Blending Gray Hair with Highlights and Lowlights | My Partial Foiling Technique (Super easy!)

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hey what's up welcome to my youtube channel in today's video I'm gonna be sharing with you guys and highlighting and low-lighting technique that helps you blend to gray hair so stay tuned [Music] what's up guys welcome to my channel I am so excited to be sharing this video with you guys a lot of you had asked me how I highlight how i lo i an't how to kind of blend some gray hair into my clients so my client today is actually my mom she is so awesome she has probably about 75% gray hair but she still wants to look young and fun and so we actually blend in her gray hair with this special technique and it is amazing for those clients who want to blend their gray kind of disguise it without having to cover it or without having a lot of maintenance now my mom does come in every six to seven weeks but that's just because she really likes getting her hair done and because she gets to see me right but the great thing is she actually doesn't have to come in every six to seven weeks she could probably know eight to even ten weeks because this technique actually grows out super nicely it grows out really subtly and you guys will see that in her before it's been about seven weeks since she did her hair but it's still really beautiful it's blended really nicely it doesn't have a line of demarcation and that is crucial and this technique is gonna be one that really sets you apart from other stylist so I'm gonna share with you guys how to do it so let's get started alright so this is our before you guys can see she's got some natural gray in there and we are going to blend it out this is about seven weeks gross for her but the best thing is as you guys can see as it's growing out it still looks really natural and it doesn't have like a major line of demarcation so I really like this technique because it grows out so beautifully and your clients are gonna love you for it alright so for her highlights I'm gonna be mixing up just 25 volume and I'm using my flan door from Wella I'll do about just a little over a scoop for her and because I do her hair a lot I know exactly how much we usually mix up so I'm going to do 25 and of course I'm going to add in some olaplex as well [Music] all right so then for a little light I'm gonna do 15 volume with permanent color from kenra so I just do equal parts of 10 and 20 and the reason why I do 15 volume versus 20 or 10 is because I want there to be some gray coverage but I don't want to pull up too much warmth and so that's why I like to do a 15 volume and then I'm also gonna do our a 10 a from Kendra I really like this color on her when it fades out it still looks pretty neutral and so that's why I really really like it so I'm gonna mix this up here and we'll have this beer a little bit [Music] all right so I always start my highlights kind of right in the back of the crown and if you guys notice with my highlight method I actually don't start sectioning and I don't section anything out I just literally dive right into the hair and another thing you'll notice is I actually foil backwards so I always work off the clients natural part and I kind of find where the apex is on their head and kind of start right about there so here we go we got her first section and I do click away this front section and I'm gonna start with my first kind of highlight piece now I do want to make sure that I'm getting both quadrants you know on both sides of the clients part line so I'm just gonna start with my first foil here and you guys can see I usually start with a low light so you guys can see that we already have some of that previous low light formula in there so I'm going to weave out this piece and grab my foil and I'm going to lay my foil down and push the hair over it so walking that foil into place and then I'm gonna grab my low light formula right here [Music] and wasn't gonna flying it just fold it back over and go on to my next section so I'm gonna grab a little section and this is going to be left out of the hair and grabbing my clip from before just kind of clip this down so I have a nice clean section to start with and then I'll grab my next highlight piece here and you guys can see I actually kind of work with like more baby like type pieces so they're a little bit smaller here they're not like thick like regular highlights so I'm just gonna leave this out grab my foil and just apply my whitener now one thing that you will notice me do is I do keep it a little bit off the root right here I'm not going all the way down because we want to make sure especially these back foils they are gonna be moved a little bit so we just want to be sure that we're not you know squishing them or having bleed marks or anything like that and fold my foil down and continue down so I'm gonna probably do about to my lights to one low light and I'll show you guys as we kind of work our way down we're gonna stop right about here cuz we're only doing a partial on her today and then we'll work forward [Music] alright so I'm gonna do one last boil down here so typically for a partial this is about how far down I go kind of right about where the head starts to kind of round back down again every clients a little bit different so for clients that have a lot of depth under here she doesn't because we always put kind of foils in there we're not going to today but we have in the past so it's not too bad but for some points that have a lot of depth I will sometimes put maybe just a few foils down here just to give them a little bit of dimension throughout the bottom but again it's always gonna depend on that client and depend on the placement and sometimes when my clients come in I'll throw a few foils underneath like in the lower section down here and next time I'll throw a few more so it evenly kind of gets a little bit of dimension underneath there so it doesn't just have like a total like dark section down here alright so this is my last boil and for a partial I always just do it starting here and work my way down if we were doing a full I would start down here work my way up and then kind of meet this section so I typically don't have these foils kind of going bending backwards if that makes sense we don't want to over direct them too much okay so now that I've finished this last boil I'm going to just kind of grab the hair and fold that foil in half and bring all my hair down until we get to that top section [Music] all right so now that I finished pulling back all these foils I will spend my client around and work forward so I've spun my model all the way around and as you guys remember this was a little light so I'm going to take my little piece leave this out this is our natural hair and the reason why I like to leave some of the natural hair out is so that she doesn't have any solid line growing out and again that's what's really gonna help have that subtle grow out face for her versus having a huge line of demarcation so I'm going to weave this section and do the exact same thing so walk my foil into place and grab my lighter because this is going to be a highlight now so I'm still doing about two to one now I do vary my pattern occasionally I'll do every other just to kind of break it up a tiny tiny bit but for the most part I'm doing about two highlights to one a low light will fold that down and then again just kind of leave this little baby light section out and go on to the next one so you guys can see these are very fine highlights I'm not doing thick chunky highlights and the reason why again is we want this to grow up as naturally as possible and so it's really really important the more fine you do your highlights while still packing a lot in there will still give you that brightness the client once add the dimension but without having it grow out really chunky or without it being like really big and chunky so I'm just gonna keep moving down her entire part line till we get to the front kind of finish up this mohawk section and when we get to the front I'll show you guys exactly what I'm doing [Music] all right so now that I've gotten closer towards the hairline you guys can see we're really close to the hairline here I started to fold these foils back down so after I folded them in half I folded them in half again just so when I'm clipping back these shorter hairs I didn't have to reach them all the way back so that's kind of an easier way to do it and it also keeps the foils more locked in place now you guys can see with her she's got this little cowlick piece right here and we want to make sure that this is still getting touched but not like funky blonde so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to grab my natural low light piece and let that hang out and then I'm going to grab a highlight we're gonna weave this out here and I want to make sure that I'm being a really precise with this little section here especially she's got some a little baby here so I do get really close but I do love this brush from frame R because it allows me to in case I got a little close I can just kind of pull that up there with the tail comb so I really like that brush it allows me to be really precise and clean with my work so that all fold in half there and then again we're leaving out just another little baby light piece and these little baby lights around the hair look at this she's got hardly any little hair here but we still want to make sure that we're adding oils in here and this is what's gonna set you apart from other stainless in your area by doing the little face framing Danny lights because these are almost mimicking the gray that she has growing out naturally so we're just barely touching I'm right you guys can see there's hardly any hair in that foil but by doing this this is really gonna set you apart from other stylist and it's gonna help it grow out really nicely so this little piece right around her hairline I think is good to leave out because she has enough grain growing in there so I don't think we need to highlight it but when we come around here to the side we are gonna make sure to get these little guys all right so now that we've gotten through these little sections right here on the side I want to make sure that I am getting these so I just do a kind of just slice and just kind of weave out a little bit now I like to use a regular size foil for these but you could totally tear your foil in half and do a smaller coil here totally it's you and what works Square clients exclaims I'm really fine here it does help having a smaller foil okay so I'm just gonna kind of barely pull this little guy through put this guy out of the way and I'm gonna do another one of these now these are usually like to do highlights instead of highlight little light and the reason why is because we are trying to mimic her natural gray color coming in so a low light wouldn't necessarily mimic that and it actually might cause a warm spot just because it is permanent color right around the scalp so I personally like to do highlights for these barely gonna tap that in there and that's why sometimes having a smaller coil does help just to get it in there a little bit easier for you alright so now that we've kind of clip those up I'm going to do her hair line pieces here we'll clip that away this while we're working here alright so these are just gonna be my little highlights around the face now this isn't super super baby fine you could go more fine but usually for her this works really well but again it's all gonna depend on your client what their hairline looks like you guys know I say that and pretty much any one of my videos so just figure out what works best for you and your clients can't really touch my lighter in there because she doesn't have very many roots and hold this up right here Masek see that I over folded my foil sometimes that happens I didn't mean to do that on purpose all my do is just kind of barely okay and now I'm actually gonna do a little light right here for actually a highlight for our next one so two highlights and then I'll do one low-light this one is a little bit more of a baby fine one am i typically depending on the client like to do two highlights and then a low-light just to give it some depth right there too so you don't have just like total blonde chunk but I usually like to do two baby lights or two highlights first and then this last little low-light piece you can see these are the patterns that we've already done on her hair before but you guys can see there's a little bit of that gray coming in and that's why it is nice to have this low-light that fits really nicely but it's also blending right and you guys will notice when I am adding my low-light color I do pull the color all the way through some people leave out the ends personally for me I just like to refresh the color especially on her because it's only a level 8 I don't really feel too bad about pulling color all the way through so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do diagonal backs all the way through to the side till we get around to this corner and I'll show you guys the other side too all right so now we brought to the other side of our head and this is the side where she has a little bit less hair and kind of you guys remember she had that cowlick kind of right here close to this side so instead of just doing this corner piece right here I'm actually going to take this first foil and you guys can see it kind of almost like arches the way that I had done the foils and I still want to capture some of these little baby hairs so I'm gonna take my first foil just really really lightly right here and I think again this is kind of comes back to I always have the exact oil placement for every single client now I work off a similar pattern but every clients gonna be just a little bit different and so I kind of customized it for every client and every time even their appointments could be a little bit different depending on how I place the foil so just something to note that it's not always a exact cut and clear type thing so we're gonna pull this foil up right here and now I can kind of go into that corner but I still will leave a little bit of that natural low light out is what I'm calling it keep this next piece because again we don't want this to be like a blonde chunk right here so and if you guys are ever concerned about these little pieces in the front when in doubt go thinner than you think if you're worried about them being chunky or too blonde or whatever just go thinner and it always works out in the best way when you do a more thin foil it's always gonna blend better it's always going to just lay really nicely so if you're ever concerned about there being like a line right here just do it nice and thin I'll do one more and alright just about here so I'll take that natural low light leave this out I'm going to do one more blonde one right here and this is kind of getting her widow's peak area most clients have that and what I see a lot of here to us do is they do just the front hairline right here in the front and then the sides and they miss this little peak area and so when the client wears their hair back they have what I call like a valley of darkness right there we don't want that no client wants that they want to see brightness all the way around their head so make sure to include this little section it's really important I didn't used to when I was first starting out because I was never taught to and when I started to realize my clients have this like a chunk of dark right there I realized that oh I need to just add some foils there so that's what I started doing and it made the biggest difference alright so now we're going to move around to her hairline right here should do a little bit thicker of a point on here doesn't need to be quite as thin I still will always leave it out she gets in see there's another ton of hairs in this foil and this is important to keep it really blended and again your clients will notice this stuff especially when they've gone to a status before that maybe has left them with like blonde chumps around their face these are the details that clients notice when it comes to highlights when your blondes become picky about that stuff that's a good thing you actually want them to be a little picky about it because you can bring them that service of the high-quality blonde around their face and not have these chunks of lunch alright so we're sticking with our two highlights - one low light now this little piece is gonna hang out here I'm just going to let that be our natural low light there versus trying to get it in a foil I think that's fine we do want to have some natural coming through too [Music] you guys can see this piece kind of got a little bit tight in there with our Lightner so I'm just gonna come and take my brush and pull that through if you need to you can even take a towel or just even your finger and pull that through so that doesn't Adam believe mark there because that's the last thing we want is that leave mark right around the hairline and now we're going to do our light I'm just going to keep continuing back all the way edging diagonal back sections until we reach this little corner [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so just to recap we did basically our sectioning was this Mohawk all the way down until kind of about where the head starts to round out we left it kind of stopped right there for our partial and then we did these smaller little pieces right here to cover those alleyways and then from around the hairline we basically just did diagonal backs all the way up until we reached about this point right here so with most of them I did about two highlights to one low-light except for around the face where I did two highlights same thing here I did about three highlights here in the top and then these guys were mostly highlights no low lights there so just as a recap that's pretty much our sectioning and what we did it's almost like the basic highlight pattern but I want to show you guys a little ways that you can tweak it and make it your own [Music] all right so I rinsed her I shampooed her out and I put on the vial are acidic care color care milk print disturbing her hair we're actually not going to do a conditioner because this actually always worked as a conditioner for us and one thing that I want to make note of is I don't do any toners on her because her friend lights lifts up really naturally and the lowlights blends really easily she doesn't need a toner she doesn't need a face club it's a really simple application where it's just your highlights and lowlights and then rinse it out so we're gonna rinse her get her going and I'll show you guys results [Music] [Music] all right and here it's our final results you guys can see how beautiful it looks so shiny so healthy but look how blended it is that gray is blended in there so nicely and her lowlights just had so much to mention without adding too much depth or darkness they just blend really well it actually kind of warms up her hair a little bit too instead of having it be so gray and Ashley I love how this turned out you guys can see how it blends right around the hairline so so beautifully and just looks so good so I hope you guys try this out all right guys thank you so much for watching this video I hope that you enjoyed it and I hope you picked up something new that you can use in the salon all the time I'm all about creating really easy techniques that are easy to use and that are used in the salon a lot so I'm not about preaching those crazy techniques that you'll never use this is a technique that you can use all the time and I really hope you try it so before I go I hope that you guys actually try foiling backwards and if you are somebody who foils forwards or backwards let me know in the comments below which way you foil and if you're going to try boiling backwards the way that I foil and as always make sure to hit the subscribe button below and turn on the little bell down there because when you click on that Bell what it's going to do is every time I post a brand new video you're going to be notified of when I post a new video so you're gonna be some of the first people to see it and comment it and like it right as always come over to Instagram and say hi let me know what you liked about this video if you learned something and like I said if you're gonna try that backwards boiling technique I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you guys next time [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jamie Dana
Views: 871,845
Rating: 4.8645949 out of 5
Keywords: Blending Gray Hair with Highlights and Lowlights | My Partial Foiling Technique (Super easy!), highlights, highlights on gray hair, blending gray hair, highlights and lowlights, blonde highlights, partial highlight technique, partial highlights, blonde high lights, diy blonde highlights and lowlights, how to partial highlight, simple highlights and lowlights, embrace gray hair, gray hair, lowlights
Id: -E92CwjuIbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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