Consultation Tips and More From Tabatha Coffey

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everybody it's maggie Mulhern from modern salon TV i am here with yes it's the Tabatha Coffey we are so excited to be meeting with you today we're at matrix destination in Orlando Florida it's January 2018 and you are just keeping on top of everything Tabitha got the only standing ovation that I've seen at the show I was it was so impressive that people were there at the crack of dawn to see you and it's a big night of partying it was great so I'm just going to kick off the questions one of the most important things that you were talking about was the consultation and how important it is that you are a human to human that you're not a robot and that you're communicating with your client so talk to us about that yeah look we know it's important right so we all know that it's important and there is a study that we have that we use here at matrix when I teach my classes that 97% of hairdressers say they do a consultation every single client every single time yet only 7% of our clients say they have ever received a consultation so when you look at that number it makes you go not all the hairdressers are lying I know we're not all saying that we're lying when we do a consultation and we don't so we feel like we've done it and not all the clients are lying because that wouldn't benefit them but if only 7% of them have you ever had one what what's the discrepancy what's happening in that communication that doesn't feel like it's a consultation so it's something I've been really fixated on and really exploring and you know you know I'm doing a lot of different things and I'm a business coach and I take all these other classes so it's really the communication that starts to break down often for us we're busy we're behind the chair we have a limited amount of time a client will say I just want to do a trim okay great we'll just do a trim today go on back we don't clarify and if you don't ask a question you can't have a conversation so it's asking the right questions of your client and getting more information and the reason it's so important is when it's a first-time client we only have one shot to make them happy and make them come back and make them be a repeat client we only have one shot to make them trust us like us impress them right show them what we're made of to make them not only love the way they look and feel want to come back be a permanent client buy products from us and go and tell all their friends about us and hopefully do a social media post for us as well so you have to work a little harder and in the right way to be able to build that trust straightaway and the way you do it is to have see and it's to listen and it's to listen to hear what the clients saying not just to let yourself speak it's taking on what they're saying it's asking them how do you want to feel when your hair is this way how does it make you feel not because I think we should be all you know shrinks and doing that it's because our clients speak in a different language than us and our clients talk about my hair makes me feel mumsy I feel like a soccer mom I want to look sexy professional modern trendy right that's how a client's speak to us about how they want me here to make them feel so we need to mirror that back to them and have that conversation to get them to open up more and I remember you said that at another presentation that the mirror and the conversation and also you said something about it these days it's one and done you don't strike those opportunities you know they're not going to give you those five opportunities to get it right no we don't and there's another statistic and sorry I have so many statistics running through my head I think it was 67% of clients leave and aren't satisfied so sometimes isn't because of the work it's just because the hair can be okay right it can be nice hair just not the nice hair they wanted and that's what it's about that's where the conversation is so important because it you could do a great job you could do a beautiful color service you could do a beautiful blow Draper do it beautiful whatever it is that you've done it's just not what the beautiful is that they wanted and that means they're not happy and that means they're not coming back and they also want to feel significant that's another study that was absolutely I you know don't care the one thing that we all want is to feel a value right and we have to value our clients and we do have studies that show that the majority of clients when they leave our businesses they don't feel that we value them so why do you want to come back and spend your money spend your time and you know not just your time with a person but your valuable time because we have so little of it it's a commodity in someone's chair if you don't feel like they value you you don't want to you know clients and we know this when we forget clients don't want to be your therapist they don't want to hear about the problem with your husband and your kids and how tired you are and how much your boss sucks and they don't want to hear that you know what they also don't want to hear about the and we know we shouldn't talk about certain things and politics is one it's hard not to sometimes just because it's everywhere and the conversation comes up we have enough of that being bombarded with uh something news right we want we want to sit there and it's one of the few times that you can fill your own tank up feel really good about yourself and get something done at the same time and that's what clients want from us they want an expert want us to solve their hair problems they want to feel good about themselves they want to feel pampered and valued and get what they want in a small amount of time and when they do that when they feel like they were valued and they feel that trust in connection then you've won them and they will come back and they will tell their friends and they will buy product from you and they will do all of those things until you forget to value them again so you also talk about leadership and not just leadership to your staff but also again to your client that you are leaving her to do the right thing how about with staff how do you behave as a leader in a salon with your staff to me a leader as a leader my job as a leader is to inspire other people to be the best version of themselves and part of being a good leader for me is I can see the potential in someone even when they can't see it I know it's in there and I need to find how to bring it out that's my job right so I can see all this potential in there I just need to work out how we can get that potential out so that you can see what I can see and we can bring it to light that's that's the job that's my job with the client as well I can see your beauty I just need you to see your beauty and how you want to see it so I can bring it to the sir that's my job and you're so great we're gonna go to your questions but there's something that I don't know if you know this but a lot Tabitha had a salon near us and my daughters used to go to Tabitha did you know that and they would come home and they're like mom there's this really cool lady and she does great hair and she has a cool accent and now and then this is before I knew who Tabitha was before you knew who Tabitha was so you've been rocking it and doing great hair and leading for ank you for many many years so questions okay so ray is saying that Ray needs some help small town been in the business 28 years 100% booked two hundred percent return rate I need ideas on how to raise my prices but not screw people that have been with me for 25 plus years great question right say look here's what I want to say first of all we just did this great business panel and we had editors come in from Wall Street Journal Dow Jones glamour and Allure magazine and it was really fascinating because one of the things the glamor editor said is they did an investigative piece that there were clients out there that were actually booking a Nissan like Kardashian clients these are regular women okay so I think she said that she was from Tennessee or something so she's not like some fancy schmancy rolling in money person I want to clarify that couldn't get the hair she wanted and started looking on Instagram for people to like solve her hair needs and be that expert and there are all these women that are flying across the country to go to hairdressers that they've Sene do this consistent great work on Instagram that do these live chats and do all of this to help them so the only reason I tell you that story is because I want you to stop the I'm in a small town mentality that doesn't matter anymore right it just doesn't and you're not screwing your clients over by raising your prices if you're doing great work giving them exactly what they want valuing them as as an individual and as a client right being consistent that's charging more for that service and charging what you're worth that's not screwing people over that's charging what you're worth right and what it cost you to run your business that's just called the price of doing business hmm so that mentality really has to shift because the number one thing that hairdressers have a hard time with is raising their prices and it's because of these personal relationships we've build right and then all of a sudden we are used the reasoning oh I'm in a small town or I've known Maggie forever and Mandy's got two daughters and they're gonna get married and you know money's going to that and her husband's not working and this is you start to make up this narrative in your own head about the person sitting in your chair that may not actually even be their true story you're just becoming their accountant all of a sudden and minding their pocketbook for them that's crazy right all of us know just as humans that cost of goods go up right our taxes go up gas goes up you telling these go up and sure those products go up everything goes up that's called inflation and business so percentage-wise how much should hairdresser hair colors raise her prices a year well I think you that you do have to look at where you are because it will change for every one of where you are but there's nothing wrong once you're consistent - even if it's 10% it's not that much to be honest that you're raising it consistently every year it really is that the problem is that some hitters haven't raised their prices in 10 years 15 years 20 years I mean I'm sure a lot of you out there have done that and you're stuck now what do I do and look the way I do it is I do it to let everyone know so we all have cycles normally for me I would find that a 12-week period I've seen pretty much everyone's come through in 12 weeks so if I post something let the receptionist know you know if you work by yourself tell your clients this is the date you know whatever it is February 8th our prices are going up but you start telling them 12 weeks before you can do a dollar amount I find a dollar amount works better than say 10% so everything's going up by five dollars or seven dollars or ten dollars some clients gonna go I don't know if I can afford that you know what that's okay I truly understand that however everything's gone up around us and I want to continue giving the best possible service use the most amazing products that I can use not shortcut on anything I want to keep myself up to date and educated so I can bring all of that to you and I have a business to so unfortunately just like everything in life my prices have to go up as well all right we do have a question here that's a little bit different from what we've been talking about Katie asks she has a lot of male clients who don't like talking or describing what they want in the consultation how do you handle that and how do you make sure that your client leaves satisfied that's a great question I think guys not to generalize but guys are a little bit different right there they don't know what they want sometimes but guys definitely know when they don't like it right really quickly and you know better than me because you work you know on male clients all the time they're actually quite fussy which is a good thing and sometimes again it's in the I don't like this it's not working for me but I can't tell you what it is I want so what I would do is try to get to it quickly social media is great for this have set up privately it doesn't have to be public like a Pinterest board right that you can keep on your phone and have more these different male looks on there that were like longer and you could put them in categories right like shorts mediums long texture however you want to do it and use that as a reference of a guy is this you know is this short enough for you is this textured enough for you how about something like this men tend to respond better with visuals and sometimes explaining and I think that's a great way to do it without having to ask them too many questions and they'd appreciate it as well because you're nudging them in the right direction it's there a question there because I have one I have I have one last question one last question um how do you feel about no-compete contracts I know it was too juicy to pass up I know we're on a time crunch but good question you know what I think I'm not a lawyer clearly so I'm not a lawyer don't take me at everything I say and every state is different so you should always consult a lawyer they're often done as a way to build intimidation in some cases right and keep someone there and not every state is enforceable because it's an at-will state bla bla bla that's illegal spheal go and check it out yourself I personally think that it's not if people want to go it's not going to stop them from going right it just isn't and I think it's building a team that you can trust the things always bothered me about our industry is we don't live in the right way right we just don't we walk out right so on to walk out on mass or people say I'm not coming back next week that I hate that because we all grow it's called growth we all grow we grow up we want our own businesses we want a different future there's nothing wrong with that right that's just what something that should be celebrated not feared and I don't want to make someone stay in my business by making them sign a piece of paper I want them to stay there because they believe in what I'm doing the business I'm building the life that I'm giving them the education I'm showing them what I'm teaching them because they want to be there and if they don't then mm-hmm that was so great that's such a great question well thank you so much that I love it that you're walking right this you're about your private name somebody else's all right that's her private name if you're joined a funny that's like funny when she's funny thank you so much thanks for giving us this time you're just really doing such a great job that you're at the matrix destination 2018 here in Orlando Florida we're having a great time and love spending time with you
Channel: Modern Salon
Views: 54,246
Rating: 4.9338479 out of 5
Keywords: tabatha coffey, matrix, matrix destination, maggie mulhern, salon
Id: QnbHose4aGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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