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what is up everybody my name is and welcome back to the bonding of isaac repentance today we're going to jump into another may run but not just any may run [Music] tainted may petrichor broken heart i have no idea what that means let's go he looks awesome what the heck that like poison rain may's broken heart what does it do like electric rain ninja star what is this does it do anything three golden chest though in one room that's unheard of blank card hmm so it does look like the rain falls everywhere but it only lands on where the pointer is kind of like a red aura you see that might only do damage inside that red aura oh oh okay i guess i'll die and it's over thank you guys for watching see you in the next may run that was just not a good room it seems like i gotta just kind of work on my dodges here great let's i i just i don't know what i'm supposed to do more spiders i had a lot of fun i had a lot of fun today playing may i think that she's in need of a couple balance fixes i'd say a little bit just a tiny little you know all right i'm going back in maybe she'll get some awesome synergies fingers crossed those crossed too across everything that you can cross the synergy we all wanted open for something better it does seem like things get damaged outside of the aura i don't know i'm hitting the the poop down there both the enemy and the object things are still happening maybe it's just like a higher chance of them getting damaged where i'm pointing i don't fully understand it come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on top secret i'm probably over here buddy yeah we're here right over here we're there too i guess ah he's this guy yo face broken heart go base broken heart causes lightning bolts to strike this does more damage oh yeah that's better that's better damage upgrade nice damage upgrade i can't have red health confirmed good good good good yeah it's always easier when you counted red health this feels like a worse ludo that's lost coin okay range shouldn't matter well actually it seems like range does affect the length at which i can put this ninja star i suppose luck could matter if we get something that gives us the status effect it'd be a higher chance that the raindrops would do that can you hit me here speed shouldn't matter try the speed at which i can move my ninja star blank card again coincidence this combo is it's such a weak ludo that there's like a handful of rooms that would just strictly end the run altogether i don't like that mechanic i gotta say but i bet you there's so much potential for synergies if they worked on synergies maybe it's not even a thing maybe most items don't do anything i don't know may's like one of the oldest mods there is so they had ample amount of time i'd say okay we're gonna maze broken heart here three room recharge so if i use it here i get two-thirds of the charge back yeah okay okay that's pretty good item rum please please please tell me we get something we get nothing peck five one of my favorite items gives us nothing can you guys feel the power yeah so much power golden penny that's nice though yeah yeah oh yeah slowly but surely we gonna go into our devil room it's a tough ask for somebody who doesn't have red health there's some banging items in there though let's decide after the boss broken our go oh goodness oh goodness all the flies and the spiders that are being spawned get out of here come on go faster you know what i got that too the blamo we did a good health upgrade hmm and far too many trinkets to choose from more solar drops dang it i need it i've got seven hearts i'm gonna just at least poke my head in pentagram i do need the damage i'm gonna go for it i'm at two nine damage two nine oh dope though look at me i'd watch that anime pentagram also gives us an increased chance of finding other devil rooms so like that's kind of cool damage up go murder hairpin would you quit giving me trinkets having a guaranteed maze broken heart charged up for the boss fight though well we got money golden penny plus this trinket oh mama [Music] 82 cents 84 cents banging items and more health please oh god yup guess i'll die library hey book of virtues maybe satanic bible maybe book a rev maybe we did get book of rev i'm gonna have to hurt myself to get it though and i won't be able to get bookworm without killing myself deal also a higher percent chance of getting a double room with this book you imagine that there's book of virtues and bookarev it's really hard to kill spiders of this you guys give me something good holy water is good too bad doesn't make my reign holy fire's the crosshairs so i can shoot it diagonally that's pretty cool mace broken heart go challenge room go got these guys again good holy water shot good holy water shot nice oh my god i want some like tinted rocks or something i need help you know hairpins are gonna be pretty good i'll get a free charge on my book when i walk into a boss room free health every boss nice holy water diagonal shot oh god the holy water plays yes yeah and some help and a bomb hit a sack that pays to have money wait 69 cents it's perfect the holy water i walk into the room pop holy water murder ensues religious murder snipe i could use my uh my maids broken heart because we're gonna have it charged up anyway so the boss good good good good good right no it doesn't apply to my men's broken heart it's fine it's fine we don't need it got him we're gonna get a lot of orbitals but you know what that's really good because any spiders that come at me we can use the orbital instead of having to rely on this stupid rain but kiss dps upgrades goodbye for our boss rooms well i gotta admit at least this character is unique holy water best water one of my absolute favorite buffs of repentance freeze them in place and then volume oh my god we're falling out of control falling oh this one's never good for anyone so it's me miles time carrying queen it's been a while holy water get him yeah ball a little too close but sure oh god holy water so good oh my god the best speed not the best our deal with the devil also not the best purgatory cracks in the ground spawns ghosts there's also bloody gusman taking damage gains speed and tears up i don't even know if tears really works let's go with the ghosts there's any cracks in the ground we walk over them they spawn ghosts they explode extra ways to deal damage i think that's gonna be important let the rain do its thing find the crack zam watch this oh i went to the crack and i got hurt step on a crack and break your own back friend zone we're getting like the worst items i could possibly imagine to try to synergize with me i'm gonna have to ask you to try a little bit harder game i need that crack i need that crack oh it's just doing crack oh my god i knew it there's some real fresh comedy there tim thanks it's completely original i totally didn't hear my dad say that joke last week is that sarcasm tim that's that's pretty good oh yeah sure sarcasm yeah yep stand in the holy water yo holy water more like holy cow er bowel beast of the wretched crack i summon you to fulfill your oath go nice temperance question mark i never remember these oh you know what i do know this one it gives me five pill effects at random health up look up yeah buddy chariot i'm probably gonna use that now i probably could have saved this to kill a lot more things oh well two of diamonds at 97 cents all play yup i'm not cheating you're cheating oh the tnt is gonna blow damn it don't worry holy waters on it oh my god how great is our god thing with me how great is that good okay if holy water actually was blessed by your so-called god that's why it's good that's a solid point that has a solid point to the existence of a god holy water itself turns out it's not holy water it's actually just a vial of sulfuric acid no wonder it burns so good what about there's a secret over here that'd be perfect it'd be the perfect secret room apple okay is it gonna rain razors it's raining razors yeah okay that feels good we got a synergy oh 98 technically but who's counting plus two damage oh and the razor blades they're coming down fast is that a saying it's raining razor blades it is now mama mega on necro1 i've got a two of diamonds i'm just gonna spend some money just for the hell of it i don't know why i didn't think it was gonna blow up my machine let's spend as much money as we can in the machine if we get down to 50 cents on two of diamonds there you go machine that's right you take you naughty girl 50 cents perfect to a diamonds i'm gonna keep going okay i'm gonna stop there i think that's a good step it's a good time to stop i think converter is worthless unless there's some way that we could break it of course probably not boom baby look at him sitting in the sulphuric acid fall advantage level two that was easy you have so much money i'm gonna buy the converter just to see what happens when i use it you know you never know until you know you know [Music] hello in order to prevent your extended warranty from expiring i am giving you a courtesy follow-up call how have we not solved these robo-calls ah anyways back to business back to breaking the game ooh treasure room and shop in the cathedral you know what deal why am i getting damage ups though from using the converter and why am i getting infinite health you know i had a thought that that was what was going to happen it was a different character that we did the same break on i don't remember who it was whatever here we are it's not going away when i leave the room too probably will go away next floor question mark the damage did not go away it's permanent should we see how high we can get it damage i'm good with that go yeah okay game's over pretty much high speed montage until it's over maybe i'm somehow no longer able to actually change where i'm pushing the the aiming thing it's just it's locked into place in that one direction and i don't i don't know why i don't know why that's doing that did i break my uh my keyboard yeah it's locked in the upper left position why oh there we go i fixed it i still want to get my item rooms though just in case we get something fun like the razer blades that was pretty fun here's that kid's razor blades are fun yay razor blades are fun one how well lay it tail oh yeah huts razor blades are not fun at all yeah this is so overpowered little monstro that's you know he probably auto charges he does auto charge that's good i love you you little bastard isaac isaac dead 72 chance didn't get my deal with the devil sweet dude righteous good boss fight succubus i'm in alter i'm not sacrificing my holy water would never succubus is doing what over 200 damage aura oh my god i forgot to mention you guys that i do black cart damage when i just spam the uh the converter just walk in and press the button that's it that's all you got to do what is uh homing gonna do for my raindrops i didn't really notice anything besides everybody turning purple which is still pretty cool i guess item room serpent's kiss in the cathedral nuts man how did you get a shot off you were dead that's team sale coming through in me pardon me vengeful spirit that's taking damage ball is an orbital wisp for sure last chop it's trash sorry isaac this is going to sting a little bit going to the chest with three keys i'm ashamed what have we got wow jello jello shoots my normal shots sweet sticking with the converter though and [Music] scene oh let's kill delirium with our rain he's mascara i'm in bloat we're like nope esau junior okay people said that uh this is a brand new item i just unlocked by the way people said that this can erase your save file swaps between the current character and esau junior has three block cards plus two damage and flight characters have independent items in health dying as either character ends the run and deletes your save file and kills your grandma oh no not man of tim where are these flies coming from oh they're gone now turns the tower don't even care magic skin oh nice damage up that's got to be it nope still not all of these items and still only one legit synergy finally rain raindrops keep falling on my head now you're dead oh my god actually though sweets i feel like we got completely robbed though as far as synergies go let's spoil one give item dr fetus now what we drop bombs bombs should be raining from above right correct no zero bombs just get the top hat huh give item epic fetus now bonds now bombs no bombs hmm well i don't know i'm stumped thank you guys so much for watching let me know if you enjoyed this do you want more may footage do you want more tainted may footage leave your thoughts in the comment section down below don't forget to leave a like appease the algorithm gods once again thank you for watching thank you editor for editing and i will see you guys in the next video bye [Music] come on baby make it hurt so good sometimes holy water don't feel like it should you make it it's so good buttermilk the finger went down and i didn't receive the blackheart phil we better get something really good
Channel: Hutts
Views: 297,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: TMhli40-ZK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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