Tainted Forgotten Madness!

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what is up everybody my name is suts and welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance i wanted to do a fun run today that means tainted characters tainted forgotten dead weight is the description there so this is what's going on we have a free moving ghost form that does not shoot we cannot switch between the two of them if you remember how the original forgotten works we pick up our pile of bones and then we throw it and that is how we do damage but also the throne bone pile can still swing but our hitbox is on the ghost oh you can already tell this is pretty wacky but it does tons of damage and we can block certain areas off like that i could have just sat in here it wouldn't have been able to get to me i could just hit it with the bone pile there any ways to cheese like spikes i don't think so beggars no so very unique very difficult honestly but you can see the damage output is uh very significant so if we play it right we should be able to crush the game widow what do you got nothing i don't know like sometimes is it better to to leave the bone pile where it is and try to make traps like i was saying or pick it up again and throw it like right now it's not doing anything here we go gonna get him get him easy only soul hearts for health i think so we're kind of like blue baby in that regard there's a lot of things going on marbles not my favorite item i like how i'm hoisting up the forgotten who's then hoisting up the item child leash it's very good but not useful right now bloody penny also very good if we had dark bum i'm gonna go with demon stale here has a chance of dropping extra blackhearts it's a little bit more convoluted than that but that's the gist we did fight dogma with this character so i'm thinking we're going to take this either to mother or we're going to take it to chess darkroom we've been really uh not going to the darkroom very much and i wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that we've been unlocking a lot of angel items we've had really good angel items oh god i why why why me i don't think fire rate's a thing i gotta know [Music] [Laughter] no no we we need to restart we need to restart right now but maybe oh filigree feather the only one no no no we need to be able to one-shot people when i walk in the room i think this is unacceptable why am i still going why haven't i restarted what's wrong with me what's in here is this the top secret room you all wanted to know what happened don't even lie to me i can't even one shot now you guys i'm actually restarting that would have been the most maddening run ever but now we know it's absolute trash what huh it's maybe you could have gotten libra on the next floor i've been dead before the next floor you idiot i couldn't even kill a spider a spider i'm trying to like be more cheery and stuff i find that my mood when i'm recording just goes up and down and i feel like i've been at like a kind of a lull a low point for energy enjoying friends yeah actually yeah okay that's dope i mean it would have been pretty okay attached to my ghostly body too because in like spiders i can't like defend myself it could have helped me out but this is fine drop it in and let it do its thing maybe i'll sit next to it so they come to me but anyways i'm at a lull i think it's probably best for my own sanity to stop challenging myself so much don't create a run in which i'm going to rage let's just go for some good fun runs how about that what do you got boom for soul heart 9 volts always a good play though i guess we're getting 9 volt ram it right into my skull please you mean a ram what where hey look at this double dude did you hear my dirty joke my doctor recommended uh cutting out all sources of stress i'm getting older i have to worry about things like high blood pressure my hair falling out you know all these things so i'm just going to go ahead and just kind of find my zen space and cut out all the negativity orbital um are you going to stick an orbital on my my bony boy it's probably going to go in the bony boy i got to remember that i'm not the lost because i honestly i feel like the loss is sometimes easier than like a blue baby because you technically get infinite hits as long as it's only once per room this one you take one hit per rum you're gonna be dead pretty quick ball's on my bony boy nod leaf when going all path i'm not sure if that's the right play or not do you think there's some sort of way that i could throw my bone into one of the items as my ghost touches the other do like kind of a jacob and esau chidi hack thing i bet you there is i bet you there is a way that i could somehow cheese that also speaking of cheesing things you throw myself directly into the curse room without taking any damage at all and right back out so if i throw myself into that a i think well i think the spikes wouldn't do damage but i think the demon beggar would still take it from me okay i definitely want the one on the left i'm gonna go we only got the apple but what would piercing do really anyways right maybe taking the knock back away from the bone would have been fine god that's powerful i got the pow up the weap flap euthanasia just it is procking on my bone hits and what do you got rainmaker more like gonna die oh you know what if i don't swing at them i don't knock him away and uh he just absorbs my balls hey let's go for spun are we thinking angel rooms i'm thinking angel rooms you guys how detrimental would that be if i took a deal with the devil right now i just i have to do it angel is the way [Music] i would like to have that rip is it just me or do you just not get drops is it just me or is my voice like a lot lower right now first video of the day voice is low i don't know why this happens first rooms are great let's get that item that gives me multiple curse rooms into the item room we go i don't want the d4 i'm gonna pass thanks mom's wig um looks dynamite um maybe i don't know it only like it's supposed to only shoot spiders while i'm shooting right and if i'm most the time not shooting anything at all we'll see we'll see if we get any spiders spiders are good by the way 2.5 times your damage oh let's not forget too that we can actually hide behind the bones and it blocks shots oh i'm not gonna go get that sorry bud wormwood can do what if i just sit here like i said just use it as a maybe a shield i could i could park it right in the middle of the room he got me i tried to get him on oh i forgot i forgot the second phase already too busy thinking about ways to spank them there we go yeah a health upgrade regen is not going to do anything no angel room that was weird i'm a ghost holding up a ghost who has a sack as a chin he's all happy about it too he's got that upskirt ghost action all right what am i holding now just the bone oh we're back it's weird that the bone pile is a floating ghost but yet it's still affected by gravity one makes me larger larger is actually good for the bone boy it makes his swing bigger very good pill this is peak one makes you larger time one more penny and uh we can go into the shop one more penny thanks bucket boy i'm gonna pop my devil i'm not gonna risk this i can stop putting my bone pile in a spot where i can't get to it again got em for what two keys sometimes you just gotta think about the fact that that is now out of the boss pool i can't get that again positivity what is this new positive huts that's not what they wanted oh come on i mean great i can now save my money for the next shop mines let's do it i gotta say you guys this one's super weird but it is i have a lot of fun with it at least some of these challenges are very unique and creative but almost in a tedious way like tainted cane i'll have to show you guys tainted cane at some point in time if you haven't seen it over on huts too oh that guy's invisible invisibly dead oh yeah park them on the tracks idiot okay hide behind my body oh okay i'll make him come to me they can come to me here he comes draw him in um pay to play it was practically free you can use money as keys now for doors at least the shell very very interesting boss can i pick that up my bone boy picked it up so i gotta throw my bone boy into the bomb who then picks it up and then could throw the bomb really maybe i can pick it up as a ghost there we go he's smarter than the bombs huts and you're dead angel room we got it we did it we did the thing what do you got talking up the angel room let me get this another orbital for my bone yeah oh no that's not an orbital that's the one that shoots sacred heart shots we can work with it that's a good spot let's just let's just kite them right around the bones cut them around the bones oh good that's you're a genius my one weakness i really want to see what happens when we get things like like doctor fetus i want this to get real wild oh you son of a you son of a dog you biscuit eating flabber jack i mean it's better to have it now than never that's enigma bombs i think that's random bomb upgrade per bomb drop we don't have very many bombs i'm gonna go rando that's just not something that i'm going to be using today if i'm holding my bones then the ghost actually gets the orbitals like that's a play this guy has no idea what to do idiot hills no [ __ ] that's fine i throw them faster you think let's save bombs for the angel statues at this point interims are more superior than you know what i'm getting at bogo bombs too but angel rooms better use of bombs and cigarettes at this point it's like bone on bone action right now i win uh i'm gonna say no to the but i don't know though blood puppy could be pretty okay the passive damage that he would deal hell i'm gonna do it what a cute little thing he's not very smart though he got stuck in that stupid mushroom look at how happy he is here i am like let's not do things that stress me out and then i take blood puppy you guys have no idea what blood puppy does you just wait you just wait it's like he follows my bone pile which once again not ideal i want him to protect my soul a blood puppy attacks enemies for me right and like gemini okay i don't know how the the bone flies i think are like like 10 times too difficult just godly they are just godly blood puppies he just ate that guy but after blood puppy has eaten enough enemies blood puppy has some issues a pile fine can you reach him can you reach him blood puppy is going nuts okay it's nice when then they pop up underneath you i just love that this is like one of my favorite things in the world and yeah that when i throw my bones into the incoming bones that were coming at me and it blocked every one of them except for the one that went through and hit me in the face also just like it's like a top-notch thing complaining no no i actually i just i'm telling you that i really like it i'm not stressed out nope nope nope nope nope happy hut that is a size down you know what i'm actually gonna say no to that i can comfortably say no to that size down what is that panic button i think it's like when we take damage we automatically activate our active item assuming it's fully charged panic button if your active item is fully charged when you take damage it will automatically activate that's basically what i said sounds like the absolute worst trinket right now i feel like that'd be bustable it totally would be if you had panic button plus satanic bible and it was fully charged you could just like walk over spikes you could play demon beggars oh man think about the the opportunity with that trinket i got flight so i think it makes a lot of sense to get the the knife piece got it no charge run go i mean like mom doesn't ever charge me i can do it you got smoked oh man our plan right now is to go chest because we're weak if we get stronger then i'm totally down for dark room we're gonna need those four free items though i mean imagine trying to take a deal with the devil right now i mean is that that's what you get you get four deals of the devil or four deal with the double pedestals on the dark room now i think i'll take my free items find them up baby climb them up oh you dropped bombs in your bone pile you big dumb stupid stupid stupid stupid oh god i gonna take it where does it go it goes on my bone pile once again i can use that to my advantage bob's brain has been buffed as well it does a lot more damage better against bosses oh god there we go get rid of it if you guys are looking at my post-it note right now right now we're going to the chest right the dark areas on the post-it notes are like un unlock sections i think i think the section in the bottom left is boss russian hush and then the big chunk in the middle is defeating isaac blue baby satan and the lamb that gives one completion mark i think one unlock i mean what do i do what do i do what do i do blood poppy get them i hit the chest and the chest teleported me this is also just not the big play oh you know we can't get the uh the key piece if i have filigree feather okay okay you know what i'm gonna risk it for the biscuit here and i'm gonna try to get the key piece first probably not even going to have a chance to use filigree feather after that oh well a mega oh blood puppy ah blood puppy bad no stop it there we go he's back i'm cute again all right okay key piece locked in let's not forget we have this yara and i think it's best served on the chest to get four more items i love doing that last shop i like the hell and you know what multiple room for more cards and runes i think since they made blank card not work for runes it'd be really interesting if they made starter deck not work for ruins either there was a new unlock right that was like starter deck or like mom's baggie of pills it turns everything into runes that would be nuts that'd be awesome on fight probably just park this by one of the doors you think makes sense to me i'm just gonna wait maybe this is dumb is this dumb this might be dumb no it's not it's not dumb oh i got hit by my own bob's brain and that's the angel that we just freaking we're in now we go we go for pills no we can't get pills we get cards it'd still be a big play fool hanged man chariot okay earth rooms are a must no no no more shops you pay them in i could blow him up though for a higher angel devil sorry bud i got filigree feather um i don't know if i get angel devil for blowing up this guy especially after i killed the beggar already get some spiders and stuff whatever did not give me anything more but i did get a second eternal heart theratoma interesting yeah let's just tie them around the middle here base camp boom deal with the devil what game's like that's a nice filigree feather you have there be shame if you got to deal with the devil that's spun though hey and honestly the speed is good for dodging herds sweet devil roam you need work man that's going to hurt my angel chance this floor too bang dang dang dang teleport me oh come on the game totally knows that i have a freaking filigree feather you do sure nine percent chance are you kidding me nine percent over 25 oh god damn a blood puppy why are you like this like what i blacked out for a second damn it get your ass over here bud it lives kill those lasers first but oh yeah and go hide behind the the body blocks the shots yes oh come on with that laser no angel positive positive look at this bright light that i'm gonna uh i got we're doing fine we're doing fine curse of the blind it's fine there's no items in this floor you don't expect any items two soul hearts look at that you know what i'm gonna let you do your thing you break those pots you little pot smasher never mind blood puppy's gonna eat your ass and probably your whole body too devil lovers sweet oh that's nice oh that's not nice blood puppy's mad again blood puppy we talked about this there we go isaac fight and the light beams this is gonna be the most difficult part here well done everyone well done aren't we happy that we saved [Music] the cutscene are we happy we saved the yara i am let's use it yeah buddy okay very very interesting so far man bff would have been the way to go okay i might oh i might just d the whole thing this gives me health which is pretty good better active item i suppose oh this is the better active uh and now use it point we have infinite possibilities here ghost pepper is good but it's just not gonna proc enough all right with this decharged and another one yeah good i'm just happy that the game is trying point gua bomb kind of like a a passive boomerang bam slam fight him around bam bob's brain got him double cage difficult room get him get him get him spank him smack him how did how do the freaking ground things just find you i think ed wants us to believe that the ground spikes are just random but they ain't my d is charged i'm very excited seven more items bam i'm not d100 i'm not doing it i did want to see some really cool combinations though and i'm not very impressed with what we have so far damn it i know that the fat odd is like a damage upgrade it's underwhelming though i'm gonna still take it let's oh why am i taking it i'm d100 d100 freaking go god dang it damaged 7.2 oh jacob's ladder ooh sacked egg why is blood puppy still here you cannot cure me [ __ ] though [ __ ] blood puppy what do we send victor this is just good this is definitely good because it orbits around my bone pile that i throw this probably does nothing this is good and i'll probably end up d100 again okay good talk look at the zaps though okay the eyesore does actually work we're shooting our bones in multiple directions that came off a lot dirtier than i expected i think this is an improvement blood puppy just cool it buddy watch me d100 back into soy milk more items it hurts taking damage causes isaac to fire a circle of 10 tiers around him each dealing 10 damage after taking damage you also get a 1.2 tiers up for the rest of the current room yeah this seems pretty saucy it's not very unique though balls of steel nice and even here we go there's the soy milk whoa we don't have it we do have the shields which is super cool but it's shielding the thing that doesn't ever take damage which is kind of funny our damage is 193. we don't have soy milk we have almond milk what happens if we get soy milk plus almond milk nothing nothing happens that's the most anime thing i've ever seen in my life that was kidney stone i think that was kidney stone oh god he's doing it again what is going on right now i'm gonna pick him up soy milk him while i'm holding him go oh this is the dumbest thing i've ever seen okay once again get him to kidney stone i didn't mean to throw him i hit him over into the other side of the room i knocked him into a parallel dimension yeah this is so dumb this is so dumb i love it awesome the fact that i can pick him up while he's still doing it is awesome okay here we go here's the fight and fire the missiles oh i can't stop it feels so good and scene all right d100 let's let's get the hell out of there oh my god we got polyphemus plus i don't need a sacred heart okay we found it look at the size of my bone oh my god ginormous and we have quad shot and tech 5 that tech 5 is doing a ton of damage oh my god these throws oh my god we have infestation two so our spiders are doing two and a half times 37.06 which is 83.45 no i don't know the number give me the void hell i totally forgot you guys that down in the corner we can recall is that an item that gave me the recall ability it might be an item that gave me the recall ability because i don't remember seeing that before but i can press q and i can pull it back to myself detect five damage oh my god that five damage could carry us alone oh wow kazam yeah watch this throw the bone in the bottom tech five damage nothing but tech five damage right now yup got him please give me the void floor i'm gonna get all the unlocks yeah and delirium no we uh unlocked a golden battery okay so people were joking about a charged battery but uh i think we just actually unlocked the charged battery i honestly had a ton of fun and honestly thank god for kidney stone when we had soy milk almond milk could have been a run ender there but uh we pulled it out hope you guys had just as much fun as i had hit the like button leave a comment i want to know your thoughts on this what tainted character do you want to see me play next like i said thanks for watching thanks for being awesome and i will see you in the next video see you guys [Music] my bone shake brings all the boys to the [Music] yard
Channel: Hutts
Views: 395,826
Rating: 4.9590726 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: Qg5JCoONa2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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