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we came in around that weather we got some  more moving in so we kind of need to get out   of here before we get stuck there's that  stuff we came around right through there V1 rotate positive rate, gear up Flaps up, yaw damper nine uniform contact departure uniform departure radar contact  maintains seven thousand   seven thousand nine uniform season  9 uniform good talking via contact   Kansas City Center one three four  point five good plan three four five [Music]   we're deviating around some weather up here just  to the right we've got some more weather coming   up behind it I'll pull it up on here okay  this stuff is moving off to the east looks   like we then that's approaching from the west  but I think uh we're gonna be okay we're 25   minutes out yeah we're gonna have some showers  that's for sure 33 75 Southwest he's keeping us   up here number nine uniform just making one  two thousand twelve thousand contact egg on   approach one two five point one twenty five  one and down to twelve nine uniform okay 25.   I'm gonna pick it up surprisingly pretty good  through these uh gaps right here okay yeah citation on uniforms with you  at 15.5 and down to 12 and uh   we're gonna be kind of making the  turnaround these builds up shortly   number nine uniform I'm not inclusive conflict  division one for Destiny which way do you need   to deviate uh we're actually starting to come back  towards Crestview uh we were deviated to it right   but I think we're going to be heading back now  uniform Roger can you accept the one four zero   heading correct yes yes sir and uniform five one  four zero it's gonna maintain five thousand four   row down to five one four zero down to five  thousand twenty six eighty two twelve o'clock   and seven miles northbounds uh five Cillian  aircraft 5 300 Northbound to six thousand   copy Elysian 2682 we're looking incorrection he's  coming to seven thousand copy at least 26.82. I'll   get a little wet that's good playing a little yeah  I think overall we're gonna be good slowly this   sound a little bit Andre Olivia Roger stand by and  tell your post one more time final activated back   in there we got the speed limit we're doing good  um number nine uniforms fighting one intro heading [Applause] here in a few miles  we'll be ready for Reuben   blazing 2682 Roger number nine uniforms contact  approach one three two point one good day   32 one have a great day nine  uniform I'm picking up a little rain   and then approached nine uniforms with you at  8.3 going down to five 180 on the heading foreign report destined okay uh we're looking  for it but that's behind some clouds   right now number nine uniform is going  to maintain three thousand three thousand yeah I think we're going to see it just a minute  aren't we yeah because there's the coastline it's   on the other side of that um a lot  of body of water there I think once   we get on the other side of this Cloud  unless we see it perfect uniform would   you make a decent spring composition would  you like to uh back to spread out those out   not quite sure vectors uh you know we should  see the airport in just about five seconds we're probably gonna have to go you  know about another uh two miles so   we can around this little build up  and then we can hang left so now   uniform Rod is going to maintain  the 1 600 feet 1 600 1.6 94. yeah yeah just as soon as we come through  this little Gap we're gonna see it or not ah it's just over there quarter I have to slow it down here that's the tower  nine uniform is with you on the visual for one here they come speed brakes just at 200. 50 another uniformed us entire Cleveland number two  pound traffic on very short final now for only   one fourth okay clear number two land Pine uh 5.4  nine uniform okay I got the gear down I got flaps   that approach and I'm setting up for a right base  here on topics Drive 521 we'll be ready whatever only one four collaps to land I don't see you in traffic but it was a  base at best at nine uniform we don't see   that our traffic is out right now in November  9 they're not in uniform they're on the runway   now no Factory two year clear land now number  one okay in November 14 uh continue roll up   number one make it right there straight across  here okay we got the gear down flaps air speeds   and again AirSpeed autopilot y'all damn to go  all right that looks much better one thousand five hundred disengaged 300. 200 minimums 50 40 30 20 10 5. heat breaks Professor stowed there's  the speed brakes are tracked all right they are gone uh we're taking  on 225 gallons we're heading right back   out uh passengers are on their way I  just tied it up we came in around that   weather we got some more moving in so  we kind of need to get out of here uh   before we get stuck there's that stuff we  came around right through there foreign [Music] okay fuel's taken care of about to get out  of here at home I gotta be home for something yeah I think we're gonna be okay heading up that  way looks like people are still getting in here airspeed's alive crosstalk B1 br uh sort of break you're up I'm gonna go ahead and start  pulling the power back a little yeah foreign [Applause] oh yeah Goose that baby here we go  it's happening now it's happening   now station 9 uniform say Encore setting  to foxtrot alpha mic uh standby standby   please let's see it's going to be uh three  four zero that's a three four zero for uh turn right heading up two seven zero five  two seven oh two seven zero there we go thank you so we're looking for something  there's a hole straight up that way can we have that Glenn contact over there oh yeah got a lot of stuff running up  the coasts here I go take us all the way around I   don't know possible unless we like end up seeing  a hole off to the right right now it's clear   straight ahead I'm starting to see some holes  to the right little to the right of it position   nine that uniform turn right hitting three four  zero three four zero nine uniform okay how does   it look on 340 heading you know cloudy I don't  be interesting to see how the radar looks yeah   they dropped the range on the radar looks like  there's I mean that hole that we came in on is   right about here actually maybe heading us  back out on that one see it's kind of light   through there yeah that's that's really that  was one we had to avoid coming in so I think   that hole there is that's right up through  there well one of those two is one we came in on   looks like there's a little that way and then that  one yeah that may work just fine I go like right   through one of those holes right there hesitation  on uniform turn right what was it three three two   I thought he said but what was that  what was that three went through   four three six zero three six zero you're  just gonna take us out through this hole here thanks all right 360 is what we're  looking at look at all those boats   down there while the the tail the wakes on  them oh yeah that's kind of pretty cool yeah it looks like we kind of come right up  here and then a left right out like that um one two zero point two zero point  two nine uniform have a great day   Cleo direct Harvey Hotel foreign Jack Center citation nine uniforms with you  10 000 360 on the heading number and I need   to form uh Jackson Southern Roger client  maintain playable two three zero two three   zero nine uniform two three zero I'm gonna mix  fire heavy and extreme presentation along your   route here for about the next 50 miles or so  immediate advice will do thanks nine beautiful ones at that point seven o'clock  eleven thousand three two zero heading zero one thing makes fire heavy extreme precept  for the next 50 miles or so on your route if you   need the DVD advice yeah we like to maintain the  three two zero heading for a couple more miles all right let's Thrive direct  Olive Branch eight zero one six   wrecked Olive Branch okay you can see right  through there actually I see some blue right   through there I'm gonna slow the climb a little  bit they don't like shoot up into this stuff   that might be a little turbulent Community  here 42-55 see that blue straight ahead 42-55 blew at 12 o'clock that's gotta be right through  there don't you think yeah that's about 30 miles   over nine uniform one able fidget  Farmington direct Farmington one able   nine years old Farmington one able  so let's see Flight Plan Farmington debate for that uh not where we  want to go number three zero five   nine through your contact uh Pensacola  approach home one Niner point zero today   in fact there's lightning  right there's a little squares everything a little square out ahead of us call Jackson or Colin Jackson try it again Elysian  27 27 leveling at 3 6 0. 27-27 Jackson Center 518   level two three zero well the radar is actually  showing we've come to the left a little bit yeah   okay yeah I think the heavy stuff   the left with this lightning is  over now once we clear that right all right I'm picking the  climb back up okay here we go   how does it look to the left I think  we come to the left a few degrees   yep go out there 42.55 contact Jack Center  on uh one two four point four seven today and thank you coming here 42 feet Supply that's  a golf course yeah because you got that big thing   out in front of you well I'll make a little  a little jog to the left to get around that   and uh nine uniforms I hadn't been direct to  Farmington number nine uniform Roger thank   you completed 27-27 Sean uh mixed modern heavy  extreme precipitation on your iPhone x five zero   miles when you're done uh deviating Twitter  at Vulcan uh lifts in the next five minutes [Applause]   good day okay here comes the uh and centered up 28.93 out of eight and a  half climbing one zero thousand zero two   zero heading assigned so 2893 Jackson are  either climb 18 playable figure out the   wind here up climb probably 190.3 this is  289 if we were showing the mixed fire heavy   extreme precipitations about 50 miles to  the Northeast deviation left and right 30   degrees in each Direction's approved  when you're done procedure at Gondor   all right we're gonna take a right deviation and  get a couple of little bumps coming through this number nine uniform contact Jacksonville  Center one two four point four seven g'day   one two four four seven nine here Jack Bonanza studio and would like to  request deviation to the left and foreign level three four zero left  deviations Monroe unable welcome yeah areas of moderate heavy  precipitation we're going to start at your   let's go um one o'clock there we go heavy  we'll start at your one o'clock and about   120 miles when you're done with your  deviation just let me know you set the   degree up right now yeah I changed I was  changing it okay down here with the uh 1338 Jacksonville Center Roger welcome uh just  because that light rain precipitation stuff I   didn't care about it was the the other stuff  but I kind of wanted to highlight you know   I'm thinking maybe we need to come to the right a  little bit because I don't think we're currently   left of course Oh either way yeah I was looking  at that hole over there and uh Frontier flight   1338 Roger just let me know in your background  course we'll do and not uniform Chicken in at going to two Trio I can maybe do about 15  to the right to get through a couple buildups   number nine uniform Jackson Roger one five into  the bridge that approved fine maintain 50340.   340 and uh right turns approved thanks foreign all right well this is a relief I was  afraid I was documenting our last minutes   I would have probably gone left though  because those are kind of build-ups aren't   they well they are yeah but they're much more  exciting you need some footage for your show American plus 71 the advise of an  American 1201 also on frequency good day [Applause] do these things come off pretty  easily number nine you know oh yeah contact   Atlanta Center one two eight point zero two  let them know when you're back on course today   13202 for nine uniform and um it's one  two eight point zero two two eight zero   two nine uniform thanks you're welcome  have a good day check today Allegiance Center citation and uniforms with you and  flat level 238 going to three four oh I've   got about 10 to the right and for build-ups  November Niner uniform Atlanta Center amend   up to commonly maintain flight level three three  zero there is a moderate extreme precipitation   11 o'clock and 40 miles extending more than 70  miles along your route and uh you said you have   Farmington whatever uh yeah we will do Farmington  run able and we'll uh stop at 33 uh nine uniform okay Farmington they will stop at 33.  November 90 uniform contract Atlanta   Center one two five point eight seven twenty  five eighty seven nine uniform have a great day that's 29 uniform citation I need a forms with two  five little two eight three going to three four oh   November Niner uniform Atlanta Center  Club maintain flight level four zero zero   400 and we still have about 10 to the right  end hopefully after we get by this next build   up and we should be able to go back to Farmington  and none of our uniform Rogers the Thousand New   York Farmington no rush okay thanks do you worry  about hail coming out of those things or would   you see that 170 contact Atlanta one two five  point eight two you have gone well I do think   about that yes yeah so I try to get too close to  them so I'm going exactly in between the two here but would you see it like if I wouldn't probably  not we might you know you might see a little green   Haze but probably not but also we went here is  only eight knots coming from that way okay yeah plus 4362 Atlanta flight level  three Niners zero three nine zeros so this 2484 has your head as soon as I get  on the ground I'll check on that that's 43.62   that's your company 10 o'clock 40 miles  through the 39. perfect thanks 42-62.   in all honesty that is pretty cool and Atlanta Center Southwest 2484 direct CJ  Roger I think um uh you create a deviate no   further right than your president heading  and they went over at Farmington okay   okay we should just have maybe five or ten  miles until we get around this last building 27-27 fly heading of uh zero one zero awfully Majestic these thunderstorms aren't they  now remember 64 tango foxtrot contact Atlanta   one two six point eight two twenty six eighty  two have a good day all right stick 14 go bye   Allegiant 27-27 thanks for your help clear  direct to uh your coded deviate right when it   would recommends us all right uh Memphis win  able uh with Christian Club over T.A Turner   I have your request for now maintain 360.  at 360 Memphis enable the decent uh just   start to top it not that not that part  we would still have been in it but yeah   of this part of it Southwest 4362  contact Jacksonville Center 128.07 . actually yeah I think we're good  aren't we okay let's do this activate nine uniforms making the turn to uh  Farmington Niner uniform Roger contact Atlanta   126.82 2682 have a great day nine uniform 727  contact Atlanta one two six point eight two   Center citation nine uniforms with the  effect level 3984400 number nine uniform   medicine center Rogers Farmington uh we just  made the turn direct for me today Legion 27   27 climbing through 37.2 for five level three  eight zero teenaging run to Memphis renewable   probably I found a couple people that are  typed in the uh Honda Jet which is amazing 300. thought everyone's disengaged 200 minimums quite slow 50 40. 30 20. 10 5. beat bricks extended it's all squared away the back is tidied up time to head home  thanks for watching thanks for the likes   and comments and if you made it this far  you need to subscribe that way you'll find   out about future videos coming out now if  you want to buy me a cup of coffee you can   always toss some bucks in my patreon  I appreciate everything you guys keep   the blue side up around side down and  fly safe and as always be good [Music]
Channel: captmoonbeam
Views: 65,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: private jet, cessna citation, cockpit view landing, pilot vlog, air traffic control, citation excel, cessna citation xl, citation pilot, cockpit view, aviation vlog, takeoff and landing, general aviation, captain moonbeam, cessna, ifr flight, thunderstorms, citation xl, citation xls, flight, flying, pilot, buisness jet, airplane, airplanes, aircraft, flight vlog, pilot life, airplane landing, cockpit view takeoff, cockpit view takeoff and landing, atc conversations
Id: p8mujZO12Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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