The difference between Booth rental, salon suites, and Commission for beauty professionals

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okay guys crystal here from the elite hair salon and barbershop today's video is actually going to be one that was kind of requested and I selected two topic that a lot of people kind of don't talk about so this is typically for hair silence students who are about to come into the business or maybe if you're even a salon owner and you want to be able to pass this information down to who your stylist or potential silence or students or interns or whoever that is under you so like I said today's video we're going to cover the difference between athlete booth rental and Commission and I feel like this is a topic that should be addressed by a lot of stylists before they jump headfirst into something and we always feel like like here in the south in Orlando Commission is not a big thing in the african-american community or the ethnics community and out the reason I say that is because everybody wants to be their own boss and feel like they're doing their own thing but at the end of the day they don't want to do the work that is required to even be able to say you're your own boss so this video will kind of give you a little bit of clarity as to what I mean by the three different types and I hope this video actually resonates with someone and of course if this is a video that is a value to you please hit that subscribe button down below and hit that thumbs up button as well so let me know I'm doing a great job and if there's something that I need to address or maybe I didn't answer for you in the video be sure to comment down below and I'll do my best to answer you so let's get straight into it what is a sweet what is boot prints or what is Commission so a sweet is typically inside of a bigger building which is typically a building of beauty professionals this is a very popular thing that is now coming about throughout the United States and probably in other countries so if you're watching from another country this myself will be popular where you are I just don't know that sweets are typically rooms that are sometimes 10 by 10 maybe 10 by 15 maybe even a 10 by 20 which is very rare the sweet basically is your area your salon make up room your last room your massage therapy area or your whatever beauty portion of the industry that you contribute to this is your space it allows you to be able to decorate the way you want to it allows you to be able to run your business the way you want to within the parameters of whatever contract you're in with that particular facility every facility is different there are high-end level and there are low-end levels the difference in Orlando which is where I am based is there are both and then we also have in-between my salon is not a suite salon I do not offer our private room in my salon and the only reason being is I don't have the space some salons do turn like storage area or some area that they're not utilizing into a suite area for those stylists who want to be you know by themselves and don't want to really be under the scrutiny of being a booth renter or Commission stylist they want their own space typically Suites cost more and when I say cost more I'll give you an example there's a suite here in Orlando where it's a more higher-end suite and the rent for a maybe 10 by 9 10 by 10 room will run you about 270 dollars or more per week now that's a lot so if you really do the calculation and let me pull out my little calculator here and do the calculation 270 dollars times four weeks total one thousand eighty dollars now the good thing about a suite which is one of the pros is you do not pay electricity you do not pay for water typically you don't even pay for Wi-Fi or cable access ninety percent of the time all of those are included some places do not include some things but it just depends on where you are within the parameters of your contract some places may say hey you're only allowed to take a certain color some pieces may say hey you're only allowed to use or utilize a certain amount of dryers you are limited to one maybe two shampoo bowls the max typically you're limited to one mostly the shampoo bowl is attached to your station so you are basically stuck with you by yourself and it's very I have an assistant and adult kind of places yes you are your own boss yes you are responsible for your own advertising you are responsible for cleaning your unit you're responsible for general liability which some places will include that in the actual risk you are responsible basically for everything except for the utilities and the shell of the building you must decorate you must furnish all of that good stuff that is a sweet now I've done the sweet life before I've done booth rental before I've done Commission before I'm now a salon owner so I know the different parameters sweet life was okay you do kind of run into the realm of being alone a lot because you're not talking to anyone you're in this room by yourself if you're a loner and you like to just work at your own pace you don't want to deal with anybody but your clients and you that might work for you what you're going to pay a little bit more and sometimes put yourself in a position where you're making less because you're paying more or you have to increase your pricing some kind so want to do that these are clients that may have been with you for 10 years they don't want to pay that additional money to secure that area for you so that's something you should think about when you are thinking of going into the suite now the pros of this week is yes you are by yourself - you are able to do what you want to do within the parameters of your contract let me go and keep stating that because a lot of these places really scrutinize what they allow you to do in there meaning how many people you're if they're allowed to use their waiting area for your clients sometimes you can't multitask now you're limited to one maybe two people within a certain amount of time because you don't have that space different things like that but the other pros are it does typically look very nice now the lower end ones might not be so great but the higher end ones typically your your you have stated the furniture velvety or whatever accompany your waiting area the walk-in is just a great appeal and great atmosphere sometimes the atmosphere does not match your pocket so think about that as well go into booth rentals so let's do some characteristics of blueprints blueprints so typically if you are in a open salon atmosphere you rinse your boots now sweet life booth rentals they both require typically a weekly booth rentals or sweet or rich payment sweet life typically your rinse comes directly out of your bank account booth ring so typically you can pay cash or it comes out of your bank account depending on the setup of the salon that you're in booth rental you are adhering to your station your chair your mirror you have your backyard area sometimes storage is not given unless it's just into your cabinet where your silent session is so that's another thing that you want to think about same thing with the suite life you don't typically have a lot of storage unless you're in one of the higher in places that they give you sort so you have to fulfill that need for the storage area with loop until you provide your own supplies same thing as the suite life you kind of have to adhere to the salon schedule of open and close not every salon is going to allow you 24-hour access for you to be able to say that I'm a loop and try to walk in whenever I want some songs are closed on Sundays completely some songs are closed on Mondays completely it's something going on in the salon you have to adhere to that and say what I can't work on Tuesday because they're working in the salon that's a part of booth rentals so you might want to think about that if there's access 24 hours a day seven days a week another thing is do weekly rent we can rent typically a booth rental salons are due on Saturday Sunday or Monday some days may be different depending on your area you are responsible for your own advertising you are responsible for your own business cards you're responsible basically for everything that pertains to you you pay your risk you adhere to the salon policies you are your own boss you cover everything yourself that's booth rental typically 70% of the United States does booth rental salons and I'm going to say 70% within the african-american community and please don't mock me for saying it that way but that's just how bid now on the other field there are more salons that offer Commission and Commission only and then sometimes they offer blueprint and Commission and they might have offering Commission blue thread and the sweet life so it's just different in area in my area booth rental is the biggest thing I can tell you that now let's go into the cons of booth rental you are responsible for yourself okay you're responsible for your own general liability you are responsible for your own advertising your own taste your own powers products the only thing that the salon takes care of is the shell utilities that's it you are responsible for cleaning your own area I mean basically a kind of coincides with the sweet life except for the fact that you are adhering to a booth and not a big room that you are furnishing on your own typically your furniture and everything comes equipped for booth rentals what you do have to follow the salons rules in regards to children and seating and all that good stuff let's talk about commission a commission based position is typically you work for the salon you are responsible to make sure that your license is up today you are paid on a weekly sometimes bi-weekly basis sometimes the terms may differ your percentage maybe 6040 5050 sometimes it may be where you provide your own products and your percentage of Commission is higher or the salon provides the product and your percentage of Commission is lower sometimes you have to hit a certain dollar amount for you to reach a certain percentage of pay on a service so that kind of breaks down on the pay structure of commission it does differ in different places like I said you typically have a schedule as a commission silence meaning your schedule is made by the salon owner salon managers who provide or whatever the case may be and you have to adhere to those times and be available in at work on time those times you are not your own boss when it comes on to Commission Commission has different terms so let's say I'll give you an example Lisa works for Lele hair salon and barbershop under commission stylist I want Lisa at work Monday through Saturday from 6 to 6 Lisa's hours are sick cific she must be there every Monday through Saturday from 6 to 6 she gets vacation time she gets benefits she is all of that good stuff as a paid employee would on a 9 to 5 at a doctor's office or as a teacher whatever the case may be products are provided and if she hits a certain profit margin let's say she hits $500 for the week her Commission will go up to 60% her 20% the salon then the amount of product that she uses on a weekly basis will be deducted from that these are the different things that commission stylists have to do with and there's I'm not going to say pros and cons to it but I will say pros and cons the cons to doing Commission is you're not your own boss you have to adhere to a schedule you're working based on the salons time the salon is your manager so on as your boss Ron tells you what to do how you can do it if they want you to do things a certain way that's what you have to do they want you to wear a certain thing that for two months where so that's commission suite booth rental you typically have a little more control the suite life you have the ultimate control you have about 90 percent more control Austin 90 percent you have about 90 percent control in the suite life the other 10% does go to the actual shell that you're working in what their rules are both rental you have about 75% to 80% control the other twenty five to twenty percent goes to the salon rules the hours of the salon basically the salon telling you when you can and cannot be in the salon so that's why I gave it a little bit less than sweet life commission you really have no control and the reason I say that is because you are working for the salon so you are on the payroll you do what the salon tells you to do salon manager sets the rules you don't set any rules so I really kind of hope that that kind of breaks down the three different ones if I had a choice of what which one I would choose it depends on your skill level and where you are in your career and what you want in your career starting out from school I would most likely go into a commission so on and the reason why I say that is the Commission silence typically your training is paid your products are purchased your rent your lights your water everything is paid you don't have me the worry of ensuring that you're paying rent insurance you have products ensuring that your advertising you know all that good stuff that's the only reason why I would start commission if I was a student going into a salon now if I am a more seasoned silence and I've been in the business maybe a year maybe two years or my clientele it's just really steady for the past six months I'd be a booth writer booth renter allows me to have control of my job I'm still paying rent but I'm making more money so I'm not really worried my rent is covered if I am exceptionally seasoned silence I have a steady clientele I'm content with my marketing I know my ins and outs of the business I've done it all then I go to the sweet life we like to have more control of your business you know what you're doing you don't need to work with anyone you know where you're going you know where you want to be and then of course the ultimate goal is salon owner salon owner now you have these three people working under you so they're paying you you are the show but there are some ups and downs to salon ownership because you have to be able to manage these people need different situations and know when to offer wet to who and how so I really hope this video really resonates with you if you're one of those people you're just very confused on which one to do once again my name is crystal Williams I am the owner of a hair salon a barber shop located here in Orlando Florida I really really really hope this video helps someone out there and if it did and if you already have it done so please give me a thumbs up down below and hit subscribe that you can see all the rest of my video and of course if there's anything that I didn't cover or maybe you just want some tips on my content divas are also down in the description box I will talk to you guys soon and of course I have some new videos coming up so keep looking out I love you guys bye
Channel: Elite Hair Care USA
Views: 7,179
Rating: 4.9524941 out of 5
Keywords: how to open a salon, booth rental or commission, hair stylist tips, open a salon, booth rental, commission stylist
Id: 33ehvt7FjqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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