Why these parents don't love their children and DISOWN them (r/AskReddit - Reddit Scary Stories)

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parents who have disowned or genuinely stopped loving your child what happened to adopted Kids Count we adopted a three year old from foster care cutest sweetest kid he had a few issues but we mostly figured it was because of his history the issues escalated quickly when he was seven he hid our dog with a golf club we had to keep him away from our dog in our cat the cat disappeared we assumed she got out and ran away found out years later that he killed it and threw it in the woods the last straw was when he burned our home down we sent him to a residential treatment center where he stayed for two years during that time he molested a roommate and became extremely violent the insurance company told us that they wouldn't pay anymore and we'd either have to pay for him out of pocket forty thousand dollars a month or bring him home we have younger children and it wouldn't be safe we ended up telling the state we wouldn't bring him home so now we have a verified abuse report against us because we wouldn't bring him back even though the therapists agreed with our decision I don't love him I wish the best for him but I don't feel anything toward him my parents disowned my oldest sister she always struggled growing up more than us she became a teen mom with a bad older dude partied a lot etc but my parents helped her a lot they do okay for themselves but had a no co-signing rule for all six of my siblings and me still they co-signed for her house so she could get a head start she didn't pay the mortgage for almost three years before my mom got served in front of all the other nurses at her work my parents worked tirelessly to try to work out deals where my sister and her family kept the house and got some leniency but to no avail because my sister never showed up for court dates during this time she paid $12,000 for IVF and got pregnant with her fifth kid when my mom demanded some of the money back she accused my dad and my brother of beating her sons when my parents took them to Disney World he didn't and said she'd file a police report if he asked for money again they kept asking cause it wasn't true she awkwardly joined us for Christmas and punched my brother in the face during the meal for humiliating her oldest son by asking him if he wanted to work at my brother's company for good pay her oldest son is in and out of jail and my brother was trying to help him after his release but her son said he didn't want a job and got mad she then called the cops and told them the same brother had illegal guns in his truck and they came on Christmas night and searched his truck no guns found needless to say she is not welcome anywhere near any of us and my mom still cries about it but refuses to talk to her again a little different I was disowned but I deserved it I was an addict and a mess for a long time my mom couldn't keep bailing me out of trouble and watch me self-destruct anymore I wasn't living at home she came to see me one last time to tell me she was done not to contact her she would no longer have anything to do with me she was in pieces I can't imagine how hard it must have been for her but it was the best thing she ever did for me once she cut me off my rock bottom came hard and fast after a little while of living on the streets and my addiction consuming me I made my way to a detox center got a few days clean under my belt and never looked back that was almost 15 years ago after I was clean a little while I contacted my mom and little by little we built a relationship again and now we're really close I am forever grateful to my mom for letting me fall and letting me back into her life my ex-wife disowned my son we both married young when I was in the military high school sweethearts she became pregnant six months into our marriage I don't think she connected with him at all after he was born the most she did with him was Instagram photo shoots where she painted herself as number one mommy when he turned 3 I left the military a year after that she ran for the hills I remember it like it was yesterday i sat down with her at a local restaurant to talk divorce plans we split all of our financials and material items down the middle we finally got to custody for my kiddo something I dreaded to discuss because fathers never gain custody in my area and she tells me I want absolutely no responsibilities I was taken back in AI ass if she was sure she was that one sentence hurt me more than anything else that happened during that time my biological father wanted nothing to do with me and now I was seeing it happen with my own child that with his mother I received full custody and she married within a year afterwards she had another child to her parents try their best to be a part of his life but she still does her best to avoid him he's seven now and used to it but I know it weighs heavily on him it sucks but it's life I guess I have been legally disowned by my father when I was 11 my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer this was her second diagnosis in around four years obviously she recovered the first time after intense surgery and a lot of chemo and he did not want to look after her like he did before he also had a new girlfriend and her family to look after apparently and he had no issues leaving us when my mom passed away when I was 14 my brother grandmother him and I met up to discuss who I was going to live with the plan was my brother and his family father was never considered and he showed up and declared that he was in the process of going to court to legally emancipated self from me he went out of his way to legally declare that I was no longer his child just so that my brother 22 years old with a wife and two young children already struggling on one paycheck couldn't seek child support needless to say it's done coming only days after my mother's funeral as Jehovah's Witnesses my parents disowned my siblings and me several times since I was in my late teens one of the JW rules is that you do not associate with others who know the truth but refused to follow it including family and parents are encouraged to disown any children who have left the religion the first time was when I was 19 it upset me I was heartbroken and eventually they changed their minds only to do it again a couple years later and so on until I stopped caring and no longer attempt to be a part of their lives at all my family disowned me because I disowned my mother I was sexually groomed and abused / tortured by her husband for years and when I finally told her she not only didn't believe me but stayed married to him for seven years I had to move out at 16 to get away from how I was being treated then when I finally began speaking to others she started to cover her butt with her social circle by telling them that I seduced her husband I cut her off for years and didn't ever want to see her again but my family bullied me to just get over it and have a relationship with my mother and that I was hurting her even my sister who knew what happened knew I stayed for so long to protect her fell into a trap of my mother whining to everyone around her and painting me as a liar about four years ago she was very suddenly diagnosed with advanced cancer and didn't have much time I was moving out of my home state and everyone told me I needed to see her before I left that I needed to be there but I didn't want to in the end everyone turned their back on me they were so mad I wouldn't just forget my trauma just to say goodbye to someone I hadn't loved for a long time and rightly so I disowned a family member not a child though we were very close until he ended up being caught in a pedo sting then I turned my back and haven't looked back I have a sister the age of the girl he was supposed to meet I can't associate with scum like that disowned my step-brother for the same reason he was caught in a giant sting and was charged for having CP as well as breaking into teen girls emails to find lewd pictures to blackmail them into having sex with him he was 21 when he was caught the most effed up part was that a couple years before he was caught he had broken into my email and done the same thing tried to blackmail me into giving him more pictures I was able to get him to keep his mouth shut because the pictures he found of me were from when I was 15 and I threatened to go to the cops to charge him with CP that shut him up real quick probably because he knew they'd find whatever else he was hiding I wish I had gone to the cops because maybe I could have prevented him from harming those other girls but I honestly had no idea the extent of it I thought he was just being a supreme creep to me personally the SWAT team ended up raiding our house waking up my dad with guns in his face and forcing him to sit outside in his boxers while they searched my brother is serving 18 years he tried to send me a few letters with some bull crap apology I told him to leave me the F alone and haven't talked to him since I wouldn't say I've disowned or stopped loving my son but it's real tough to find love for him he's almost 14 and he's currently out of our home at a treatment facility he's average two arrests a year for the last two years and he's attacked my wife several times our daughter's several times and the neighborhood kids several times he's run away from school run away from home and tried to push me off the roof of our house after threatening to jump off and hurt himself we have become that family in our town where the police are called to our home on a semi-regular basis he's been getting more violent as he gets older not to mention bigger and stronger and I honestly don't see an end in sight the key fact I'm leaving out is that he's been diagnosed as high-functioning autistic and is also bipolar that's like putting walls around a tornado and expecting it to stay inside the a lot of what has occurred he had little control over because of the way his mind is where he's constantly at war with himself structure versus chaos and my wife and I have tried desperately to give him the best life we can while keeping ourselves and our daughters safe but I'm tired it's been eight and a half years we've been going through this with him and I've been ready to throw in the towel on him for a while but my wife refuses to let him go so we wake up every morning trying to give him the best life for him and our girls I love my son but he abused me when he turned that violence on to his sister by choking her I had to say goodbye I wish my mom had done that to my brother sometimes she saw it all but what hurt the most was having my parents the people who are supposed to protect me ask me to forgive my attacker just because he happened to be my brother if anyone else had done that to me they would have gone nuts on them but he's blood so it cancels out I guess I'm not a parent I've never disowned a child my parents disowned my oldest sister I'm the youngest of three girls my oldest sister had a horrible relationship with my father blames me for getting in the way of their relationship she had her first baby to spite him when she was 16 years old my father refused to give her money because she met a deadbeat child predator and got pregnant again then again and again she constantly put herself in deadbeat before kids dad would send money to girls for Christmas and birthdays and never hurt a thing he finally gave up she's 30 has six daughters and lives in a mobile home in North Carolina we hadn't seen or heard from my sister until June of this year my oldest niece contacted me asking to come to Florida where I live for the summer to get her and her sisters out of the trailer I agree contact sister and she agree I set up plane tickets and organized the rooms they'll stay in when they got here they were completely disheveled clothes visibly dirty smelled foul so covered in lice that my white towel stained gray from removing them my niece informed me that they had been without water and electricity for six months they live in a two-bedroom mobile home there are holes in the roof bugs and rats everywhere as a family we decide the girls aren't going back to North Carolina we tell my sister to come to my parents house in Florida to get her life together and get back on her feet she refused because deadbeat is not invited ironically she found out that deadbeat is cheating on her she confronts him and he kicks her out of craphole trailer deadbeat said I would rather be homeless than live with you sister now works for the dollar store and doesn't pull her weight with kids at least the girls are safe now not the disowned child but my older brother is he has been a petty crook as long as I could remember into hard drugs since his preteens and pretty much a full-blown sociopath he treated every girl in his life like meat I remember him as a teenager calling his girlfriend a [ __ ] and because she didn't want to blow him when he knocked some chick up years later he had a daughter and one of the first things out of his mouth in the hospital after her birth was she's gonna grow up to be a [ __ ] like her mom let's just say that child is better off not having him as a father figure she's been adopted since then and is living a happy childhood last time I checked he treated my parents like trash he would be in and out of jail and they would take him in whenever he was out then he'd find a job lose it and go back to jail rinse and repeat he would get in physical fights with my mom dad me he'd kick our dogs cats etc we'd have to get new drywall to replace the holes he punched through those walls he'd have freak outs and smashed things all around the house living with him was a nightmare the last straw was him walking out on his kid and her mother and starting a gang fight at our house over a drug deal gone wrong things got really violent and I'm pretty sure weapons were involved he left the house and on that very same night he came back because he needed a place to stay when my dad said no he started fighting my dad I stepped in at that point and almost beat the hell out of him no one else with my dad no one it ended with my dad having to hold me down to stop me from killing him and my brother walking away down the street yelling obscenities haven't seen him since this was six years ago at this point he's either in jail or dead I may have every reason in the world to hate him for everything he's done but I don't he's a tortured soul who has let his demons get the absolute best of him plain and simple I just hope that he finds some kind of peace even if it takes death for him to do so bill if you're reading this you're my brother and I still love you and I hope you're okay wherever you are okay I am a parent I have four grown children one of my children I'll call her Amber has mental health problems I would say that her behavior makes it very difficult to love her her siblings want nothing to do with her but amber thinks she is perfectly sane and everyone else in the family is crazy and evil she also thinks she is superior to us all and will one day be rich and famous she is currently on welfare no one else in the family has ever been on welfare the other day she came over to our house she sat down and spent about 30 minutes telling us that we had starved and abused her when she was a child not true that we are horrible people she claims that her father sexually abused her not true she told me her mother that I am a pedophile because I blew a kiss to my three-year-old grandchild Amber has three children and claims we have sexually abused them not true we love these three girls very much but currently Amber will not let us see them and is probably telling them bad things about us it is heartbreaking after amber had yelled at us for a while she told us that if we don't confess to the abuse we have done then we can have no contact with her or her children on her way out she grabbed a bottle of our scotch and said it was not fair that we had a bunch of expensive scotch when she didn't my husband collects different types of scotch and drinks it very moderately she took the Scotch during this visit we noticed that Amber has lost a lot of weight and looks almost anorexic amber also accused her husband of being a pedophile and forced him to confess to having thoughts of pedophilia because amber is involved with social services they found out about Amber's accusations and her husband was unable to be alone with his kids for about a year until he convinced them he was not a pedophile amber has been hospitalized once for mental problems but never got diagnosed her children were put in foster home for three months because she was physically attacking her husband hitting scratching etcetera in front of the kids we were able to get the kids back but it took a $5,000 legal bill in three months there is so much more craziness she has currently started having a relationship with a man who lives near her by the way her husband is still with her apparently the man from down the street is also staying with them and the kids we are just praying she is using birth control she seems to get especially crazy after having a baby though her youngest is currently 2 she also asserts that both my husband and I were sexually abused by our fathers not true she claims there is a family curse she seems to really believe this she sent us a text message last night reiterating the no contact unless we confess at this point we are quite relieved that she wants no contact her disgusting accusations have cast a pall over our love for her and even our love for her children we feel we need to withdraw from her family completely to avoid any more pain but we would be there to help our grandkids in a heartbeat if there was an opportunity all right so this is a family secret that I revealed and got my mother's family to disown me which honestly is for the better when I was a kid my uncle molested me repeatedly over a summer I was with my grandparents it really effed with my sexuality and took me into my late teens early 20s and years of therapy to accept that I'm gay still working on trying to even trust men his whole in part because of this anyway when I was about 14 I told my mother because I just needed to get the secret out I was in a situation I'd have to be alone with him again and I was scared although looking back I was more scared trying to tell her what her youngest brother did when I did I learned that this is a pretty common thing in her family and it happened to her by my grandmother's second husband well it happened to her and her three other sisters my mother apologized to me telling me she was sorry for sending me away that summer and that the family curse caught me as well honestly I needed to hear this because I hated her for letting this happen but she had no way of stopping it or even knowing it had happened to her son always been something that happened to the girls but never the boys aren't family traditions grande sarcasm we went to the cops and because it had been so long and across state lines there wasn't much they could do it was my word against his my mother family acknowledged that stuff like this happens in their family and that I should blame the devil for this happening to me and not the person and really I should feel bad for him because all of this was hard on him as well he took this time to officially come out of the closet and they all - my mother let him know how brave he is for admitting his illness and subsequently blamed me for turning him gay keep in mind I was still trying to process if I was gay at this time I was then accused of wanting to get molested and that I needed to repent what I had done and for trying to destroy his life my mother tried to argue back but at this point it was my mother's family versus my mother and me my mother ended up giving slightly and told them we need time to process this they let off and we got the hell out of there and never looked back it's been about 10 years since I saw any of them they blame my mother for raising a devil loving son which didn't help when I finally came out the last thing they told us is that they'll let both my mother and me back in if and only if I admit that a nine-year-old wanted to be molested and of course convert back to being straight I think they are still surprised I haven't taken them up on their offer I don't know and I don't care my family is super small now and I couldn't be more pleased child here I have disowned my mother seems a common theme here she did everything from generally invading privacy to starving us she even went so far as to orchestrate my rape and my immediate pregnancy from said because she wanted cute little grandkids and she didn't want to wait I was 13 when we moved in with my grandmother we didn't know how to use silverware I didn't start brushing my teeth until I was 15 because we never knew really effed up lady my father disowned my older sister when she was in high school she had been raped while walking to a friend's house and he blamed her she later tried jumping out of a moving car because she was depressed and suicidal my dad never liked my sister and refused to go to any father-daughter dances he was distant to her for seemingly no reason he finally said he disowned her after she was taken to a mental hospital to help with her behavioural issues stemming from the rape and literal daddy issues he called her broken goods when he disowned her because she was disowned she got pregnant at 17 despite him and it sealed the deal for my dad my sister is jealous of me because I was the younger beloved child that my dad always wanted but she doesn't see that he treats me like a doll and makes degrading comments when my looks aren't up to his standards my sister grew up with a voice and a free will my father hated that the only reason he loves me is because he not only broke my free will and my ability to choose but thinks of me as clay that he can mold into the perfect daughter now I'm trying to break the mold and ignore him now that I'm an adult but it's hard accepting it's okay not to be perfect my sister still has mental issues from everything my father has put her through she's become literally crazy and she requires meds and a lot of therapy even now my sister was disowned she was a perfectly normal and happy person until she turned 16 and then out of nowhere she joined a gang of druggies and started breaking into houses and all kinds of crazy things stole all of our stuff on multiple occasions punched grandma and had over $10 etc the police had her drug tested a dozen times and she was always clean parents spent $10,000 on a stay in a psych place to try and find out if she had a mental disorder or had been sexually abused or something and there was no indication of any kind of underlying issues one day she came home and said that she needed money for another abortion and my parents lost their crap no one had known she was ever pregnant let alone multiple times they said that they would take the baby but she refused to go through with the pregnancy so they cut her off then and there and then it was like she literally never existed I asked her why she was living her life this way the last time I saw her and all she could say was because it isn't boring oh I can definitely answer this but from the other side of the story my father has always been hot-headed and violent when I was growing up I always dreaded coming home and as a result I couldn't wait to be done with high school I then moved out at 18 and have been living on my own since this did not stop him from sending me long lecturing texts calling me several times a day to check where I was getting verbally aggressive when I don't pick up the phone fast enough and nearly getting the police involved when I was attending a school banquet because I wasn't back at my dorm by 7 p.m. we're leaving absurd long comments on my facebook profile pictures about how to be a dutiful daughter at the beginning of this year I introduced my long term boyfriend to the both immediate and extended family I let my parents know that I was planning a two weeks long Europe trip with my boyfriend two months in advance that really set my father off he wrote me a letter recorded me an audio yelled in my face through gritted teeth at a public restaurant and told every family member that he was extremely ashamed of me he explained that I was born to serve my parents and doing this going on my trip that I paid for without asking for his permission he is no different than betraying the social norms and displaying to the world how disrespectful I am of our culture he has since cut all communication with me I'm 25 Asian female independent working toward admission to grad school [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ReddiTV
Views: 102,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parents, reddit parents, insane parents, disowned, disowned children, parents disown children, disowning children, askreddit, reddit stories, askreddit horror, reddit, r/askreddit, ask reddit, reddit story, askreddit stories, reddit top posts, best of r/askreddit, best of reddit, updoot, reddit aliens, redditv, reddit tv, toadfilms, askreddit scary, reddit scary stories, askreddit creepy, creepy, creepypasta, horror stories, reddit horror stories, reddit horror
Id: YohinVs5yd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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