This Is So American, They Don't Even Notice

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to people who have come to the u.s what's something that americans do that we don't even notice drive everywhere i was staying with a friend who lived about half a mile from a small town i got up early one morning and walked into town to get some shopping when i got back she couldn't understand how i'd made it there i don't drive and back on my own steam it took me like 10 minutes each way i walk that far to my nearest bus stop for work a lot of places in america are deliberately built around automobile travel the prevalence of culdysack neighborhoods lack of sidewalks in a lot of places and general urban and suburban sprawl all came about as part of a cultural shift brought about by the prevalence and affordability of american automobiles especially after world war ii we talk loud as frick i was in france for several months and it was like everyone was whispering after three months my family visited and i was thoroughly embarrassed by how loudly they spoke two weeks back in the us and i was back to full volume this is part of the reason why a lot of people think of americans as obnoxious in a public setting everyone in a one kilometer radius knows there's an american around p when americans say i'm german what they mean is that their ancestors immigrated from germany a while back the same goes for any other nationality unless you have an accent the assumption is that you're referring to your ethic group not your nationality only in america that people refer to their ethnic by country's name nationality instead of the actual ethnicity when i was there in 2012 there were adverts on tv for some miracle pill followed immediately by adverts for lawyers asking if you'd taken some other miracle pill and you were entitled to compensation wtf i seem to remember something like this happening to me it was an ad for some drug followed immediately by this drug has been linked to stroke heart attack and air threat from a lawyer serve the most amazingly massive portions of food i've ever seen i ordered one meal in oregon and the lady who owned the place looked me up and down and said you sure about that little fella i'm 6.0 feet and around 190 pounds the meal came on two plates and i didn't eat again until the next day but i finished every freaking bite you generally do that here half the meal is eaten there the other half feeds you for the rest of the following day talk to strangers or acquaintances in the uk you don't even talk to people who go to your schoolwork unless you really like them when you see them in the street this rule generally applies the further south you go though i am personally from a place in the north of england and the anti-social way is slowly creeping upwards we used to be real chatty where i am according to my parents i took a bus from la to vegas and strangers around me struck up conversations like they were lifelong friends in nz we do our level best to ignore each other on public transport so i was blown away by how friendly everyone was to each other drive through everywhere need to go to the bank at 3 a.m no problem just drive in also how much disposable things are used in everyday life like cups and plates my school invited some japanese transfer students to come stay with us for a while we asked them that question and they said it was really odd that we didn't have many street lights along roads yes seeing videos of american vloggers it's scary that some roads even highways don't have lights vehicle headlights can only do so much when i was in florida everyone thought i came from australia my accent is mancunian as in manchester england specifically northern manchester side note there's also like an accent dialect change every 10 miles in the uk so i can imagine you guys don't recognize most brits by their voices tv commercials saying by our product x it's better than product y made by a another company in the uk competitors products are never named in a commercial the closest you get is compared to the leading brand also saying what when you don't hear someone properly that's considered pretty rude in the uk we just say pardon or sorry instead not sure what we're apologizing for though think we just like being self-deprecating also your petrol is so cheap currently one pound and thirty pentish per liter in the uk for any americans wondering one pound and thirty pence per liter in freedom units is six dollars and 51 cents per gallon one of the first things i noticed was the tv advertising a prescription medication that urged patients to bring up ex with their doctor that would not fly in other countries sitting at a bar and being in the way of people trying to order drinks it's uncustomary to have everyone sit along the bar in any pub bar boozer alcohol establishment you get the gist in the uk the bar is where people go to order drinks and then walk away from not somewhere to sit at i was in chicago two years ago in the first few bars we went into we had to order drinks from a passing waitress as we couldn't get close to the bar due to everyone sitting all the way along it just not a done thing anywhere else i've been bar america this annoys us too why is your money all the same color every time i went shopping i held up the lines because it took me a lot of time to scramble through my wallet to find the correct banknotes because everything is the same color no longer true hundreds are bluish fives are reddish twenties and one stayed green and ten's a kind of tan if i remember right the girl i'm dating always cracks up at how i american count starting with my index finger instead of my thumb and then bsp at work they think it's funny that i have old fisherine brown leather steel toed boots instead of the modern sneaker looking safety shoes looks at hands pretends to count hey i do that too make small talk with strangers passing on the street i felt like multiple people knew me acquaintance or closer level i was in south dakota oh yeah the dakotas and most of the midwest will do that to you it's weird how friendly people are up here sometimes and i'm from america replying to thank you with yep or something similar i know it's cultural and not intentionally rude but dang if it doesn't jar me every time meanwhile a fellow canadian responding to a thank you that way is passive aggressive that's kind of funny because most the time i hear people respond like that is because it would seem rude to say you're welcome because it would make it seem like the favor they were doing you was bigger than it actually was they work far too much wasn't trying to be offensive i just think at least four weeks off per year like where i live is still too little holiday time working with americans i see how much less time they get to recoup gush over my broad australian accent gee they mate nah i don't ride a kangaroo to work mate but thanks for asking totally harmless and funny i get it but it does get a bit old after a few days i would just blush and do everything i could to extend the conversation gush over accents from my own experience to say something british was weird when i was over there but my wife went with her family when she was about seven stroke eight and as soon as she opened her mouth she would have people clustering around her as they couldn't believe the accent middle england coming out of her extremely blonde small girl's mouth at one point in a restaurant the waiter had to go away and compose himself as he couldn't stop laughing when she ordered her food he did apologize when he returned i go out of my way to ask every scotsman i see to please say the phrase purple burglar alarm i thought it was just a stereotype that american high school girls said like for every three four words but some of them really did it was like they just like couldn't like help themselves like it's like they're two rates or something like they just have to like say it also shoes inside and carpet floor in the kitchen bathroom and plastic siding on houses weird i've never seen carpet in a kitchen in my entire life dang some of you all had it rough my condolences point out accents with these i'm from canada and nearly every conversation i have in the states involves asking where i'm from i didn't think it was that obvious we're really good at telling if someone has an accent we can only vaguely guess where you're from though all the intricacies of the dialects across the uk blend together to our ears working hard even in some minimum wage jobs and generally being decent human beings at least in contrast to where i live myself and my parents frequently complimented them on their good behaviors attitudes and they would usually just respond that they are just doing their job sometimes at work i'll put 110 into a project and i'll think to myself this is so good i deserve credit for this i hope somebody notices then when a customer notices and tells me i reply i'm just doing my job because i'm uncomfortable with being praised when i stayed in any hotel in the us if i pass someone in the corridor they say hello or good morning etc no one would do that here in the uk and not if you're lucky perhaps also people talking to each other on trains in the us i've had people strike up friendly conversations with me that would just never happen here and if it did the other person would probably get so uncomfortable they'd switch carriages also calling someone to just as a matter of course in regular conversation like a kid to an adult man for instance saying thank you for your service to soldiers when you see them i've never seen that anywhere else and here it would sound really contrived talking in the cinema and interacting with the film odd so many a.d bricks saying thank you to military is definitely weird i know a lot of people do it but there's also a lot of people who find it weird especially people in the military people that talk during a film are the worst but it's really fun when the whole audience laughs at a joke cheers at the end etc i don't know if this is something americans notice nevertheless i was amazed by it i went for a three-week holiday to hawaii on our flight back home we flew from honolulu los angeles miami at each airport we would spend at least four hours every airport had its own culture people and languages i flew almost 7 900 kilometers and yet i was still in the same country but it didn't feel like it at all very cool thing is to drive through a red light if there's no one and you turn right saves time only on certain states tough almost no roundabout and no right priority only stops in red lights so easy at red lights you still have to stop before you are allowed to turn right on red [Music] hold their fork in their left hand to restrain their food as they cut with a right-handed knife then switch the fork to the right hand to pick up and eat the food hey how are you well i'm not so good today woke up with a headache and i didn't even drink had a good sleep i guess but a bit too long my dog is getting older and i can see the end of her life is coming nearer and tomorrow i'll have to go to the dentist and what i mean i'm fine how are you the how are you thing is not a question it's like saying hi so i'm american but my partner is british he finds it very odd that people will have food delivered to them at work or at a hotel and that it's possible in many major cities nowadays to get food other than like pizza or chinese delivered according to him that's not really done in england it's done massively in england food delivery people make up a big proportion of the traffic in london and last time i checked there were over 200 places that delivered to my address he must have only lived in rural areas and before delivery apps became huge here you all walk to your right on the sidewalk if i try to walk to my left you stand there and say excuse me in the uk people weave in and out of each other by reading body language so it came as a shock because no one told me americans would all unanimously do this not all of us about 25 percent walk slowly in groups that take up the whole available width of the walkway my friends from italy came to visit and were confused that people will wave to a car that stops to let them cross the street or will wave to other drivers as a kind of thanks on the road from time to time it's such a small gesture but they were both impressed and confused driving in italy is like wacky races crossed with the demolition derby they do not give a freak dual citizen here i lived a few years overseas and the first thing i noticed was the way people walked americans walk like idk like they've got some place to be like they're a character in their own story in the country i lived in however people were much more low-key didn't seem like anyone really wanted to stand out from the crowd or anything but just wanted to go about their business also no one really held doors open for me but that was fine since i never expect anyone to i know someone already said this but this is really dependent on if you're in a big city or not i grew up in a pretty large city and when i moved to a small college town i swear it feels like people on the street were freaking with because of how slow they walked american who lives aboard we talk about other food we could be eating while eating aka you go to a chinese restaurant and start talking about the great aeropurs at the colombian restaurant you went to last week overall americans just love talking about food it's great because we have our typical american food as well as food from a lot of other cultures and americanized versions of those foods and fusions of those foods food in america is amazing especially in big cities you know those big ice machines on every other floor of every hotel motel they pretty much only exist in the us or in places americans visit in large numbers one thing i've learned from this thread is that europeans hate ice fine enjoy your hot butt drinks my estonian friend said it's weird that we kill spiders in america because it's considered bad luck in estonia my polish friend says it's weird that when you get pulled over in america we let the officers come to our cars while in poland the driver gets out to walk up to the officer's car my german friend would always pick up on weird little sayings my friends and i would say she thought our slang was the weirdest they wear baseball caps all the time even indoors at a restaurant i thought that was only like a scene from the sopranos but i saw it with my own eyes dude on a date in a nice restaurant and he doesn't take the cap off my dad wears one everywhere except for at home and funerals but this is really just because he has a huge bald spit in the middle of his head londoner who moved to la four years ago two things the strangely large gaps between door and hinge in toilet bathroom cubicles why and superfluous additions to words such as tuna fish and horse back riding we hate the gaps too nothing quite like having a poo and then seeing an eye peeking in at you you say i'm hum in response to thank you it's pretty cute and i've not heard it anywhere else maybe a west coast thing american toilets are freaking weird the bowl is rounder and water goes up so freaking high australian toilets only have a small amount of water so you don't have to worry about splashback and the way they flush i'm gonna fill up with more water and take your poop for several tours around the bowl before getting rid of it i notice is only among white americans but there's this nervous need to prove to me that they're not xenophobic so they just feel the need to tell me how great my english is it's my first language how amazing insert east asian country that may or may not have any relation to where i'm from s culture is how much they love insert east asian country that may or may not have any relation to where i'm from food or how beautiful exotic my eyes are unfortunately sometimes it comes off as racist but i try not to get offended since they usually mean well at least in my experience if an american says that to you directly and not against any provocation then they probably mean it southern americans seem to have a propensity to be extremely hospitable and complacent it was a welcome reprieve from the european hostility for a traveling romani family it was quite pervasive and consistent as we traveled across towns you're a lot more tolerant than international media purpose i actually don't like the allusion to unrepentant racism that every media outlet perpetuates because it diminishes progress although my experience doesn't negate other people's oppression but from a roma perspective it was spectacular no raucous cheering of agreement when a pejorative is shouted in fact it was the first time i've gone without jesuit tenaciously following us no repulsion visible on people's countenances no palpable animosity and no provocations of violence whatever they say about american racism you did receive the memo about rectifying the roma exemption that europe threw out the window comma you did receive the memo about rectifying the roma exemption i think most americans just aren't aware of it you will drive absolutely gigantic cars honestly they are absolutely gargantuan in england at least 80 percent of the cars i see are small fiesta style hatchbacks in the u.s everyone just drove huge frick off tracks it seemed strange a lot of people are saying everyone else has a truck and they wouldn't feel safe driving a hatchback amongst so many trucks this is similar to the gun argument i hear sometimes just an observation i drive a 2011 toyota corolla and i love it very much but sometimes i wish i had a truck or jeep or suv just so i can see above the truck or jeep or suv in front of me too much smile too much politeness to the point it almost seems insincere be rude to me dang it complain about how bad things are in america sure there are plenty of things that aren't perfect in america but overall you have it great here some people like to compare america to europe and say how much better things are over there but overall america is a great country i find it hilarious that i as a non-american defend america's greatness in front of other americans you see you've just missed the bigger point americans are extremely self-deprecating we're happy to crap talk our towns states and our country until someone else does it then some get defensive this may sound odd but i was very surprised that basically everyone in charleston sc uses you all despite the general lack of distinguishable southern accents there the term has a kind of hick perception in the uk picturing someone in a 10 gallon hat yelling well who will do y'all and firing revolvers in the air i don't know only remember about their strange taste i was working there in dd they usually take coffee with a lot of flavor and cream sometimes it was half cream half coffee tv commercials for medicaments are so strange to me they have to name aryl the side effects in my country they just advised to ask your doctor or your pharmacist if you have any questions if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 655,825
Rating: 4.8965864 out of 5
Keywords: only america, only american, only american things, only in america, strange america, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: JuEIv-mNh0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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