Tainted Isaac - Godly Run!

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the botting of isaac repentance instead of doing another challenge today let's jump into something a little bit more exciting i feel like i've been saving all the excitement for twitch and i apologize let's try some of the tainted characters here so those of you who don't know there's a whole flip side of the post-it note and this is unlocked by going to the dogma fight and doing something special so far we have isaac kane eden lost forgotten and bethany on the flip side let's do a tainted isaac run so here's what's up each of the tank characters has some sort of special it's like a new special game mode basically as you can see in the upper left isaac does not have the d6 and he has eight slots for weapons or items whatever you want to call weapons whatever xl floor that we're starting off on let's not bung up our deal with the devil although i have been doing angel rooms a lot recently and i gotta say they're pretty spicy that's clearly secret room oh probably should have kept my bomb or a tinted rock for a solar to protect my deal the devil shop on the first floor with nothing else no money no bombs no keys um oh that's right i totally forgot every single item pedestal switches between two items so we kind of get a choice and we do we definitely get a choice on everything that we take which will hopefully increase our odds of getting awesome stuff if we don't get a single health upgrade and it's likely that we don't because like if we get a health upgrade pedestal in the boss room it might be switching between a health and a dps upgrade i'll probably take the dps i'm probably going to go angel if i cannot frickin get hit what do we got dunce capper 20 whoa wow okay double or double 2020 has been nerfed it is a damage downgrade but it's still a dps up if you can land both shots and it's way easier to land both shots with 20 20 than is with dunce people are bummed about it but it's still good i'll hold off on this pill second item room mark to razor blade i i like it tears up but marked is just it's it's abysmal we can always get rid of it later on right it's better now it's still not good in my opinion top secret room with a black card in it ah new charge bum though he's pretty cool all right two perfect boss fights for a deal with the devil can we do it i think i can handle that i think one of the best things about march is the fact that you can shoot diagonally so you know i'm feeling pretty good so far first floor oh yeah oh yeah healthier health uh we'll go help deal with the devil is looking pretty good gemini i generally like to shoot the little baby first i'm not sure how that's gonna go with this oh he almost got me he almost cut me off stop hiding and fight me like a man baby wait what that doesn't make any sense you know elsa is a man baby oh tim oh son of a yo damage or health fire rate ooh i like damage but let's go deal with the devil with health fire rate what do you got for me one guppy piece or uh the false phd it's the first time we've ever we've seen this false phd identifies all pills upon pickup converts all good pills into their bad counterparts including stat up pills turning into stat downs but gives them positive secondary effects bad stat down pills will also grant grant uh 0.6 damage up and drop blackhearts upon use i say we give it a go guppy is is like you know one of our favorites obviously but yeah tears down in a in a range down the range down is fine by me to a point that's plus 0.82 damage up tears down seems worse but i suppose we could always get back up to the cap right it's not lowering the cap here is for damage that's an interesting trade that's a that's an interesting one but two damage ups just like that from false phd all right all right how do we guarantee more pills baggie of pills looking real hot right now red chests oftentimes have pills that's why i went into the curse room acid baby would be really good of course we only have eight items remember we've already almost filled up we have we filled up over half where do we need to go with this we've gone to the chest so we got to do mother i need everything everything that's not the chest like i said you're going to list that all off let's go alt path let's do it what do we got in here god's flash or black bean that's awful let's take the rando this one imolacria oh god just dropping double balls just just a bunch of balls on their face this seems pretty good though no complaints yet bff um no the other one is the sort of options where you get a choice between room drops i don't know if that's really worthy of my eight slots can i push this guy into the middle and have him bomb that for me or can you move uh not that's not what i wanted you to do bosses little blub little blub's tough points off when he's alive and uh that's the tears up if i'm gonna be taking stat uh tear pills down here's down pills that's probably the best way to put it why don't you just say it the way it makes sense oh we don't have bombs so i'm not gonna be able to get into mines one because i threw all my bombs away because i'm an idiot previously on hutz gaming [Music] the sort of options where you get a choice between room drops we could just carry with this because i'm an idiot so we gotta do the flip side though so maybe we'll get some more bombs it's possible you know what now that i am the lost after touching that fire we can go into this side's curse room for free hello bad trip does that do anything bad now i'm dead i feel like i've been lied to yo who wants to start over this guy yeah buddy doesn't the loss like not get affected by uh the bad trip though isn't the uh loss just that does that's just not a pill i know you want to make me feel better coley freaking good run too good dang it first item rum is either mom's box or mr mega bombs i guess early consumables i mean five five free bombs could have been good too you want the box or do you want the boxes wrapping paper lara juniors got em and i got a damage upgrade all right that's pretty good i'm still thinking about dying from that pill you remember how the loss doesn't get bad trip pills ever remember how like i was the lost but it was considering my health that didn't exist as my current health so the bad trip hurt me do you remember that i'm still mad about it god damn it let me give me a health upgrade it'll make me feel better okay whoa hey he almost slipped something in my back pocket there oh why don't i take that eternal heart i want to go into the freaking curse from damn it freaking draws dude why do i get nothing but dross i was like ooh maybe we get pills ugh remember the false phd with the damage ups thing that we had that's nice though look at this uh tinted rock with this moving platform or this moving ground easy deal with the devil blob again your old news blub got him there's my tears up again i suppose i could decide later after i spend a bunch in here a book of the dead is a is a winner here the turning into judas would not be a winning move though let's go bucket the dead tears up okay then a one and done do we want to start the floor over i don't want to give him my book i just bought it i'll take the health and speed boy a library um yeah look of freaking virtues you kidding me i have book of the dead book of virtues and every other book is available to me right now too i guess i could hang man and touch them all oh man i can put them all into my book of virtues and get special fires from each one bruh book a rev got book worm now this is amazing you know we could roll satan's bible and get a bunch of deals of the devil that could be a thing we have the satan fire look at that satan fire with the bible fire dope let's try it we'll go extra deals to the devil with satanic bible this is nuts man this is nuts look at me dude finally find our uh item room don't have a key for it that's fine higher chance of planetarium i don't think i have planetariums unlocked for that matter but brainworm uh our tears if i miss they will like redirect themselves some of them will to hit our enemies we did well we did well i'm feeling good so like i said satanic bible has been nerfed now or a buff i guess depends on how you look at it instead of getting a bostrom item we will get a deal with the devil and with an extra deal with the devil we'll probably spend more health now but uh we'll be able to be more picky about what we take let's not forget only eight items i just backed up into that spike rock i don't even know that spike rock was there we got a key though right before item room and it's a bunch of trash on that one i don't want that one can you take it back what do you mean i need a receipt um demon bagger could totally be a thing i'll be demon beggar before i touch the buttons in case they spawn bombs give me something sweet baby marked again am i dumb for going for it too late the tears up man i'm a sucker for that tears up plus we're getting the extra brain worm uh aiming shooting around corners we're full up by the way eight out of eight items smashing two books together it was a freaking genius idea and we have clogged not a problem shoot at his front because i think that if he doesn't have two enemies spawn he never goes into his flush attack look at this look at the brain worm oh my god it's too strong way too strong wow and our deal with the devil with an angel room mind you is ma the void uh i don't know how that works with marked but i'd like to find out and we dropped our box because remember we're eight out of eight it automatically procs that's super cool okay because like pre-repentance we would have not been able to proc that at all in angel room we have the ladder we have the ladder we have a ladder a ladder what am i gonna get rid of though um oh god i gotta get rid of health upgrades in order to take that i guess the health upgrade i'm gonna take the ladder because it gives us a free angel room at the start of every floor look at this dope oh i probably can't even have that right he piece is free key piece is free another demon beggar really and a soul heart to boot we got bud imprints machine uh yeah i could use that later i guess come on dude full health no i'm leaving and did the flip side watch me throw it all away again um hey do i get another angel room with the ladder no i can fight the angel i guess it's risky wait why is there a beggar there where did you come from were you there the whole time yo you got demolished you got smooshed huh yeah i can play him does he pay out in the room or is there a special beggar pool um well yeah breath of life i think is technically angel what breath of life duck does in the book of virtues though nothing nothing no fires well that was almost really cool your channel's almost really cool all right peace oh the demon beggar's back guess who's back wait can i not play him i don't know am i the lost do i have health i honestly do think that i can legally play them and it takes for my health that is but isn't but never was but has spent but i'm not gonna chance it i'm not gonna have another lost run i mean you know i'm not gonna lose another run while the void by the way has been nerfed it no longer drops blackhearts upon killing enemies ouch ouch ouch ow hey same guy clogged same dude same strat look at me do harbingers or guppy's paw i believe that we have to have all three guppy pieces in order to get the guppy transformation i don't feel like knocking out three of my items and harbingers also is just not gonna make the cut it's super cool but uh oh we're limited oh sorry bud and we're back just in time to temperance i was gonna say if i get another blood bag i'm not taking it that wouldn't make any sense um keeper sack shoot um what's the other thing too evil charm plus two luck okay keeper sack spawns three random coins and a key when picked up buying items in the shop gives you a random stat upgrade the more you spend the higher the stat increase possible stats include speed damage and range 15 cents items gives all three stats five cents gives one or two stats uh that could be a way to get passive stats without having to get more items oh why am i sitting here on backstabber i'm sitting here like i can't take blood bag but i've got freaking backstab are you kidding me okay i'm assuming that i keep it's like a permanent stat so i could drop the item again after buying it right rate and and keep the stat stats did not change they did not go back down so this is a way to farm stats without getting items sweet down in the mines i'm feeling good about this if this gets even crazier we should think about going dogma all right free angel room i forgot it was for money i don't have money i did have money and i spent it on freaking stupid things sensor's good i think this does work for keeper stack too when you buy those items shoot we just wasted that completely can i use it once or is it like only the first time i see it let's read it it said spawns a ladder angel room accessed by the stairway are different they sell angel room items and soul hearts for money well let's find a way to get money well there's some money what is this oh yeah there it is that's the item we've been looking for give me money money honey oh what you're doing that stupid thing again where you make noises every time you pick something up huh yep that's the one oh my god jesus oh that's not that good actually i don't know why i tried to honestly pick up the sprinkler but i took it in line live's an accident and we just ripped our health i just tried to grab the sprinkler and use it in this freaking room gosh darn it iron fan ah jewel bag stool bag could be a cool thing you know what the stopwatch is a no-brainer here and i think possibly it's time for a marked to go we got a damage down and a tears down there but uh everyone slowed so i don't think i can complain oh yeah dude stopwatch stopwatch is good muy bueno theo the devil gives me the void another opportunity to get stat upgrades oh my god he's a genius he's a genius i wonder if i still get the satan fire by using the satanic bible through my void or if i just get a void fire i don't know go to the angel room now um i wish i had my thing charged up but yeah i don't know if i go okay oh what's gonna go health upgrade we don't have a health upgrade to lose oh my god what's the other one divine intervention allows you to double tap the shoot button to create a holy shield that pushes enemies back and deals 10 damage to them if they touch it the void's going away i'm sorry ma the void but i have to try this this is dope look at that i'll probably buy this too for the stat up right i got a 0.98 stat increase for buying a holy card do i wish wish wish that i had my ma or my void charged up i could suck both these damn it ah still pretty good though feeling spicy at 21 damage who wants to go dogma i want to go dogma look at me dropping these shields i'm stoked right now what do you got i don't even care what you got i'm gonna suck both those down what you got beat up uber even get a health upgrade without getting a health upgrade without an item i'm gonna kill them before i'm able to see the reflection yeah plus we have flight now because we have so many angel items god stairway is so good a tears uphill oh my god i wonder if the stairway is going to give me angel rooms on my way back up as well 57 chance for an angel by the way i like i'm forgetting that we have normal angel rooms as well deflect it oh that's so cool oh wow okay wow wow wow wow wow wow we did get our angel room i don't want any of that so i'll probably suck those down as well what do you have oh my god first one's called revelation plus two soul hearts grants the ability to fly and we also get a holy brimstone laser second one's called sacred orb increases the quality of generated items rerolls items with quality of zero or one i think that yeah items have zero to four quality anything in the bottom half of that i guess bottom two fifths zero or one gets re-rolled into something even better um crazy awesome i don't think it's gonna be necessarily that important for us now we're just about done with shops too so it might be a good time to get rid of this the the sac the keeper sack and go for holy brim we have to hold the sack in order to get the damage upgrade from it is that true yeah eight damage on locked up in this sack so if i get rid of this damage upgrade that's just a two damage down i'm gonna keep the tears up tears up seems more significant oh by the way we can use our holy card and it uh will carry between floors so oh that's hot that's hot avoid these for plus four six damage you kidding me oh my god give me a battery for sale in my shop please uh oh we have homing we have homing laser because it's sacred heart maybe or that might have been brain worm it should be homing laser but maybe not yeah no it's homing holy brim this is the run dude i'm glad we lost the last one suck these up for two three damage i'm just gonna say it i think the latter might honestly be one of the most overpowered items not by itself but damn ladder plus keeper sack has been a joke right now we got to get the second key we don't have to get the second key piece i'm choosing to get the second key piece we can handle it if we're going dogma we don't need it i can't believe how lucky we got in this run though with keeper sack and void getting stat increases without having to fill up our eight slots so crazy all right we just gotta dodge the stupid face now get nothing you're too slow you're too slow slam down did you knock it off ma'am this is our arby's ma'am family me alone please gotta go made it in order to make it to dogma we have to leave down now not to the mausoleum but down this hole thank depp's too um we don't have enough money if i leave the room and come back yeah see there's only one shot to do it we would have had to save up our money we spent it all in an angel room though so like what am i gonna do no i'm gonna start that's that joke is so old oh my god gotta find the marked skull take our full card get a perks pill check out this ah that's a good item though would i give up a damage upgrade to potentially get more damage upgrades i don't have a damage upgrade to get rid of and i'm honestly curious to see if we can't get angel rooms on the way back up so let's just suck this up for a tears upgrade i mean it's that's phenomenal um that could be a tears up but i think that the brain worm though even though we have homing the combo of the two is gonna be like you just can't miss shredded oh man that's some pin carne asada i just made we didn't check out our shop but you know what i think we should just go in cool card in hand almost one shot at mom with the lasers take either of these it doesn't matter wait do i have to swap an item for it no ed you dog thank you for not making me swap an item for that we come back out here we give it to that thing and then we can go to dog mob we don't have to worry about doing the red key thing because this is already the tainted character yeah okay so we do get this angel staircase oh my god are you kidding me i keep giving money that god dang beggar i don't even know what that second one is jar of wisps when used gives you a number of blue flame orbitals based on the numbers shown over the item it starts at one and increments each activation giving you more familiars each time you use it the flames and tears okay so it basically it gives me more wisps what happens if i put the jar of wisps into the book of virtues that gives me wisps that's gotta be like double wisp action it's godhead though it's godhead we could sit here all day and discuss which one we better it's godhead let's get rid of the tears up for the godhead i guess oh my god i just i don't know what to say about this run you guys to buy more stuff because it's damage 0.93 damage for that i just i don't know what to say suck that down for more damage 31 damage i'd like to thank my mom everyone that believed in me for this moment i don't know how like a tainted isaac run could even be stronger than this tears uphill games like cold might jesus juice oh my god four fire right now this is unreal still buy some stuff and then drop it again and then eat it eat this item or fire rate deck of cards no thanks i wonder if store credit works in the angel shop probably and uh we start our ascent i spent it it's gone just get over it you mean it's gone how can you have spent our savings the deck of cards is still there when we go back up through the floor so if you guys have no idea what's going on this is the special true ending now and we're we're going back up through the floors back up to the someplace that we'll get to in a minute spoiler reacted we do get the angel the opportunity to go back up into the angel room we get the opportunity to buy more stuff if i had to buy something what would it be shoot uh double damage i can't get rid of my eight damage though from my keeper sack which is probably up to like 12 damage now i'm thinking about getting rid of the freaking stopwatch for double damage yes you know what probably the shields we're just not even using the shield like ever that's 67 damage look at this look at these giant freaking diamonds of doom we never even went to the first angel rooms right because uh we didn't have the the ladder until a little bit into the the run so those are going to be fresh i need more money though get money from these potentially yo oh our frickin uh trinket didn't work i don't have the money god dang it i keep giving money to the stupid beggar i don't want that imagine if we had filigree feather two going back up and getting one free each time oh my god oh it's please stop your your luck hurts me this is disgusting you know what i want to be bigger mine's two another angel room it seems like every single one of these angel rooms even if we have been there that they're still generating new ones which is absolutely insane i'm just gonna keep buying some stuff i'm gonna keep sucking them down that was okay we were beyond the fire rate cap with 70 damage speed up hill that's just a joke gulp pill sure [Music] you need to confess your sins and become saved let his light inside you cleanse your soul insane you are taking this too far did you hear how you sound pray for your salvation come pray with us price saigon i mean i if i had the money i would at least try it out but i don't we're getting a good look at the story here you guys um it it's just it was easy to like put dad up on a pedestal even though he walked out on us to say like well dad's probably like super cool and we want to find dad i want to know more about dad but then we see that you know kind of like every relationship every marriage it's kind of a two-sided problem and dad's kind of a butt head downpour one getting real close oh we never even went into this item room isaac's heart immunity to bombs could be you know i mean look at my items though sorry bud i got 0.5 fire rate we can use these red cracked key pieces too to open up like more doors kind of like the red key wood since we're not saving them to unlock the tainted characters you guys have no idea how to unlock the tainted characters i highly suggest that you check out hutz2 where we streamed most of these unlocks i believe i labeled them unlocking tainted x character and then playing them i just i said like tainted bethany tainted keeper now that could be a fun item would i get rid of my slow time to get the prism i think i gotta try it i gotta try it sorry stopwatch did i tell you that angel rooms were spicy or what where are you going wait we need you your son needs you i'm doing more harm than good i just can't do this anymore i'm sorry please please don't leave us i'm sorry isaac that would be a really tough thing to do i have to like like let's say that you have a child with somebody but that person goes in a in a direction that you just can't follow and especially i know for a fact that in this country and being male you're not likely to get custody of a child at all if you needed to lead that relationship if you couldn't handle it and and the mom wasn't gonna let you visit you had to like basically leave that kid behind you had to leave your child behind i don't know there's a lot there's a lot to unpack with with the lore here money oh glad i took petrified poo one last angel room you guys were at the top maybe plum didn't stand a chance last one give me some good stuff that's really good that's really good but uh look at our freaking eight items right now i don't think that i can honestly part with any of them so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna buy this for 1.46 damage up and that for oh my god plus 289 damage i don't want the health up but i do want the damage so worth it it's got pulse worm too and i'm like the only good reason to have pulse worm ever is if you ever have godhead well we got godhead so now our aura will grow and shrink oh paul's worm you beautiful bastard let's do this you guys this is gonna be an embarrassing fight here we are at the very very top my penis fell off home we made it so this is our room if i bomb this there's no cellar i can't bomb the bed either we've tried all these things there's the hallway there's a pantry to the side that gives me one um consumable here is where mom watches christian broadcasts you can see dad's face is x'ed out in the uh the picture back there on the wall you go over here there's another hallway that leads down all the pictures of dad have been crossed off that one's me and we can continue on into mom's room where we get one last free item um it's really good but i'm gonna use my void on it obviously and get some range i guess can't do anything with the the dressers but all you can if you look closely to the dressers you can see all of mom's items scattered about can't bomb the middle of the carpet here but we can sleep in the bed [Music] all right let me inch our way back out wait a second the tv's on oh god what does it want for me you guys ready for this dogma let's do this fight mate tv we're shooting the tv right now and the tv's already dead second form angel let's do this we dropped the chariot gotta watch out for the feathers let's not lose our double damage here done already my god is let's go baby now we gotta fight the four horsemen shouldn't be too bad with everything that we got really don't want to take damage here though like i said that double damage via our uh our crown of light very important for us come on pestilence what you got nothing second face pestilence and he's done look at our freaking items you guys that is insane what we have going on right now make sure it work it is dude get done dude i just walked into the lava door don't be stupid i'm gonna get one holy mantle charge for free on this that's turn last one oh man that quadruple laser though you're done you're done son final final final super final boss let's go it's the beast i can hardly even see its face because of how many tears the godhead aura bro you're getting just smashed this would have been nice to have the slowing on it's fine i'm fine oh man i didn't even get to do the laser attack and might be one of the fastest times that i've ever fought the beast yo then suddenly the sky above cracked open and a white beam of light reached down into the earth smiting the mother of harlots asunder and setting the blood lake to a boil as the beast descended down into the lake of fire isaac ascended towards the crack in the sky and as he flew he could see echoes of his past before him he saw his mother mourning the loss of her son he saw his father leaving them without turning to say goodbye he saw his mother sleeping and his father taking money from her purse he heard the late night fights they had that kept him up at night and the guilt he felt for what he believed he was causing he felt the pain in his stomach during those sleepless nights and saw his shadow in the closet waiting for him as he rose he felt his fears drop from his body his shame his worry pulled from his being as he became lighter his ascent became faster he saw his one true companion alive and well he saw his mother and father together again holding each other he felt his mother kissing him on the head after he had said his prayers and the comfort in knowing someone was watching over him he saw his own birth and the faces of his parents filled with joy and optimism and then he saw nothing are you sure this is how you want this story to end isaac you're the one writing it it doesn't have to end this way here how about we tell it a different way maybe a happy ending okay daddy good are you getting sleepy yet yeah okay so [Music] isaac and his parents lived in a small house [Music] so that ending has sparked a lot of debate what the storyline was all about a lot of people thought that possibly isaac made this all up and this was just a story that him and his dad were talking about before isaac went to bed or isaac made it up and maybe isaac was telling his dad and his dad was like oh maybe we should not have such a shitty story but it's been confirmed by ed that isaac did die so and also every single time that someone tries to point that out ed leads them in a different direction he says it's a snapshot in time it's not supposed to be a linear story he popped on the stream one time and i talked to him about it and i said that people just they need that happy ending and they they refuse to see or hear ed when he says that isaac has died and ed responded with let them have it as in let them have their happy ending as in that's not really the ending i think isaac dies i think it's supposed to be like it's supposed to hit you hard but i'd love to know your guys's thoughts in the comment section down below we unlocked a glitched crown by the way which makes item pedestal cycle between five random items instead of just two which tainted uh tainted isaac has that's insane it's quality four which is max quality that's amazing what an awesome run what a good time i'm honestly glad that first run failed like i said leave your thoughts in the comment section down below thank you for watching thank you to the editor for this awesome video and i will see you guys in the next one see you [Music] remember the last one where we had 20 20 i do i remember that vividly yeah i remember that
Channel: Hutts
Views: 730,199
Rating: 4.9440761 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: gZgZ9-53FhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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