Talking about Sociopathy ft. Kitboga

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I watched it live. That guy has one of the most toxic chats i have ever seen on twitch. It makes me really grateful for our chat and community.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Smacksonice 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for providing the link! I watched a little bit of this after the regular stream. I commented that Kit got public therapy for free. :) Now I can watch more of it.

Edited to reflect this is not the whole interview??? PepeHands

Thanks, Amazon- errr Dreagin

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/EdnasSisMona 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dr. K seems cool, but he doesn't seem like a great listener tbh. He seems to kinda jump to a conclusion and stick to it.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/erakattack 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wow, the interviewer has his head up his ass. I can't imagine being interviewed with someone intent on twisting every single word I say. I get the sense he's a psychotherapist, and if he is, I feel deeply sorry for his patients.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/c3534l 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Interesting experiment, but not up for repeat in my opinion. The guy's questions were very leading and aggressive which he warned about so that's fine, but it didn't make for good entertainment in my opinion. I turned it off after a few minutes. He also seems to have completely the wrong idea about the audience's motivations for watching.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't know about the rest of his audience but I definitely don't watch Kitboga's videos because he's like a hunter or a predator, I've seen other scam baiters who their goal is to fuck with the scammers in some way that gets a negative emotion out them? Like they want to destroy them. And I didn't like them at all, that's specifically why I can watch Kitboga's videos, because all he does is waste their time and he's hilarious. I'm not even that interested in scam baiting and I've even thought of asking if he could make some videos where he's not scam baiting, I can tell he's not making the scammers on the other end suffer and when they get mad, it seems to me like it's just a matter of them trying to attack and control the scam victim, it's not that they're actually distressed, and that's why I watch his videos instead of the other ones. Because he's not hurting anyone, he's doing it in the least harmful/attacking/predator-like way I can imagine. That's why it's fun, videos where they do act like a spider trapping and eating the scammer aren't fun to me.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wow, that was really really interesting. The first few minutes I thought he was interrupting a lot but then I realised he actually was a kind of psychiatrist.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Static_Revenger 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is the first time I've seen him without his sunglasses

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/downwithsebster 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

This interview was so awesome. Def worth a watch!!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
I'm cool to talk about whatever yeah so what's it like to talk to evil people on the phone oh I think that I have become somewhat it would callous be the right word um I feel like Oh for three years huh yeah I've been doing it for three years also initially there were times where a scammer would say um I play a grandma character or I do all the characters I try to be like a grandfather and they would say something like I'm if you don't go to the store and buy me a gift card I will come to your house and shoot you and the first few times I heard that you don't know what to say and there's this moment of wow how could another person say this to it a human being and then I think the more that I've done it I just maybe I'm desensitized so you said that there's a moment where you and then you made a facial expression oh and so what what do you feel unless you in that moment I think for me it there's times where when I talk to them I feel searching for the right word you can feel shocked and wonder how could a human being say that to someone how could a person get to the point where they feel it's okay to threaten an 87 year old grandma for a gift card I guess that's what goes through my mind yeah so that's a little bit abstract right because like you're on the other end of the phone and they're telling you this but I don't hear anything personal right you're asking how could someone do it's like you're watching the news like you're not participating how could anyone do this to another human being which is a little bit strange like I would expect that if I was on the phone with someone and said I'm gonna come to your house and I'm gonna kill you even if I was pretending I would imagine that I felt like some kind of personal yeah remorse yeah yes kind of yeah and some of the a few of this gamers I've talked to you I I think they don't care at all they're they're okay with they want me to be afraid and they want me to sure to cry and capitulate and listen to whatever it is they want and I suppose that's the hardest part is where there are times that I know in order to keep wasting the scammers time in order to keep like doing what I do I have to play a character who is scared and sad and will take their abuse and sometimes that's really hard to what's hard about works work through well it's it's terrible you have you have someone yelling at an old man and someone who is like verbally abusing you and and trying to manipulate someone to give them money and you have to act like this is okay I'm just gonna keep going along with it and and I think I'm fine with it because I know that I'm educating people about the scams I'm wasting the guy's time at the end of the day I typically also something that we've been doing lately is I'll like by the Google Play card that they want and I my background is in software dev so I coded a fake Google store and I've redeemed the Google Play card and then they get really really mad at me so I know in the back of my mind that there's gonna be some how do you feel when they get mad at you there yeah I admittedly there is a little bit of like a I don't know justice is the right word because it's now really justice but don't ask me that question um I don't know I don't know what it is but it's there's something satisfying about saying well you thought that you could control the situation and manipulate an 87 year old man but actually we were controlling the situation for the past five hours and and you just got scammed it's like we've we flipped the table and kind of got back at the scammers in a small way I guess can I ask you so you were saying earlier that you become callous over time do you feel a whole lot of empathy like in general yeah or I think in general I'm I hate I don't like making statements like this but I feel as though I have empathy and I don't like staying that because I don't like coming I don't want to come across like oh yeah I'm great arrived I'm a really nice person or something but I do think that I think about people and I very a lot of the times when I talk to scammers I Iram in the back of my mind this is just another person who you know is going through who knows what and I don't know the story that they got him here but yeah so kit let me let me ask you so those seem like thoughts right okay right so what I'm curious about is do you do you when you say when I ask you do you feel empathy your answer was sort of I think I do but I don't want to say yes because that seems arrogant or something yeah I just don't want to come I don't want to sound like I'm saying dude I'm the nicest person on the internet found the most humble person ever because obviously that's not the question I'm asking right I'm not asking if you're a nice guy or you are you concerned that maybe you come across as too nice or not nice enough I don't know okay yes I think that I met with empathetic I think I will answer it more straightforwardly sure you think you're empathetic what makes you think you're empathetic let me I get empathy and sympathy mixed up sure so to me so lit so so let's define me great great point right so sympathy is feeling kind of bad for someone empathy is feeling what they feel okay yeah I think that so say that again sympathy is that sympathy is feeling bad right so I'm over here and you're over there and and I feel bad for you and empathy is sort of I feel bad with you right so empathy is the capacity for one human being to like feel another's pain so like if I'm watching TV and someone gets hit in the nuts I feel a visceral pain within myself does that make sense like like putting yourself in someone's shoes yeah exactly so like for example when I see I would say that I'm that I am empathetic or I have yeah absolutely okay so I'm gonna toss out kind of an inflammatory hypothesis and I think that it you know I and please give me a chance to explain myself so as we become callous I think it like we sort of lose our capacity for empathy right and and you kind of like I'm just noticing that in your job or for lack of it I mean I'm you know in your stream which I'm just gonna call a job because I don't know what else to call it so like in your work okay so like water weight are you thinking that screaming is not a job no I it's just I was implying that like I don't know because you mentioned that you have a background in software development so I don't know if this is your job or not it is my job now just kidding we posit yeah so so in your work you've had to become callous and as a result of callous you sometimes feel less empathy right and you have a couple of like abstract statements and even when you talk about empathy you use the word to think a lot like it sounds like the the the manifestation of your empathy is something that I'd call cognitive empathy which is it sort of like an analysis of someone feeling bad as opposed to feeling bad yourself and like kind of like in essence capturing what they feel hmm right so interesting and and some of that actually relates to a term that is misunderstood which is sociopathy right so that's the inflammatory hypothesis so what I want to tell you myself that was bad it doesn't sound bad so I test very highly on the sociopathic scale just as a disclaimer and what that means it doesn't mean like sociopathy isn't bad in and of itself so psychiatrists tend to test very highly and part of testing highly on the scale is actually controlling or not feeling emotional or like having a lot of control over the amount of emotional empathy you feel so the part of what makes psychiatrists good at their job is that they don't actually when someone comes into my office and they feel super super depressed and I see people for like ten hours a day who are all depressed if I have in a big valve in terms of like the faucet of empathy is open I'm gonna get destroyed so psychiatrists trained themselves to actually like acquire some degree of like walls between them and another person and those when we think about the concept of sociopathy I'm not calling you sociopath because once again I'm saying I test highly on this I think that that when you talk about feeling callous that in some way is similar to like how sociopaths feel right because the interest if we think about a sociopath and you ask them like you know if you think about them like how do you know what kind of people are their callous people interesting I will say just for the sake of conversation I was specifically talking about just the scammers yep because like I have kids and there's time the other day my my youngest was really excited about something that was on the table and one of the older ones in a very evil way pushed push the youngest away and I cried just because my I was remembering my childhood and my my little ones face was just devastated it's like why could why did this happen to me and I cried because I was like like it was so many emotions whatever oh gosh I think this is a terrible thing - not terrible that's the wrong word but I very much don't I don't want my kids to get hurt I don't want them to have to go up against like to me what I saw and what does to go up against yeah so what I saw in the youngest of the boga clans eyes was just a complete unexpected you know I don't want to use the word malevolent but just use own just a tear yeah I'm the level and act like why would my betrayal yeah like why would my older sibling do this to me and I didn't like seeing that I've been betrayed and it's terrible and even though it was a small thing it was just one little thing well it was just you could say it was just getting knocked over right versus someone it's not like your spouse cheats on you or something yeah but for for my young kid that was probably maybe the first time or one of the first times that they've been betrayed and I yeah so all those thoughts and flooded into my mind anyway it was all that was to say I still think that I I don't feel like I'm callous in most situations another way I could describe it is um and sorry I talk a lot so if you can just stop me but um when I first started streaming but I still try to do this today but sometimes at the end when I would talk to a scammer after I said you know gotcha I I wasn't a gold right after all I'm just the normal guy wasting your time I would ask them why are you doing this do your parents know that you're doing this I would try to have a heart-to-heart conversation beautiful.i and I would I really wanted to somehow reach in to their life and and even if it was a 1% chance that they might think about it at night and and it would get them to change I would do that almost every time and it made some people really upset because they wanted me to just yell off the scammers and say look after you you know you suck but I really wanted to do it because I felt like there's mistakes I've made that people reached in and said hey you made a bad choice but you can be better like why can't I do that to a scammer why can't we do that for people that felt right but over time it's becoming harder and harder for me to do that maybe that's another way to to say I'm callous or like it's harder to still have that same hope oh yeah like these this guy can change or this girl can change because I've been doing it for for 3 years and you run across so many characters respond um most of the time there's probably three different responses one is this arrogant like scamming is awesome I make hundreds of million dollars of hundreds of millions of dollars a year and I have like 16 what do they call it they they're sleeping with girls all the time and their life is perfect and they always bring up the money thing like they make tons and tons of money which I just think there's a lot of evidence to say that's not true and sure but of course they want I think they want to feel special and they want to take away anything I'm saying and just say I love my life things are great so that's one probably the majority of this camera what do they even do with you on that level yeah I would probably half of them would wooden some of them would just hang up and say we're not scammers and they would just hang up you know and the other half would respond to me so I would say 50% just hanging up 25% would respond to me and say I love my life and then maybe 25% would get a little bit um you could tell that their voice changed a little bit and they would they would tell you something like well this is the only thing that I can do to feed my family or something like that and then it was an even less percent of people that would just tell you I'm a scammer I don't make any money but honestly I'm not sure what else to do and like get into a really really actual real conversation that's maybe like 2% or something and you say that your viewers don't like that well I think I think the community that I have now is fine when I do that I think there's just a especially when I first started and it was so new there were people there's a group of people that come in who I am this is my perception of it I talked a minute about how a minute ago about how there's a a nice feeling right of revenge or something yeah when when you get back at the scammers whatever it is and I think there's a lot of people who want to see that happen and then when I start sympathizing or empathizing or whatever and saying hey you're a person you can do better than this what do you tell your kid what do you tell your kids do you want your kids to have to do this is this the world that you want to create for the people start thinking wait a second like kit this guy doesn't deserve anything he's a he's a filthy filthy scammer who needs you know what do you want a comments what do you take away from them okay by humanizing the person you're talking to what do I take away from chat or what are we having from I think to some for some people I'm not saying the majority I'm not saying the majority I think there are some people that hmm maybe it's harder for them to hate that person or harder for them to feel as though they I don't know what the right word is you haven't thought about this before cuz you give myself a very important right what is that feeling the revenge feeling or the yeah I think that for some people you know their their family has been affected by scams sure maybe their grandma got scammed um and then Here I am saying this is just another person who could make better life choices and deserves a second chance and I don't think so doesn't say what I hear that when your mom just got scammed yeah you know oddly enough kid I be I mean I don't have any data to support this but I'd be surprised if most people who watch what you do resonate with you because they have been victims of some kind of scamming or someone they they know has been victimized I think what you're talking about is a feeling of righteousness right it's like just like yeah there's people who like let that uncomfortable for me to accept this but there are people who've said that yeah like they've called it justice porn yeah absolutely and it puts me in kind of a weird situation or has put me in a weird situation at times because while yes I think that it's important to waste their time and to keep people about these scammers and and I don't ever want to say that it is acceptable for them to do what they're doing I do genuinely believe that every person has value and that everyone should be treated that way and sure I think that if most people thought about it they would say well yeah that's like that's the way our justice system works right if people if you get in trouble you're still treated as though you have some sort of I mean I could be wrong but some sort of something that you might be able to bring to the world so you have a defense against you and it's all these different things but we had a couple of things that if I can just jump in for a second one is I want to explain a little bit more about what I meant and ask you a couple of questions about callousness and sociopathy because I want to just clarify that I didn't mean to imply that I think you're a sociopath it's what I what I really meant to understand is I think that so this is a big problem with with the idea of sociopathy is we kind of label people as sociopaths are not sociopaths I don't think it's binary like I look I'll be a little bit more transparent so when I was talking about psychiatrists I think that callousness and essentially sociopathy is is a function of the mind that can be grown and adaptive in certain circumstances right into a certain degree like like all physicians have to learn how to deal with death and like deal with it in a very neutral way in order to do their job and it doesn't surprise me at all because I actually have the same experience that you have with your kids which is a whole years ago I used to be very very emotionally like level and not many things would upset me or bother me I could watch like movies and stuff with gore and and all kinds of bad things happen go yeah people it didn't bother me at all in fact I was probably even a little bit like titillated or you know the extremity like watching an extreme emotion or extreme situation made me feel a little bit more because most of my experience of life was like just me being dead in the inside yeah and but after having kids and also I think after sort of starting to practice psychiatry I found that I more walls up for my emotions with people and then there was some amount of like emotional build-up that would happen with people which then would start pouring out in other situations and especially like with my kids and stuff so like I find myself getting teary eyed and stuff at all kinds of random and so I think it is I'm kind of curious about sort of talking a little bit more with you about you know being closed off in calais in one situation and being open and feeling in another situation I'd also be a little bit curious you said that you know you said something about being betrayed and when you saw you know like one child it's not so much of your kid was malevolent although like there was some malevolence in there right so there's a little pretty young yeah sure I don't know if they intentionally tried to this is a very big difference sure absolutely so but there was something about that picture that feels malevolent even if it's not you know one of your kids being malevolent maybe the other kid doesn't have a perception of malevolence but there's you know level and somewhere in there right maybe between the lines and so you said it reminded you of something that happened to you I'm very curious about that and part of the reason that I'm curious about that is I'm curious why you do what you do um I don't think I do what I do because of the probably biggest betrayal thing that comes to mind so it would probably be two very tips tricks but I'm happy to talk about either or both and then the last kind of thing that I want to talk to you about is do you think your job is fun yeah yeah for the most part what's fun about it very much enjoy it um I like that every day is a different like story are different I don't know what to expect every day and novelty yeah you know I I think occasionally some P and I totally understand this for for some people you once you've seen a couple of my streams and you've seen that there's probably five or six different main scam just let's say and after you've just seen let's say I'll say a dozen whatever it is you could go alright well I kind of know what's gonna happen now like I know I have a general understanding of the way the scams work and I think some people are like oh he just does the same thing every day but for me it's it's always a different person I'm talking to you on the phone sure I try to play a different character we do a lot of weird different things and I like that I also really like um I like making people laugh and I I think that to some degree there has been a sense of I don't know if I want to say purpose but it feels like I'm I'm providing for my family I'm doing something that I enjoy and believe in I'm educating people I'm able to help people laugh and and learn about things and I feel like it meets a lot of yeah that checks a lot of things off the list so I'm very grateful for that very grateful for that I'm curious do you feel like a predator no I I don't think so you mean then I talking to this cameras yeah yeah people have asked me before like yeah do I feel like I'm I don't know taking advantage some people have said that I I am taking advantage of them and like I don't know that you're taking advantage of them I don't think think so um do I feel like a predator I don't know if I bet anyone's asked me that particular question predator as in it makes me think of like a lion or something like I'm stalking them and so I wasn't thinking so much lion I was thinking spider okay like trying to trap them and um Chad says confirmed sociopathic predator and this is what I mean by challenging is this okay that I'm asking you these things oh I don't care okay yeah no this is interesting I I really like to think I really like to think about stuff so um yeah I don't I think that I have ever thought of myself as a predator or like I was doing something wrong I did have some serious conversations with a friend of mine who's also just likes to think in the very beginning so three years ago let's say is what you know is what I'm doing wrong let's say like that was sort of the topic what am i you know am I so you would if we're straightforward about it I lie on the phone every day right I talked to this gamer and I pretend to be an 87 year old man or whatever it is for five hours or whatever I lie and at first there were times where I would think oh gosh I mean a pretty big I think it's fairly important to fairly important is wrong I don't want it I think it's very important not to lie I think something that I I teach my kids and that everyone generally would would say to their children you don't tell your kid you know what a great thing to do son or daughter like lie that's that's great so that was something that was hard for me for awhile like it gosh I'm lying every day and the way I sort of justified it or the way that I thought through it with with one of my friends was that one I do typically tell them at the end I do not always but in the beginning I always at the end told them that I was actually me and I I sort of like stopped lying you know and explained the whole entire situation and part of that was a mental thing for me to say okay well I'm not lying anymore like no but then I also went in talking to my friend thought well maybe this is just I think there's a word for it so you might know um sort of like it I don't want to say for the greater good because I think that's like misquoted a lot but but that can I don't that kind of vibe but maybe that's the best oh I meant to say the ends justify the means I think that's misquoted a lot the the but further greater good you could kind of say yeah like okay so I lied to a scammer for a while so I could keep them on the phone and educate thousands of people about the scam I feel like there's a so what that I'm gonna ask you something okay so what it sounds like no no I'm just an ER I actually really appreciate that you talk a lot you shared a lot of thoughts and it really honestly it's it's it's really awesome so let me ask you something so right now what you're doing is essentially providing a lot of reasons why your behavior is good right yeah because I'm a predator so my protection okay so I was trying to say yeah I don't think I am and here's why but absolutely right so so so I didn't okay so maybe to clarify so I'll ask you again do you feel like a predator leader doing this but just so it's clear I didn't think that you were calling me a predator so I misspoke well get in there at some point um no I don't think that I mode predator I don't feel like I'm a predator okay I don't when you're talking to you Scambler do you feel like you're hunting hmm I've been hunting before it's not gosh you know maybe there's definitely times where I don't know if I'm supposed to say that but there's definitely times where it feels like I'm a few steps ahead of them and I know exactly what they're gonna do and I'm I'm laying my traps if you will or like I there's days where it feels like I what was the term I can play them like a fiddle and and it's like I hate maybe this comes across really weird but yeah it's like I can do whatever I want I can have them sing songs I can have them yeah you can so you can really just so you're a person troll now who can control other people you can play them like a fiddle well I've only experienced that with the scammers absolutely right so so these are your words right there there are moments where you can feel like you can play them like a fiddle and we're talking about yet so I would say the concept is or at least as I've before we're going to jump in I want you to ask I want to ask you what are you feeling when I say that it's like kind of an inflammatory and almost like an attack I feel uncomfortable yeah yeah I feel like I shouldn't be saying it because I deserve let's talk about why just you know maybe it feels wrong it feels like a bad like oh yeah I can control people like it feels like that her like a bad guy in a movie would be things yeah yeah I can control people you know kit who else can control can control people there's a lot of jokes but I want to say but uh you know so I can do that so a lot of times you know on stream I'm capable of bringing people in a particular way and I I choose to use my power for good instead of evil but like I'm I can I mean so I have a skill to essentially like shape the behavior and perceptions of other human beings that's what a small actress does yeah and and I think the more you especially the more you you know how people think and the more that you experience that I'm sure you can ask questions and lead people any which way and I think I'm I've experienced that with with the scammers because I know for the most part let's say 90% I know what they want I know how the scam works I know I know what's driving them I'd I've learned all of these things and so you can use it you could say against them to waste their time and do whatever it is you want and so I would say the same thing I've used it in a way I viewed it for good rather than - absolutely so that's unclear about this okay so I'm glad that you're saying that because I'm under stand that you feel uncomfortable cuz I think what you're doing so I'm just gonna ask you is it fun and your answers were there's novelty there's humor there's purpose I support my family those are all positive things right and and so it is it so so when I ask you is it fun your answer is involved like yeah it's something new every day you know I support my family it's funny there's like humor to it and and I think there's also like this undercurrent of like I think why people watch us because they're watching a hunter right like I I think I think that just because you're trying to like I think it's very I think your moral approach is doubly important because there's an underbelly to this that is not positive so I think that you're a good person because you don't give in to those feelings of righteousness and you try to go the extra step actually help people but I think there's absolutely some amount of you know satisfaction from playing people like a fiddle because that's how human beings work right the other thing if we think about it the more I'm asking you about the stuff and more uncomfortable I make you feel the more and it's I mean I apologize for doing this but I'm kind of doing it on purpose I'm sort of manipulating you even now right sure so I'm like as the discomfort comes up you say more and more positive things like you're like you know I'm trying to help people and I think that's how you've dealt you've reconciled your own internal conflict because I think there's a there's a part of you that is like darkness on the inside right because we all have that sure yeah yeah and I think there's been plenty of times where if you think to yourself oh gosh am I like is this well not as much more but when I first started like is this at the cool like am I like am i doing something wrong here yeah use like it's good but I I had to work through that quite a bit because I think there's so that what I think is really respectable about what you do and I think what makes you a good person is that struggle so like I want to kind of try to be clients panics I guess have yeah so so I think we have the perception that good people don't have bad pieces right when I asked you is this fun you're like yeah I do it because I'm trying to help people I'm trying to like educate people about scamming this is good about what I do this is good about what I do this is good right what about it this is good at work yeah I think part of that um is because there are things that are not fun so I never I I think I was starting to say well here's the reasons why it what isn't here's the times where I feel like it's fun but there's other times where it's it's not fun and I also think in general yeah there's probably some fun whether it's a dark way or whatever you want to call it when you're in control of the situation you can get them to sing Britney Spears or whatever it is yeah how does that feel like that yeah good I don't know I suppose it's because I again I still think it's because there's value in it like I see it as I'm keeping them on the phone why can't you let why can't why do you have to see value in it right why is otherwise it just feels like I'm manipulating a human being and that doesn't feel right yeah so but do you see what your mind is doing there's the feeling of manipulating a human being and then the rationalization comes in and says let's balance them let's balance that's what you're always telling me like here's the way I balance it here's the way I balance it here's the way I balance oh yeah and and oddly enough that makes you feel like an evil person but that's actually what makes you a good person because a good person is not someone who lacks negative feelings a good person is one who strives to balance like that sense of like because you're you're a [ __ ] predator man right like that's what you do like do you agree yeah I live manipulate evil people but you're absolutely a predator for evil people yeah right look let's be clear like people you war people into your trap and then you pounce which is what people are looking for they're looking for you to pounce and then what you do [ __ ] kit then you be nice to them and you try to help them and then it's like and then everyone who's watching like sees this like Snow Leopard to jump out of a tree and like grab a monkey and then starts giving it like an oil massage and they're like this is not what I signed up for yeah why isn't he tearing them their limbs apart and feeding it to his children yeah absolutely that's a good description there certainly have been times where especially when I come up against someone who just feels completely I think there's been a few times specifically that I have met maybe a sociopath which I believe is someone who lacks empathy sure yeah it's the one way of yes yeah yeah or there have been people who just do not care at all about any persons feeling whatsoever and that has been weird and uncomfortable to come up against and so with those people there have been times where I'm thinking I don't I don't know if I can have a serious conversation with this person and tell them what they're doing is wrong you need to stop and so I'll pounce and set the trap or whatever you want to call it or I'll just end the call and I'll leave them thinking gosh I ruined it I could have scammed this person and I'll just I'll just end it because that's thinking I can't I would rather so here's another on that line of thought there have been times where I've revealed to them I call it revealing like yeah taking my mask off which by the way like licking can we just for a minute comment on the fact that you actually like me we're like you literally become about it right like your identity you see you wear something and then you go out for the greater good and and you you know it's the world that makes you put the mask on right like the world calls you to do this because some people are being like scam like yeah absolutely yeah yeah I feel like that's really humbling I don't know how to take compliments very well because I I just feel like a normal guy but but yeah I appreciate that that's what that's he's so extraordinary well thanks anyway what we're talking about Oh so there's times where I I do appreciate that I don't want that to come across whatever it's just hard for me to that's a whole their topic I suppose that's a whole other because I I think the simplest answer is I think that I'm just a Everidge person who I you know I think I'm a maybe at the root of it is like what I was saying before I think everyone is everyone has value everyone has things that they can do that are that are good and how did you Murray and I how did I learn what the value thing or yeah how did you like so it seems like you really do have a central belief that you I don't even know if you I think you you convince yourself of that right like that's a conclusion they probably and and and you kind of worked to that and at some point you almost chose to set that yes north on your compass yeah I think there's times where you look at this is all I haven't answered a lot of these questions before it's kind of fun to think about but I think to some degree when you look at I come across some evil people and you could say the world is terrible why should I have kids why should anybody do anything why would like gosh it's just this terrible evil place is full of heartache and misery or whatever like you could you could have those thoughts or you could say I guess there was a moment where I said like no I just refused to believe that that had to be acceptable and I said if there are people who can be evil there has to be and I'm not trying to say anything special about myself I just think there was a everyone makes a choice every single day and says am I gonna do something that's a little bit good or a little bit bad and it feels like why can't why can't we choose to do better why can't we be good and I want that for my kids in my family and I want there to be good let me ask something and why was it so emotional for you when one of your kids knocked off the thing for the other kid probably because they saw bad what is that evil I think it was a silly moment to some degree because I don't well try think about it describe it to me it was one of the first times where I watched the whole thing take take place where I saw something bad or malevolent or whatever I mean they're young so it was one of the first times that they just saw evil and there was this look on their face if I don't understand why this happened and I wonder if I wonder if the reason it struck you is because in that moment you saw your younger child start to formulate a world where this struggle that you talked about was not true and what I'm sorry this is gonna be really abstract but you know so this is what I'm hearing from you you kind of talk about people making a choice right you're saying that all human beings have value and and that sort of presupposes like and that everyday like you have a struggle and you have to make a choice to be like a good person or a bad person and so like that I think is like absolutely what I've been trying to point out to you about your own psychological process is that it's lopsided towards positivity because I think you know that there is a negative person inside you right there's the hundred think that I could do terrible evil things absolutely and it isn't because you recognize that beast what is within you that's why you recognize that people have value so like it's not that people have in very inherent value it's that they have the hope for value right that any person can be turned around because if if it is hopeless for others then what does that mean for your own internal beast do you think that there is a reason why certain people get concerned with certain philosophical questions like you all of your abstractness has to do with like this axis of good and evil of like value in forgiveness and can someone be bad and can we forgive them or should they be you know should we crucify them and just like Pinos there is there is there forgiveness or is there like righteous justice about putting them in the race and in my sense is that all of your abstractions and and now like so I conclusions that are really really unfair because I like it's like a snap judgment right so the reason this isn't really a conclusion it's really like a hypothesis for you to think about is it okay if I share like my hypothesis about a couple of things and just a company comes over I might disagree so yeah absolutely you're completely and and and you're you're gonna be the judge of whether this is right or wrong it's not my place to make a conclusion like you're the one who knows right so I'm gonna share this with you and then I'd love to hear your reflections about like whether I'm way off base or it resonates so the first is like you know I I think what I think you are a good person I don't think you're a sociopath but I think that you do have this part of you that like we all have and this is the problem is like people don't get this and this is why I'm harping on this is because people feel like bad people because they have bad feelings and by bad feelings I don't mean anger and depression I mean like you know schadenfreude means so schadenfreude is a german word that involves getting pleasure out of the suffering for from of others expelling the b c and h oh i said i speak a little bit yeah so the you know i think it's interesting because like like human beings have that right like when we watch about like if you look at like some you know some subreddits right like there's a lot of there's a lot of satisfaction over like watching the idiocy of others and i don't know how that is but I think it's wired into us because human beings just that's like a you know it's not like a cultural thing it's like you can take human beings from all over the world and they're gonna get satisfaction out of watching someone else like [ __ ] off in some way and then I think we also have parts of us that that are I mean some of us are hunters right and I think that like just because you feel let that degree of satisfaction I think it's part of the reason that people watch what you do because there's a certain like righteous satisfaction out of being able to like you know dhamaal or someone who's like an evil person and so we have these parts of us that we generally view as like dark or negative right like the capacity to hunt the capacity to like take advantage of someone the capacity to manipulate someone and and goodness or badness doesn't come from having those thoughts so like for example people with OCD sometimes people have obsessional thoughts that are negative yeah they like walk around and like they have OCD which means their mind like thinks about killing other people and then this person feels bad because they're like I don't want to have these thoughts but our mind doesn't we don't control what our mind thinks up right like that's but we we blame ourselves for the thoughts that our mind gives us and for someone who has anxiety they're like I want to just be able to interact with normal human beings at a party but instead instead my mind is like oh you're a dumbass shut up right you look like an idiot no one here likes you like that's that doesn't that doesn't mean we're actually bad people thinking negative thoughts doesn't make us bad people doesn't make it true our thoughts are not true you know what I think is actually an I would agree with that yeah yeah so what I think where goodness comes from is not about what your internal impulse not about what your internal impulses are but about the way that you act and form them like the way that you act on them in the life that you want for yourself right so I think that's part of the thought of okay why I said well you have a choice every day like you perhaps so this is where it's exactly so I think your worldview comes from this struggle that you have within yourself right because let me ask you just go ahead kiddo if you became a scammer how successful do you think you would be I choose not to answer the question absolutely that's good I don't need I feel like with everything that I have learned that I could be very successful iver good and I think think that I don't think that I could ever actually do it though I feel like I would it would be it would throw away all of my morality and everything that I absolutely so when you say answer your question I couldn't actually do any medicines let's be clear about definitions you're capable of doing it you choose not to and that's where good yes comes fun sure right yeah that's yeah it's very interesting I think that that's yeah I think that I would agree with what you're saying that and that's why I say that idea of now though where we get value from what all that stuff I still don't fully understand I think if I can try to summarize it is well every day you can choose to do something that is going to make things worse and bad and evil for you or those around you or you can choose to do things that are good for you and your family and those around you and that gives that brings value maybe yeah so I would change actually I'm that might be sort of my weird thought yeah so so now I think we get to maybe what we talk about next time which is where does this come from right and I think that like like in your case I'd be really really curious about you know what your upbringing was like who took advantage of you and whether on some level you're trying because like you know from a Freudian level what we kind of say is like some people have daddy issues like right so what we mean by that is like like oftentimes or you know some women especially will have a particular relationship of where their father like didn't treat them with respect and then that translates in some way into their like current romantic relationships the point here is that something about your upbringing in the past shapes the way that you live your life today and that's kind of like a psychological Freudian like kind of a negative cast to it I think that's the same side that's a different side of the coin but is essentially the same coin is what Mahatma Gandhi said which is be the change that you want to see in the world yeah I absolutely agree with that statement
Channel: HealthyGamerGG
Views: 177,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mental health, drk, dr kanojia, healthygamergg, healthy gamer gg, twitch, psychiatrist, sociopath, sociopathy, twitch streamer, kitboga, kitboga interview, kitboga twitch streamer, kitboga scammer, scammer, scam, scams, prank call
Id: Hv-gxF7qoOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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