Tainted Eden is Stress

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance today we are going to jump into tainted eden tainted eden is super messed up you guys you start off as a normal eden run good fire right bad damage right now health was okay but every single time that we get hit we d 100 re-roll i guess it's more of a d4 since you don't reroll other things in the room it's a d4 the best way to do this would probably be sit there and hold r until you get a decent start but uh that's just not me that's not my style sometimes the best things happen to those who wait item room do we care what's inside of it not at the moment health upgrades are also dubious at best because when you reroll a health upgrade you actually get rid of that max health you don't keep it now anymore like you used to with old d4 d100 that in mind we're probably going to go angel room another important note here is that if you have an angel room item it rerolls into an angel room item or so i believe should we do a re-roll right now we got punch tears and and the uh that cuts enemies in half it's not gonna last because we're gonna damage yourself on the way out soul hearts are good soul hearts can't be rerolled health down that's permanent i think what do we got garbage what do you got trash i'm gonna say the more passive items the better here probably one of the worst starts i could imagine though um that health downpill really really set the mood there that's for you sucker what do we got so hard it's good though all path let's do it iron finder mermaid out the gates uh we'll take the passive i mean i was hoping it was a passive metal plate honestly items that negate damage could be really good that's metal plate that's infamy that's egg head holy mantle could be a huge play here it's not going to last though right now i don't like what it's protecting so i might just jump into this curse room and see what we can get here what do we get tech 5 is good our fire right's phenomenal but uh oops it's gone hey malacria plus a tears upgrade plus dead eye and sharp straw i don't know why people like sharp straw so much i think it's trash it does your tier damage plus 10 i think so it's like bam like i guess it's able to kill small things so if you're like overwhelmed by maybe spiders and leeches and i guess if you're gonna have sharp straw having with 15 damage is you know the way to do it all right fine sharp straw pretty good in this situation okay fine look with the high damage yes i get it you know this is a pretty good combo right now i said that and now i'm going to lose it nope we're good deal with the devil like i said i'd rather go angel here because giving up health is a permanent thing you can't get that health back you can reroll into a health upgrade but that doesn't last if we ever wanted to think about doing like boss rush and hush i have no idea how you would make that happen it'd have to be an absolute miracle of a run not to push those buttons ah you know i i don't like or i don't mind dirty minds dude poops get poop friends the problem here is that i'm gonna shoot poops and i'm gonna lose my dead eye multiplier here the soul heart's a good play cables any passive to buy is is a good idea [Music] we could wait on that i don't know if our car gets rerolled after we take damage shark straw you couldn't even handle a bucket boy my dead eye damage multiplier not going down after shooting poop anymore that's a good change sharp straw noise look at me doing that damage watch you said that you had a sharp straw yeah they said it was good with the damage that we got you listening no perfection health is whatever rerollable our trinkets do re-roll when we re-roll or when we get re-rolled when we get rick rolled i should have totally blew up this beggar too for a higher chance for angel i think by losing holy mantle charge it re-rolls everything that we have so we probably shouldn't even be going into curse rooms as the lost character right now i'm saying more poop buddies okay our damage did go down shooting the poops okay we have a lot of poop buddies wormwood is in for a treat look out guys don't get stabbed and knock them sideways keep it up dudes keep it up dudes and we're done hp upgrade serves you know whatever honestly the dps upgrades would go like pretty far for me right now we could carry this maybe the entire way this could like be the run we might do boss rush i'm going to two diamonds grab the jumper cables the sack and maybe even the bomb and yeah snacker sacks there we go more items the better for sure mine's one ten and a half minutes splits it whoa whoa whoa whoa easy there tiger small rock we gotta hurt ourselves to get to the mausoleum you guys so that'll be a rude awakening gotta reroll no matter what there let's plan on going mother with this because i'm backtracking right now slim chances i'd say for actually making it to boss rush or hush gosh i don't think we can hot for going mother i think it's actually off the table oh oh god these guys are tough half the time with those guys i just closed my eyes and hope for the best backtracking for half off nun's habit no way we're hitting boss rush stop killing my children library i gotta spike myself in order to get any of them bookworm would be rerolled it's not a thing that we could actually keep i don't know maybe once you have it you keep it i don't remember how it all works out you guys wait a second are we gonna shock between every one of our poops nope do they gotta put the freaking item room at the far back of the gush darn floor oh my god how is this room how is this floor longer oh my god boss rush dreams ripped just right there what do you got is it worth my while virgo coming up in 15 minutes you guys mine's one we have what three more floors to go it ain't happening three creeps more like stupid head that takes too long to fight that's dodgeable oh wow how do i know if he's doing the sideways laser or the front laser i can never tell angel room there it is that's what i need right now oh yeah the health upgrades are permanent so like not the worst thing i've ever seen in my entire life though i mean not my favorite you know sexy amount of damage going for the knife piece and also making it the boss rush it's just kind of a wet dream it's not really a thing there don't you know dear guy hey i hate these guys i hate them i hate them what do we got anti-grav with the little lost buddy if we can keep him alive he'll give me some upgrades we have teeth shot see if we keep these i was gonna say 99 keys because we have skeleton key it never gave me the 99 keys so oh i guess i took damage there got black hole we got other stuff oh baby only if only if only i could lock one of these things in 867 damage is not bad for this four three eight three four three nine fire rates good black hole would be pretty decent for a boss rush i feel like well you know what you guys i keep forgetting mausoleum is gonna rip all of our items anyways stop getting a catch touch you can't get attached to these things not to mention the time it's gonna take for me to go walk through this freaking room it's gonna be 20 minutes already so let's just have a good mother fight i wonder if i get hurt in here if i reroll the items that i don't currently have on me excuse me i'm gonna go that way um did you not stand directly in the way oh there we go we just re-rolled everything because she snuck up on me excuse me you're a cheater and you're a hack and nobody likes you all my homies hate this fight and what the hell do we have something that's not as good i got hit and i can't see my health and i'm not ludo it's ludo i'm like i'm not shooting anything we're dead yeah yeah yeah i'm circling drain you guys ludo is good i like luna a lot says tim with like a minus 48 000 win streak um try saigon i suppose i wonder if that does more ticks of damage is that good doesn't matter does it got it yo let's do it uh i gotta ah holy man of god head down the drain oh good day sort of destiny more like the sword if i'm completely dead inside and i have zero feelings anymore and i don't even know why i get up in the morning sword what is this freaking like transcendence plus guillotine i can't cut my head off if i don't have a body i have no idea where i am and i'm supposed to like know where i am so i can use my freaking sword what is this nonsense what the hell oh god oh why don't you stop after i finished it uh ah we could get free re-rolls on this machine what do you got this seems pretty poppin uh-oh are you kidding me i have to bomb myself watch the size of the game and go back into the game and then you'll be at the start of the room it's a good one tim yeah i'm kind of an expert autumn rum rum hot diggity dog it's nancy bombs since when have they been called nancy bombs nancy box nancy i like what's going on right now let's see how long we can keep it uh oh massage this is a tough fight lasers should help though with that keep the thing dead keep it dead don't wake it up no get that ball away from it kill the heart kill the heart kill the heart kill the heart kill the heart easy mode angel room yo stairway with some monies i'm gonna backtrack all the way and probably get the the thing here right since we haven't seen it yet is that how it works why did i go this way what's happening what is this it doesn't matter it's gone i got hit again everything was empty full cleared the room and i got hit again and now i have garbage i have absolute just trash and i didn't get a yeah okay no staircase if i had to explain to you what happened in that room i couldn't do that oh we don't have to we don't have the ladder i just i really don't like playing this character this character is more pain than it's worth it it's just it's nothing but stress and anxiety what else you're saying 10 damage whatever good things that you have you will lose this is like a like a training like welcome to real life everything that you have ever cared about in your entire life will die in front of you let's just sweep it sacred hearts sweep this we have a fair amount of angel items in store so like i said those are gonna be rerolled into more angel items i'll take pisces phenomenal fire right right now blow this guy up let's pay this 10 cents or five nine seven eight six ten there we go thirty one percent chance angel i could afford to deal with the devil at this point in time but i think angel's the way to go the more angel items we have the higher chance that every reroll will at least get like a holy brim god head sacred heart we want to almost insure those mom fight it's super mom let's not forget very easy to take damage especially on our triple stops oh i didn't i was speaking didn't see that didn't hear it didn't see it didn't see that guy chewing on my butt either kidney stones is just good maybe that weird item that makes this have a tail i got hit from something i guess once again everything that you've ever loved cared about will die in front of you we're going mother so we'll take the damage upgrade what's that is that holy brim that's how i brim let's do it finish this very nice the compost and we have a fair amount of spiders in in flies so let's see if compost can't uh go out of control here okay everything that you have ever cared about in your entire life will die in front of you we re-rolled into missing no and that in turn re-rolled us again so that holy brim combination that we were excited about it's gone try saigon no i don't even know if chris saigon has been buffed or if everything around it has been debuffed to the point where tri saigon now seems takeable we need to do a controlled reroll right now there we go into what holy mantle is the only good thing i see there our health is at like all time low we still have missing no you can't re-roll missing no you can't re-roll missing no it's impossible to reroll this thing though you can't do it you can't re-roll it it's permanent ed did i hurt you in some way do we need to hash this out remember i thought i might make it to boss rush we might do boss rush good times balls of steel that's what i need in my life acid baby by the way i never knew this once but you use a pill in a room with enemies with acid baby he poisons everybody i didn't know that black sacks pretty good stuff here's down also just like that's pretty good arcade machine could give us free rerolls but eucharist man i need to get that angel room first let me guess rodgut hey it's rodka it's probably gonna end up taking damage on this but we get our holy mantle reset every time i think something i can get past each fight it's only taking one hit of damage bombs thank you let's heavily use our bombs here nope climb go bomb all right i walked into a freaking maggot we're fine we're fine we're fine can i like lob a bomb from up here i can i can totally lob bombs in oh bro we did it angel rum what do you got i don't even care i don't even care i'm happy about it guaranteed reroll so it doesn't make sense to farm rerolls right now because guaranteed reroll missing no let's just go to the next floor and cross our fingers and hope for the best got it got it got it got it got it ladder wait a second the ladder wait what how do i when what huh is it permanent must be permanent i'm so happy to get this trash that you just threw at me pay the bigger last floor you guys oh yeah we've got a lot of health so we'll probably take damage during the mother fight we'll get re-rolls assuming that we can stay on top of it and not just die sometimes hits we get hits we get hits we get hits if we can control it we might be able to pull out a victory here and i will have our first marks ever on tainted eden oh my god bible so i need i need flight the jumping super trite boys are they're unreal they're speed unrivaled oh okay and then there's these guys that i've never even seen but oh yeah you teleported in front of me didn't you i'm hanging on you guys i'm hanging on hang on to the health and tell the mom to tell the mother fight please oh oh oh homing lasers are pretty good godhead lasers i got my godhead i'm bleeding i'm bleeding i'm not bleeding anymore is it the shard of glass i think one of the items that just make you hemorrhage health i want to say that's how i died the first time that we did this i just kept bleeding out and uh turning into new forms i don't remember whatever let's just go to the dang fights it did not re-roll me thank god it did not count this as a new floor turn missing no that is i do what did anyone see what happened okay it's getting out of control this is what i'm talking about i'm losing it i'm losing it sci fly you need to help me out here we have some high damage triple shot um i'm not sure this what else is going on with it i don't know time to look you know what it's been re-rolling gulps trinkets i see a filigree feather up in there that's very interesting oh this is the toughest one this is the toughest part dude sci-fly is is oh sci-fi is dead fly oops okay it's it's doing the thing this is exactly what i warned about why are there enemies coming up from the bottom of the screen have i never taken this she's batting the enemies at me what what what what what what is this i have never i have never seen this oh my god are you almost dead what am i supposed to do about that where was i supposed to go to dodge that man this is insanity god this character is just hot trash no stop don't uh-uh no eternal heart where the hell that come from our angel familiar i think hang in there hang in there we can do this we can do this i've got the pow uh uh-huh uh-huh can't hit me with that you're trash this is a tough one though man no i hate this one did i just shoot it down i think i just shot it i've shielded tears come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh we got the shield too it's helped me out it's helped me out big time i did it did i do it oh wow okay that was so stressful you guys modeling clay ah that's kind of a bummer of an unlock i already know what that one does it copies a passive in the room or the floor has the chance to grant the effect of a passive item when entering a room okay so that's been changed a little bit we'll have to find it in the wild pick it up to see what it's really gonna do but yeah wow stressful stressful stressful and we have a lot more marks to go on that character that's a pretty pathetic uh post-it note well i hope you guys enjoyed watching me stress the hell out thank you for watching leave a like leave your comments down below in the comments section you guys have been supporting the crap out of me so thank you for that thanks for being awesome people and i will see you in the next episode see you guys [Music] foreign
Channel: Hutts
Views: 616,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: tErwvDlrULE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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