TBM850 Flight VLOG! VIPER 1 and CAUTION WAKE TURBULENCE to Charlotte / Douglas International!

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it was the first time in life for a lot of things well today it's gonna be my first time flying the TV m850 into Charlotte Douglas International in North Carolina let's get this started [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right welcome aboard the TBM 850 at Peachtree DeKalb here we'll start the engine living over ready to roll he's giving us the clear to wind up loose pump on and starters on satellite is illuminated and blinking Nation light is illuminated the first two things you want to look at quite a warm day here today plus 34 degrees Celsius on the ramp watching the NG rise up stabilize it 14 introduce fuel to low idle now watching for our laid off ITT for hot start NG for hung start we'll see what the ITT will temp out today at since it is pretty hot outside it's like seven 32 degrees Celsius that's going to wind back down as the engine gets rotation G for that hung start but it's continuing to rise up at a good rate so we're good there we go good start foreign taxi with information pop-up I'm glad called sir I thought you're gonna miss your full time TPU tbme51 Tango Bravo Runway 2-1 left taxi via Alpha and uh just pulling the runner pad and I'll move you up as soon as I can uh two and left via Elson will pull up into the wrong area did they give you the time with the previous controller hey firm we uh looks like we're about two minutes late actually it's a 1649 or Zulu time now one six four zero and a quarter okay Roger thanks Montana brother it's a busy day here at Peachtree Catholic to welcome everybody on board we have my co-worker and friend Justin and the co-pilot seat today Justin welcome aboard I'm glad to have you back on board MTB in one Tango Bravo I don't have anybody texting out behind you you can just hold short Runway two one left Tower I'll get you going as soon as you can monitor tower now we'll see you there's a minor Tower have a good day wait for Montana All right so we can now go down there in monitor Tower and I'm just maintaining two thousand so we're gonna be IFR today up to Charlotte Douglas 2005 International Airport Electronics drop below 3 000. this is an exciting play for me today because I've never been to Charlotte Douglas International modern Tower right now I'll show you our route that we're gonna be taking once we uh get airborne here and right up here is we're only two and left and we'll hold short of that we're honoring the tunnel exactly current win unavailable I already got the latest and the clearance before I started the engine today so you guys missed out on that part but uh here we go so here is the whole shirt line up here basically cleared uh routing three thousand is what we're gonna maintain one seven thousand ten minutes after got the little lights flashing to also give you a reminder that where the whole Short Line is here and Peachtree Tower good afternoon another 85110 Broadway Pizza Tower Roger hold short Runway two and left we got about uh three more minutes on your time before I get to going all right I'll try two one left a very busy airspace here around Atlanta I guess while we're waiting here hold sure I can show you our erotic So today we're gonna take off to part to the east of Peachtree cab and there's a couple fixes we got Evans Greensboro right up into Charlotte uh the winds are coming out take Runway two and right today we'll take one eight left the iOS for that as our fbios thank you Third change too Runway two and right that's around me today this is the iPad Mini 6 that I'm using along with the pivot case system clamps onto the Yoke you guys are looking for a setup like this in your airplane be sure to click down the description below you can save 15 with my discount code it's a great setup BBM 851 Tango Bravo Pizza Tower turn left heading zero nine or zero Runway two one left take off let's take off two one left we'll turn left to zero nine zero eight five one take it forever to go to Charlotte additional traffic clear on a right base for four miles looking for traffic and the runway is clear all right November Tango is uh Charlotte North Carolina for 218. line up here on Sunday right November Pizza Tower Runway two one left clear to land traffic for the perils thank you looking and takeoff power is set and he told me not to exceed good for you all right November Tango spacing's good traffic heads will switch just hold the center line with the rotor pedals looking for a rotation speed and there it is we'll put back on the yolk picture tap the brakes Runway gear selected up clear for the option number two traffic in sight we're only two on right clear for the option number two eight one seven seven one appreciate it beautiful day out there good Stone Mountain officer left wing way out there Atlanta out in front of us and gears up we'll start a left turn to zero nine zero and Cherokee flap selected up this traffic also make sure it indicates the flaps are indicator 5 a November Tango parallel Cherokee switch you always make sure it indicates what it's supposed to do right parallel run light all right you're looking at him or one tank of Bravo if I hang zero nine or zero contact land departure good day 090 and over departure enjoy your day one second brother land departure good afternoon of our 851 Tango Bravo 2000 climate 3000 turn left to zero nine zero eight five one single Bravo Atlanta departure good afternoon climbing maintain 5000 and identity Steve no if you were following along thanks for following along so there we go game and ident they're looking for us we've got five thousand our altitude pre-selected we'll actually put the autopilot on IES mode heading mode now the autopilot is on Steve one thing a Bravo's on the maintain one four thousand radar contact three miles Southeast of BDK is this checks for climate team one four thousand eight five one thing bro thank you all right good deal up to one four thousand and uh we're gonna start to enter the clouds now so this is where it's good that we're on an IFR flight plan so we don't have to worry about looking outside the windows and remaining clear of the clouds and we're going to go into 850 mode just 100 on the torque now we're gonna go flap lever up and over the gate now we can utilize the torque past 100 percent now we just have to be careful not to over torque the engine or over temp the engine let the torque right to about 115 percent [Music] and once we get above these clouds we will turn our inertial separator off which is a little switch down there by my left knee which will extinguish the inertial separator light let's just bypassing right now a lot of uh back out of the engine instead of adjusting it all just in case you're hitting on the grounds three zero zero four three zero zero once you get above these clouds it should smoothen right on out other there out the front there you go so we'll turn the inertial separator off but now we're going to back the torque down is we're gonna get a Torque rise and an ITT drop as we let more air into that engine it takes about 30 seconds for the whole operation of the inertial separator flaps to stop moving beautiful view look off the left wing there you can see nice smooth air now nice day over Atlanta there we go so I should be all right now with the torque I shouldn't have to pull it back anymore it should stay right there for now for the rest of the plate and I'll be able to increase it as we increase in altitude and we'll adjust our pressurization as I know 17 000 will be our cruise altitude there's our breadcrumb Trail right there the green line taken off of two one left and there's our routing read once again we do have weather as you can see up above Charlotte it should be no Factor and we'll be staying overnight tonight in Charlotte so it should be a fun time so as we are climbing the torque is dropping so keep advancing the torque on this flight since we're only going to 17 000 feet we'll be torque limited not ITT Limited looks like there's two Gator levels right here what are yeah that's right the two that's the both fuel tanks on board this airplane you have a left which is in the left wing and the right fuel tank which is in your right wing so you got the two indicators for that right now we have about 220 gallons total of fuel on board you want to keep those synced up as much as you can you got a manual shift here so see right now we're burning onto the left this is on an electric timer so we have a little bit more fuel in the right tank right now so if you want to shift it over to the right tank we could do a manual shift and now it's over on burning out of the right tank but it's on an electric timer and it'll keep it matched up pretty good but you can always do a manual shift just to if you want to keep it really on top of things then we're out of 10 000 feet many lights will go off actually pass through a lot of Bravo contact lens Center one three four point two so long 34.2 Montana Atlantic controllers are really nice around here Atlanta good afternoon to our 851 Tango Bravo 11900 climbing to one four thousand on the zero nine zero heading all right one single Bravo line if I maintain one seven thousand uh clear Grace Greenwood Illinois three zero zero six up to one one thousand Jack Greenwood South Carolina 851 Tampa three miles Northbound the altitude that's one of the fixes on our foot Indiana they coming down here to the iPad to stay what we're doing here there's Greenwood South Carolina and what's nice is we are now cleared up to our cruise altitude today of 17 000 feet this aircraft has a service ceiling of 31 000 feet but on a flight of this uh length I would never go that way because by the time we'd ever get up that high we afraid to come right back down so enough like 45 minutes long 17 000 is a good Cruise altitude in my opinion there's our altitude alert that's 1 000 to go out of one six thousand climbing one seven thousand Dustin how nice is it that we're actually flying on a pretty nice day finally seems like every time we fly together it's like we're a hurricane hunter 11.4 climbing a 140. this is this is much nicer I will say that two three zero Mother Nature can make things a lot more challenging 200 feet to go level nine at one seven thousand altitude's capturing and with my left hand over here on the Yoke I'm going to adjust our Rudder trim to keep us in coordinated flight even though we have the odd damper you still have to adjust the rudder trim over here with my left hand on the yoke there we go 17 000 feet now the airplane's gonna plane over and we're going to build up our speed once we get as much speed out of it as we can we'll set cruise power do you have a Tailwind on this flight too which is nice 37 knots coming off our quartering left side boy looking out the front window there nice and clear I like this and to stay ahead of this flight we'll go down to the airport tab here and we'll put in Charlotte right here and we go to the weather tab right now it's showing variable winds at four knots building 26 ml visibility visibility 2300 scared of 25 000. 84 degrees and we will put in the 80s of 21.15 in the ground frequency of 21.8 on com2 and we'll get the head of the flight here staying ahead of the fleet always makes things a whole lot easier so we'll get that all set up now all right to set cruise power here we'll power back just a little bit because as I pull the prop RPM back the torque will rise I'm just going to pull the prop RPM back from 2000 to 1900 now you'll just listen to the difference in the sound the Ambient sound there you go so it's just a little bit less rotation on the prop and it's just a little bit more relaxing to me in my opinion oh I don't remember if he answered or her blood but uh what was the furthest you've ever flown this thing well the furthest I've ever flown this from Miami all the way down to Saint Mark is one of the longer flights that I've taken this on that's about the extent of as far as you'd want to take this thing with the fuel range on it there's a great flight going in there to do that iconic approach where everybody's over the beach watching you land November I thought when the beach was packed when I came in I was like why would the beach be so busy well I didn't realize it was not because of me is because there's a 747 coming in the land right behind me so that's what they're all excited to see and to stay ahead of this plate we'll see if we can actually uh get the Adas here and we'll monitor com2 Charlotte Douglas International Airport arrival information Yankee one 6520 winsbury of lead form visibility went zero new clouds at 2 300 to 5000 scattered temperatures [Applause] simultaneous approaches reviews expect iOS approaches Greenwood basically a Crossing restriction there we got a information Yankee there Charlotte across Greenwood at one one thousand so we got one one thousand set up under the vnab page we'll go zero miles we'll put Greenwood and take a lot of one two five we got a descent profile of 1500 feet a minute is what we want to do right now we have seven minutes actually six minutes and 58 seconds left before we'll start down to meet that Crossing restriction and we'll get a uh a message late when that approaches so we're all set up for that and we'll put 11000 in our altitude pre-selector just to remind us that that's where we're going to be going down to but we can stay up at one seven thousand here until we get to that uh our descent profile so yeah we're gonna expect we're gonna ask for the ILS one eight left and if we take a look down here at the airport page and procedures and the airport diagram one eight left this is a big airport that we're going into we're going to be using Wilson Air Center over here all the way on the east side of the field so we'll be using I'd like to use one eight left so they we want so we land maybe hopefully exit at Romeo or Delta five we're gonna go right into the round for the finals we'll use a Runway hit one eight right look at weed to be way over here destination that would be a long taxi to get over there so we'll request the ILS for one eight left over here and to stay ahead of the flight we'll go to procedures approach ILS one eight left so there's our approach plate that I have here I'll get that all briefed and set up and that's hopefully what they'll give to us once we get a little bit closer yeah just feel free to take some videos for your Instagram or whatever you're on over there you're not following me on Instagram go down the description below you'll see my Instagram you'll see a lot of behind the scenes when I'm not filming for YouTube different giveaways I'm doing or Adventures that I'm on single Bravo contact Elena one three five point three five one three five point three five one Tango Brown have a good day Elena good afternoon everybody one seven thousand and we'll be Crossing Greenwood at one one thousand nine five one single Bravo short stay here contact Greer approach on 118.8 and the timber is three zero zero one on 8.8 and zero one eight five one second brother thanks hello another shout out thanks again following along your approach good afternoon or 851 Tango Bravo one seven thousand and we'll be Crossing uh Greenwood at one thousand we're eight five one Tango Bravo for approach growth numbers three zero zero one zero one you know which lake that is over there to the left to the left here it would look like that would be Blake Hartwell up here in North East Georgia is a beautiful area Heaven's Landing is a place I love to go to in Clayton Georgia and I love going up into this turn 10 degrees right all the Smoky Mountains today are just up to the north over there actually where all you see all those clouds the storms out there and Smoky Mountains are just the south of that and we'll pull the power back just a little bit to get under 200 knots and we'll flip our inertial separator back on the limitation to flip that switch is 200 knots and since we're straight and level right now it's and we're close to that AirSpeed we'll just put it on now rather than once we're getting our descent we got a lot of speed because otherwise we have to pull the power way back so we're just under 200 knots flip the switch down here by my left knee now it's going to take about 30 seconds we'll get our inertial separately here on the annunciator panel Master caution that'll let us know it's back on a lot easier to do that when you're nice and slow up here rather than once you get your descent you're screaming along and then you gotta really slow it up to try to get that on with that limitation there we go inertial separator ladies on Master caution Hotel Transylvania max power setting right here 33. that will be it too limited as we don't have as much airflow going into the engine there's our message light right here approaching your vnab profile there we go approaching our vnab profile descending 1 500 feet a minute down to one one thousand so armor altitude pre-selector set one thousand five hundred now we'll start our descent and the airport elevation is 748 feet MSL so we'll actually adjust our pressurization for that so we'll be pressurize at the proper altitude once we land there we go we got that all set up so looking at the approach play here we have all kinds of frequencies for Charlotte approaches you look at all the different frequencies over here for the Charlotte Tower since we're going to be using hopefully 1 8 left it'll be eighteen one and then over here on the ground looking at here on the West side of the airport or the East Side you have two different ground frequencies also so there's a whole bunch of different frequencies compared to where you're going to be landing at or which side of the runway or the airport you're on the weather right now good to note all those different frequencies affect the visuals on speed 481 left hitting one eight left hopefully we'll expect Tower to be eighteen one three four one set up that's East Side otherwise it'd be one two one point eight if you're on the west side of the airport number one Tango robot is to maintain seven thousand Seventeen seven thousand one table forever set up our altitude pre-selector I remember one Tango bra but it's going to maintain nine or thousand so I'm saying 900 000 forever all right so we'll go back up to 2000 feet there we've got a 900 000 7 altitude pretty sludge yeah we got lucky today Justin because we do have some storms all moving West East just north of our area I always say it's better to be lucky than good coming up on Greenwood South Carolina we'll be starting our turn here in about one minute [Music] oh Viper one I think it's an F-16 I could possibly be F-16 uh fighter jet 501 pretty cool I think that's what that is you'll hear him he's on the mask let's watch question [Music] and then come back that's awesome 463 gear press customers three zero zero zero that's our presence to walk in I'll maneuver here between Anderson and Clemson for about one zero minutes that's awesome he's gonna rip around for 10 minutes daddy's gonna have do some Maneuvers out there 5 minutes there we go Viper man approach big thank you to everybody that serves our U.S military exchange approved I got to go up to the Thunderbirds this last April that was my bucket list experience ever in aviation that was in the F-16 I'll link that in the uh ending of the video here if you guys haven't seen the F-16 video be sure to go check that out it's quite the experience you get the whole behind the scenes of what it's like for the briefings and everything else in the video with the video I that I filmed we're out of ten thousand feet now we're just saying and we're gonna capture nine thousand here for nine thousand two hundred oh this is cool I got some kind of race track over here I don't know if you're gonna be able to see it if anybody knows what this is coming up off our left wing it looks like a really cool couple different types of race tracks all down here oh yeah can you see that yeah I don't know what all that is I mean I think it's a race track it looks like a couple different types of racetracks so yeah if anybody knows what that is just like Greenwood South Carolina uh please put that in the description below I'd like to know what that is all about right down there you can see pretty cool yeah the reason why his voice was different is he had the oxygen mask all on so you know his Communications are all going through that hyper01 traffic 10 o'clock five miles what eastbound l3nk 3000. Piper zero one traffic 12 o'clock in the turn one zero mile correction make that eight miles westbound altitude in case 3600. November 11 contacts Charlotte approach one three five point six three five six one Tango brother approach good afternoon over 851 Tango Bravo 900 000 we have information Yankee nothing right by one tank of Bravo shot approach hello Runway wanted right for traffic as you'll expect money right AFL and Timber all right well that didn't go as planned we were over right five one Tango Bravo show all approach changes on roaming Spectrum only when he left okay that works better for us thank you expect one eight left one tank but that's good because he originally gave us money right would have been a little bit longer taxi once we landed but then he realized you know what 20 left will work faster than that's what we're all set up for so thank goodness that all works that's 23 contact final one three two point seven good day we actually have the airport in sight even though we're quite a ways away we're still uh 56-44 how far away are we we are that's the International Airport out there how far 30 miles you said 30 heading yeah I could see downtown over here I can see the skyline yep November one Tango Bravo contest show on approach one two six point one five six one five one tangle brother okay two Charlotte approach good afternoon November 851 Tango Bravo 900 000. that's diva that's me doing good filming today so you're in the video controller nice controller thanks for following along one Tango Bravo turned 10 degrees right it'll be better to the left down one right I would expect a left down one thanks all right we're in the heading mode and 10 right we're gonna expect the left and downwind for one eight left and now that we're heading assignments we can actually activate that approach just for sexual awareness of what the Final Approach course looks like there we go looks like we'll be going right over downtown are we headed straight into the runway or we Loop it around back to the other side yeah to the left a little bit we're gonna go to the right of it and then enter a left down one left base left okay 27-7 and uh they're probably going to keep us a little higher as we uh go south of the airport as all the departures are coming out here thank you off the airport and once we get clear of all the departure areas then they'll drop us probably down in all kinds of people taking off right down they're coming right at us so but they'll be at a lower altitude actually just let me show you on the iPad here so see here we are look at all the airlines the departure end of this Airport oh God American Airlines which is down there right down below us as you can see right here and all the other guys departing off the airport so we'll probably stay a little bit High until we get over here on the east side airport then they'll drop us down coming to land right now he looks like we have an American Airlines 958 coming in on one eight left which you can see right here busy Airport and if you look at the left wing I can see some of the airlines all down there I'm going to underneath the left wing right now up to the Southwest and you can see the airport over here coming up on our left great view of it you got the three north south runways looks like the south end of the airport they're actually doing some construction yeah quite a bit stuff torn up I don't know if they're building more ramps or hangers and if you look all the way over there to the east side the right side that's where Wilson Air Center will be working in 1845 can I touch approach you can see all the uh 35 terminals for the airlines great view there of uh Charlotte Douglas International I don't know how far out to the east we're going to extend here but we might actually get a really great view of downtown also foreign all right so that's about as good of you as you guys are gonna get right there off the left wing there's downtown Charlotte and we're turning our hunting bug here to 360. look at that beautiful view there's a stadium down there too you can see beautiful view of downtown and also the airport we're gonna land that doesn't get much get eight by one thing of Bravo content approach on 127.7 have a good day 27-7 851 Tampa Road have a good day good afternoon everybody eight thousand two hundred percent to six thousand on 360 heading one thing about just amazing four thousand seven to sending six thousand does that maintain four thousand eight five one take on bro four thousand set up without the two pre selector yeah there we go a beautiful turn yeah turn over the city today amazing to me it's one of the best views in the world whether it's with my job or fun it's like therapy one two six point four twenty six four approach American 2275 leveling six times we got all kinds of airplanes on Final right now we got two American Airlines back to back so we might go behind American Airlines 749 I anticipate I got American Airlines 2463 a short final American Airlines 749 right behind him maybe he'll get squeezed yep got American Airlines over there descending to 6210 that is the second one the American Airlines 7. 49 is directly off her left wing now you might need one hanger Brothers to maintain three thousand now have your number next calcium water tournaments you'll be until the heavy uh Boeing 770. I'll give you at least eight miles pleasure you've done three thousand eight five one time bro oh wow so we're coming in behind a triple seven that could be that guy that we just saw of our left wing American 749 I believe that was him and that is a triple seven so we're going down to three thousand and there's gonna be wake turbulence behind him so he's giving us in trail behind him so we don't have to worry about hitting wake turbulence so let me tell you wake turbulence is no joke hustling the king air into Miami International and we're behind a seven six seven three months many years ago and it flipped us the co-pile is fine I kept telling her Broadway turn left inning two seven zero two seven zero one Tango bro get above his glut it's his uh play path and he wasn't listening to me and sure enough we hit it and it flipped our King Air sideways opened the drink drawer put the snacks in the drink drawer and also close the drawer but yeah it's right turbulence is no joke 22 75 to 11 sitting two one zero left base here two one zero heading here step one eight left localized for American 22.75 there's our El toler100 26.88 oh the power over siloamerican 26 here yet thank you next frequency Tower get that stuff just to stay ahead of the flight never have one Tanger Bob airport ten o'clock one's your mouth at the airport one thing about returning two one zero Clippers virgin A1A list two left zero on the heading and we're clear to visual one eight Lefty one Tango property speed of one seven zero you were over eight and a half and trail of that heavy Boeing 770 is about a half mile final one seven zero speed eight if I went to ambrother American 22 75 uh airport eleven o'clock and one second it's a busy Airport field and state American 22. we are cleared for the visual 22-75 up to 170 on the speed there's your one eight left American 22.75 -110 go Bravo connect Tower 118.1 g'day 18-1 Georgia Montana good afternoon or 85110 umbrella on a visual for one eight left I'm ready to rival heavy triple seven a multiple departs Friday arrival one two one zero five or one eight left clearly clear land one eight left he said one time below there we are turning final all right 749 heavy time twice we'll disconnect the autopilot contact ground Point yeah you don't want to have the airplane and have all the fun Charlie Brown point nine American put the odd damper back on just for now the whole way and I'm gonna hold a little bit higher than what I knew that seven was seven seven was doing for his Glide path if he was on the approach so that should hopefully keep us clear of any of that way turbulence terminals and we're within our flap speed we'll go first Notch of flap selected to the takeoff position and also make sure it indicates and it's indicating and we'll also select gear down and we've got down three green three green is a good thing 48. we got a piedmont that was just clear for takeoff on the runway we're landing at come into these big airports the space you right in as close as they can to stay efficient they're still staying above where the Glide path was for that triple seven so we should have no issues with that weight turbulence as we land you'll probably see him on the taxiway right off the right side of the runway here attacks get back to the street 568 final fantastic we'll disconnect the yaw damper now 500. double click of the uh autopilot disconnect on the left side of my yoke looking good there we go that's our decision altitude if we were on the ILS that's as low as it could have went right there on the approach we've got a nice clear day it's looking good looking good in speed everything looks pretty good here a lot of people holding short wait for us to land Get Off The Runway a wide runway so we're going to take back to Florida Charlie Charlie Charlotte Tower traffic going to the flare traffic goes on a five mile final Runway one eight left final point there we go back into reverse and that was nice to get off this Runway as quick as possible that way everybody else can continue the one Tango Bravo Romeo was blocked turn left at the 90 or uh take the uh the reverse for me please Delta seven yeah Bravo turn left there and then right on Delta Two uh wolf Roger uh Delta 7 Delta and Wilson 85 Montana well welcome to Charlotte Douglas International across the whole Trail lines here soon 1905 or when I left clearly could Land one eight left American and we're gonna actually just go to the ground just even though right turn on Delta to the right for adults into the ramp you want to stay with you yeah stay with me Roger one thing bro okay let's take on one eight left six charge so we got the airplane all cleaned up like to welcome everybody to Charlotte Douglas International if you like that video please smash that Thumbs Up And subscribe to the channel Justin thanks so much for flying along with me again today yeah enjoyed it was pretty awesome to see how efficient they are here at Charlotte Airport yeah they didn't even want me to go to the ground they're just like keep going the taxi into the ramp and right up here on the left this is where the Wilson Air Center is and it looks like we got a truck pulling out there and that's gonna be the follow me truck he's going to show us right where to park boy I'll tell you they are really efficient on top of everything around here at this airport I like it let's see this truck right over here off our left lane that's who we're gonna be falling in and it says right in the back accidents you can see downtown Charlotte yeah quite a lot of airplanes here at the Wilson Air Center hey guys hope everybody's doing well wherever you're watching from and we'll talk to you again someday soon the number two Luma Romeo for downflower and we're heading right now all right well we trust welcome to uh welcome to Charlotte uh North Carolina guys you show the camera's off Steve those are still rolling [Laughter] [Music] a big old Nike jet over there it's pretty neat but one of the best pallets I've ever seen appreciate the compliment gentlemen Stevo We Trust [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 139,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight vlog, vlog, TBM850, Single Pilot IFR, ATC audio, ATC, Travel, Airplane, Aircraft, Career in aviation, Becoming a pilot, IFR, Cockpit, S1K, BOSE Aviation, Pivot Case, Flying, Flight, North Carolina, KCLT, KPDK, Charlotte
Id: TsVQPcnhB0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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