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tabatha thank you for joining us today as I know you've had lots of communication without Fredo and I've been checking out all of the things that you've been doing on social media and helping the community and I just from the bottom of my heart wanna say thank you because you know your this your uh your a beacon to many like your this strength with with real talk while being compassionate it's like all of these things that people need right now from leadership and I think you embody all of those things and I just want to say thank you because what you give is so much and I know that I know it's because you want to I know all of those things but it doesn't mean I don't want to take just a minute and celebrate you and thank you for all that you're doing thank you it mean it means a lot um we go and through it right and our industry is really going through it and all I know to do is to show up that's all that's all I can really feel like I'm contributing at the moment is just to keep showing up and supporting people and answering questions and maybe having a laugh and sharing some age and dinosaur nests as I call myself no no not at all and but I hear you because earlier Alfredo said well you said that's earlier that's because I'm older than you like that's why you think some of the things that I say are interesting or wise because I'm older it's like when your mom used to say you know I just told you guys I was a hundred and seventy-one years old yeah well I've got to be 480 been saying those things right so um I don't even know where to start because I feel like I could keep you on here all day long tabatha but I think you know I guess I just I sort of talked about what you've been doing with the community but is there I know that you also you you take all this in and you also sort of again go to social media to be able to guide the mass so and and we are at this very interesting place you know I talk about the stages of change which I know you know and you know back in March we were talking about them as it relates to everyone getting ready for this lockdown if you will and now we're in this place where varying degrees of of releasing the lockdown and there's a lot of emotion around that as well and it's another moment for stages of change and so what would you want to share well you know what's your observations and what would you want to share with the community right now that's out there in their various stages of change yeah so a lot of the things that keep coming up with everyone that I talk to but in different in different ways so everyone is scared right we're all scared because it's new when it's different and we haven't been through this before and we don't have the muscle memory because it's new so we haven't built up that muscle memory to know quite what this is or how to handle it so everyone is doing the best they can right and I yeah it's really important that people realize that and realize that there is no playbook for this we don't really know we're all working on our gut instinct and our intuition and guidance from the people that need to guide us but there's no hard and fast rule for this the other thing that keeps coming up is worth and that's been really interesting because it comes up in different ways for different people that I speak to so some some of the work comes up that I don't feel worthy because I've been told I'm not essential so I don't feel like I'm valuable so that is a big one that many of us are feeling the other one that comes up is will people still think I'm worth it will they still value me when I go back and open my doors well clients want to come to me and have the money to spend with me or think that they still want to spend time in my chair am i valuable enough in their lives for them to keep coming and seeing me then the third worth that came up which has been really interesting is people that uh know K because no one's okay with this but maybe they're better than some others maybe they have had some more savings to dip into maybe they work in a smaller kind of business their setup is different so they don't have staff to worry about they don't have some of the other challenges and they're using this time as an expansion of their knowledge and their education and enjoying their children and their families and you know still working in their business or you know with doing branding and things but they're not maybe as financially strapped to some other people and that comes up like how am i okay that my friend isn't okay how am i worth it when someone else isn't worth it so it's been a lot to unpack honestly with with speaking to hairdressers I try and communicate personally with about 10:15 some days I don't sleep very well lately so 20 hairdressers a day and we have private conversations and it really is this worth and value that keeps coming up all the time yeah and so it's so interesting so I'm trying I think you know me and if you don't know me I cry all the time and usually on these Alfredo afterwards will be like oh I saw you going down you know cuz it breaks my heart to think anybody would think because they're Dean does a non-essential worker that there that that impacts their self-confidence right but it's it's like that just hit me really really hard because of course it's not that it's not that they're not a sin so it's it's you know 86% of women would rather see their and trust their hairdresser more than they'd trust an actual therapist right so it was so essential yeah we're so essential with just not essential now because it's not quite safe right so and that's what I do with the studies that I have been doing and when I work with clients and I coach them we reframe it so we kind of unpack all the things that you're feeling because they're all really valid and should be looked at right so that you can feel them they shouldn't be put away you need to feel your way through them but then we unpack them and just look at a different way to look at it so we are so essential our clients are asking is for house calls and to open our salon and we can't wait to see you I can't wait to get my regrowth done I miss you so much but we've been told we're non-essential and that has started to weigh on people's perception of themselves and that has been really challenging for me because we need to own our Worth and do it in a much broader aspect guess where hairdressers and we celebrate this industry and it's amazing and where artists and creatives and we have so much to bring to society but we're also individuals that are artistic and we can be artistic without having to be here and we're creatives and we can be creative even if we can't work on a client right now and you know we're strong men and women and we can find strength in different ways even if we can't spread that with our clients and we need to kind of reframe that and work on it in a different way because it has been look really just upsetting to talk to people and to say for them to say to me I don't feel like I'm valuable you're so valuable I know that right now you're valuable you guys know that they're valuable and we know how incredibly valuable this industry is and how much each and every person in it has to contribute yeah yeah oh sorry you got her this time but rightfully so even I feel I mean it's it's how do we frame that to our industry and let them know that you are so essential and you're so valuable that it's you know it's such a broad thing just that you're not on essential right it's like yeah it's the wood right it's just that word it is the word and what job it's like you say sherry the setup like it's all on the setup I say that a lot on here with you because it's something that stuck with me that you've said to me in many different scenarios and you know how do we reset that up because it is a poor setup if you think about you know saying that phrase or telling somebody that it can affect your self-esteem yeah you know here's the other here's the other side that I see and Philip said it before where you know when there's darkness then you have to have light yes right and that's true in life as who I yes and I feel like there is so much great that will come from all of this and it's really awful to go through it and it's it's really horrible for everyone and so many people have have gone through so much loss but there's so much good the other side of it as a community in an industry we've really come together in ways that I've never seen before we also have clients reaching out I've had so many messages on my social media from clients telling me how much they love their hairdresser how much they miss their hairdresser one a contribution to their life that they're you know beauty professional makes I've had clients reach out and tell me that they're sending they budget for their appointment anyway so they're sending money to their to their stylist mm-hmm and then they're keeping that going to make sure that they're okay they're checking in with them so there's so many great things coming out of this and I I believe will continue even the way we do business I think we'll start to do business in a smarter way yeah is a little bit easier that we will have a little bit more flexibility that we will do things a little bit differently and they're all good things and I think the other side of it even though some people may be struggling with feeling their Worth and their value now the other side of it they will see how valuable they are and they will see their Worth and we will look at the ways that we can continue this industry connection that we made with each other but also the connection with our clients and keep expanding on that and I think there's a lot of really interesting and great business opportunities there as well yeah I agree Gordon Miller from harebrained he shared this quote with me we were on a call and I think it came from Winston Churchill and it's a it's a bit when you first hear it but it's never let a good crisis to go to waste and I sort of think you know in this same vein is like we all are and we're calling it a global crisis a global pandemic and so it is our opportunity as individuals to not let it go to waste like who are we going to become when this is over right so um what kind of advice would you give to everyone out there who is in crisis to help them you know sort of guide and direct them to not let this crisis go to waste if you will I think one of the things that's really important is to keep structure and its really easy to not have any structure now so when you don't have that routine and you don't have that structure it's really easy just to say I'm going to sit on the sofa and watch Netflix all day and eat carrot sticks and then the problem is that you start to get into that routine and we do have muscle memory right just just like our body has muscle memory from going to the gym our brain has muscle memory as well and we truly believe what we feed our mind and the conversations we have with each other right and the conversations we have with ourselves because all of us I don't care who you are and you're not crazy we all talk to ourselves we all owe our selves all the technology on finally when you're saying these negative things or when you're what's appointed getting up to there I've got nothing to do anyway what does it matter I've already eaten you know three bags of popcorn I'll have another one what does it matter if I do this no one's gonna see me right when when we do that it comes this habit and then that becomes a problem to break so having structure is really important having having positive and looking for the good there is good in everything even when it's a global pandemic and there's a lot of bad things going on there's so much good out there as well look for that good show gratitude it's one of the quickest ways to change that a negative thought into a positive one is when you show gratitude when you celebrate that even if it's a really small thing I'm grateful for that cup of tea I just had it was delicious right it doesn't you don't need to be disingenuous about it but it's really important and keep connecting you know I keep telling business owners that I talked to keep talking to your clients keep talking to your team setup the game plan of what it's going to look like when we come out of this get excited about it because we're going to see our clients again we're going to see our friends and our staff again that's really exciting put all this newfound education into practice get excited about taking up skilling yourself and taking those new skills back into the salon start thinking about that and dreaming about it and putting that plan together and it gives you this positive focus to put your energy on so the negative is always a powerful magnet right it's always a powerful attractor to sit there you just need to keep feeding the good things in to disrupt that negative brain pattern and then you start to focus on the positive yeah that's great tabatha and I know well I don't know that you know but I am a certified postural counselor and I'm starting to be a minister which I don't think I know how great is gonna be like what but and you know it's there's a lot of great things that I've learned and I'm super grateful for you know resources sort of habits that I can create to help myself through these times and yet I still have a coach that I connect with regularly and you know even though we know these things right we have these good habits that we learned at some point and then somewhere along life got busy and then we forget them but I was on a session with him on Friday and he was just reminding me you know I do gratitude every morning which we've talked about on these either this or on lives like everybody getting up and the first thing you do is to do gratitude exercise but then he was saying okay and and do you celebrate your wins at the end of every day and I was like no no because when's the last when you celebrated I'm like a personal win you you know he's like okay here we go let's remind you and I think it's it's exactly what you're saying right is that people if we can have the gratitude and then at the end of the day reminding ourselves to say what what were the wins that I had to date because how long do we spend thinking about the thing that we didn't do well versus how long do we spend thinking about the thing that we did do Ellen that we should celebrate and we've got to sort of feed our subconscious with the positive things 100% I do gratitude in the morning and I do what went well or what I'm grateful for at the end of the day that's my first thing in the morning last thing at night and what I give to my clients to do and the win at the end of the day it goes back to worth right because we don't often celebrate ourselves and the things we do we negate it and go well that's my job that's what I'm supposed to do you know that's what's expected of me we we do all of those things to negate it but sometimes at the end of the day if you especially know you may not have a lot of big things going on but you can still a win is still getting up and being productive win is still making yourself go for that walk or eating healthy or writing in your gratitude journal in the morning is still a win ray you're still celebrating yourself and the fact that you showed up and you took care of yourself and that's something that is really important for all of us to do and I think especially now and notoriously we know this as hairdressers we're kind of crappy with taking care of ourselves sometimes right it's always about a client so it's normally clients first and then our team right if we have a team and then it will be our family and our friends and everyone else and somewhere down the bottom we're like oh yeah I haven't gone to the bathroom all day oh I haven't eaten for a couple of days oh I haven't done this and then we think of ourselves so it's really important to think of ourselves anyway because if we to me if you don't think of yourself and the goals you have and what you want you can't get the best out of yourself and that means you're not getting the best out of anyone else either I'm Reena I have a question well first of all I did get my journal Cherie told me to get a journal over the weekend so I did get my journal because it's just like she's we had this very similar conversation of this on Friday night kind of had like a recap of our week and but my question for you is is because it got me thinking because negative it's easy sometimes for us when we get on that negative train right just to sit on it and just take it and keep going and those habits when we're talking to others other hairstylist you're talking to so many people every day and when you encounter someone who's in that space which is we're all like I said this is a hard time and a lot of people it's easy to get caught up in it I know I had been caught up in it and gotten out of it how do you what are your tips on how to deal with someone by not negating their feelings like letting them own where they're at but also not like trying to turn it around I guess if that makes sense like yeah so you know empathise are really we all have it it's a hard thing to employ sometimes right it's like to actually put it out there it's hard and a lot of people think that empathy is feeling sorry for someone it's not it's just standing in their shoes for a minute and looking at their map and going okay yeah I can totally understand why you're angry mad sad frustrated whatever it is that you're feeling and that's what it is it's listening to someone with their negativity and then reframing it so asking the question but has anything good happened have you enjoyed anything have you found any positive thing come from this and it's not negating what they've said it's just changing their mindset we have and it is crazy and we all know this we don't always put it into action we can change our thoughts in a second and we have control over that yeah and it's really easy to keep the negativity going as you set off proto because it's just there and then you can keep right we've got this big old boxer negative and we can keep pulling things out and throwing them out until the cows come home and sometimes it's hard to disrupt that but all it takes is one for one positive action one but isn't it beautiful outside today right just to kind of change that mindset and help someone else to change that mindset as well because sometimes it's the questions you ask right you the quality of your questions determines the quality of your life yeah so if you ask someone a really quality question then it can help change their mindset as well to look at things a little bit differently excellent thank you you were talking about goals you know like being able to say well like I got that goal of eating healthy today or getting out of bed getting out of my pajamas whatever it is putting on shoes you know whatever it may be but if you were to say like right now because you know I think people have all of this time if they haven't already come out of their lockdown in our Baptist salons how often can you talk about goal setting for a second how do you recommend for people to do goal setting like what framework do you provide them so I normally break it down personal because there are different goals so we all have personal goals that we'd like to work on normally you know losing weight getting fit taking care of ourselves in a different way we have professional goals that we want to work on so getting you know doing a photo shoot putting yourself in Naha something like that and then often we have financial goals that don't necessarily fit in those personal work goals so I get people to break it down and get really specific the more clarity you have the easier it is to get to that end result doesn't matter what it is so you need to get really clear the other thing that I always ask people is why do you want that why is always such a great question because often people will say oh well I want to make this amount of money and when you say to them okay but how is your life going to change when that happens what is going to happen for you they start to talk about other people oh my kids can do this my husband doesn't have to work as hard you know my my staff can do this so it's not personal they're doing it for someone else and when you do it for someone else although it it's really noble and really amazing and really great it doesn't mean that you're doing it for you and you're not going to have the same motivation when you're really doing it for you and you can picture how your life is gonna look different right I'm saving because I want to go to India and you focus on it you study about India you get everything already you're so motivated and you've made the connection from A to Z and all the steps that you need to take in between so you can help to keep yourself on track so I think setting goals is great but we've all done it right at like news resolution I'm gonna lose 20 pound I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that but there's never that connection from the goal to what we what we're actually changing and why we want to change it that we follow through those steps hmm and celebrate those little things right nothing changes overnight except to pandemic right there see anything that turns the lights off so nothing changes overnight so give yourself those little celebrations you know what today I didn't eat my Cadbury's caramel oh it's a good day and give yourself those little wings as you get through it instead of beating yourself with a stick going oh my god I had a square of chocolate like celebrate today only had one square instead of the whole block good job and you see me at night because it's my new love affair but we've just broken up so oh really chocolate Cadbury you know what I I don't I don't eat dairy and I have given up chocolate and it's been a really long time since I have indulged and I've really been indulging we've had like this mega affair Cadbury's caramel oh and I straight out of the freezer and nice and cold and creamy we've now broken up and we've parted our separate ways we still adore each other we're just not spending any time together anymore I did order some cookies and and then was very glad that I ate them all and now don't have anymore don't reorder the cookies what we have in our fridge right now is very very important I think I think so too if it's there I'm gonna go for it yeah yeah well Alfredo for his trim and fit as he looks he eats a lot every meeting I'm like are you um sorry but small portions throughout the day it's good for them yes yeah but I have a question about so if you have if you don't know tabatha does this amazing thing about personalities and it's about you know your colors and each color has these you know personalities I would say these very amazing positive attributes as well as like how maybe you perform or act under stress etc and do you first let me ask do you have a video somewhere that if somebody has not been able to attend one of your programs that they could go see that I know but I am trying to work on it but I'm as Alfredo knows than you do to Sherry I'm not very good with technology sometimes so I'm really trying today to break it down into the colors I think it would be really helpful it's part of I got my master's degree last year it's part of my master's degree idea that's from a psychologist it really for me it I loved teaching that class and it's such a great way just for communication for us to communicate with other people in our salon and our clients in each other and ourselves and find out our strengths and limitations and I was really excited last week sorry everyone we have a we have a team page for matrix for all our matrix peeps which I love yeah and I did a class on there last week for all the colors of going through each color of the personality during adversity and what that looks like and and the different things that brings up for everyone to try and navigate through all of these times okay it's - we don't have enough time for you to do to do it next time next time I'll come back we'll do a we'll do a little abridged need we could we could do it in 45 minutes and then everyone could send me some social media questions and I could just answer them a little bit a little bit more in depth we could just do like a top line of the different personalities and how they communicate with each other and the strengths and the limitations and the limitations aren't bad you guys it's all of us we all have things that are our stumbling blocks and our roadblocks but when we're aware of them and when we know what they are it just makes it much easier to kind of keep the river flowing around the blockages and keep everything moving in the right direction I learned so much from from that I still use it I still use what I had learned from hearing you talk about it in day to day life when you meet people because it's just it's it's like in all situations you know not only so lives like life period yeah really is communicating all the time right so we're always communicating with everyone and especially with our clients and when we have a lot of team members in a salon all those different and I know business owners like how that one never listens to me or that one you know never follows the rules and won't do anything that I ask them to do me why and it's often just the approach that we take especially when you hear the colors you're like oh you're a red and that person's a yellow that's why yeah change that question a little bit well I I'm not I'm not looking at the calendar in front of me but I think that maybe if like even if I a week from Thursday I don't know who's on for our lot oh you do a one o'clock live though so that wouldn't work all right well yeah I can move my one o'clock live my coffee with coffee they're fine we will jump on early and tell everyone to come over here let me know okay we'll let you know because I'd love I'd love to make that happen just I think I think it'd be very good like for everyone to understand who they are yeah able to understand even even if we could give a quick way to identify our clients you know hundred percent we can help them we can do like the top three or four questions of what color are you are how really quick ways to identify where someone Falls with the color and then just quick ways of being able to communicate with that person and and kind of get over those stumbling blocks that we all have with personality types I will figure it out or even on here so it's like that it lives on YouTube so they can see it yeah yeah okay well we'll go back to your it out figure our calendar and figure that out if there was just you know one or two other things you'd want to share communicate with those that are watching today and those that come back and visit this video what would that be so I'm going to talk like a dinosaur now and someone that's been in the industry since I was 14 years old so it's 30 a lot years and has gone through obviously none of us have gone through this but I've gone through owning a business since September 11th I've gone through recession I've gone through you know the area that I live in in New Jersey and where my salon was having so many people affected by the recession because most of them was stockbrokers but also September 11 I had an entire staff walk out of my salon once everyone came to me on Saturday and resigned and walked out and I had no one to open the doors on Monday so and we all have those stories right none of us we all do none of us are in Ireland we all have different stories and adversity and challenges and things that we've been through and for me and I and I know this to be true for all of you that are watching us I know that you can get through this I know you can and I know it it feels really challenging at some times and I know it feels like you don't know if you can get through and I know it feels like there is just no way that everything is going to work out but I promise you it may not work out the way you thought it would but something will work out you will be okay you are supported by an amazing industry your clients do miss you things are going to change that doesn't mean they're going to be bad they're just going to change right and it's keeping that open mind and realizing that things will not be a hundred percent the way they were before and that's okay that can be a good thing there can be a lot of light that comes from that there can be a lot of opportunity that comes from that and there can be a lot of good that comes from that and to keep having conversations keep communicating with your team communicate with your clients communicate with each other right reach out to someone that you admire in the industry or a friend or reach out to me you know I'm there all the time to someone and realize that this is not your fault that's something that a lot of people have said to me as well is I feel like you know I'm losing clients or I feel like I'm my businesses on hold and somehow I screwed up you didn't this is this is an unforeseen force that we didn't know was going to happen and there really was no way for us to plan what we do now as we learn from this we learn from the challenges we learn from the things that have happened when we move forward we come back stronger we save in a different way we set up our futures in a different way we made restructure and reform allies our business in a different way we learn much more about our numbers right and and what we need to do to safeguard ourselves and they're good things they're positive things but you haven't done anything wrong and stay strong and know that we will get through it and I truly truly believe that is trait as it might sound no it doesn't I my mom says I shared this with Alfredo that you can get through anything so long as you know it's coming to an end and we don't necessarily know when this is gonna end but I do think that we know we've got to stay strong with the fact that we are gonna get through it and to use the time as we said earlier to sort of think about those things to your point you know what what are we gonna do better when we this how are we gonna use this as an opportunity to grow and be even stronger there's so many amazing comments on here tabatha there you know people need tabatha therapy yes JCPenney salons needs you there's lots of yes self goals somebody has a lot of apples in the fridge that's good it's good for you to have that's a good girl and then people can't wait to hear about people can't wait to hear about the colors we do have one question here which is what mistakes do you think salon owners are making today and what is your best advice for success so you're not a small we take if we pick like this first part what mistakes our salon owners making today is some salon owners aren't communicating enough with anyone so they're not communicating enough with their team if they have a team and they're not communicating enough with their clients to talk about what it's going to look like when they come out of this so everyone should be putting their game plan in place especially if they haven't opened yet what is a reopening going to look like what am I going to need have I ordered my product because there could be a delay on it am I going to do a video yes you are easy to show my clients what it's going to look like when they come into the salon and the procedures we're going to do so they feel comfortable nice that will set you up for success but also your clients so they're the things that we need to be looking at as business owners let's get this plan in place let's communicate it with our staff communicate it with our clients and make sure we have everything we need all the products ordered all the PPE we need and also the structure that we need the timing we may need to re work our service menus we may need to rework our timing slots and there's a lot of different advice out there I've got a few different ideas as well that we can talk about it another point of how to make that happen look success that's a that's a big one first of for me it comes down to passion I can't be successful in anything it's like when we're talking about the goals right when Sharri ask me about goals I can't make a goal happen if I'm not really passionate about it and I'm not emotionally connected to it I can't be successful in my business my life my salon my relationship my friendship or anything else if I'm not emotionally invested and passionate about it and that passion gives you drive and it gives you age and it gives you different ways to look at questions and it gives you a different quality of a question and it gives you the motivation even if you hit a little bit of a roadblock to keep going and climb over that fence and keep it moving and for me success is really because I'm passionate about what I do and and because I always want to learn and share and help other people and support other people and grow personally and help others grow that will always keep me moving forward because I don't even think I've hit success yet right I don't even know what that is if you think you've hit it then that to me that means you're going to stop and you're going to sit back and kind of rest on something so it's an endless you know consistent wheel which is great because it's a path it's not a destination it's a journey that keeps going all the time when you're truly passionate about something all right I look yeah and I love what you said about you know because I keep thinking in my mind I have a lot of conversations and I keep asking everybody do their Facebook consultations right or verse virtual consultation and if you think about you know if I were thinking about clients that would have come in at the beginning and then as I'm starting to get ready to reopen my salon essentially I would have seen them twice right and I think to myself okay well the first appointment should have been still happened right virtually whereby I help walk them through whatever it is that they need to get through in order to have their virtual meetings that they're having where they feel like they need to look good or for their partner or whatever and then the next one is to prepare I I do think that we could be busier you know a nihilist we could have kept all of our appointments the way that they were and have them virtually and you know I've talked with my sister who's a hairdresser about that and a few others who are doing that and you know you layer on top of that if you are a salon owner or even if you're independent all the things that you need to do to build your business and you know maybe that first week of binging the Netflix was a good one with some whatever you were eating but you know now now is time to make sure that those connections exactly what you said are still happening you know it's working it's working on your biz even if you can't work in your business and virtual consultations especially now we need to keep doing them even more so because that will help to cut down on contact when we're in the salon so if we want to count social distancing which could be required right we know that we need to be close to our clients that's fine we're going to do it in a safe way with all the licensed regulations that we've been taught and we're going to implement them but if we can cut down on that and have a virtual consultation right so sherry and I can have a consultation virtually talk about her hair all the things that she needs everything that she wants the only thing that's missing is my hands in her hair but we've already communicated so when she comes in we've we just write into hair and then going on to the service instead of having that 2025 minute connection with each other in person and it's a great way to be able to keep yourself on track when you go back to the salon for those that are worried about not being able to service enough clients right to be able to make it financially feasible for them especially if we can't double booked so it's a great way to keep that money income coming in but also a great way so that you don't feel overwhelmed with having to have all of those consultations if you have them virtually yeah you can also get out of the way and I mean that in the kind way some of that personal connection of what happened to you while this was over let me hear yours let me hear your stuff because I want to hear it I care about you and then we can just go to work when they're in the salon yes so interesting that you just said that I don't know why it made me think of this but it's so true like I had I've been very fortunate I haven't had very many surgeries in my life but I had a minor knee like a torn muscle surgery late last year and the doctor called me a week before told me everything that was gonna happen asked me if I had any questions told me what to expect told me what they were gonna prescribe me afterwards and what I need to do in a week after and then you come in and you just go right into it you know what I mean they prep you and you go you go in so it's just what I was thinking about that having you know we need to do it virtually he did it over the phone I think as hair stylist you do need to see you know like on whatever it is that you're gradually communicate but it's just a new way of working like you said it's also it's also that comfort for clients so the unknown is scary right new is scary because none of we whom and none of us like change very much so and some of us are really resistant to it so when we can set a client up for success it also sets up us in a really great way so we're comfortable as well but when a client knows you have to stand outside and I will text you when it's time to come in right yeah this is we're going to automate more we're going to not take cash anymore we're going to ask you to wear a mask we're going to ask you to wash your hands when they see it right so that's why I think a video is great of what the process is gonna look like we're gonna do I'm into your business so when they see it when they're told it and then you can post it in the salon or in the window or however you want to do it as well and reinforce that message it gives a client a minute to process it so when they come in they're not like oh my god why are you wearing a mask are you not feeling well today oh my god this is so weird right they they know the setup and they're going to be much more open and comfortable and you've already had this great virtual consultation with them and they're excited to see you yep exactly it's all in the setup see Alfredo and then lots of Tabitha's you're my hero agree agree and then Sierra has been binging on Tabatha's salon takeover thank you Bravo it's been on a really obscure times but also Thank You Sarina it's good for all of us in some the yeah exactly exactly well thank you so much Tabitha for all of your wisdom for all of your light and your sparkles that you bring to the table every single day for doing what you do every day with the individuals as well as on social media and in advance for coming back and teaching all of us what color we are how to recognize it in somebody else how to help our clients and our friends through this time by recognizing their color meaning not their color on their head but the color of personality that they are on being such a positive inspiration in the industry we really really love you a lot and appreciate you so much well thank you sherry thank you Alfredo this is so much fun and thank you everyone for watching
Channel: RMB Education
Views: 6,222
Rating: 4.8701301 out of 5
Id: eeS9o5AACHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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