Hutts Uncuts: Jacob and Esau to MOTHER

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to another huts uncuts finding of isaac repentance let's jump right into this you guys uh let's look at our post-it notes we have a lot of characters that still need to go to the mother fight and then we have let's hear forgotten has to do both mother and dogma slash beast that could be a fun one uh jacob esau has not done greedier or mother fight jacob esau just being a very very frustrating character and then obviously we have all the tainted characters that have a ton of stuff to do i don't necessarily feel like raging right now which is basically more than half of the tainted characters it's just pure age i feel like jumping into jacob and esau to mother fight now here i am like i don't want to rage right now and of course jacob esau is a very frustrating character but uh to the mother is is now that i've seen things like tainted jacob i feel like this is a hell of a lot more doable and if we're going mother fight that means we're not going to be skipping our item rooms for planetariums that's more of a dogma play who is the faster fire rate um well who does it say out there i guess jacob has the faster fire rate so he should maybe take the lost contacts lost contact on low fire rate it's not a good idea i just wouldn't recommend that to anybody not an xl floor very important to note here it's just it just boils down to i feel like rng or slash you know luck plays a huge role in repentance because of how much more difficult it is are we gonna go angel rooms i you know i don't know though because the thing is obviously with deals of the devil you can take multiple deals of the devil but as far as it goes with the bosses are we going to be getting more health we'll see we'll see how many health upgrades we get by the time that we get there right because if we get a bunch of health upgrades i'm more likely to go double you know we don't have to make our mind up right now that's gonna it it is really cool a very good thing about repentance is the fact that we can explore those options um realistically that's probably the top secret room would you think yeah buddy that's just really good hey okay uh i usually just buff one of the characters i split the health up but i buff one of them because i i don't know it could make sense to spread it out right because dps is dps as dps is dps but when you start to talk about things like multipliers on the characters if you had buffed one person you gave that person let's say three damage upgrades so they're plus three roughly speaking and then you get a time stream multiplier that's going to go a hell of a lot further on one person than it is on two and that doesn't make sense then i don't know how i could explain it more than that um we might just buff jacob here that just might be the way we do it jacob's range honestly is is pretty piss-poor can i block that shot some shots have so much height okay yeah this is good this is good did not get any health um it's fine it's gonna be really difficult to earn those deals of the devil i think we need to maybe spend a little bit more time here i'm really glad that we have boss russian hush done with this character i think that was i did that with synvicta i want to say um yeah oops wrong character you go there i go here find the secret room take that money we'll take that into the shop and hopefully buy a soul heart for jacob since he's the only one that doesn't have that protection right now esau starts with a soul heart i'm not mistaken of course curses of bounds in hard mode on repentance just curse after curse after curse after curse the fact that the tnt barrels don't reach the corpse guy come on man work with me a little bit here i could use that five cents the shop is open can we already go in there i don't remember if we had gone in here or not there is not a solar for sale there is another nickel face it's tempting it's tempting there's there's no red health on the ground actually i'm still thinking about taking jacob into the curse room here because it could be red health in this room sometimes you get a heart drop on there sometimes that heart drop is an eternal heart or a soul heart or a black cart worth checking out in my opinion that's pretty good i don't know if it matters who carries that since we're coughing jacob let's get him one step closer to speed down um that's a speed down for both of us let's get him closer to guppy jacob's gotta go through the door since he's on red health he's on government stipends um [Music] daddy died at a government cheese no tinted rocks kind of sad kind of sad but we'll get an arcade next floor i think alt floors i do like going to the out floors and we are going to [ __ ] so we're going to have to get that dagger i suppose it's all floor for us good thing that we have the keys necessary for this um another positive here obviously with the all floors is the fact that we can take two items per item room speak of the devil and the devil may appear eyeball scooper uh that will just basically scoops out one of my eyeballs obviously as an eyeball scooper you'd think would do turns it into a little peeper eyeball that follows us around line them up who do i really want to have that maybe esau i don't know if the eyeball scooper cares about my base damage right probably doesn't defend my damage so let's potentially give him an upgrade a dps upgrade eden's blessing that is a fire rate upgrade and if we fail this run then we'll just run it again with an extra item nope i almost want to fail the item i almost want to just if i hold restart does that just like start the next run with the uh eden's blessing is that the play here all right jacob just can't be touched and uh barring getting some health here uh he got touched welcome welcome to all four jacob and esa everybody common sight this is gonna be a common sight double wide hitbox it's just i i don't know what i'm supposed to do if i was supposed to see that ahead of time and you're like well hoods why didn't you just like flip the characters around and just like in like split second i want you to have like a spider-man [ __ ] i mean i got hit there again too [Music] i don't have spider-man reflexes everybody uh what's what's the answer because there was a massive fart cloud on the left massive fart cloud on the right and i stayed here by the door and i just shot him and i blew up is it just like you no matter where you're standing because i could go over here but then i wouldn't have been able to shoot the fart cloud guy maybe i was supposed to take the other guys out first i don't think the fart cloud guy goes anywhere but then like once again i can't stand here and shoot him that's where the fart cloud was that's where it would explode they have to get down here and try to like angle a shot in there's a lot going into just killing one one guy in one room what's going on man what is this i could have used that guy to find the seeker i mean maybe i should have maybe i should have done that hindsight 2020 going into the boss room we can still earn this deal with the devil 36 36 chance i can speak you need a golden key in this last room do that for me did you do that we would have gotten shot by that poop i wasn't even paying attention but thankfully jacob with his high fire rate take care of it that's you know good thinking a little too little too late i'd say probably still worth taking so that we can uh protect our 36 chance i was gonna say like we could just leave it and pick it up at the end um to protect our next floor's chance but you know plastic strat here with uh jacob's blocking i think we could just not move shoot through that'll give us more damage on the boss instead of running around wasting time shoot the eternal flies if you can reach them that's where the trouble is going to come from when he starts flushing us around and we run right into the flies got him get him got him got him got him got him what do you got for me magic mush very cool we did get her deal with the devil okay and uh once again that is not health but speed the cool thing about speed is it applies to both characters uh we're gonna go for a spun here on jacob esau literally has nothing right now but i feel like we're doing okay i feel like this is okay it's not the first deal the devil guarantees that the next room where whenever you get it is going to be an angel room and uh draws two we did not get that um he did not get the arcade either arcade historically speaking shows up on even numbered floors but i do believe alt path is the opposite than odd numbered floors because it's you know technically like the second floor are we gonna be doing the uh the lost thing we have to we have to go for the knife piece that is why we are here oh gosh still ever angel chance i think that uh jacob is now down to half of a soul heart i'm going to run and grip that stuff like oh i didn't you did bob they didn't use my my people i got too focused on just dodging and talking about what i was going to do in that boss fight to remember that i could have popped that it could have helped [Music] i should totally remember from here and i should just use it like now it's very underwhelming but who knows when it's gonna help and when it's not gonna help it's a three room recharge here we're gonna practically get it charged back it looks like it drops damaging creep that might be the biggest play there i didn't know it dropped a creep right because if it drops creep underneath the boss's feet that could just do some massive damage 18 cents with one key let's set the shop up let's do that you know you guys did say that minecrafter has been buffed let's uh let's see what it does now i think we just continually wheeled it right we just kind of hold it for the room and we can turn it on or off and just bash everything like we could probably still find secret rooms with it this is kind of cool except for the poop buckets that are going to spray stuff i hit enemies with it risky to try it kind of like it basically turned us into the forgotten which i think honestly as one character as a part of two is not really a good play but penny there's not really a reason not to take it theorem i i don't know if it finds secret room still here's to trying but yeah so i'm probably not gonna keep the uh minecrafter notched axe out oh you know what it's actually running out of charge is it like every time that i hit a rock with it it actually uses up a a charge of it very interesting okay learning probably get more charge by clearing rooms or killing enemies i hate that thing i just hate it it's just um in a room like this where do i go how do i dodge it what do you want me to do huh huh let's see if we can't get that angel room because we can't buy a soul hard that was the worst shop i think i've ever seen colostomy uh there pretty much goes our dreams but he gave a charge at me like oh how do you go there why do you go over there i don't know how to dodge this when i'm split like that [Music] oh once again oh my god that was a tight dodge seeing that peeper eyeball is very distracting like i'm trying to dodge it myself how was i not able to shoot him there my bullets were going through him whatever it's fine we got it and we got the angel room there we go one step closer to spun what is going on what is going on um what is that it's not sacred heart but i don't think it's bad either let me get my little um i i like using platinum god here i think the platinum god is not as updated as the regular wiki but looking at all the pictures on platinum god if you guys have ever gone there it's it's really nice in addition to regular tears isaac will sometimes fire extra spectral tears that orbit around them plus one hp 20 damage multiplier fully heals all your red heart containers um i really want esau to take the the health up here because he's at risk but the damage multiplier we're kind of talking about that there uh and then we're gonna have these orbiting blocking shots that it just sounds like the play doesn't it i'm gonna probably like try to bomb some soul hearts here activate that yeah all the soul hurts do you like all the solar that you got pretty good stuff this one this guy uh okay he can he can do that he can do that but he also shoots down and diagonally down so we should be pretty safe when we're standing on the left or right of them besides that shot everything besides that i don't even know who got hit there i i can't see the health so honestly jacob could be almost dead and i just don't know i just don't know can i use my minecraft runnings nope i gotta figure it out i gotta find out you know i can't use my minecraft around that that is really good ooh la la you guys going on to the lost part colosta mia law we'd have to fight the boss we do not have to fight the boss i i want to fight the boss i don't want to chicken out and not fight the boss you know what i mean minecrafter actually it has some potential here right if we could get every single tinted rock with it once again i want to say it still opens up secret rooms look i guess we can try to find the top secret room right now i suppose so probably right here that's good that's good i don't even know if it took charge away that's an esau player right there i i think safe money you guys is not fighting colostomy we handled the colossal mia very very quickly but we could die very very quickly we all know that only one of the of the characters has to be in the lost form like we could put jacob in the lost form and and tank hits his esau but what can i get that ah it's made out of rocks man it even almost looks like a minecraft rock doesn't it there goes our one bomb excuse me i got like a definitely got a um eyelash in my eye 100 the more i dig at it without getting it out the worse it's going to be i'm already suffering from allergies of course springtime minnesota i went to get an allergy test and doctor's like yeah you're allergic to every single possible plant that could ever grow in minnesota my parents chose to live here wonderful we had no allergies when i was younger zero allergies to than growing up and being like yeah you're pretty much just gonna die here like how does that even work i was gonna actually try to hit him with my orbiting tier since they got uh spectral but once you hit those guys they fire out these super high um high height shots let's just free them and then they can come out like that yep yep yep yep that's the play that's how you do it better item room we have a key okay about that these guys are kind of stuck in there those are the water flow what's that that's a body i thought that was a nickel in there experimental pill um if i give the experimental pill to esau i don't think he could get a health down right i think he could possibly get a health up though and could this top sticker or regular secret room be there no because this is a tiny thin little uh item room all right esa get some health would you did you do that actually you know what use the pill first use the pill watch it take me to an im error room i don't think experimental poke can do that just try to like come up with some random way this the game's gonna screw me over health up shot speed up range down that's fine whatever all right once again health upgrade here smart fly and then uh razer blade so jacob will shoot razors sometimes if you're a regular secret home where would you be i don't know i was just hoping that i was gonna be there so that we could get into the uh whatever room there i mean i could turn into the lost form and then we could do that room for free [Music] i'm hoping that nobody was able to pick those up good thing good thing that of course is locked [Music] uh yeah i'm feeling jacob here i'm feeling jacob as the lost buddy to go get that knife piece i'm gonna take all the time in the world too we need to go slow be careful and i'm like i said i'm thinking about not doing colostomy i mean what happens if we do colostomy and we do make it and then it gives us a range upgrade not to say that range wouldn't be useful on jacob but he's actually doing quite okay right now all right let's do this and then let's send him into the first room cool part about this is if you don't get hit you can do it for free if you do get hit then you just send esau through that is esau oh oh oh good good place definitely worth it oh you know what it just took me out of my lost form by doing that i don't know if that's a new update to like punish you from doing that or or what but i could re-lost up what we could do actually is turn esau into lost as well right by touching the fire and then they would both have basically infinite health they wouldn't be able to lose their normal health we'd have the risk of dying but uh assuming i don't take more than one hit per room which i'm feeling like is is definitely possible here oh wait i forgot about all this [ __ ] maybe we should have done that strictly because of the fact that the the moving rooms it's actually really difficult to keep them together i forgot about that okay let's get to our item room and then go i don't want to spend honestly any extra time more than we have to here i would like to get some more um bombs and keys and this is a great way to farm extra bombs and keys this is such trash this guy is the lost character so he gets spectral yeah maybe the play is to make them both the lost very very interesting to think about that but yeah see this like it's so hard to keep them together luckily for us right now it doesn't matter freaking camera work jacob wasn't even in the camera that's not splitting the camera go back here you little [ __ ] curse room on this side is a big whopping nothing as well as the secret rooms so i think we just go i think that's the smart play smart money says all right esau takes that health upgrade i think he's at one and a half soul hearts or actually he's probably more than that since i'm gonna get two soul hearts we suck at that health upgrade and then we skedaddle 19 cents but zero keys and zero bombs we shouldn't need bombs given uh minecrafter or the notched axe but uh i'm a little worried i'm a little worried about tets [Music] mine's one mine's is tough okay jacob probably uh needed one of those soul hearts i was not paying attention to that fact of course we just earned a deal with the angel so there's a high chance we just wouldn't earn it here anyways do i really need to do this nah nice uh two luck i don't know why luck stat would be any different i don't understand how that would calculate that you'd think that much like speed luck would actually make even more sense to just have it across the board apply to both right because how do you calculate a room drop with unless they just take the average of the two could be the case i don't know i think i know because i don't it seems like maybe minecrafter resets per floor instead of per room you only get like certain amount of times to use it every floor very interesting i'm learning here's my item room nope these guys are super tough in my opinion the amount of health is really what what does it for them i can shoot these poops just in case you know what if a soul heart drops in there i would i would spend the bomb right come back for that another key can we find a secret room why yes yes we can and it does seem like opening up the secret so i think we just confirmed that that does not actually take okay now i can see a pixel missing yes it does nevermind i retract that retracting it does take charge to open up secret rooms i'm just waiting for a time when i forget to reset uh jacob and he's using the notched axe in like a normal room shielded tears is freaking everything right now happy to have it very happy hitting those uh mushrooms with the notch dax would be pretty dumb if they ever pops with an explosion of poison could be a guaranteed hit do we want to go with the boss room right now probably highest chance of holding on to this angel chance because if we try to go get protection we'll probably take damage man often meets his destiny and then he takes to avoid it very wise turtle taught me that um get away from me sir not interested i'm not interested no thanks my people i broke that guy that could have easily hurt me oh i'd hide in the corner cry cry a little bit cry a little bit why cry because that's how we do damage silly pay attention to anything in this game crying is power society's like men don't cry body of isaac is like power got him health upgrade deal with the devil it doesn't hurt to go check it out now i'm not i'm honestly just hoping for either a krampus fight or some red chests maybe some black cards red chests with guppy items if there was guppy added to buy i'd probably buy it let's stop talking about what it could be and just go the freak in the room ah that's it's tasty but that's expensive setting jacob down to two hearts could really i mean look at that how much health how many floors have we gone through right now four floors and uh this is where we're at with health and the game is only getting it tougher i think it's a no i think it's a no but we could totally play the blood donation machine and pull off an iv bag i just think that well that guarantees that we will never get an angel room ever again and of course of course of course we have one guppy piece so we could go for guppy but are we gonna get enough deals of the devil in the next three floors uh more like two more chances right because there's gonna be mines two no no there's mine's two mazzo one mazzo two and then there's no non-corpse wound and um i think right maybe corpse one there's four more options mine's two mazzo one mazo two corpse one yeah it's possible it's possible that we pull off guppy but uh i'm gonna say no i'm gonna say no to it very good item you might think i'm stupid for we're not doing that we just we've lost so many jacob and he saw runs so far and how do you lose runs by running out of health how do you run into health please don't let me explain that make don't don't make me explain that can i get a freaking key here though maybe anybody so i've said in the past that i think but penny increases the amount of coin drops from poops i and then i at one point in time i was like nah that can't be and then you gotta run like that right and you're like maybe maybe maybe maybe there's no such thing as a key drop for me what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go back to that arcade and that's a good top secret room for the arcade arcade purposes we'll spend our health get a bunch of money and then we'll play the other machines try to get a key oh there's this room as well that would have been a guppy piece so i would have jumped for joy get my peep eyeball out yeah the damaging creep doesn't sound so bad maybe i uh i didn't give it enough credit the peep eyeball contact damage plus the uh the creep not the worst the red patch why am i getting damaged right now is it just the red patch give me a plus three damage has the right path patch been buffed significantly plus 1.48 damage did i take rage and i didn't realize it my goodness look at me i missed 12 12 7 damage why what happened that is odd there's my iv bag uh i'm not going to leave with ib bag i'm actually enjoying the notched axe but what i will do is i'll take the iv bag to pick up the health it saved me time for having to walk back to the gersh dara machine also did not pay out with a blood bag which could have been nice but i kind of want the hell or the money right now all right top secret rooms got tons and tons and tons of health i felt like the play on afterward plus was to go for the the shop first instead of the item room because like you could always get a key in there there's like 17 items for sale and now that shops have been heavily nerfed i don't think that's the play anymore i think it's item room first especially when you're getting double items for jacob esau makes the most sense to me 50 cents that's pretty good if i don't get a key out of this i might cry but crying goose power so you know we didn't actually pay attention to our curse room and i might jump in there as jacob anyways we'll probably get some health back by playing these i okay very straightforward very simple we're actually we're up money we're up money that's pretty good definitely makes more sense to go like this and then like this there we go now we got some protection always wear protection oh my god is that a cotton joke that's disgusting is that scatol i didn't see what he had there we should pay attention see that's gatol so let's say that we really really really really really wanted a key we just leave when he offers skatoll we come back in that's the uh the skull multiplayer okay that's pretty good right there and now you're really making me wish that i would have gone for uh freaking deal with the devil [Music] health and money are both good payouts because that just means more place it's too bad that iv bag doesn't have a chance to pay out with something more than money right like like the blood machine does think i was asking too much at that point in time though [Music] um let's go with that this is kind of boring but you gotta do this you literally have to do this that is range up hp down that is not what i wanted to see we're back onto the feeling get about angel rooms of course we just wasted some potential money payouts there with that [Music] look at but look at that look at this setup right now i can take that eternal heart and uh iv bag would take it last [Music] it's it's not a horrible play but i'm just not going to in case i do something really stupid there's something i don't even know about there's two keys there we go we're all set to go um i still think the right place to to get more right i want keys for next floor it's right there why not we why not take advantage of it it's almost feeding itself because of that iv bag practice sky crack this guy i think is going to be a little bit better than you know i like the minecrafter but if we have a supply of bombs then it's it's not necessary not necessary i think that peeper i like i said i'm not giving it enough credit i like it let's go like this butterfly yeah buddy shoots uh more shielded tears directly at any projectiles that are coming towards us not as accurate or as good as scifly but still it's like walmart sci-fly but i don't like that you make fun of walmart i like to go there i i'm literally the point of saying that is saying that walmart has cheaper more affordable but i mean i think that shouldn't it not be like a thing to say that like generally speaking the more money you pay the higher quality you get but there's just one example this one thing on this one website from this one guy that you spend more money and get less common sense check though we all know exactly what i'm talking about and if you're gonna fight me on something as simple as that then you are just looking for an argument [Music] no i'm gonna argue that even harder now thanks for making my point yeah i just made my point i'm not arguing you're arguing are you arguing about me telling you that you're arguing i can't i can't stand i can't stand that [ __ ] come on baby let's go no let's not go that hard jesus yeah there we go two keys uh yeah let's say we go down to 30 cents keep money in the bank for the next chop three bombs five keys i'm feeling pretty good yo oh i tried to knock that away i went the opposite direction i guess we're done here with 35 cents and that absolutely works for me let's not go too hard let's just have esau he can keep his health and then jacob i suppose we'll take another little hit hit put from a bong oh my god hot smokes confirmed i could actually get that penny there's no reason not to uh so why don't you try to get every single rock in the entire game because for a crawl space there's some things that i'm willing to go really hard on just in case looking under every single rock for a crawl space it's just not wonderful six keys i'm gonna open up this so first of all shop i forgot that we hadn't gone into this shop holy shop um i don't remember if that's a pill we've seen or not five keys i feel like is good enough i don't know if the flashlight has been buffed i don't like the idea that you can turn and look and slow down a wave of tears it's actually good luck to esau like i said i don't know if it matters the different luck stats but because you get like like a wave comes in right a bullet curtain a dan maku let's say like you're fighting mom's heart advanced mom's heart for that matter which is like even harder you good to go you got everything we left everything behind that we wanted to leave behind i do believe that is correct let's go um you know ivy big money but in the play though because of the red patch i don't know whatever we're fine this is good what we have is good i probably should have put uh probably should have left the the peeper give an esau the crack the sky and then kept ib whatever what we just talking about i don't know i don't remember i got sidetracked you guys there's so much flying through my brain at any given moment that's why i sit there for like 20 minutes and i look at like the floor and i'm like did i get every single thing that i needed to get i don't know here's the play here we hold control until we drop everything then we send them this one's a pain there's ones there's spikes in the middle there that yeah i i think they're they're they're still on the wave even if they weren't doesn't matter they come up and down at the same exact time as the wave comes by the the two right here i was gonna say because they could have thrown one in there that was like offset from the wave i thought that's what they were doing incorrect okay these guys are just a big massive raging no not sure what i'm supposed to do with that um was there a half red heart in that mix i didn't see it oh this is a charged key [Music] knife piece knife piece knife piece knife beast don't forget your flippin knife piece pay your piece to the knife piece say we just bomb in let's just bomb them but it's not my favorite that's pretty good ash pit two so we're gonna have mazo one and mazzo two shops to go sure um there's a chance that we could bomb those out i just think we'll come back for that maybe we should go for it if we have the supplies to do so because of the fact that we have one third guppy and soul hearts would be a massive play [Music] all right one more button i think for the mine cart let's do it can we split up with these guys with the fire blasts yush all right what's that hux you wish yoshi now you wish you each you got me i don't hey where am i gonna dodge behind the bomb rock that's what i did oh that's a good one where's my minecraft transformation steve transformation what would that even entail i don't i don't care about the uh the data miner i don't want it okay how many passive are i mean active items low grade active items have they thrown at us in these item rooms a massive kick to the dick that is just not cool guppy not likely to matter currently gives you a damage up if you have any evil ups there's certain items that give you evil up i think um i'm trying to remember what they are i think the safety pin is one of them you're like evil up what does that even mean it means nothing it means nothing and then you have the things like black feather that it does it does mean something okay i'm appreciating the amount of so beginning that is where our luck is coming through not our lock stat our rng look it could have something to do with deluxe dad i don't know chances for non-specific hearts to be soul hearts crow hearts that takes from your red health first but if you do get hit by an enemy i do believe that you lose your deal with the double chance it like negates your shielding of your of your devil angel chance that would be it would be a nice play if you had goat head or eucharist because then you could save your soul arts and black hearts because they're you know red hearts are more common obviously what's left maybe we should just fight the boss first for that angel chance maybe we should see if we can't just teleport to the angel here [Music] that was not very smart it's so it's just it's so difficult to work with two characters i don't understand it's not like double the difficulty when you have twice the characters it somehow is like two plus two equals seven hundred i don't i don't i don't understand mind melting it's mind melting this is an absolute [ __ ] show and it's not working out we're wasting all of our bombs and time this is not fun how did it go further in you want to explain that one to me [Music] could you work with me like for a second here oh my [ __ ] god oh like not all of our bums as we have one bomb left but all of our bombs are gone ah i know you're gonna tell me i had a chance to bomb into my boss trap room i hate you game i hate you so much this is actually technically your fault [Music] is there any uh no there was nothing for sale can't buy a bomb when it was a creed fight son of a absolute dick licker and of course these guys pretty much means that are right the sky of the both of our active items are meaningless to an extent no you come over here that went well that went well no complaints about the boss fight what didn't go well was our deal the double slash angel oh that's right mazda we have to give up health i kind of forgot about that we pick up crow heart [Music] smart smart smart smart let's just do that now before i forget so crow hearts should take from my right health instead of taking my soul art does it already take from your red health or does it take from your soul arts i think it takes from your soul right i think it does i could be thinking about anti-birth i don't know i'm not willing to try it out i'm willing to just sit here and think that i'm a genius for thinking of the crow hard thing yeah that seems like a better spot to be oh speaking of crowheart there's no reason not to go into the cursed room with her crowheart yeah put that on esau there's no reason not to go get those red chests i mean we're gonna run out of parts to use but give me some health here by pushing the button that's yup that's health the thing i asked for it is that is what we got oh yeah what do we got here do i want to risk it probably i usually do glass okay no extra help you saw you're going through [Music] oh wow a lot to think about still can't get bombs from these red guests it's a bummer so esau's got the crow heart esau needs to go over the spikes [Music] i wish i would have gotten that while i had my iframe worth it still send esau in there oh god no we drop it and we make jacob go for it maybe there was a way i could just grab it without getting hurt [Music] keeping crow heart right now any reason to no i forget to drop it and i would take some stupid damage next war lose my angel chance we're hurting for health esau is not looking good i was kind of hoping that by giving up that health that risk-reward play that we would get more back and we just didn't really i don't feel like we did bombing into that boss trap room would have been a better play obviously than throwing our bombs directly down the drain but um and i don't know if they changed how bombs interact i think that we have to put on the same character that could not that that might not be true but why risk it yeah no i felt like an attribute plus the the interaction of of red chests and bombs was a little bit different jesus i [ __ ] hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this it's not fun this is not fun i miss how an anti-birth it was a one-and-done thing having to earn it makes sense but man is this frustrating that does not mean i have to enjoy it it's stressful i don't like things that cause stress on me strictly for the purpose of causing stress on me oh why why do we have to split up guys guys guys [ __ ] guys i ah i just oh my god i hate this i'm trying to be positive here you guys asking uh somebody to be positive though about playing a game that's strictly has mechanics there to make you rage as hard as possible [Applause] i need to get like a freaking punching bag next to me not punching bag buddy i need to get a punching bag shaped like punching bag buddy popcorn buddy and just like get it out get this rage out or i smash my computer i'm not going to smash my computer but you know what i mean what i would say look at esau just looking real good looking real good we're gonna blow this i'm trying really hard and i think that i am pretty good at this game wow does this game just like constantly try to sexually embarrass you around every turn how do i even oh i need to turn i need to get him down into that red poop but how this [Music] okay uh it looks like we are actually capped with jacob at five oh he saw it's your lucky day i guess we could have given it to jacob for the shot speed that boy's extra large and that does double damage the extra large boy i'm gonna end the run right there although solo i can't even go into the trap room boss or the regular shot from challenge room whatever i call it [Music] no thanks a super dark one uh as a brimstone shot a flanking they're flanking mazzo is tough he saw this health really makes me nervous gosh i want those bombs but you can have them i'll let them have it spongebob you can have it that might be worth my bomb it might be worth my bomb i could place one person here one person here it should shoot out to the right that's esau survivability right now is number one if we need those bombs we can go back for it look at that [Music] there's nothing that was perfect that was absolute perfect that was perfection ai perfection ed well done and once again i tried to go to the left that guy caught me off it's just it's i don't i don't know what to do i don't know what to do okay here we go once again this is the most amazing perfection of ai i've ever seen in my entire life it's it's a an absolute masterpiece it's a masterpiece of ai why is that making video games why why isn't he solving the world's problems right now that makes zero sense to me ed is is purposefully deciding to let the the entire world circle the drain with his massive brain could solve world hunger any of the issues and he's like i'll make a video game that's not the big deal why are you being such a stupid baby you guys know i don't actually think that right you guys know i exaggerate because i think it's funny right guys i i don't know what to do with this with a triple turret i don't know how he didn't hit me that's what i'll do i'll just be perfect sometimes closing your eyes and hoping for the best is this the way to go i'm going to take them off the knife yeah [Music] these guys cute little pop eyeballs out at you [Music] we're doing well so far i mean we're not we're not ready we took way too much damage in that last room but we're like not dead yet yeah we only have one key let's do this black hole black hole could potentially be better than the eyeball scoop could potentially be better than crack the sky got the sky is great it does massive damage but black hole i'm faking i'm thinking black hole could be important especially for like the mother fight crack this guy could do some massive damage to mother but um the black hole will keep the shots off me that might kill me only get one use of it per room though room so i it's a toss-up in my mind it's an absolute toss-up maybe we'll go like this just so we have the option number two the peep the peep eyeball is that gonna be handy during the mother fight um the creep no i don't think that the mom the mother is affected by the creep bosses are though so do we want to protect ourselves for the mother fight or protect ourselves for the the road to get there that is that's number two right so technically infinite bombs here i don't think i would normally have taken this item as jacob saw it's a little risky when your hitbox is double and you got to dodge your own [ __ ] it might actually end up ending the entire run i don't have a key all right there's a massive shortage of keys on this run as well i feel like 17 keys seven point time i had like five oh library that's not fun just maybe knife them take it slow use the knife there we go that's not a key can't bomb into there i need like 17 keys to open up all the doors that i want to open up i need some more help if i want to get into that boss trap room which could totally have led to our you know acquisition of keys [Music] you're a regular secret owner where would you be maybe right right up there right here get that bomb back too uh oh yeah oh oh bombed myself with number two i did it there it is there it is everybody [Music] the leveling the anxiety right now i could feel it in my chest this is that's that's a good one that's funny that's the classic classic comedy oh love it yup better knocking my own stuff around what do we want higher fan card strength is not the worst thing i've ever seen i'm gonna go ahead and bomb the rest of these see what we can pull out anus that does doesn't that show me the top secret realm anus ruin i think it does everything i guess basically the mind how can you not figure this out you've played this game for so long some pieces of information are more important than others this is a good run fire tried to shoot me um i honestly might just put the eternal art on esau just so he doesn't die give an extra hit even if it's wasted i don't know who this boss is going to be that's not health or keys chance to get some keys please give it to me elf here's how we handle the health problem we go ahead and do that and then we go ahead and do that and that should give us enough health to go into the talent room and in the challenge room there's gonna be two stone chests and those two stone chests we're gonna have four keys that pay out perfect so far put up yeah yeah uh-huh i knocked them around just oh double hits double hits baby yep it's all come together hey oh [Music] okay okay okay that's fine uh shop with 61 center library put one of the keys into the two key door i gotta go shop i think libraries can be phenomenal but we have two decent enough active items open up one of the golden chests do it you won't yeah that's a little bit better yeah stopwatch is a good thing to see um phd we want to put that on esau you think to maybe i don't know let's give esau the soul heart phd to jacob because like the health up pills could be very meaningful but the status may be even better something wrong yup see now that's that's it something's wrong all good pills baby right there well done gg i don't know if we bombed the corpse yet at 42 maybe we had not narrator he did not all right let's roll autobots roll out you know when you're so stressed out you literally like you're like i think my heart might just stop at any given moment [Music] that's what i'm feeling right now the added pressure of like trying to make a good video for you guys too and not making myself look like a huge dumbass a lot [Music] nice like i said i'm gonna pull out all the stops shoot all the stuff blow up all the things we need some help uh that strength guard was a good idea the damage and i might use it now we fight that mask dude that could be a good play without more skulls i'm gonna maybe just do a last little sweep through for skull so i was not really paying attention we could get that bomb fairly easily but the chance of doing something dumb it's kind of up there but to shoot this in such a way that esau doesn't knock the bomb around uh when the bomb comes out end up knocking it right back into our own face hanged man hanged man um could have been useful maybe earlier half price curse room potentially place this bomb here number two definitely can be okay because like you know it's allowing us to do all this extra stuff for free but number two is gonna hurt you it's almost a fact i don't think i would have taken it i had i had the choice come on give me something here i need something there we go here we go cards could be very meaningful i'll write it off justice hold control press q extra key hey um do we want to go into that library if it's the one had to jump over the spikes then we have a flight card we have a flight card so yes i say yes we do we go in there maybe pull off some uh some soul hearts from the book of revelations and honestly you could grab the monster manual and get a little buddy for the floor what did we get little spewer buddy that is a good measurement we let go every time spirit is ready and that'll stop us from number two bombing ourselves it's a little measurement um once again i think it does make a lot of sense to hanged man but i think it makes more sense to hand man as jacob and get him the ability to shoot multiple shots since he's got the damage he's got the blocking yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we get it that's just freaking do it dude let's drop everything we already dropped the trinkets um you use it i have to stop holding control [Music] bookworm oh you know what i think we can actually get both people with both things so did esau touch that book touch the book and then this guy can just fly out and then drop the other book right like that wonderful i'm raising 100 of our brain he could have also just got you know did some special work with the how to jump if i really wanted to but we it's just not necessary [Music] what do you got nothing we've seen the entire map drop that you picked that up is it okay bookworm must have just applied to both transformations just apply to both is that true because it didn't go blue bookworm um esa definitely touched more than two books so i'm not sure what's happening right with that whatever i guess does he solve a chance to shoot multiple shots [Music] it's so hard to be positive with jacob and you esau in revelations period it's so hard [Music] two characters like i said two plus two equals seven hundred he's touched all the books he's not shooting double apparently he just can't have two characters the two with the same uh thing with the stuff and then you're gonna definitely use the speed up that applies to both grab your strength card grab your red patch and get the hell out of here we want to leave with the book of rev i mean it's it's it would maybe make sense i don't know ah feels really good to scream like that because it never screamed like that [Music] it's hate you know what there actually is science behind um grunting when you're working out you actually get a better workout when you grunt you know that kind of [ __ ] when you're in the gym you're like god that guy's so annoying he's probably ripping harder than you and just because of it super annoying though i got a home gym i can do all [ __ ] i want i still don't i'm still so introverted and like thinking about other people i won't even do it when i'm home alone don't want those no no no no no no thanks oh my god what the heck is an angel room i've never seen one of those in my life psych i just wasn't even thinking about it try saigon i think trisong is pretty good now but what i think i'm going to do is i'll put damage on jacob because of the damage multiplier try saigon as esau just because i can i think that would be the play [Music] okay uh do we want another key piece does it really matter it might it might [Music] remind myself not to drop bombs i mean we can actually drop bombs assuming that we can pay attention to it that's pretty good going pretty well too but i can't use that key to maybe like unlock one like if i double tap shoot or something like that double tap shoot should be the way that we drop butt bombs god that'd be nice anyways um wouldn't that be nice if i could use that key to open up like one or two golden chests per floor be nice where are we going what are we doing how are we doing it i don't know gosh gehenna won that took so long oh are we in a better position because we spent 45 minutes on that floor maybe possibly did i use my black hole in that that boss fight no am i totally forgetting about using oh hey knock it off buddy am i forgetting to use my esau's active items absolutely 100 as a main difference so far i don't know [Music] you should be more thankful how did you knock that wide how did you do that okay free shop that feels good at zero keys um the ability to hurt myself to get a charge on my item is there anyway i can fuss with that with my book of rev i don't know balls of steel pill it might not be a balls of steel on esau since jacob has the phd so maybe we just well let's just try drop again see what's up what is it it's a bad trip good to know i guess we can get something useful out of it very meaningful actually the balls of steel balls of steel say we ripped the money did we bomb the dude so we can buy the card moon not very useful currently bomb for these where do i go to not bomb myself oh you know what i still have unlimited bombs i have unlimited bombs and it shouldn't matter if i rip my own bombs right this might be safer to do it this way i'll come back when i need the charge one more room and i got my book a rev up a tinted rock is that our first tinted rock was that an explosion champion i was a suck champion did i blow myself up i don't feel like i put down a number two bomb i didn't hear it didn't see it am i stupid why did he explode what happened i honestly should give the book to esau at this point in time that's pretty saucy elf up isa it is still a health up okay okay okay okay okay okay okay stars card that's meaningful um i wonder what that would be like hungry tears um with esau's try saigon if the try saigon would explode into a big thing but um i i'm just gonna give it to jacob i think [Music] depression that's totally fine i don't that matters on on your damage will be useful so now we can kind of like group up this the the shots they kind of eat each other and um [Music] they'll make a big explosion at the end eventually block more stuff possibly there's an excess of health we could totally think about using that machine roll drop your trinkets and you can go imagine dropping the trinkets like in the middle of the spikes oh pick this stuff back up oh uh esau's got the flat penny very very easy to forget about esau and what esau has then i want you to take the strength card you can hold on to the moon so much extra work is two characters [Music] i'm feeling like you know everything we're doing has mattered as frustrated as i've been recently look at us right now we're doing it extreme min max thing i would say i ran through too quickly there and i got hit i'm gonna remember to just like almost tap shoot turn active item that we could swap this out with i don't think so it would be worth it to just buy something from the shop just so i could take the book of revelations and give it to esau hanged man you could use that hangman currently to get that other card first easier if it was on jacob a nasa moon card whatever copy nope it's still feeling good [Music] excuse me shield the deer shielded tears kill the tears it's gonna be so freaking nice for the mother fight besides the fact that we don't have piercing right piercing is really what makes shielded tears shine the fact that mom has so much [ __ ] spewing out of her face at any given moment means that our high damage shots might actually not even make it there it might get blocked completely just destroying the bullets that she's got so try saigon we we probably should have given try saigon to jacob so that he had blocking piercing that would have been now that i think about it i just remember piercing on brimstone really not working very well previously and that's worth plus but i i maybe it's been changed it's probably been changed to make it better honestly it felt like i was gonna neuter the shielded tears by taking try saigon with it but first all right almost full health jacob i gotta deal the devil i suppose i i wouldn't uh exactly be against it double check was there an active item for sale in the shop we'd swap right now with the book on esau take these charges that is not it that is not it that's what i'm looking for although if we have extra health left over i suppose maybe we could just jump through into that curse room once again chance for guppy in there oh that's right it's the mom fight my bad there's no there's no coming back oh we have a moon card we have a moon card if we really wanted to leave i mean we're holding on to that you guys i just i don't know there's like a like a general amount of stuff that i i have the ability to pay attention to and with everything else going on i know you probably don't need me to explain myself but there are going to be comments that are going to bother me in the comments section about people like hot stuff i can't believe you've got this and forgot that i forgot this forgot that forget this um such as every single video i've ever put out in my entire life so i probably over explain myself for the vocal minority of people that just come to the chat and just [ __ ] and just spray their [ __ ] grab their [ __ ] like a monkey and just start talking it everywhere and covering everything there could be 100 people in a room it takes one person spraying [ __ ] to make the entire room smell like [ __ ] you know what i mean um damage upgrade on jacob but yeah so sometimes i will overexplain myself sometimes i am going to forget things oh it's okay you're human and then yeah that's the opposite side where people are too nice and i'm like no i messed up i think it's really interesting how the mom's heart battle is back to the mom's heart and not it lives ed said um i don't know if it was like on twitter or where it was but he did confirm ow ow obviously mom's heart is isaac going inside of mom to kill mom from the inside out i was gonna black call i was waiting for a good moment there it just never never showed up i was ready to good moment you mean like when you took damage i don't feel the need to leave currently i think we just saved the moon card for the next floor they constructed the secret room let's do it let's send it but yeah ed confirmed that um the it lives fight is actually isaac going into mom's womb to kill himself or in his mind right because all this is happening inside of isaac's mind when he trapped himself and he started suffocating in the toy chest when it climbs into the ground where does it go comes out from the top double kilum i'm interested but yeah it goes back to mom's heart because he can't climb inside corpse mom if isaac is just trying to feed this it's got to be mom again he's got to kill mom that's what makes corpse mom duh freaking duh dude esau pick up the money remember remember remember remember point oink strictly because of flat penny of course of course there's a lot going on too um trying to keep a steady flow of words coming out of my mouth that's entertaining to watch i think they're like comply on me or something the peeper eye the peeper eye that guy shoots out hard to see let me see it's almost like it's close to darkness or something like that and the whole the the eyeball is uh gray colored and the floor is grey colored almost like that you got crawl space nope just a dead vagina odds it makes me uncomfortable when you say things like that um then the game itself makes you uncomfortable you're actively choosing to watch a game that makes you uncomfortable i tried to give that to esau i don't know how esau did not grab that magical head box is wonderful it's really cool stuff nice copy lock up from that shoe tap shoot don't bomb myself again again oh man that thing is coming in hot what do we got rock cut chimera difficult i can i should try to use my bombs slow it down we're gonna kill it real quick though yo black hole unaffected the boss is like yeah that doesn't bother me you're stronger than light is that what you're saying you are stronger than light yeah confirm that with me please what do we got not my favorite thing not my least favorite thing either it greatly increases our fire rate when we take damage it drops a poop the poop has an aura and the poop breaks the aura goes away and we have our key piece already there's no sense in bombing the statue although we could bomb some fires i almost walked into that fire right there where do i go to escape this though up 10 chance i think in hard mode for there to be a uh slower right dropping this used to be 25 still worth trying top secret room could be [Music] bunch of pills infested luck balls of steel was this the same balls of steel that was a bad trip correct speed up and perks speed up is still speed up it doesn't matter who takes that feels really bad to have the book on jacob stuck on jacob and then the balls of steel phd on jacob when esau really needs the health you know what let's keep that perks let's keep the perks let's go ahead and just moon card now the moon keep the perks on on esau that doubles his health on on these floors specifically and then um now we'll save it for the final boss obviously good a good play it gives you the way for effect for one room the perk spill does and then uh yeah what else is going on keep that strength card for the damage upgrade the balls of steel could be a good play though i had to go strength card both of them give me health i think we leave as soon as possible just go we just send it can we win in our current position yes but we could very easily die you know how quickly the damage stacks up when when you get damaged you just end up taking more damage because you're tilted i'm tilted that's what i'm trying to say there ah shoot shoot shoot [Music] you never know hindsight's 20 20 but you know maybe we could have uh curse it lost great we could have maybe found a active item out of a golden chest and then swapped the book to esau and that could have been you know a game changer but yeah you can have it no thanks again walls got it i don't know if we could both fit into that little dip here that would have been a squeeze there's a little peep eyeball yeah see that little gray colored eyeball peep thing that's what hit me last time i hate when that happens and you just have to be like well we'll see if i take damage golden key plus guppy's tail make it rain yeah buddy what do you got wheel of fortune um it could be like top secret i'm up here let's play that 85 cents better trinkets better pizza papa john's soul hearts in there that is let's just look that up while we're playing the machine eh let's just hold down like this that is beth's essence taking damage gives you a chance to spawn a flame orbital similar to the ones created by book of virtues entering an injury room gives you plus five flame orbitals angel rooms spawned by the stairway items also count do i want immunity to bombs we don't need the keys anymore so esa at the moment probably should take beth's essence there's also that uh rotten penny which is a chance to spawn a fly dummy percentage chance on that rotten penny if i can find it esau is also going to take that health and that essence where is the rotten painting i can't find it rotten pen is that an old drink it it is it's an old trinket from after plus uh plus one friendly blue fly every time you pick up a coin it doesn't even say there's a chance it just says you just get it i feel like that's not likely but maybe i'm not gonna use it honestly another wheel of fortune wheels in a stars card that would just randomly teleport me i say no play this machine maybe i guess pills just about all we need at the moment would it be smart to swap trinkets really quickly just to get one fly we did get a blue fly maybe it is guaranteed very interesting a lot of people try saigon honestly not to have out of a play happy that uh esau has it happy i don't even know like i said before if it's been buffed or if everything around it is so much worse that it just looks good now by comparison speedy boys i'm feeling good i'm feeling good right now see how you didn't need to stress maybe by stressing myself i tried a little bit harder i went a little bit longer oh look at that because we have hollowed ground so this is the hologram poops um look at that plus 7.5 fire rate by standing in that aura it's massive and it gives you homing so um honestly shoot save the relax pill that could be the best play for the boss very easy to kill the poops though but man that could be a really good play if we're somehow able to not shoot him but i think honestly with the orbiting tears that would just shoot the poops anyways if we're standing next to them i think it it's bound to not work it's time to keep in mind for the future though all this extra health we want to go into the curse room that is probably not advisable i appreciate this that's advisable and here we are am i getting free plays on this why was i getting free plays in that what was causing me do i have a uh a damaged negation like uh did i pick up anything like that it was doing the flash kind of like um what what's the infamy interesting this is going to be spun minus fire rate but plus 282 damage i'd say that's probably worth it okay i priest this is not bad it's not better than anything i currently have though i'm going to leave it held back not mad not mad at all we should honestly wait till we take damage first once on jacob before we pop the strength that's not true though because it will bomb out of soul heart i believe but um having that extra damage early could prevent more damage taken throughout the fight and could protect esau a little bit better by making the fight go faster everything gets muddled with two hitboxes with two people beep eyeball again all right once again looking good looking good i don't know where i haven't been that's where we started i thought i went all the way to the left but i could be wrong it's the only place to go it went up there maybe i didn't go down over here that's the one pretty good killing power let's just double check yes mother is something that we do need to imagine we made it all the way there and i'm like oops that's the dark room posted unlock i do believe mother as jacob esau is just going to be straight up and uh and unlock what that unlock is going to be i don't know do we want to stay at a half hour interval here more likely than not i think the boston is actually going to be down evil up that one's uh an evil up there just gotta make it there and then we gotta fight almost done we're almost done you guys range up i won't say no to that is there a range even to the tri-saigon okay it actually does look that there is it fades off like three quarters of the way through the room there thought maybe it was infinite range but i gotta get stuck in the wall you're stuck buddy three cheers for stupid enemies [ __ ] up the ai and let me see that whoops made it all right strength card perks pill and uh we let it rip let's go baby okay so control control that okay got it got it got it got it got it got it gotta get it oh god that is tough shoot towards that to block those shots coming in there we go we should play very defensively focus on uh blocking shots first damage second [Music] unless we're just tanking tons of damage and i can't help it which definitely does happen look at us oh my gosh that went way faster than i thought i was gonna go wait a second right 19 damage right now as jacob that strength card really bumped us up there holy wow honestly i think i'm going to just uh shoot down that thing as much as possible there we go stand firm you let that thing hit the wall and you're in a whole heap of trouble after that feel the tears bot fly also just doing work i totally forgot we had bot fly until right now doing great yeah but fly you and me imagine me and you i do i think about you day and night it's only right to think about the bot fly you love yo that went way better than i thought it was gonna go okay i honestly like 19 damage is crazy high too i did not think that we would have that much damage very cool ah feels good isaac what are you drawing give it to me i'll show you a monster like that whole mindset like you're gonna treat me like a monster i'll be a monster it makes a hell of a lot of sense [Music] this is how you view me you think i'm a monster isaac i'll show you a monster yeah we've seen that magic skin oh i know that one i know that one uh but yeah like you want to treat me like a monster i'll act like a monster it's like that's a good defense mechanism for like a kid in school is being bullied or something like that right like you got good but it at least makes sense to do that to your own kid [Music] nope that's that's not good anyways thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed this huts on cuts um our post-it note let's take a look it's looking pretty good greedier mode is left on jacob esau don't forget that most of these unlocks were cranking out on stream so be sure to uh go check that out links is always in the description down below leave a like on the video let me know your thoughts i appreciate you guys for watching if you made it this far awesome stuff and i will see you guys in the next video see you guys
Channel: Hutts
Views: 185,841
Rating: 4.9177732 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: pO_C5OQ0Z-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 33sec (5733 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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