Restaurant Takeover - Augusto 33 (Brookelynn's Bistro)

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this is Augusto 3302 years ago this family decided to try the restaurant business and it's sinking them we haven't made ourselves restaurant takeover please help us so the restaurant takeover crew is going undercover dry tasteless and crumbly and seizing the restaurant we're here to shut you down and not only do they have to redo the menu it's gonna taste as bad as it smells and the space it's a total Spaghetti Factory not sealing the team also has to help this family fulfill a promise the doctor said that she's terminal and they have to do it all turn the water off can you go turn the water up and just turn the breakers off six dad like I totally feel like this restaurant is trying to kill us get out of there is that all right guys is the ghusl 33 we receive a plea from Nancy one of the owners of a goes to 33 pleased restaurant take over please help us your pen cams I love to play with a camera we're gonna sneak into the restaurant and see what's really going on we have a cameraman already planted in there all the cameras are inside all right let's go these guys have no idea what's about to hit them augusto 33 is getting restaurant takeover chef corbin tomaszeski a 20 year veteran he's a cookbook author and is opening three new restaurants and restaurant takeover designer Paolo Velez from the design firm PVD this place is the restaurant equivalent to elevator music it's nothing going on it's boring oh wow look at that love fest the trough of hot food as if we're in the basement of a hospital I'm not sure as to when the food was actually prepared but to me it looks like it's been there for hours look gluten-free gluten-free gluten-free gluten-free look all of them figure you look it's like gluten-free slapping you in the face I thought this place was a bakery yeah I know where's the bread Oh bread this way that way funk oh look at all the bread oh it's empty you are amazing let's eat from the trough what are we gonna have from here well I don't want any of this I think it's safer for me to go with pizza hi how are you good we're hungry okay a little plate of something here a piece of pizza for the lady have a seat my dear okay can we please talk about how gross de silliness the entire restaurant could be replicated but one trip to a big box store there is nothing interesting nothing going on in my opinion too much of everything but not enough of one thing do you know what happened in the restaurant business when you tried to become something for everyone you become nothing for no one look what they doing they're putting all that oil and it's good oh my god they're pouring oil on the hot table food perfect thank you service with a smile yeah Wow that's frozen niblets yeah that's frozen carrots yeah those are frozen peas yes and you know I don't know about you but I love a big side dish of onions and everything they're cooked called it's cold is your food warm no no the race is good you know it's a little overcooked and completely tasteless welcome that it's okay Owens cold you want dessert I actually do want to search an espresso what's your best dessert would you like to try something new oh yes of course yeah Melnick let's have a red velvet and a brownie perfect YUM I think you have giggles okay it feels like sand on it oh but it tastes good doesn't it oh it's good tastes like sand okay here goes the brownie okay show me the brownie oh come on don't be a baby you'll be a sucky baby the brownie I had which was gluten-free whose dry tasteless and crumbly I got enough it's time to shut this place down is the owner here yeah speaking goodwill we're from restaurant takeover here to shut you down so you two of the owners that's right who is that lady in the chef's jacket in the back over there that is our wonderful mother hello mama hello hello this is the family unit that runs the business Linda you're in the back yes you're the grand chef harab just a cook well see that's a problem you're not just the cook and that's why the food is the way it is Nancy what do you do I'm at the front of the house your house and Eric so you're the boss on the bus as a consumer I walk into a goose 233 what's your story because it's a bit confusing from outside all of our stuff is made fresh every day we cater to our local crowd who comes here because of that reason and on top of that we have a nice cafe and offer a lot of gluten-free products my bus 233 is trying to be all things for all people so working you have to focus on something so who was in charge of the design here mostly okay so we put the blame on her sure everyone had input are you actually happy with what's going on here right now do you like your blankets and your light fixtures or your floor yeah we had some issues with those none of us liked it but none of us know what to do with it we need some professional help in air is there any chunk of the business or part of this establishment that you don't want to see go well the hot table has to stay we need to talk about this I need Linda to get rid of the hot table it's doing her no good it's nothing but badness there I think we may have a difference of opinions but we'll talk all right so how long it's been in business we've been in business for almost two years I bought this place two years ago and they've never owned a restaurant before I think they're in over their heads at how is business we want a little boost to it we haven't paid ourselves no money yet what's at stake here dorias might have to close we want to succeed we won't stop at failure this is the turning point in our restaurant what would you like to see how a big seating area for events for people that like to come here for business meetings and kind of rent out the space I would like to see it more of a bistro and cafe that sounds completely different yeah completely their friends this is kind of like sibling rivalry your mom's right what if you have to choose one or the other which one you gonna pick I don't know if we're gonna move forward there needs to be a clear concise decision and that doesn't come from you guys maybe that comes from us alright so the way it works is we match you dollar for dollar based on the size of the space and amount of work that needs to be done we need fifteen thousand dollars that's more than I bargained for how much you were thinking around ten thousand large space needs a lot of work we need the full amount you give us fifteen thousand dollars and will match dollar per dollar so total of thirty thousand dollars if you want results you gotta take big risks that's the way it works okay you two have to figure out where you want you want to Bistro you want an event place I need an answer what is this gonna be okay well I know I want it to be a bistro cafe we need a big central seating area that we can transform into event space when the office workers come I don't agree with you I don't think it should be like that I try I was gonna give you guys insane no you guys have no sane before we go forward with the deal there are two conditions I would like to present to you this is restaurant takeover you give us the check you give us the keys there are no conditions we get full control she gets design I get kitchen and menu that's the way it is you chef Corbin and designer Paula went undercover to see what's really going on at augusto 33 it's as if we're in the basement of a hospital now having seized the restaurant or here to shut you down they're demanding $15,000 before getting to work the money isn't the problem there are two conditions the fact that the family wants to put conditions on the restaurant takeover team is there are no conditions I wouldn't hear the conditions I'll hear them but I'm not going to abide by any of them we're in control okay condition number one I would like the hot table included in the future plans of your renovations not a chance the hot table is gone and and the second condition is I would like to have a gluten-free aspect of our business maintained in the future plans of the business 80% of your menu was gluten-free why what are you doing what are you trying to accomplish well six years ago I had a sister who passed away and she had leukemia Brooklyn is the daughter that passed away when the doctor said that she's terminal I I couldn't accept it I stayed a lot of you know sleepless night researching on what will make her life longer one of them is gluten-free and now we've turned it into a place where we can feed the community gluten-free Goods well now it makes sense there you go and now I feel stupid I think that's great I think what we need to look at is is that category of your menu how do we embrace that without it overshadowing everything in the restaurant or more importantly still kind of speaks to your daughter was and what this restaurant is all about can I have the check please I want to make a gusta 33 on her honor yes I want her to be the inspiration for them to work every day welcome to restaurant takeover you're ready for this what are you doing come on you can do it I'm so anxious I don't know if this is gonna work I don't know if it's gonna fail we want to make this the place to be Wow so this is where it all happens here it is what do you think it explains a lot mmm which is not a bit of a packrat problem here don't you think so what are you making well we're gonna make a grilled calamari a loose' 33 now what does a gusta 33 really mean a gusta 33 is my father-in-law's name and the year he was born this is one of the dishes you prepare in the back here that you take to the front and you put in the hot box that lovely Memorial of food that we have there in the front well does show me what you got so first thing we have is the calamari fresh yes fresh frozen in 1933 well now we know why it's called a gusto 33 coz that's when we pulled the squid out of the freezer this fish stinks that kind of a an aroma it's as if it was sitting on the pavement for days I put the seasoning salt salt and garlic oil so I'm gonna have this all ready and prep and put it in the bowl some green peppers and now the red peppers onion peppers parsley scotch bonnet this will give a little kick now it looks beautiful fish sauce olive oil okay a little lemon and then toss it I'm gonna dress my greens with my balsamic dressing okay for the salad a balsamic reduction I think she uses too much and I know why she's trying to mask the fishiness oh that's quit and now here it is isn't that beautiful do we have to taste this I don't want to eat this I don't want to taste this squid because it's gonna taste as bad as it smells it's a little chewy it's tender enough it's not tender it doesn't smell fresh squid meat any type of fish type of protein when you grill it you don't put the salt in ahead of time cuz what does salt do yeah I'm sorry to moisture and when you do that with something like squid it makes it extra chewy cuz it's Julie to begin with you pride yourself on making really good gluten-free products yes now there has to be at least one signature dish one item that you can't keep on the shelves because people love it so much okay what is that item the gluten-free challah bread oh my gosh now we're talking this is challah bread with pumpkin seeds and flax seeds you should have fed me this instead of that nasty squid smells like a bakery the bread tastes amazing it tastes like love this is phenomenal this is what it's all about she can bake she has a great attitude but it's not enough to run a restaurant I'm really gonna have to think hard I'm planning menu that she can do cuz her fish stopped oh good job you toss and guess what no more greens little seedlings from sunflower I love those when you put sauce on top maybe we do a little garnish no it's beautiful this is your maple roasted squash and seedling salad it's a little bit of goat cheese you walk in you see this what do you think wow I love it - you're never gonna get that award got it my knees are weak so let's make it today okay squash salad is amazing I love it myself and I'm sure my customer will love it - you like this one the next one's even better I'm starting to believe in your carving this is really good starting every man is up in the ceiling or under the floor or in the wall doing electrical the whole crew like a bunch of rats pulling the wires everywhere hello how are you Igor I'm gonna whip on good good well place looks good floors look amazing the walls bar halfway but good I'm feeling good about it see those electricians yeah I can't stop doing electrical this place was wired as a bakery which means all electrical was done in the back in the kitchen now the whole auction is going on in the front we need to wire the place as a restaurant we're not taking over we're building a brand new restaurant I think I've spent everything on electrical we don't have any money for marble what are we gonna do for counters we'll have to come up with something else oh wow that's really bad news that was very important I think electrical is more important here than marble turn the breakers off up years will build up over compressors dust and other stuff and the compressor goes in flames so now we're gonna have to replace a compressor a coil first electrical now this I'm cursed and out of money get all this guy says it's gonna ruin the floor turn the water off like I totally feel like this restaurant is trying to kill us can you go turn the water off please don't wait to take a hottie can you get a rag maybe clean it up a little bit after experiencing augusto 33 dry tasteless and crumbly chef Corbin and designer Paula agreed to save the restaurant we get full control but Corbin is unsure of chef Linda you're like my 9 year old and Paula has had disaster after disaster they're down to their last few days how are you I'm all right how are you since the marble counter didn't work out so I brought this very full open ear so you're gonna be staining and put it on the bar okay one job done what about the electrical Paula can't you see I'm working on it I spent a lot of time picking these light fixtures exciting work I have enough pressure with this electrical in this restaurant so I'm working on it just leave me alone is it does this look familiar yes this is your gluten-free challah bread you just sell it as a loaf so I thought today we would actually do something with it and recreate it into something so and we've been believable that people have to have it and what it is it's a press sandwich okay again you are a luncheon day spa destination but you don't sell a sandwich it's one of those things that's easy everybody wants one and you can make lots of money mm-hmm okay yeah we're gonna cut these slices a little thicker a little bit of garlic roasted garlic aioli again rocker cheese why are you being so cheap on the cheese we want lots of cheese all right now we're gonna a little bit of protein in there beautiful grilled chicken breast that's good skin now what we're gonna do is we put in some apples okay these are just some Gala apples that I put in the oven or slow roast of them good compliment to the cheese and the chicken chicken and sage they love each other I like it's like a velvety herb a little bit more pepper extra virgin olive oil on our pan preheat it so now what you do it's a big press but you put this on there like that we're gonna press that right and how heavy is that one this yes why does it matter heavy enough to press your sandwich if you don't have this you don't use what a block of wood and some bricks oh I don't know about you but when I have a sandwich I like a little snack beets sweet potato regular potato I've got carrots in here parsnip you fry them in a preheated neutral flavored oil like a corn oil or sunflower oil and then you take them out and you dust them lightly with salt and I even went as far as taking fresh sage and deep-frying it as well and you get crispy sage leaves try one of those Wow here we go question 150 2004 with it last in my shell like you make them every couple days oh okay I have to fill that cone with some chips all right okay this is so nice and crispy this is kind of like a fancy grilled cheese sandwich yeah but I would cut it in a different angle I know you would but you're not oh look at me and my fancy cuts you know she shouldn't be worrying about how I cut this sandwich what she should be worrying about is whether or not she can make it herself just because it's healthy or doesn't mean that has to be dull or boring that's what this dish is all about very good combination this will sell I'm glad you like everything because the next time I'm going to see you you're gonna be making these items fingers crossed that she can handle this menu okay so this is why I have Corbin and leaned are planning to do paninis and cold food so you need a panini press and you need an oven to reheat the food give me a total the best you can do I don't have any money left so Eric's told me I can sell whatever I want to finish the Holy Ghost yeah okay pieces sell their machine I have we have the hot table have a lot of slicer where's the magical number and you're gonna just a magic there we'll give you a $1,000 for the whole package $1,000 for everything this is any way you can give me a little more please just a couple hi probably can squeeze for you $1,200 yes okay I'm happy with that we can work with that thank you so much you're very welcome I've got the mind that I needed to get carbons appliances I think I just found your oven now all I need is eager to build my ticket wall I want to mount these tea cups on the wall but I want to do it for the owners for the restaurant it's not football I came up with a solution of mounting it all on the board horizontally cheap and easy get out of work get all this what's up is that guys isn't gonna ruin the floor tsukino pipes I thought I got rid of him turn the water off can you go turn the water off there's no way to take a hottie can you get a rag maybe clean it up a little bit can you be a little bit useful like I totally feel like this restaurant is trying to kill us can anything else go wrong seriously in a matter of like four hours people owners coming to see the space and look at this all of the kitchen chef Corbin and designer Paula swayed by the story of this family's loss the doctor said that she's terminal I want to make a goose 233 on her owner agreed to save Augusto 33 nothing on it's boring in the kitchen Corbin has dumbed down the menu but is still worried it will be beyond chef Linda fingers crossed that she can handle this menu and Paula well this job has been cursed can anything else go wrong seriously the team is down to its last hours to get the job done so we get to the restaurant today the day where we actually give the keys back to the owners the last day where's Paula when you need her but what do I walk in to show in that kitchen does anybody even looked in the back I felt good in a matter of what four hours people owners coming to see the space and look at this all of the kitchen and there's a packrat uh-huh oh hey everybody look look who's here a Polish everybody you know a little miss Paula with her hair blowdried or makeups then everything's wonderful oh it's busy yeah you're busy yeah are you getting your hair done it's looking pretty good oh thank you thanks thanks for helping really appreciate it Corbin is already on my back I have two surprises for you though let me show you there you go she did give me my sandwich press and I got my new oven so you know what I'll be her friend again you're good we're friends again okay okay let's go back to work I think they're gonna love it hello I'm so anxious I can't wait the anticipation is killing me I could not sleep last night okay what about you guys count in tide Oh change now this sign really makes sense to their business what's it having our sister's name she'll always be here with us with the family running our business love it love it customer we'll just put it together ah you know it's a memory of her daughter yeah don't worry good stuff I have you eyes closed please oh no dog des open your eyes oh wow 360 transformation not only we have an espresso bar we have a sandwich bar because you guys couldn't decide where you want it if it was an event play so if it was a coffee shop then I did both it's so nice when one Paulo included his event space and my cafe so let's call it a day deal partner beautiful I made that for you guys this is my artwork especially she created such a masterpiece and that really reflects my love for fine quality coffee the Waltons were all paper beautiful this is the quietest I've ever seen you I am speechless it is beautiful how many seats you have before 32 well you have 75 now Wow and that means a lot of money and it still looks huge it looks like that's a little crowd you think that the space now reflects rook yes definitely I'm sure she's here do you think we should maybe you know sounds good yeah for it please cooks alright yeah we have to I have another surprise for you hmm you follow me follow me follow me open your eyes whoa is this really the kitchen yeah it's amazing how much room you have when you clear away all the junk she doesn't even recognize the kitchen and that's amazing I'm gonna do something that was never able to do before in your kitchen you ready watch yeah see this yes out yes I could run around with you yay I want to take control that grill and create the best salmon ever skin side up Brooklyn Bistro new beginning new beginning new beginning salmon I mean they took it to the next level nailed it amazing I have one more thing to give you your key with the restaurant takeover it's amazing this is a dream come true fantastic too amazing for words cheers everyone - Brooklyn Bistro definitely got a new crowd since restaurant takeover a more sophisticated business so it's a whole different game now it looks lovely yeah it's nice modernized and clean and bright I had the grilled calamari everything's fresh excellent yeah it's really good yeah Morvan for the menu I still hear your voice fresh fresh fresh using it as an event space it's nice it brings in a little bit of extra money we're the hot spot now you
Channel: Paula Velez
Views: 46,322
Rating: 4.6201119 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: tf7OBFtlrZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2015
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