Seeing Double - Repentance Challenge Run

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance let's jump back into the challenges i think a lot of these are from anti-birth and i'm pretty sure that seeing double is basically like the duplicate every single enemy challenge that we did already oh oh oh god what's happening this isn't good why is pin also in the upper left corner let's do it let's jump in jacob and esau i think yep both have 20 20. yep all right so every single enemy i believe is duplicated upon entering the room we've seen this before big upside though we are two characters who both have 20 20. so literally like four times the shots although 2020 has been nerfed significantly you guys uh is now a damage downgrade one of us has two six damage 206 and the other one has two eight one not the best not the best we have x-ray vision though i want to say somebody said something that like x-ray vision's been buffed and i can now see what the unknown pedestals are but i thought maybe that's also a trinket there's so much information flying around about this game i just don't know who to believe or if i should listen to any of it and to touch on that i've had a lot of people not a lot i've had a few people a vocal minority um talk about spoilers i know it's kind of a touchy subject and i know a lot of people want to explore the game for themselves but my career my job is to literally find the secrets as fast as possible and it's it's important for me to somehow announce that i'm doing that in the titles and in the thumbnails of the video i kind of feel like it is a thing that i just have to do right if i let's say that i just try to completely knock out spoilers and i just said cane run when in fact it was tainted kane and i took it to the super final boss beast well people that want to see the new content they're gonna be like well hux is just doing a cane run it just doesn't sound that good it doesn't jump out at you and like let's not forget you guys this is literally my job like this is how i pay my bills i'm gonna go into here i'm going to regret everything one bomb for two though and some money so the only thing that i have to offer is um if you really care that much about spoilers then you're you're gonna have to just either avoid oh it's a double pin it's double pin see on my mod it the the pins glitched together you remember that and then the whole thing broke anyways following a youtuber whose job depends on this is um just i guess something that you're gonna have to not do i don't want to tell you guys to like unfollow from me but a career suicide did not uh talk about important updates to the game and to let everybody know that i'm i'm doing that that i'm going for unlocks and i'm doing the new stuff anyways let's get back to it you guys walnut um what's the specific details in the walnut that's one of those ones that i'm just hazy about a walnut has a chance to break when taking damage from an explosion if it does it will drop a random trinket coin heart and key so it's basically like the box in a trinket this is not so bad this is not nearly as bad as the challenge that we were doing before uh it seems pretty easy of course it's going to get more difficult but of course we're only going to i think that's mom's heart it's a little bit hidden there in the stats but it looks to be mom's heart so i don't think this is going gonna be a bad challenge at all and dad's home plus when that would actually be like a really fun challenge that put into the game of course we can't just uh keep throwing ideas for new stuff for ed to do i mean he probably has to have an idea of like what he would even unlock in the first place i need some more keys dude oh freaking super secret tinted rock right there but anyways there's just a lot going on and i don't mean to just talk about the negative stuff uh there's a lot of positive stuff for example this game is freaking awesome i'm super oh god ai i need more bombs than a tinted rock of a double virus no we didn't get a single virus though who's going to be touching people more often you think they'll only give one of them the virus is kind of a joke isn't it hey this could be like a bomb pill right got speed up that's yep that's what i meant there's a library too oh god that could be really good with two people okay no bombs you can go to the shop though oh there's no item rooms that's the catch here so we definitely should go to the library hundo percent oh librario oh curse of the freaking blind what is it portables freaking slot grab the bomb protect our deal with the devil we can't see the deal with the devil so you know what we skip it we go angel easy super secret tinted rock first i think the double bomb should take care of it right yo jacob has less damage so i guess we'll buff him first three three three damage that's pretty good feeling pretty spicy let's get that deal with the devil oh wait no no books first telepathy for dumb dumbs and book of shadows be interesting to balance two different books on two different people uh you know what book of shadow should go with jacob because he can touch people with the virus i don't know if the virus actually drops black hearts anymore i think some things have been nerfed tears up wonderful that was white plus speckle i think i'm trying to be better you guys and remembering that was good though that was pretty good oh my god double turtlings got them fire some touch them use jacob as a shield to touch it's working like a freaking charm oh god it's good black hearts oh i don't have the thing anymore my bad also i should be using the telepathy for dummies i should have doubled up but uh we did it we did really really well you need the health probably you take that the belt the speed we share speed that's fine we skip that deal with the devil and we go angel i mean it would be silly if it was a krampus fight great it's probably not though i don't think you can even have krampus on the first floor i'll buy that key and i'm kind of tempted to just buy the item five bombs for 15 cents you know what it's not the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals get that money back maybe i want my money back money back mommy chili's money back ribs so we can also bomb into the curse room that was a good idea oh it's already open i got x-ray doi up his caller okay you're going for go up all in all i'm feeling pretty good keep rolling we're getting dps upgrades got a couple books aids one let's do it let's roll teleport me to my angel room he tried he didn't really even try though not really all right go touch people reach out and touch face faith why do i attempt to sing songs i don't know the lyrics of um i just got the world card [ __ ] up more pills there's my tears up here's up in the other character very nice and a health up this might be a super easy challenge but we gotta do it we gotta get the unlocks i'm not gonna not get the unlocks that hurts this has been like really simple so far you ain't no dad's home plus i've seen the worst of the worst of the worst do you think you can hurt me you can't hurt me more than i've hurt myself uh oh gotcha oh that last one didn't freaking ah damn let's try not blowing our angel chance please oh we're gonna blow our angel chants oh wow wow wow i think i can touch those those uh those nubs touch those nubs i can touch the nubs i think the virus doesn't give black hearts anymore we would have seen something by now rip the virus oh wow how do i dodge that room there goes my angel chance that there was no way the amount of tears on screen yeah right phd in the shop that's pretty good oh stopwatch i mean that's just a no-brainer i think stopwatch is back to everything slowed all the time like we don't get hit to activate that [ __ ] anymore um could we do that with one bomb to get that many i think so if i place it right here what do i run to though corner oh genius he's the smartest man alive all right dabbing in whoa hey whoa whoa whoa bombino that's a new okay i've never even seen this it's a double bombino double bombino fight have not seen this once what are we doing they're slamming on the ground with an extra hot bash [Applause] my nine percent chance ah this is tough what do i do that was crazy sauce dang crap that was madness are we to the point where you should just buff one of these one of us goodness gracious i think that honestly is the play just buff one first run in with bombino i think it's worth it to go get that stuff probably worth it to get that stuff i could try to bomb that stuff out i suppose i'm like this didn't exactly work the way i wanted it to there's even more stuff in there i'm gonna do it on pills not the best maybe with phd we should start buying pills range up was it worth it there we go very nice back to full baby how we doing so far um i mean for finding a really tough new boss we're doing okay we have no protection for our angel chance once again and there it goes excuse me excuse me we got damage on our bone heart it's fine okay what am i supposed to do with this oh be a boss that's what i'm supposed to do oh yo oh god it's not that hard sounded hard of a challenge this is pretty good it knocked that out in one bomb booyah yo damage and some money off the one okay another tricky room here these guys seems like they've been nerfed for speed all of them let's not split up though guys guys whoa that dodge probably paying my money the machine it's all hearts please come on come on now justice card maybe justice there's a soul heart and a temperance machine very interesting and a lighter chance to light people on fire i i feel like maybe all right angel chance angel room wretched kind of tough as long as they don't jump as much okay it seems like he's been nerfed as well unless the the wretched jumps at a different speed than the uh what's the normal one called i forgot i'm on the spot okay it's 72 percent chance for an angel when we didn't get it you gotta love to see it yep hundred next floor then is it worth it to try to get birthright right now the character who picks up the item gains copies of three of the other characters passives can we do another 20 20. getting a copy of like a guppy item wouldn't be that good phd wouldn't be that good damage upgrade would be good stopwatch wouldn't be good it seems like they nerfed stopwatch once again because i picked it up last time and it was always active now it's not always active i guess until they take damage so many updates flying around you guys it's like the the information coming out in the game you don't know how do i spoil a game that's constantly changing birthright could be cool but i'm gonna spend all my health in order to get it so we'll just wait to the next floor i need that angel room though we need something bigger and better to get us through the double damage womb floor please my health is not that high have mercy okay the shot speed on these guys too has also been nerfed what's going on or is the stopwatch like half active and people are like just not jumping at full speed i don't know hard to keep up like i said with all the stuff that's being changed it does seem like everything is really really slow right now but there's no uh like apparent effect yeah that was a pooter shot right there that was pretty slow okay that's why i'm sitting here saying shots have been nerfed since they're slower bosses are slower no no no we just don't have the music cranking right now to tell us that it's super slow yeah in the previous version they would put the slow icon above them too so it was a little bit more apparent but yep i regret this i regret this taking more damage i can't afford this damage didn't it rock no how am i taking damage right now on freaking stopwatch man this is pathetic just unsub oh [ __ ] the needles ah i don't even know where that came from you need that again you pathetic little poop oh do you have invincibility why aren't you using your active items what are you dumb i guess i could be using this one invincibility probably best saved for a boss though i don't know that's safe for your stupid face got em haha one key for two one key for that stuff i suppose as well shot speed up i pressed the wrong button i can use my invincibility on the machine why am i not doing that cause you're dumb your big purple brain oh we have phd with doubles our that doubles the uh amount that we get back on it too doubles the payout bro i'm pretty sure that they both get iframes too when i when i touch confirmed god the payouts cause every time we touch i get this feeling every time i kiss i swear i'm alive give me the blood bag please there's a lot of nickels though thank you thank you thank you dang the money okay watch this though line him up like that and then we'll get the iframes and we'll go in there for well we won't be able to get out though okay cancel that cancel that i don't want to give up like i've got a half a soul heart and one boneheart protecting my angel chance i need to focus on the flarpin angel man i want that pill though balls of steel could be a big yes for me dog yellow and orange pills good stuff that's also pretty good stuff yes yo box of trinkets that could be a big play since we don't get items we saw in the last challenge the power of the trinkets um dingleberry spawns two friendly dips upon clearing a room holy dip go get him holy dip oh my god he demolished him let's do it let's do that and then let's do that that's really thank you for that actually you know now that i think about it we should switch back because of the money play on the machine makes too much sense to combine phd with the book of shadows all right how about that angel though monstro 2 double monster 2 really not my favorite ah my favorite they're like in sync though you know i prefer backstreet but it's fine oh they're out of sync they went full backstreet oh god got one we're doing it angels moments away moments away from greatness i've got a golden key too you can't stop me because sometimes you get the angel rooms that have the stuff locked up yeah oh more good stuff too very nice and that is 100 angel chance from here on out which will give us two more angel rooms that will matter okay fine i suppose that's fine and golden key is good with these another golden key give me all the [ __ ] give me all that [ __ ] oh yo item it's not the best item but it's an item free blackheart oh i don't really need to bomb this guy now that i think about it we have eucharists too late send it more shops uh sure more shops and then the river greed makes it so there's no greed in it it's a pretty good combination that's a soul heart there that i almost missed two more soul hearts top secret room uh i got money yes yes yo at this point in time i think we can afford to lose half soul heart on uh the devil or the the curse room rather all right here's the deal you touch you go in genius what do you got more pills tears up press the wrong thing again holding control and then hitting spacebar to use a pill is just not something that i'd ever imagined that i'd have to do holding control and pressing space to use esau's item would make more sense to me that's what my brain thinks i'm supposed to do space bar is just active item whatever i can only be so salty we're doing really well and there's our blood bag esau that's all you esa more like esau right fortune telling machines are just great they're so good that's a new trinket short fused place bombs explode almost immediately with more shops yo that's pretty good you know what cracked crown's been severely nerfed if i put it on the other one how much does jacob get for crouch crown there's point one fire rate for esau that's pretty much it he gets point three damage point four five fire rate all right fine we'll take it we're definitely gonna get greed though in one of the fights so rip rip agreed that eucharist play though i'm excited about that we're powerful i'm feeling it chop is trash diamonds though okay control space yo i did it i'm not using my uh my trinket machine we should be doing that more smile sodas could be good but i got really good trinkets another fortune telling machine it's it's working man hey if it works oh my god oh my god yeah ooh oxy you don't have to make a noise every single time something happens it's really annoying these guys are the freaking yellow spiders there's so many ah imagine having low fire rate trying to fight one of those guys i'm taking damage and i have four shots coming out of my face our face [Music] necro two i'm ready that angel room give it to me now let's go it's not double mom rip challenge can i take this challenge back please it's broken i don't think it works negative i i guess it's good it gives me a damage upgrade and that angel room no let's go that's trash that's bad that's just like that's just not good that's not what we wanted that's a turns into a flamethrower i suppose i could use it instead of my book of shadows or my trinket that's probably what i'll end up doing i'll go like this and then i'll go like this am i really gonna use the flamethrower though not probably no two more floors to go one more angel chance redeem yourself angel rum come on i know you can do it scarred womb it's a tougher womb get out of here it looks like i jacob has to be the one to kill the enemy in order for me to collect the soul to put into my jar of souls and then like with my jar of souls i can unleash a flamethrower it's a good thing that jacob's buffed because he's probably most likely to kill anything another one of these machines glorious hi priestess there we go yikes dude yikes dude jax dude jax dude jax dude flamethrower time go nope i thought you said you didn't like the flying door shut up tim fine see look at that i'm getting the soles back too i'm basically feeling this thing faster than i'm emptying it i failed your mom fast and then she could empty the dishwasher that's really good that's a good one what's this do 4.5 volt active items no longer charge up as normal from clearing rooms enemies take damage now charges your item instead oh it probably doesn't work for the jar of souls i should have given it to esau oops do those guys just jump over the rocks that makes sense watch this the blues plant through a mom no it's not mom yet it's plasticized ah she said you didn't like the planter okay fine it's pretty good is it blocking their shots too almost seems like maybe it was i'm not i haven't seen like a single shot from these guys take that we got we got spun first of all and then we got a bunch of other positive stuff i don't even know we had spun and then angel room sacred heart let's go esau with void avoid the key piece i don't know why i activated both of them flamethrower away easy oh god i got a lot of souls for him we got to keep we did get two key pieces so i am a genius that was a little bit of damage last floor baby steam sale last floor uh-huh good it's the bible though so we just do esau uses the bible on the mom on the mom's heart battle and we just win we just go ahead and win why does the bible kill mom in one shot again why is that a thing sun card give me mapping oh the bible kills the mom because the that in the story the bible fell off the shelf and hit mom i was just thinking like that's the whole point of the story what are you stupid did you pay attention yeah yeah yeah you shut up probably the whole point that the religion was actually making mom's life worse i mean i would certainly hope you'd come to that conclusion if religion told you to kill your own child but you know some people just don't see logic just for funsies let's go the secret room to curse room just for funsies let's take some stupid damage just for fun let's do a freaking double green fight excuse me can i just like literally just get into the mom's heart battle and it is double heart though sweet awesome you guys we crushed it we crushed it last angel room had something that was super good monstrance uh it's like a godhead aura for your character wait did it feels good what's my unlock broken glasses has appeared in the basement that was the trinket that i think i was just trying to talk about not just i was it was earlier uh 33 chance to spawn an extra blind pedestal item in all future item rooms hidden with a question mark allows you to see what both items are on alt path floors so early broken glasses play would be pretty nice and a one-third chance for an extra blind item on every other floor that sounds awesome i hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you for watching let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below and don't forget to leave a like i appreciate you and we've been absolutely crushing it since repentance dropped here's to many many more videos once again thanks for watching and i will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] that's trash that's bad that's just like that's just not good five minutes later flamethrower away
Channel: Hutts
Views: 313,393
Rating: 4.9575562 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: s0nqw5LGu_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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