Roasting This Anime Child

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I got beaten bloody for the mere rumor I was gay.

Definitely on par with someone being called homophobic, I truly feel for this fictional child who needs all the support they can get.


👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Damn it feels good to know homophobes feel like shit.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/drunkfrenchman 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

“Oh, you think that oppression is BAD? Well turns out that oppresses...the OPPRESSORS! Looks like you’re an asshole like me, gotcha!”

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

The reason not to use honey is that they are very likely harvesting your shopping data and using it to further their sick fetishes of evergrowing consumption.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/schassaugat 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I like her channel but didn't expect to see it here.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/sleepyr0b0t 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I don't even know what "I don't agree with the LGBT community" means?

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/cdcformatc 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jarvis Johnson dives into this kind of content farm shit she's talking about for those that want to understand how they work. None of the stories are real, they're using whatever buttons they can conceivably push to farm ad revenue.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/cholantesh 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just discovered StrangeAeons the other day, love her

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/SBGoldenCurry 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wanna get a full on rant from one of these bigots, transcribe it, and feed it back to them but replace "gays" with "conservatives".

it's just like, my opinion that you shouldn't have human rights cause you don't respect my pronouns Karen.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/MyuslCake 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
it's me your favorite bowl cut welcome to another video I feel like we've been doing a lot of fun ones lately I haven't suffered too much and um I feel like it's time to change that so I came across this video probably a couple weeks ago on tumblr and I didn't watch it because the voices were annoying um to be completely honest I got a couple seconds into it and I was like no this isn't happening I got a couple suggestions on Instagram and Tumblr to react to it and I would click on it and be like I can't with the voices again and then finally I have finally broken down and decided I'm gonna get through this garbage but first a message from today's sponsor honey honey is a free browser extension for you to use when your online shopping honey helps you out by automatically scanning the internet for coupon codes and then applying the coupon code with the biggest savings to your cart at checkout yes it is completely free and saves you money that sounds like a pretty good deal on my dudes it takes only two clicks to install and then afterwards it practically does all of the work for you and applying the coupon codes that it finds it lets you be lazy and saves you money you have no reason not to be using honey and you don't even have to take my word for it honey has over a hundred thousand five-star reviews on the google chrome store honey works on over 20,000 sites i funny enough have been using it since someone else has sponsored YouTube video convinced me to it's coming handy for all kinds of online shopping even when you don't expect it you kind of just forget that it's there until you're checking out and it just pops up and says want to save some money so go to join honey calm slash strange Aeons link in the description below and start saving on start saving some money on all of the online purchases that your heart desires thank you so much to honey for sponsoring this video and now back to our regularly scheduled programming I've only watched like a couple seconds of this before so this is my pure unfiltered reaction to I was bullied for my opinion spoiler alert she's homophobic it was the end of the day and I was waiting for my bus with one of my friends ah sorry though she asked hey have you heard of the lgbtq+ community do you support gay and lesbians like the people who are in the LGBT community I looked into this channel but they're called minute videos they I watched a couple of their other videos by no means is this like an anti-gay channel like I watched some of their other gay related videos and they are supportive so the channel itself seems neutral they just kind of animate the stories that they get from somewhere maybe people people send them in I don't know about that but they just animate these stories in this particular style so average mystical conversation just waiting for the bus so do you support the gays the only time anyone ever asks can be weird probing questions about the LGBT community in high school was because they were trying to figure out if that was gay hmm the friend had a crush on her and she got rid check oh this is my I gotta make this fun somehow okay I mean she's my friend I'm sure we'll be fine after a quick pause I gave her my reply no she tried to hide it but I saw the shock on her face she smiled awkwardly and said oh okay my mind kept conversation in my bad person for not supporting the lgbtq+ community yes I walked through the hallway saying hello to my classmates and friends and every time I did they brushed me off or give me a dirty look I even had a few people ignore me and whisper something to someone else right in front of me and then walk away everyone in the school is now just gossiping about this kid because she's homophobic that obviously wasn't the case when I was in middle school like 10 years ago but kids are woke these days I said maybe I don't know kids these days I think what are the kids these days up to uh I don't know I can't believe I'm only two minutes into this video it feels so long it's so annoying how dare you not support gays or lesbians what why did you tell everyone I thought you were my friend how can I be friends with someone who doesn't support what I or all of us do you're a monster and unaccepting of other people's preferences but so should you don't think the rest of us anymore at this point everyone gave me a dirty look and agreed with her it was like I had committed some kind of sin I cried so hard so so loud someone in the other stall heard me and told me to shut up he felt so ashamed of myself for not supporting or accepting the lgbtq+ community I hated myself for not lying and saying I did support them I wanted to go home so badly Wow boohoo you know this is definitely on par with all the kids who are bullied and shamed by their entire community for being gay people mocked me and called me homophobe which wasn't sure you had tried to tell them that it was a personal preference to not support it but it didn't mean I hated people who are gay or lesbian I had never felt so alone so I decided I had to tell my parents what was happening to me at school would they yell at me for having these opinions I don't think that anyone at that age just decides they don't support the gay community especially when it's so accepted by society this situation does not exist if it's not some kind of religious indoctrination from her parents absolutely [ __ ] I told him the question my friend asked the day before and then my answer that I just didn't agree with the lgbtq+ community to my delight my mom and dad they reassured me that it was okay to have different opinions to other people about things not about whether people are allowed to exist or have human rights this has been a PSA just as long as you are not rude or disrespectful towards them as if disagreeing with the LGBT community is not inherently rude and disrespectful I feel a little weird getting angry at a fictional anime child but I'm actually angrier about this Jesus my old friends would either turn their backs on me to ignore me or worse Muhtar mean words under their breaths as they pass me in the hallways kids these days muttering mean words about homophobes I'm so proud I'm so proud of our youth it would come home every day hit straight from my room and cry my parents would ask Darlene what's wrong no no what was that demon voice I didn't like that at all who is doing the voices for these the voices they do for children sound completely insane realistic and then the voices they trying to do for adults are like darling whoever this over the next few months my school I was miserable no one was interested in hearing my opinion or reasons all they cared about was their own people argue against my shitty opinions and don't seem to be convinced by my points I must be correct a year has passed since I moved schools and I've made great new friends all with different views and opinions I still have the same views but I've realized that there are better ways to express them I feel like I can't like even like counter this at all but I have no idea what any of her supposing points or ways of expressing them are it's just like casual fun little story with some info martial music in the background about how you can be homophobic and it'll be great and you'll have friends who accept you for being the shitty homophobe you are the way my new friends accept different opinions by discussing them rather than turning them into a witch-hunt and isolating the person with a different opinion has made me feels this was written by a child the world doesn't need to be any more divided than it already is and if it turns out you still don't get along with someone after hearing their opinion you can still be respectful saying mean things to them is bullying saying mean things like I just don't agree with you existing okay so obviously that video is a lot of [ __ ] someone trying to create a sympathetic point of view towards homophobic [ __ ] by you know portraying it as like this innocent kid who gets bullied in school just for having a different opinion oh those SJW kids on a witch-hunt like this is not no I feel like I need some of those wholesome gay children's books to like cleanse my mind and soul right now this video is something that a lot of the people I grew up around and would be sympathetic towards this is the type of thing that some of the teachers would have blatantly agreed with and some of the students who maybe weren't sure about these issues would have been swayed by they would have been like yeah it sucks that this kid is going home and crying every day because it's so hard to be homophobic final take this video is an absolute insult to the gay kids who go through far worse because of people like this I'm just picturing so like bitter homophobic Christian mom typing this up like yeah this sounds like a child because I don't I'm not convinced yeah it's it's a feasible scenario I guess but I think it's far more likely that a bitter Christian mom wrote it the top comment is her friend was probably planning on coming out and freaked out and she felt that her friend wouldn't support her yeah that's exactly what it sounds like to me literally the only time you're like so what do you think about the LGBT is because you're about to come out or because you are out and you watch a hit on them it was my personal preference not to support it yeah personal preferences are for favorite flavors not human rights babe ignoring the fact that this is clearly fake her friend was probably gonna come out to her if she said yes cry me a river' homophobic anime girl this video is just someone complaining that they aren't accepted for not being accepting yeah there's there's just the tad hypocrisy there isn't there okay these comments are cheering me up seeing everyone else roasted that's nice it was like I committed some kind of sin thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself you kind of did oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] so excuse me well I fixed my bolt head thank you ever so much for watching friends and I will see you in another video next week my upload schedule I can feel like I can finally safely say that my upload schedule is back from the dead come suffer or have a great time with me you never know I never know I didn't know I was filming this video until like 10 minutes ago but here we are it's always an adventure remember to like and subscribe to my channel [Music]
Views: 1,244,445
Rating: 4.9014602 out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE, ÆONS, lgbt, pride month, reaction, commentary, gay
Id: jwzaaZxNPkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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