Tabatha Coffey's Tips For Success

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really I propose for what we're about to do I actually wear my hairpiece he doesn't shake his head cos he's afraid of the fall-off celebrity hairstylist Tabitha coffee is also known for telling it like it is and for her business savvy well now she's showing you and me how to take charge at home and at work in her new book own it and we are so glad she is back on the couch today love the book cuz there's a lot of back and forth in the book you took questions from people and helped them to take charge so we know you from taking charge and we know you from helping businesses out was was this always in your make up where you always good at taking charge in helping people no I think you learned I think the more experience you have in life and in business and in the craft that you do in the profession that you choose it definitely helps you kind of come into your own and learn from your mistakes and be able to kind of share that with everyone which is really what I've done well in the book you do share that you had a great role model growing up and that was your mom and I love the little tidbits that you include in there so was she an entrepreneur herself tell everybody kind of her background yeah my mother was a businesswoman and she was incredibly strong um she brought me up pretty much the single parent my father left when I was around 10 and my mother was very tough a really strong businesswoman didn't mind speaking her mind came from the tough love kind of brand which she definitely passed on to me and taught me but it was a great way as a young girl to be able to learn that it's okay to stand up for yourself and it's okay to make decisions that people typically didn't think that you should make as a woman and maybe you should have been a little quieter is to really stand on your own two feet and take care of things may I just say I have to share something with you because something that my mom always told me and I said mom you've been fantastic you've been an awesome mom but the worst advice she ever gave me was always be nice being nice all the time is not the right thing to do you know and I think that your book actually gives people an outline as to how to handle certain situations in life I think being nice is fine I think I'm nice right but I'm honest and I don't mind sometimes telling people the hard truths or hearing them I don't mind hearing them about myself as well or telling them to myself so that I can improve myself and my business and the things that I need to do so that I can be successful but I think sometimes when you're overly nice and accommodating you can become a doormat for people and let people you give them permission to step all over you as opposed to saying you know what here's my boundary I'm really sorry that's unacceptable to me people will only treat you the way you let them treat you absolutely nice does not mean weak did you say a lot of great practical advice number one you have to come up with a plan you always have to come up with a plan you need to know where you're going and what the roadmap is and I think for so many people going into business they think this is a great idea I have a great idea I'm a great hairdresser I'm a great Baker let me do it but they don't think through what they need to do to become success so they open the doors then they don't have enough money to pay the rent get the right stuff they don't have those capabilities because they haven't researched properly right but then you also have to make decisions based on your decision to open up a new business and so that's the hard part too that's the other thing that people really fall short on people get so paralyzed with fear about changing things or actually having to make that decision because what if it's the wrong one one wrong thing you have to make a decision you know what if it's the wrong one and it's a mistake you'll survive it's okay we all learn from our mistakes we all make them especially going into business the most important thing is to make a decision and be decisive especially for your staff and then move forward if it's the wrong decision that's okay learn from that learn from the mistake don't do it again and move forward stop dwelling on it we have sorts of balance between being proactive but also reacting to the situation as it unfolds absolutely you know what when you're a business owner and I think just in life you never know what's coming you never know what it's going to throw at you and you need to be flexible you need to be okay with moving with what's happening in your business or what's happening in life and not being so rigid and people become paralyzed with fear they really do they become so scared of change that they stand still and they won't do anything and then you're not moving forward you're just stagnant right now have you ever been scared I mean I feel like you're just such a strong stoic woman I have there ever been any big mistakes in your life oh sure look we all make mistakes with human and that's how we learn you know going into business I was great with doing the plan but I needed to learn how to hire the right staff and how to find a balance of being effective behind the chair and being an effective boss and working hard but not taking everything on I wasn't great at delegating because I like to control things and do it all myself so I would make all these mistakes and I had to learn how to let go a little bit and delegate to people and trust people and bring the best out in them so they in turn could bring the best out in me and we could all have a successful business how do you teach people how to treat you you have to first of all know how you want to be treated and set boundaries I have no problem if you tell me what I'm doing wrong and then show me a way to be better but don't berate me and tell me I'm silly or I'm you're doing this incorrectly and then walk away from me you need to show me how I need to do it properly speak to me in a civil manner right oh and it has a lot to do a panel you know with clients as well you need to set your boundaries and I talked about this in this in the book that you know being in the service industry sometimes there were clients that would step over a line and it's all about the customer and putting them first but there are things if you're berating me or being rude to myself or my staff that's unacceptable to me and I need to step in and stop it and say you know what that's not okay for me well one of the first things that you're addressed in the book is the way that you've been interpreted on television you say that you totally transformed the B word you know you have a different way of putting it so let people know how you think of the B word now well I came up with an acronym because I hated being called that word because I didn't feel that's who I am or who I was representing so for me it stands for brave intelligent tenacious creative and honest Wow yes okay so that's totally changing our idea the book is yeah great we do so much yes and Thank You tabatha coffee the author of own it it's on sale now so good get your copy great great advice too for kids who are entering the workforce I think that would be really great thing for them to make kids like me too yes yeah
Channel: CBS New York
Views: 34,583
Rating: 4.8743458 out of 5
Keywords: Tabatha Coffey, The Couch, CBS New York, WLNY TV, TV 10 55
Id: BxgaQS14OHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 16 2014
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