for weather jackson roger deviations up to another 10 degrees to your right approved and then when you're able redirect to waffner that's w o p n r and then direct to j ross cleared to deviate uh right of course and then one able direct watner and then j ross yeah w-o-p-n-r wafner then j ross we'll work out further east when we can but for now that should keep you out of the warning area all right clarity dva right of course when able direct weaponer yeah wapner looks pretty good forward so is that on our flight plan it is not you'll have to put it in there before j ross before j ross okay i'm pretty sure she said uh wattner than j ross correct medivac [Applause] roger and moderate heavy extreme precipitation 11 o'clock do you need dvd further to the right up to 20 degrees approved when you're able to direct two jay roth advice you'll have to get rid of talon there as well deviations up to 20 degrees right approved and one able direct j-rod and advised nine-four golf ball enable directors perfect thank you there you go and jackson are at least 14 23 level just [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] 1423 jacksonville center roger i see you're trying to make your way back to viap when you're able clear direct to uh ricky uh we are currently direct via we'll need some deviations right but uh i would like uh right deviations and ricky when able to force 23. yeah take a look at ricky that almost does exactly what everybody else is doing uh deviation is 15 further right as you need at least 14 23 ricky one able all right so we'll take a look at ricky when able at least in 1423. looking good yeah i was just gonna offset just a little bit here to the right of that uh directly 91 28 contact back kicking back left to walk in just just trying to offset a little bit farther away from the stuff all right gamma jet 507 climbing we're on the dirty side of it coming up enjoying the highly 7 arrival all right clive level 320 enable direct forward in the highly 2 arrivals gamma just 507.7 rick j ross climb maintain 350 hawkers all right i think that we can just do right away you good with it yeah jay ross nice 35 blue i see 35 up there 900 victor golf contact miami center eight 119.82 nineteen eighty two for bridge golf good day iso plus 12 up here it's warm at sale outside of fayetteville's going up to 45 700. we're not getting over that one no wow everywhere niner three zero zulu foxtrot contact jack center one three two point four two one three two point four two zero zulu box frontier flight 1076 compact jack center one at three two point four two three two four two good day from gfi 10 76 oxygen still okay it is good all right we got a cruise check till we climb all right all right well just a little more of this stuff here looks like right about wapner will be out uh that raft man we'd stay on the east side yeah exactly just go way out and be done with it well i think they have military air space going on over there they wouldn't let us out there anyway okay gotcha well we could have done the ar routes go ahead yeah we're getting continuous line occasional moderate at 35 we need to get as high as we can up to 41 000 if you can work that out please roger climb and maintain flight level uh three niner zero for now climate change flight level three niner zero hawker i see 39 we'll go up senator legion uh at least 1423 uh we're direct ricky now thank you i'm gonna maintain flight level four one zero forty one okay yeah i think we'll make it all right sir climb maintain four one zero huncles thanks for your help sir i see 41 up we go pressurization here a little all right yeah we're uh direct pedo right now should this uh force keep us player most weather uh direct pedo at that time and yeah it looks like you have left the worst of it behind all right thanks a lot well we'll see if we can't get on top of some of this stuff should be on top of the majority of it that's stuff in the carolinas down there but man we've got some sales going up to 45 yeah we're not going to get over that stuff we'll just have to try and stay on the clean side of it and just go around it okay temperature's starting to come down we're down to plus eight on the isa yep they better keep coming down or we're not going to make 41. right question 459 contact jack cena thirty two 132.42 two flips at four fifty nine connecting that looks like a little north of bartle there there's that one little guy we're not getting any return but behind that trail either yeah that's a shadow for sure attenuation contact washington center one one eight point eight two one one eight point eight two washington center medevac nine four gulf bomba contact washington center 118.82 1882. hunker thanks for your help good afternoon washington hawker four one zero wasn't gonna roger what do you think after bartle we don't make that turn we just keep on going that way for a little bit i think that would be all right and go around the east side of this that's kind of what i'm thinking yeah the winds off the right here i'd rather stay on the clean side i'll leave it twenty three we just keep on going straight until we get around it and then we can come back around here it kind of looks about the same on here we'll be on the dirty side of all this stuff we're gonna have to be we can't go around this side military operation area called patuxent txt they are active up by level four five zero that's reason for changing the intersection if you cannot do that i'm asked to get out to the west and i need to know prior to her going to be able to do that i could not make the move after her okay stand by for furniture flight 818 washington hawker requests 10 to 15 degrees right of course deviate for weather pviation right of course the fruit direct to snow hill when able where to deviate right of course direct snow hill enabled thank you well what do you say you throw snow hill in there for me let's see how that looks three one zero i mean nine three zero zero one may actually help us out a little bit we're also gonna need uh or salisbury jetblue 87 flight level three eight zero super 87 center roger center 169 flight level 280 number one six niner mike foster washington center roger yeah washington center though we don't have snow hill on our flight plan today sir in between jamie there's weather on the back side we won't know until we're on it uh if it's too much but for now hurricane jamie uh snow hill on uh deviation right drake's fallsbury sierra probably yankee went able okay uh clear to deviate direct salisbury when able that's better thank you all right zero [Applause] hit the heading we'll just keep tracking this way for a little bit once we're around this guy then we'll just come back that's good american 26 i cannot climb you that's not an option in 66 miles of military specially you'll be able to turn back to the west before then if you are not i will need to declare a uh weather emergency for you to be able to run you through a military airspace please let me know okay uh we're going direct present position to see low keep us out of the military airspace american 1626 negative we would have gave that to you if it would have dixon is the only fix to keep shot at that airspace okay say dickson yes this is the one that you have sir okay uh all right well we'll try coming to the right now and uh go towards six of them country 8 18 washington center one two zero point nine or seven two zero nine seven five eight eighteen finals up to twenty one fifty three direct dickson yeah here's the crazy thing right now we're aiming down two and a half degrees right and that's all we see on the radar you could look at that let's say we were at nighttime now but you know we look at that right now oh that's not too bad you know it's just a little green over there just go right through that you pop into that come out the other side upside down but that thing has to be above 50 000 feet out there amazing what i'm showing see that's the thing here it only shows 37 on here oh my you know i love for flight but yeah this thing says 37 that ain't no 37. no way want to do another direct salisbury okay look at that thing the size of that thing yeah it's even got the little hat on it up there yep that could do some damage well we got that chunk behind us better that looks like we got one more little piece up here the norfolk area but i think there'll be a nice gap to the west yeah this one's lower it's showing 33 on that 176 quebec foxtrot climate blackout that's showing 43. that one was showing 37. after your quick departure will be after seattle fly k-121 to sardi that's sierra alpha romeo delta india direct to charlie charlie charlie then direct deer park that shelter papa kilo to rush to farmingdale maintain follow four one zero okay after sea lg 121 sardi intersection charlie charlie charlie deer park direct uh the airport hawker rebecca jack all right let's say 360 contact give me one second before you plug that in okay because i want to make sure that keeps us within 50 of sure um he said uh seattle jet 120 center roger lane city three zero one two three one two uh question three six zero contact washington center one one eight point eight two twenty one two yeah they are the uh seven eighty one contact affiliate one two three calverton ccc the deer park okay do you think you're going to make a turn for ziggy now we're proceeding directly yeah it keeps us within that is the damnedest thing i've ever seen man okay yeah i'm good with it yep after cr we'll go you have 121. uh yes sir all right i think we're done with the weather that's good to hear in fact i'm confident enough i'm going to turn the radar off all right let it cool down a little sorry and uh sardi then ccc and then deer park and direct to the airport good all right two one zero coming up decent checks when you have a moment sir all right decent checklist main air valves they are open pressurization bringing it down to sea level here visition is set uh briefing we have looked at the ils runway 1-4 we're going to plan on that for the moment okay everything uh looks pretty normal a little bit low weather from what we're seeing we'll get some updated weather uh was that the latest one that was uh 453 yeah that's current so yeah it's going to be a little bit of an ifr kind of approach and we'll get in the ils to 1 4. okay check is complete thank you sir number eight two seven juliet turn one zero ten degrees to the left vectors for traffic 20 degrees and it's just that 10 degrees left depending contact the new york center 128.3 128.3 for new york conquerors trio all right thank you good afternoon new york hawker descending across uh briggs at flight level two one zero gradient hundredth maintain one five fifteen thousand okay three zero one four three zero one four this uh direct sorry descend and maintain one five fifteen thousand awkward i see fifteen i got sardi in there excited that's a little more left here any luck they'll uh cut us in and just vector us over to that ils i'll make us go all the way out there right all right three zero one four eighteen there's three zero one four seven that approach checks i know you're working on it approach checklist altimeters they are three zero one four all the way three zero one four flight deck valve is closed exterior lights are set heaven notices are on seats and harness on the right on the left those who are steering this clear fuel we've got about 2 500 pounds of side that is uh sufficient balance all right the ref approach and landing distance and we've got our v speed set in we're looking at 119 120 all right and your approach check is complete thank you sir latest automated weather uh winds 219 gusting to 24. 10 miles visibility they're calling 900 overcast now at 22 degrees okay 3013 is still a good uh altimeter setting 30 30. across 20 miles south of 30 at 9 000. 20 out of sight at 900 000 huckers there's 9 000 for you number 605 hotel pop across briggs at one four thousand dollars three zero one four bricks at one four five hotels yeah we gotta go on down it looks like okay here we go speed stayed the same 119 129. all right thank you sir would you mind sticking those in there for me need me to move forward a little bit i certainly can focus contact boston center one three five twenty eight good 135.8 uh for boston thanks for your help good afternoon boston hawker and descending to 9000 i'll throw it in there for him for just a few minutes american 1980 cross three five miles north of manta had to maintain by level two zero zero ten for nine station eight two seven jewish here i see seven thousand here we go contact providence approach 119.45 boston uh flexjet 4234 8 500 climbing once or 10th house chef 424 boston center good afternoon obama maintain the flight level one niner zero one niner zero now flex shut four twenty four five contact new york approach one two zero point zero five one two zero zero five hawker thanks for helping good afternoon approach hawker descending to 7 000 we've got the latest weather for farming down new york's gonna maintain 4000 altimeters 3013. three zero one three to seven and maintain four thousand awkward i see four has a flip i was hoping he'd give us a left turn direct deer park or something like that but no such luck external left hitting three six zero left turn three six arrows all right here we go kind of in that direction right that'll work i'll sequence your uh center line out all right thank you sir 146 that checks there you go thank you sir five for four okay quick approach cardinal one seven seven just canceling ifr final seven bravo victor cancellation received have a good day see you too hawker's contact approach on 125.7 125.7 thanks for your help what will 911 romeo approach hawker descending 3000. public altimeter 3013 are you of the weather republic oh yes sir we do 3013 we've got the latest weather graduate approach are you requesting ios runway one for drive to fly your present heading for the ils one four approach president heading radar vectors for ios one four all right now yeah you can just hit execute because you already had it republican up to three thousand jetblue 1852 to maintain four thousand altimeter three zero one two four thousand three zero one two chapter eighteen fifty two departure fifty thirty seven is one point nine climbing five thousand runway hunting endeavor fifty thirty seven eight departure radar contact one one zero endeavor 50 37 turn left heading zero four zero left turn zero four zero fifty thirty seven in the turn blue 1852 turn left heading three three zero three three zero tempo 1852 all right let's do flaps one five be checked your seven from frick turn left heading one seven zero cleared alice runway one four approach heading one seven zero clear for the ios one four pro chalkers yup i was gonna get it within 90 hearst just kind of have it okay 1852 speed your discretion just going to maintain three thousand speed our discretion three thousand triple fifty two fly heading one eight zero to join one eighty to join hawkers it was kind of one here's three my kilo contact departure one two zero point eight five 1852 traffic 12 o'clock and three southbound 2000 arrival into republic for hawker or imc to play team 52 all right okay there's one there four heavy passing two thousand feet when we're heading denmark one zero four heavy make departure radar contact turn left heading zero nine or zero that's on zero nine capture slope uh level cover please coming down farmingdale republic airport hawking on the ils runway one for a beam frick [Applause] flaps two five please speed check one thousand and we are stable still inside no flags yeah you cut down three great here nice holding on your flaps yep i'll wait till we break out all right flap full heat check flaps come into full runway inside from mcdale republic airport minimums will continue 50 40 30 20 10. there it is all right you got the top and here comes 80 knots all right flying left here on delta one [Music] dicey all right let's give them a that uh we're on the ground on eighteen eight eighteen eight is the ground is the ctaf here right right i'll grab that one if you wanna call him on 2825 okay cancel our ifr i'll cancel it new york hawker on the ground in fromigdale like to cancel ifr cancellation received thank you thank you ifr cancellation received thank you sir and whenever you have a minute we'll take the after landings and clean it up i haven't done any of the overhead or anything all right after landing check is complete thank you sir what uh what are the wins calling right now uh they were calling the winds uh 219 gusting to 24. okay that wind sock is straight out right there yeah it sure is did you tell them we're coming in empty shelter i told them nobody really answered uh oh i think we might have been a little bit too far out but i'll call him right yeah give him a shout because i see him grabbing her cars so just tell him we're coming in empty no cars needed shelter at farmingdale hawker go ahead yeah we're coming in empty uh we'll be staying overnight we'll need live service and we're out at 10 a.m tomorrow morning thank you thank you sir okay i just didn't want him grabbing a rental or the owner's car or something like that unnecessarily all right two green lights wow that was fun
Channel: Corporate Pilot Life
Views: 53,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Airplane, Plane, Gulfstream, G-IV, G4, GIV, Fly, Flying, Pilot, Pilot Life, Cockpit, Approach, Landing, Jet, Touchdown, Takeoff, Departure, Depart, Arrive, Arrival, Cockpit View, ATC, Air Traffic Control, Aircraft, Airport, Flight Attendant, Private, Private Jet, Corporate, Corporate Jet, GoPro, Dash, Radio, Communication, Fun, Adventure, Music, Florida, New York, Farmingdale, Vero, Beach, Ocean, Waves, Thunderstorm, Weather, Rain, Cloud, Clouds, ILS, Instrument, Hawker, Beechcraft, Captain, PIC, SIC, Offshore, Raft, Wing, View
Id: OMWt2y0qZxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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