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hi everyone is in shadow today I wanted to do updated video of my very old video which I did a king of me being on YouTube and that video is very very long not very good quality I obviously didn't have the good camera the light chain I didn't know how to zoom in on stuff so I thought I will redo it is my most watched video but I often get comments how long it is so we thought I would do it I do it much simpler and much quicker so hooded eyes as you can see I have hooded droopy eyes basically you can't see my mobile aids when I relax my eyebrows and also my eyes look very sad you know they point point down downloads they are just basically dropping so this is all about light and shade and optical illusion so it's all about light shimmery shadows and dark matte shadows light things will bring things forward make things bigger dark matte shadows will push things back make them smaller it's just an optical illusion so let's start with number one brows brows are so important brows are like the frames of your eyes so if your brows are not gaunt then the rest is not going to look very well I am going to go off and do one of my brows because I will do you know split screen one one eye the right way one I do the wrong way and I will link here oh here video to my eyebrow routine how I do my brows so you can check that okay so this probably is done this one is it can you see the different straightaway this I already looks more lifted more open to open your eye of it mom you can't a I wouldn't take very shimmery shades but matte or satin finish light shade like I've got here makeup geek vanilla bean and just pop it right under the arch of your brow which will highlight and bring that area forwards therefore you will make your eye even more open okay now I shadow there is few ways you can do your eye shadow when you have hooded eyes and if you watch my videos all my makeup tutorials obviously a suitable for hooded eyes because that's what I've got but I think a very very good makeup and especially when they I've been wearing lately as my eyes drop down even more and there might be a lot of you that have that level of droopiness is the halo technique which basically means you shade the inner corner outer corner all around you just highlight right in the middle of your mobile lid this is a very good technique and I will explain to you why and I will do this technique as you know up before when I before I had Botox I could lift my eyebrows higher therefore you could see more of my eye and I could do a bit more with my eye shadow but as my eyes have dropped a bit now because of the Botox my mobile lid is hardly showing so what I found the easiest now with my eyes being that hooded is the halo technique or one eyeshadow look where you start from the bottom with quite dark eyeshadow and work it up in a lot a rounded shape obviously I can't show you every technique now because I was have to keep taking my makeup off but like I said if you watch my videos my tutorials I use all sorts of techniques so okay let's start with the eyes so first of all I always always say you should find crease and crease is where your eyelid folds where your top eyelid folds over your mobile eyelid so with who did ice we usually have our crease very low or don't have it at all so if you look at my eyes my crease is right here so I can't use my crease color that love because it won't show once I've opened my eyes you need to be able to see your crease color when you open your eyes before hooded eyes we have to go much higher with our eye shadow now I've got the video about where to find your crease as well so I don't go on for too long I will again link it here so you can go and watch that one but let me just start with the eye shadow so today I'm going to take just a neutral brown eye shadow it does not matter about the color this is not about the color this is what color you like this is purely about the technique I'm going to take this brown color from the shallow Tabriz look in a palette I shadow and I'm going to start in my crease and of course I'm not going to be explaining the crease because you've got the video linked in but basically what you do and you see how I am going in like a Halfmoon shape and you keep open opening your eye looking forwards and if you don't see that eye shadow that means you have to go higher and I will be just building out and what we're doing with putting the darker eyeshadow here with pushing the appearance of the hood back we shaved in it I also shaved this bit here because that's where my eye drops and as you can see I'm going quite high up and that will all depends on the distance that you have the area that you have between your eyelashes and your eyebrow I have quite a big area there so I have to go quite high up because if I just finished here this will be very light and you still will give me the appearance of hooded eye now you concentrate more on an outer area because that's where the droopiness is you make this area the darkest so I don't know if you can see now you can see this food but this one doesn't seem to be so bad now let me do this I if we did it other way around I will put the dark eyeshadow just on my lid and that has done absolutely nothing so I haven't gone high enough therefore this is still very light and you can see the hood really popping out another thing you don't want to do is put nice light shimmery shade onto your hood because that is just coming pop that is just gonna make your hood much much more visible so I'm just taking my cupcakes shimma shimma and I'm going to apply a hair okay so can probably see what that has done to my eye it's brought that hold fold so much more make the skin look lovely and creepy more than it already is so now you can see how the shades and light works if you put something light on something that you want to hide you're now gonna hide it you're just gonna bring it forward and make it look wet now you could leave it like this and that would look absolutely fine you've already hit in the hood bad to make your eyes even more open we want to somehow give the appearance that we actually have some mobile lid that we can see and you can do that in two ways you can highlight the middle of your mobile lid with a matte very bright you know creamy white eyes shadows or you can put shimmer yes we can absolutely use shimmer when you have hooded eyes it just it's very important where you place it so you've seen me doing this makeup if you've been with me for a long time all the time I love it I'm going to take fold eyeshadow from makeup geek which is called starry eyed it doesn't matter which one it is it needs to be bright and and really show up but you could you know easily put something just really light and matte I didn't bring here anything that that pops that much so let me use the fold I shadow and I only will put it in the middle of my mobile lid right so about here don't go too high you can drag this towards your inner corner and also don't drag it there because that's where your eyelid folds and you will again highlight that hold so doing it in the middle is probably the best technique now when I'm talking when I'm looking at your when I'm blinking you can really see that color pop and it gives you the illusion that I have quite a big mobile lid but I don't so again is about the shade and light and optical illusion I'm a magician today so that's your upper lid taking care of I also like to always put eyeshadow on my lower lashline and this is math to balance the look of the upper lid and also I feel if you've got eyebags which I have putting eyeshadow dark eyeshadow here sort of detroit's that attention from the bag so I really like support darker eyeshadow okay like this now look what would happen if I put shimmery eyeshadow all the way underneath my eye which I've seen people go not only emphasizes all the crepey skin I feel like it makes my eye more tired now I like that I like eyeliners very very controversial when it comes to hooded eyes and that is because we all have different type of holded and severity of the hoodie mess I also have a video on different ways of doing winged eyeliner for hooded eyes and again I will link it here but I wanted to tell you don't be obsessed with eyeliner you don't have to have winged eyeliner you don't have to wear eyeliner at all I've actually been wearing very little eyeliner lately what I usually do I take a dark black or very dark brown eye shadow I take like a um eyebrow brush and I just press it me in my lashline alway take a call right now and I'm a very very thin line and this is just to darken the roots of your lashes just emphasize that area a bit you don't have to do winged liner honestly I know that all the young girls everyone does winged liner and I like it now and again but sometimes it can actually look worse because if you do quite thick line now again what you are doing you covering the very tiny mobile lid the holidays already so small and that will close your right up so let me do it with the brush I will take I don't know I will take makeup geek I will try to get the darkest one I've got which is Americana which is quite a dark brown you can wet your brush as well and just press it into your lash line it also is more forgiving then liquid eyeliner is not as harsh sometimes instead of winter eyeliner what you can do is just shake this area in like a you know I call it not V but seven like this and that will lift your eye you know wing is very very difficult to do for us for these because where we want to run the line we've got this crease that will break the line and you will see it if you watch the video of mine about liner so don't worry about the eyeliner I like to also put a bit of eyeliner in my waterline but you don't have to do it I know some people say make sure eyes look smaller I don't think my eyes are that small so we're quite lucky if you feel they are so very small and they make them smaller I didn't do it okay so let me just a further comparison comparison purposes do like a nice thick line on this eye okay so there is my eyeline now as you can see I've covered now of my motherland which only emphasizes the hood and I'm sure you can clearly see the difference okay the last thing blushes and you know how I feel about lashes I think the lashes are so important they are more important than anything else good luck shades will open up your eye will cover the whole lashes is everything now if you don't have very good lashes use fake for false eyelashes there is so many good eye lashes the only one advice I can give you on eyelashes I think the best eyelashes are ones there are short-term at the inner corner a longer at the top at the outer corner because you know there are eyelashes there are short here short here and just very long in the middle all that does is gone again because you've got the mouse the longest lash in the middle that is gonna just cover your mullet but the hood will be still visible you want the large because the large makes it darker to cover the hood also when you are applying false eyelashes when you have hooded eyes when you come to this just picking the eyelash in the outer corner go tiny bit it up don't follow your lash line don't tiny bit up you can always fill it up a bit with a dark pencil if there is a gap because again that will lift it also make sure they are eyelashes at rent that they fit your eye because most eyelashes come far too long you have to measure them and trim them because if they are too long and they finish here that's gonna drag your eye down now we can now wear false eyelashes you don't have to wear those thick's huge eyelashes then you see the 20 year olds wearing there are very fine eyelashes but there is so much choice out there and just buy the cheapest at first practice it is very very easy and so effective my lashes are quite good I use a lash graph theorem called Phi Seco as most of you know but whatever lash growth serum you're using it's fine so and I've always had quite good lucious my lashes are also kindly so don't need to curl them that's another thing if your lashes are very straight punching down curl them because that's going to open your eye for your lashes go down that's gonna again closing your eye so I'm using my Kiko ultratech mascara but just use any mascara that you like and do your lashes and I like to pack on my mascara okay now I'm going to put a bit of mascara on this guy and here is your finished look so as you can see I've got the same eyes both eyes are the same but I'm sure you'll agree this one looks much better so I would say these are like basic rules obviously you don't have to follow follow rules I'm not telling you you should and I should do anything that's what I do and that's what works for me I'm not saying who did eyes are bad but I think they are more challenging especially when you order you can a very tie it with hooded eyes when you young it doesn't matter when you're older hooded eyes look very tired so I think that's a good way to make them to wake them up how can you hope you enjoyed it and found it helpful thank you very much for watching and I see you soon bye
Channel: SugarPuffAndFluff
Views: 5,110,330
Rating: 4.8465328 out of 5
Keywords: mature, hooded, droopy, eyes, over 40, eye shadow, tutorial, how to, do's, don'ts, tips, tricks, advice
Id: lXzy6zjssCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2016
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