Surviving the World's Hardest Minecraft Mod!

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[Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] welcome to rl craft vastly known as one of the hardest mod packs to ever exist in minecraft and definitely the most popular what is that no what is this i've played rl craft in the past and it's safe to say i had no idea what i was doing oh no what though but today i know exactly what i'm doing and i'm here to show you all why i am a survival expert this is surviving rl craft uh according to youtube statistics only 40 of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed if you do go on to enjoy this video make sure to press that subscribe button it's absolutely free and i promise you won't regret it and this video shout out is coming from twitter thank you to this person you're an absolute legend g'day guys my name is woodsy and welcome back to rl craft this is vastly considered one of the hardest mod packs i don't know if that's true but it's definitely difficult i've played it before but i didn't really know what i'm doing but today i think i know what i'm doing this time so we need to find some gravel get out of here cows get out of here yeah all right there's got to be gravel somewhere right or while i'm at it i guess i could get some sticks and i'll collect some stones while i'm at it a little stone collector there it is gravel all right perfect so that's what we need flint to get started in this game pretty much all you need is some flint and now like the caveman i am i'm gonna take this flint take it over to you know a solid surface i don't even know what this is but anyway this will work fine and i'm gonna bash this flint against the stone and get little flint shards and with these flint shards i'm going to make my very first tool [Music] hey wait she's actually really good yeah no please give me your wool if i manage to get one more wool i can skip a pretty nasty step here hold up i don't know what that i don't know what that is if i don't make a bed before i die which inevitably is going to happen i will respawn somewhere completely random and i'm going to lose all my progress so it is imperative that we get these sheep right now well now i've wasted most of the durability on my on my knife here but what you're meant to use it for is just breaking some grass and then you get these little plant fibers with the plant fibers you can craft that into plant string and then with the plant string you can craft yourself your next tool which is going to be the flint hatchet and now you can finally cut down trees that's so cool that's so cool uh let me get our first bits of wood [Music] oh of course that's right you can't craft wood planks either you need to place down your wood again and then right click with your hatchet to get your planks you can even do the same to get sticks but i don't even know if that's worth it anyway now we need to kind of decide a little spot to make our base oh another thing i should mention you can see at the bottom of my screen i have little water droplets i'm extremely thirsty right now he needs some milk there's actually a feature in this pack which requires me to drink how ridiculous so i still don't really know what i'm standing on but i'm gonna make this foundation my base i have no idea what's even under here but for now i don't really care so now we've got our bed set up we can't sleep obviously until it's night you know just like normal minecraft so while we wait let's cut down a few more trees see there's so many like little things like this i have no idea what they're for i'm just not even gonna bother picking them up it's just gonna be a waste of time if i bother picking those up oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh again no i'm gonna die before i can sleep hey guys it's me that is not fun i do not like that all right anyway all those little rocks i've been picking up i can actually use to make cobblestone and now that i've got you know a crafting table i'm fine to make my normal tools i almost want to just wait for it to turn night so i can sleep here so i feel like i'm gonna accidentally die if i venture off too far but you know what i'm a survival expert i'm not scared of anything [Applause] [Music] oh oh again no i'm not scared of anything okay [Music] all right surely it's night now can i sleep no oh come on okay please i saw something in the ocean please let me sleep i'm scared i'm not scared of anything ah there we go so we've finally slept so it doesn't even matter if we die now we still need to get like all our stone tools and stuff and then from there that's pretty much all i've learned about this mod pack then it'll be up to me to decide what i do stupid oh that was probably a bad idea i regret this wait are you guys friendly no this this thing cannot be friendly no i hear you coming ah oh god oh god i've committed i do barely any damage i killed your son what are you gonna do about it what are you doing what is hello oh my god we killed it [Music] oh god i'm getting thirsty oh my screen i keep forgetting about this i'm so thirsty so these guys here actually your friend as you can see they give you regeneration they also heal you that the bottom right i don't know exactly what it is but you can see certain parts of your body kind of get damaged and like weakened and this is where things get kind of cool i can make a handle here and with this handle i can make cooler weapons the tutorial i watched said the rapier was good oh hell yeah now we got a big sword all right i'm going into the mines i would love to get some iron armor i think that would be huge so that's my objective i don't know how this is gonna go but we'll have to wait and see i guess found some coal though i found some iron as well oh no no it's not good we are not going to survive down here i mean we didn't take that much damage but from what i do know skeletons can one shot you if they shoot you in the head and that's kind of not something i want to mess with what i should focus on is we got a bit of coal can you shut up why so we did get some coal now which is cool because we can make some torches and it can make exploring the caves a lot less scary but as you can see when i go to craft these things they come out as unlit torches then make some slabs i think i'm doing this right yeah cool so then we can put down our torch and then we have to light it with a matchbox and we've also got all these skills which we can work on like leveling up but i don't really get how it works to be honest put up some temporary protection from that skeleton stop wait i need level four to mine iron so what level up am i only level i'm only level three you can level stuff up with just the in-game experience you have oh god oh these spiders are terrifying wow how where i have so much attack range that's crazy oh there's spawners down here this is like a dungeon i didn't notice i'm really cold my torches warm me up nope no but that'll warm me up can i level up mining again i can i'm now level four that's right food doesn't heal you in this what the hell is that i'm out of here no no no no no no that's not right where's where's my nymph friend i need healing so you know how i said that one thing about body parts having certain health bars yeah my head is it is not looking good right now all right well now i've got some iron what's the bet that if i make like an iron tool or something i can't even use it i need mining level eight to use this at this stage i'm beginning to be unsure of what i really should be trying to do next so my mission was to level up my skills so i could start using iron equipment and to do that we were going to need a lot of experience so it was time to start hunting things all right it's time for me to battle everything and when i say everything i probably don't mean these dinosaurs all right maybe starting off with the chicken what is that oh my what is that oh that does that thing does not look nice all right let's have it okay maybe i just don't fight anything that was terrifying my head is severely damaged everything just kills me instantly what are those things are you dangerous you're like jazz what are you what are you get away get up stop stop i was just minding my own business trying to figure out what i was meant to do next that little fairy goblin just ran up on me i bring it on spiders oh yuck ouch yeah wow i really don't know what i'm doing like what do i level up here i guess maybe attack maybe that's helpful all right i feel as if if i block this off maybe if i block these things off if i block all this off surely i can just camp this spider spawner here where did you come from wait where did my spawning are these spawning blocks only limited why did it leave so unfortunately our spider spawner strategy didn't quite work out but the good news was we did manage to level up quite a lot of our skills in the process i still however had no idea what i was doing all right i have a new theory i kind of want to test out so i guess one of the most important things with survival is you need water water is important so my theory here is i'm going to make a water bottle so i've got water on the go make some glass bottles oh damn it it still goes still gives us the thirst effect i don't know why that makes the water any better i thought maybe if we drank out of a bottle it wouldn't give us the thirst effect [Music] oh no what is that no what is this i can't i can't deal with this i can't what was that that thing was terrifying it had eyeballs banshees are terrifying you can say that again [Music] purified water all right give me more purified water uh does this not become infinite mission failed we'll go next time all right let's go out exploring again let's uh let's take on some enemies like like you i can take you right i like it [Music] well well well fancy seeing you here feels good just to see a familiar face i can't lie besides you give me all of your experience please what is that yeah that looks cool i don't know if these things are safe for me to explore or not why is this tree already cut down hello cows give me your leather please that's kind of cool it's a creeper all right let's make our very first piece of leather armor can i put it on i can that is good let's get some more leather i think it's probably also important that we get a helmet on as well your head and your body are like the most vulnerable parts of your body eight levels of experience which means we can now level up the level 8 attack and we can use iron tools [Music] that terrified me no no no you stay away from me i'm starting to think maybe i should just try playing this like regular minecraft like maybe if we want to start a wheat farm are we allowed to nope of course we're not allowed to do that i'm starting to think building a base upon a dungeon or whatever i've built on here is not the best idea so i'm actually going to take whatever i think is important from this pile of stuff here get rid of it all right i think we've got everything of value let's head off let's go make ourselves a home so i set off with the dream of making myself a nice little house in the middle of the forest with plenty of animals around and a big wheat farm out front all was going well but that was until oh okay all right i don't know what that is okay i think i know what that is that is like an overpowered zombie or something okay it still takes knock back wait a minute you [ __ ] you absolute [ __ ] idiot of course i broke my bed am i stupid since my bed was obstructed i ended up spawning somewhere completely random and i had lost all my progress because of that this is now the end of the video stop what you're doing before you go on to watching another youtube video this is a water checkpoint just your daily reminder to take a break from what you're doing go to your kitchen get yourself some water and stay hydrated cheers and hey while you're here i just want to thank you for watching this video right until the end if you're new here and you did enjoy this video please consider subscribing and that way i can make sure to catch you in the next one have a great day and cheers uh according to youtube statistics only forty percent of people who watch my videos absolute legends
Channel: WadZee
Views: 1,596,790
Rating: 4.9549899 out of 5
Keywords: Surviving the Worlds Hardest Minecraft Mod, RLCraft, WadZee, Minecrafts hardest modpack, Wadzee rlcraft, Modded Minecraft, Surviving RLCraft, surviving in rlcraft, rlcraft is easy, rlcraft is hard, Worlds Hardest Mod, rlcraft isn't hard, rl craft, Minecraft Hardest Mod, attempting rl craft, i played minecraft hardest modpack without any help (rlcraft), hardest mod pack ever, hardest mod pack in minecraft, playing rl craft
Id: VwRaQk3_HMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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