Tabatha Coffey Selects 5 Beauty School Grads to Transform in One Year, Mentor ME Part 1

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Hello? Hi is this Stephanie? This is. Hi Stephanie this is Kiera Doyle calling with Matrix how are you? Hi I'm super awesome how are you? I'm excited to talk with you Stephanie because we actually have you down as one of our semi-finalists for the Mentor Me program. Oh my gosh I'm super stoked. So it's been a really long journey so far with Mentor Me. Hundreds of people have applied for this it's been incredibly hard to narrow it down to just five people to take on this journey and I've honestly been blown away by the caliber of work that everyone has sent in especially because they're so young into the industry it's been really amazing. Hello? Hi is this Jill? Yes mam. This is Cooper. Is this Christina? Hi yeah it is. This is Kiera from Matrix calling with some exciting news. I'm calling with some exciting news. I have some exciting news for you, you have made it into the semi finalists round for Mentor Me. Oh my gosh! That is so exciting I'm literally crying. Oh my gosh that is so awesome. My heart is beating so fast! To make that transition from 10 to 5, it's emotional because I've personally watched those videos maybe 30-40 times on each person to take notes you see what jumps out so you start to feel like you know them already you have this emotional connection from what they're saying, know what their story is and then to have to eliminate five of them down to the five that are actually going to take this journey, it was challenging. Let's call her back because you loved her too and I liked her as well so let's see what she's like. I looked at let's find the person that could be Matrix tomorrow or in a year and could we could groom in right not just into Matrix but groom into the industry and work on and help kind of polish up and help. I mean I've talked about taking everyone on this journey and I'm one of many, I I'm one of the Matrix team but I have talked about it kind of joked about being Mother Hen and the person that will hold everyone's hand through this Mentor Me journey but no one's had any contact with me up until now and I wanted to be the person that delivered the message that they were coming on the journey. Are you excited to be one of the finalists for Matrix Mentor Me? Oh my gosh I am so excited I can't express it I don't even know how to put it into words right now. You're not doing a very good job so you better give me a bit more than that! I need to pinch myself right now. AM I beet red? I'm so excited. I'm thrilled. This is such an amazing opportunity. It's something so different from anything I've ever seen. I'm so excited it's beyond any of my wildest dreams honestly. Yeah my heart's beating like a million miles an hour right now. It is? I would freak out. Don't freak out. Why you freaking out? And no one knew why they were being called, they thought they were having a little interview so to announce to each of the five that hey you're in and I'll see you really soon and the fun starts now. It was emotional for them as well. I have a lot of people in my life who have supported me and have struggled you know to get me where I am and I want to show them that it wasn't in vain that I am gonna do great things and I kind of want to show them like they put their their faith in the right spot. Well I'm excited to tell you that you can let them know that they put their faith in the right spot because welcome to Matrix Mentor Me and what I hope will be the journey of a lifetime. Thank you so much! You're so welcome. I can't believe it. Yep you're in. Oh thank you Tabatha, thank you. Welcome to the five mentees and I can't wait to take you on a journey. This is amazing. Thank you so much. You're so welcome. You can start giving back so I'm very excited to tell you that you're one of the five mentees that's going to come on this journey with myself and the rest of the Matrix Artistic Team. Awesome I can't wait Tabatha I'm so excited to work with you. Well I'm excited to tell you that you're one of the five. Are you kidding? Oh my god. That's insane. Well I'm excited to tell you that you'll one of the five. Really? Oh my god. I don't even know what to say my brain just broke. I hope it's life-changing for the five mentees. It will be important for them to know that there's going to be highs and lows through this and it will be challenging at time and they will be asked to step outside of their comfort zone and to push themselves and I think they know that from submitting their videos already that can be uncomfortable for a lot of people I'm really looking forward to seeing each of them grow, to see the differences that they have and how collectively as a team they can become stronger and I'm really looking forward to finding out what they want from this journey.
Channel: MATRIX
Views: 181,106
Rating: 4.9761906 out of 5
Keywords: Education, Haidressers, Hair Salon, Matrix Education, Tabatha Coffey, Mentor ME, Mentorship, Cosmetology, Beauty School, Beauty Graduates
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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