Tabatha Coffey's 7 Tips To Success

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first tip is really about first impressions and under that first impression branding also falls onto it into it for me so it's branding your business or branding yourself figuring out who you are who you want to be the clients that you want to attract into your business how you're going to do that then that will follow through into how do you promote yourself how do you get new clients in your business social media once you know what your brand is you know not just the social media outlets to stick to but also who what you want to put on your social media to attract that clientele into your business the next one is reception because that's the first real touch point that's a real face-to-face I will get the statistic wrong I'm sure but I can send it to you it's fascinating that when women come in for a first-time visit or something like 58 no 68 percent or something their anxiety levels so high the second they walk in the salon and it's for a lot of reasons sometimes they're they're anxious because they're excited and they're coming in and they're changing the hair so they're really you know anxious to get this done they're going somewhere and they want to look great so they want a great end result and sometimes the anxiety is because it's a new salon they're walking into so that reception touch point is a really really big deal the next one goes into consultation diagnosis and really being an expert studies show that what people want from their hairdresser is an expert they want us to be the professional they want us to be the expert and that's why the consultation is so crucial there was a survey done 97% of hairdressers say they do a consultation every single time with a client when clients were a same question 7% of clients said they actually had had a consultation once in their experience so you can see from that margin that it varies so differently the perception of what a consultation is it isn't and it's such an important thing we talk about it all the time but it's never stressed enough it sets everything up the success of how someone feels the service that they're going to get whether they will change their hair even if it's not today in the future whether they feel really comfortable through what they're doing the next one goes into the back bar again studies show that's the most relaxing time in a salon that's when the stress levels decrease and when clients are more open to anything else that you want to tell them so instead of talking about what did you do last night while waters going in their head that's the perfect time to set up your retail and to talk about what the back bar experience is the products you using let them feel their hair let them smell what you're using on them so it really creates that connection the next tip obviously goes into education and I also recommend that hairdressers educate their clients we all know that education is really important for us so that we have better technicians better style is up on our trends know what's going on and it's also a really good time to educate your clients on how often they should come back into the salon what they should be using in their hair how they should be using the product and make that connection and also talk about the changes and the tweaks that you could make to their hair so that moving forward again you're opening that conversation and making more of a possibility for them to move forward with change then we go into retailing and talk about retailing why it's so important again the statistics that everyday women are using at least four products on their hair and they need by one of those four products from their hairdresser so if they're buying the other three from another source why aren't they're buying it from us and if they're buying from another hairdresser why isn't the hairdresser they're going to it's something there that there's disconnect we're not hitting the other marks which typically is from the consultation from the back bar and all those other things to make sure they're taking home what they need to and the last one is make a lasting impression there's also over 50% of women feel rushed when they check out of a salon and over 60 percent feel like they're unsatisfied with their visit when they get to that checkout and typically it's because they do feel rushed they've had their hair done that's time to kick them out and get them out and move on and they're not there to linger and they're not taken care of and they're not being asked to rebook them when they're going to come and visit again and they're told that they look fabulous and all of those things so the lasting impression which closes the circle of those 7 tips is just as important as the first impression
Channel: American Salon
Views: 52,663
Rating: 4.9410801 out of 5
Keywords: American Salon, Hairdresser, Tabatha Coffey
Id: rO3_vivfAwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2016
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